In a time far before us, when man and beast still roamed the world on equal grounds, when magic thrived and was said to be at it's peak , giving birth to the first thirteen humans to bear the mark of magic which gave these humans each, one extrodinary power that made them God’s among men
They each created a kingdom and ruled over them as they pleased. Some being fair and kind while others ruthless and merciless. They all craved for power but knew, an all out war between them would destroy the world as we know it. So one of them came up with an ingenious idea
He proposed that they should imbue their mark into their respective weapons so that in this way their abilities are limited. One of them tried to oppose this but, they all went along , as mad as he was he was, he agreed to the conditions and did as told
Their battle was set on the 13th day of the 13th month of the year. Their battle was said to be legendary, but as time went on they kept dropping, until three men remained , three brothers each destined for greatness. The fight that followed ended tragically for the eldest brother.
He was the first to down making him the third strongest , the middle brother soon followed and thus the youngest became the strongest and in that order their kingdom were ranked. From the strongest, the youngest brother to the last of the thirteen.
Their weapons were preserved in their kingdoms as they possessed extrodinary magic and each with a unique skill, one that can be passed down and used by those of royal blood, chosen by the weapons themselves
And so the founders hid these weapons within their kingdoms and found new wielders to protect these weapons. After the founder's deaths people started getting the mark of magic but, not all had this gift and those blessed with it were treated as gods.
It is said that bringing all the weapons to the same place during a red sun , you would be given the full power of magic at their disposal. The professor closes his book says .” Any questions “ the children whisper and look at each other and then went silent.
“ Well if no one has a question go to the kingdom square for the ceremony of royal blood" said the professor so him he called out “Alex my dear boy , what seems to be the matter?”
He lifted his head quickly as if he had just woken up from a day dream and said “Oh it's nothing professor “ . The professor looked at him and asked him “Are you not nervous about the ceremony?”, Alex answers “Yes, I am “ he continues to say “ What if I don't get chosen?”
The professor, sympathizing with him, came to comfort him. He then took him by hand and re-assured him that nothing bad would happen. Alex looked at the professor and smiled. They then went outside to see the most amazing thing Alex has seen
It was the first time, in his 16 years of living , that Alex had seen the kingdom decorated this beautifully, he heard singing from every street , people rejoice wherever he went , it felt like he was in paradise. But all that could not shield him from his nervousness.
When he reached the town square he was called up to the stage so that the ceremony could begin. When all 20 children of royal blood assembled before the kingdom, the king then stepped out of his chambers and revealed himself.
The kingdom folks screamed out and cheered at the site of the king. He observed his people then looked up at one of the kingdom's towers , as if someone was standing there, observing. The king then lowered his head to look at the crowd before him, he gestured with his hand and all went silent.
He spoke out and said “Welcome, people of the kingdom of Draken. We are gathered here today to witness the birth of the newest wielder of our kingdom's most priced possession. The founder's sacred weapon , which he himself marked with his magic"
He continued “And now, all 20 of the children of the kingdom of the Draken family , his descendants will all have a chance before the sacred treasure to see if they are worthy to wield them and protect them with their life , even after death.”
He then gestured at his royal advisor , who arrived carrying a well crafted red wooden box with the kingdoms symbol on it. He then placed it on a pedestal infront of the king. The king then said “ Now , the ceremony of royal blood shall begin.”
After the king announced for the ceremony to begin, he the gestured with his hand for the first child to come forward and try to lift the sacred treasure. The first child's name was Kalin Draken, first child of the King’s second daughter. His mark was the ability to harden his body, harder than steel
He went infront of the pedestal and opened the box and everyone grew more and more anxious, asking themselves if today will be the day that someone could finally be worthy of lifting the sacred treasure and no longer stay in that box to gather dust, year after year.
Kalin then reached for the sacred treasure, two crimson red daggers with night black hilts. Each blade reaching a length of 30 cm. As Kalin was about to grab the hilts of the daggers a red aura oozed out the box like a fog in a swamp.
Kalin tightened his grip and tried to pull the daggers out , but to his and everyone's shock he could not pull them out. Try as he might, with all the strength he could muster up , he still couldn't lift them up. He then let go of them and walked away in disgrace.
The king lòoked disappointed as he gestured for the nest child to step forward. Child after child , all couldn't lift the daggers. And after each try everyone started flooding hope that anyone would be able to wield the glorious gift that the founder left them.
Six children remained. It was now the turn of the king's first daughter's son and heir to the throne, Xavier Draken who was marked with the ability called pyro boost . This allowed him to coat his body in flames , boosting his speed and attack potency.
Everyone started to gain hope that their future king would be the one to inherit the founder's will. But , just like the one's before him, he had also failed. Up next was the sister of Alex and the daughter of the king's youngest daughter, Elizabeth Draken.
