2000 years ago, The first war started between human and demon. It all begin when demons attack the humankind. Every human tried there best to survive from the demons. Even warriors tried to fight and kill all the demons, but It wasn't enough to defeat them all. That's when one of the strongest guardian used all her power to defeat the demons and saved humanity. She killed half of a demon kind which leads into her death, But before she died she combines all her power and turn it into three MANA STONE as a symbol of her protection, guidance, and gift. Every stone has its unique gift. But there magic can only be used if they choose you as there user and holder of there magic. And that's why I came into this story
My name is Cora Everhart daughter of the two best scientists of the country. They are the one who invented many gadgets and medicine's. Both of them are the sweetest, caring, and loving parent ever. My Parents name's are Mr.Anderson and Miss. Octavia Everhart.
We lived in a peaceful village in Nicosia where everyone here is very nice and welcoming. I have friends, obviously there name's are Melgie, Angel, Laurence,Carl, Luna, and Shaira there were the first friend I had since the day we moved here in Nicosia. But it all change when that day happened.
At School...
"Cora, Good morning" Melgie said with a weird smile.
"Good morning Mel-?, Why are you smiling like that?"-Cora ask.
"Smiling like what?" -Melgie
"Smiling like your hiding something"-Cora
" Me hiding something from you? WHAT!? I won't do that, ever."-Melgie
"O-kay" -Cora
'Bell ring'
A teacher come in the classroom of 2-A, The student of 2-A stands up and greeted there teacher.
"Good morning everyone, Our lesson for today is about......"-Teacher
Cora looks at Melgie-they eye contact- Melgie smiled at Cora, Then Melgie look away- Cora thinks that Melgie did do something wrong and was just hiding it from her- After class Cora ask Melgie again-
" What are you hiding from me Melgie?"-Cora ask
"Ahh! no-nothing. Why? Why do you ask?"-Melgie
" Because your smile is weird this morning, And that why I'm starting to get worried about you."-Cora
"Cora, It's just my normal smile, there is nothing to be worried about, Okay" Melgie hold Cora's hand
"If you say so." -Cora
"[Melgie smiled] Okay then let's go to the cafeteria, I'm starving after that math class"-Melgie
Both girls were heading to the cafeteria, When someone blocked there way.
"STOP-RIGHT-THERE, You little dwarf, pay me back for what you did to me this morning! "- Laurence
"Ahh!?? Who are you calling little dwarf? You bigfoot! And what happened this morning was just an accident"-Melgie
" Accident you say?"-Laurence
"Yes it's not a big deal you'll be fine, you won't die from it anyway"-Melgie said with don't care face
"For you is not a big deal, but for me it is!!!, you ruined my future degree you little dwarf"-Laurence said with range
"Okay-okay, both of you stop arguing.Now let me ask you this. What happened this morning anyway?"- Cora ask
" Nothing"- Melgie response quicker than Laurence
" Nothing!? , You spilled a coffee on my report dew tommorow"-Laurence said
"She did that?.... Melgie!!"-Cora
"It was an accident, I'm sorry. I'll repay you soon okay." Melgie said with guilt
"So that's why you were smiling weirdly this morning. How well you going to repay him?, In what way?
"Ohhh... There's a way to repay Laurence Melgie. it can be Money or Body, Just choose which one of them"
Carl said with proud face.
Luna punches Carl's stomach.
"Money? It's fine. But body? It's going to far (pointing her index finger to Carl)."
What about repaying him in a way of 'Helping him' rewrite the report dew tommorow instead of her Body." Luna said while looking at Carl with killing face.
"Chill, tomboy. It was just an option and by the way Laurence won't do such a thing Right...(Carl said while putting his elbow on top of Laurence shoulder) Ahh!!! You do!" (Carl's shouted)
Laurence punched Carl's head
"What are you saying you pervert. Why are you here anyway?" Laurence said while looking mad at Carl.
" Ohh, We're invating the three of you for tonight's party, (Luna give them the invitation card). You three well come, right?
Cora's phone ring and got a message from her Childhood friend named Jeziel
"Let's meet up at the park, there's something I want to tell you."-Jeziel
"Okay"-Cora replied.
"Will go"- said by Laurence and Melgie
(The two look at each other with rage)
Luna ask Cora if she will go to the party, but Cora didn't answer. Luna says Cora's name three times, Cora still didn't respond. Luna said Cora's name one last time and this time Cora respond.
" Yes?"- Cora
"You'll go to the party tonight right?" Luna ask
"Ahh... Yes, I well. I'll go absolutely,Why not?."
"So, see you tonight then at 6 o'clock."
Luna said while waving her hand, Carl follows and the two left. Laurence and Melgie still arguing about the 'report being ruined' when Cora interrupted them and said to stop arguing.
"Both of you stop arguing"- Cora shout
The two stopped
" Okay. Luna's plan isn't that bad right?... Now Melgie go help Laurence rewrite the report and I'll see you two tonight" Cora said then left
" Ah? Wait!, Where are you going!?. " Melgie ask Cora
"There's something urgent! I need to go, see you tonight at the party!!"(Cora run like a sonic speed)
While Cora was running she accidentally bumped in to someone, both of them fell into the ground. Cora look's at the one she bumped into, When she was just about to apologize, She realized that it was Shu Hattori her classmate she bumped into. She froze with fear, because Shu was known to be a human but was curse by a witch and turn him into a demon. But Cora remains calm, She helped Shu get up and she apologized to him sincerely then she starts running again.
Cora arrived at the park where she see her childhood friend Jeziel playing her violin beautifully. Cora listens to the magical music Jeziel play's. Then Jeziel stopped and looks at Cora with surprised face because she didn't think that Cora will arrive so soon.
"Your here? I thought you won't come." Jeziel ask.
"Your good at playing violin as always."
Cora Complimented Jeziel
(Jeziel sigh and sat down on the swing and then lower her head)
"Thanks, But it's not enough to make my family proud. I mean, they want me to be like them. Lawyers, Teachers, Doctors, I can't even touch blood Cora, What Am I going to do?" Jeziel said with worried face
(Cora sat down on the swing and start's swinging )
"Is this what you want to talk about? Or is there something else you want to talk about?"-Cora ask with serious face
(Jeziel's face turn serious)
"My Family... They want me to get married to someone when I turned 18"
(Cora stopped swinging and said delightfully)
"What?! While that's great, Who's the lucky person?" Cora said with happy face
Jeziel look sad, Cora notice and said to her.
"Why are you sad you should be happy? I mean this is what you dreamed off since we we're kids, To get married, have a happy family and love the man you marry, Well as long as his nice and kind. But what change your mind? And why?"
"I did say that, I did promise myself to whom I ever marry to, I well loved him just the way he is but.... (Sigh) "- Jeziel said with sad look
Cora respond with worried face
" Why? Did he do something horrible to you? Who is he I will get him if-"
Cora was Interrupted by Jeziel
"It's Cleo!" Jeziel said with hesitation.
Cora stopped and looks at Jeziel.
"It's Cleo!" Jeziel said with hesitation.
(Cleo- Cora's crush since childhood)
Cora stopped talking and looks at Jeziel with sad expression. Cora's eyes darken and tear's fall down her face.
"I don't want to accept the marriage, but I can't disobey my father."- Jeziel said with guilt
"It's okay... It's fine really" Cora said with teary smile
"He didn't even like me at the first place anyway. It's okay, You two would be a