She was the prettiest girl in the royal family and the attention she always got , made her boastful and forward, always seeking admiration and loyalty from all the boys in the kingdom and when anyone deprived her of that she would cry to the king and he would have them punished.
Her mark gave her the ability of Ice ruler. This allows her to create and manipulate ice in anyway she so desires . She then stepped forward and stood infront of the pedestal , everyone was cheering and rooting for her.
They all wished her goodluck ,But, like the many who came before her she was unable to lift the dagger. She used all her strength but still was unable to move them, even 1 millimetre away from their original position.
She then let go of the daggers and screamed out “ What on…is this?” points towards the daggers and continues “ How can they weigh as much as a fucken dragon?!” . The king replied “ They don't, these daggers are made of Red(crimson) Zenium ore and weigh nothing"
Her face went pale and she walked away without saying a word , but deep down she was fuming. The other three children went, tried and failed . Now it was Alex's turn. The king called out to him “Alex , you are but all that remains “
He then looked around and saw that he was the only one that was left . He slowly made his way to the pedestal , turning his head around to see the disappointed faces of the town's people. In Alex's mind ‘ Why, Why, Why, Why me , Why did I have to be last.
Still thinking to himself ‘ Okay now that I'm here I'll just get this over with ‘. Alex Draken , first child of the king's youngest daughter. Marked with the ability Boost. This ability gifted him the power to boost all his physical aspects to a higher level.
He reached the pedestal and Stretched his hands out and grabbed the hilts of the daggers. He let out a long sigh, then strengthened his grip on the daggers. He pulled back and then suddenly, everything went pitched black.
He looked around and saw that he was floating in a an endless void of darkness. He checked his and saw that he had no clothing on. He thought aloud to himself “ Where am I?” in a weak voice, “ Is this the afterlife ?...It's so quiet and peaceful”. He closed his eyes and passed out.
He floated there motionless for what felt like years. Until , he was awakened from his slumber by a low but deep growl. “What was that?” he thought aloud to himself, “Who's there?” but , no one answered, instead whatever was there continued growling.
He shouted at the top of his lungs “ WHO EVER YOU ARE , SHOW YOURSELF!!!”. He then thought to himself ‘ You know what,… that sounded better in my head’. His shouting was in vein as the growling grew louder and louder Until,…it went silent.
Alex then put up his guard, ready to fight anything that may come his way. He floated there, in mid air panicking, heart racing and pounding in the back of his head. He could smell the faint scent of blood.
This only made his fear grow more and more, the atmosphere growing colder by the second to the point that Alex could see his own breath. His skin grew colder and paler making more difficult for his lungs to supply his body with oxygen.
“So___this___is___what death f-f-f-feeelss l-l-like" he said in a shivering voice . He slowly started loosing conscious, but was able to hold from passing out , just for a while
More time passed and Alex finally drifted away and started to embrace death and the reality that this is where his story ends. Suddenly infront of him was a huge pair of dragonic eyes and 2 rows of jagged teeth.
The mysterious figure swallowed Alex whole. He suddenly opened his eyes and realized that he had returned home . He quickly looked at his hands and saw that he was holding the daggers in his hands.
He started to smile and before he could jump up and rejoice, he felt an evil aura coarse through his body. He felt that he was slowly losing control his body. The king saw this and raised his hand and pointed it towards Alex.
The royal guards all took out their swords and pointed their shields at Alex while surrounding him. The earth below then started to rumble and Alex lifted his head , red hot smoke steaming out of his body.
Everyone went pale from shock pain seeing that Alex's eyes had become blood red with black slited lizard like pupils. The guards started moving back in fear. Alex looked up and took a deep breath , puffing his chest to it's absolute limits.
He then released a blood curling roar , from the bottom of his lungs. Everyone was paralyzed with fear unable to move a muscle. The ground started to split up and buildings began to crumble and fall on people.
The king struggled to move because of the roar's effect , but was able to activate his mark of magic , Telekinesis, stopping all the falling rubble in mid air and stopping the ground from opening up and swelling the town's people.
In the distance, a cloaked figure saw this and a grin appeared on his face. “Oh my, oh my, what a beautiful occasion it is. Another wielder has been born. Well…that's my queue”. He said as he disappears into a near by forest.
Back at the kingdom, Alex had collapsed on the ground and the king could finally move freely. The king's royal advisor reached his hand forward and grabbed onto a white clockhand, he spun it anti-clockwise añd everything reverted back to normal.
The king could finally let go and fell down. His royal guards picked him up and when the king looked at his royal, he saw him on one knee, spitting out blood. “Take Alex and my royal advisor to the physician , AT ONCE!!”
The royal guards then took Alex and the royal advisor to the kingdom’s physician. “You may all return to your( pants loudly) daily tasks”. The town's people began to leave and wished the king and his royal advisor a speedy recovery.
What no one didn't realize was that, in the middle of the chaos the king's youngest daughter, the mother of Alex and Elizabeth, had disappeared without a trace.
Three days after the ceremony ended Alex had finally woken up from his coma. He got up and realized his body had a lot of mana flowing through him. He got up from his bed and saw a mirror on the wall. He went to look at himself but nearly shattered the mirror screaming.
The person Alex was seeing was not who he remembered. His hair colour had changed from a snowy white to bloody red. His pupils , from clear blue to CRIMSON red, he started to panic and his eyes started to glow bright.
He quickly calmed himself down and started to come to terms with his new appearance and he knew it would take time. He yawned , opening his mouth , revealing 4 long K9 teeth. He closed his mouth and licked his teeth to realize that his K9's had grown longer.
He sighed and jumped on the bed , he thought of what happened and remembered that he was able to lift the daggers. He turned head to the right and saw them , placed on the table next to the bed. He turned his head back and looked up at the roof of the building.
He thought of how happy his mother must've been when she saw he was able to lift the daggers and make his ancestor proud. Alex was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the Physician entering the room.
“Oh, your finally awake" Alex jumped up, startled but calmed down after seeing it was the royal family's physician.” Yeah, I am and excited to see everyone" said Alex, “Oh , well that's good to hear” Said the Physician with worry in his voice.
Alex noticed this but didn't give it much attention,” The king wishes to see you “ said the Physician. “I'll head over there right now" Alex said as he jumped out of bed , put on a new change of , grabbed the daggers and ran out.
He continued to run till he reached the castle doors. He stood there for a moment , took in a large amount of air, then exhaled it in a long and stress relieving sigh. He put the daggers on a placement on his back , by the request of the king.
He placed both of his hands on the castle doors , and pushed them forward and walked into a room that was all but familiar to him. He made his way to the throne at the end of the room and when he reached , he knelt down and bowed his head.
“Rise my child, no need for formality when speaking to your grandfather" said the king as he stood up and opened his arms. Alex raised his head faking a smile and ran into the king's arms hugging him.
“A celebration and a congratulations are in order, isn't that right" said the king. Alex looked at him and replied “Yes, you're right grandpa. Wait a second( looks at the king) “How…do you know it's Me?”
“Because I visited you everyday and witnessed your…metamorphosis” replied the king “Though your mother may not" he continued. Alex, confused asked “Why would she not? She visited me along with you right?”
“I’m afraid your mother has been missing since the day of the ceremony” replied the king. Alex’s eyes grew wider and started to glow, they became slotted like those of a lizard , his teeth became jagged and sharp.
He grew claws akin to those of a dragon. His body released hot steaming red smoke from his arms, legs and chest. He released an ear shattering roar that shook the castle and knocked everyone, including the king of their feet.
The king lifted his hand towards Alex, clenched his hand into a fist and held him in place. Alex struggled and struggled and slowly started to break free. “Make a path to the training grounds outside the kingdom" ordered the king.
The king then ran towards the castle doors, ran out ,spun around and then flung Alex towards the training grounds outside the castle. “My lord ( in shock) , what was that for?” one the guards asked.
“Oh that (points at Alex falling down outside the castle) well he needed to be our of the castle “ said the king. “Now why are you still here?” he asked, “ You were supposed to be outside the castle ready to buy me enough time to arrive and detain him" he continued.
“My lord , you said and I quote ‘Make a path to the castle training grounds” replied the guard. “Oh,…I said that? Well… regardless we must rush there before my grandson demolishes our kingdom , and I really wouldn't like that” replied the king.
They all rushed towards the training grounds outside the kingdom. They arrived there 20 minutes later to find that Alex had returned to normal and his body was invaded in ice and was arguing with his sister who'd been training there.
“You little prick, get me out of here!” Alex shouted , angrily. “Say please you asshole !” Elizabeth responded. “Fine bitch" Alex mumbled as Elizabeth released him from his cold prison. The king then hugged both Elizabeth and Alex.
They had started chatting and all was well. “My lord, there's someone standing over there” said one of the guards pointing at a black clothes figure carrying a sack dripping with blood. The top half of his face was covered with a white mask , revealing his wide grin.
“Well hello everyone, pleasure to meet you all here today", the masked stranger spoke while still maintaining his inhumanly wide grin. “It's an honor meeting another wielder and the king as well" he continued, then looked up “Oh what a wonderful gift" . He then stared at them.
“Who are you?” asked the king, “ Just a lonely wanderer here to bring the young prince a gift” the masked stranger answered as he threw the bloody sack at them , revealing the head of a person that was dear to them. It was the head of the king's youngest daughter , the mother of Alex and Elizabeth.
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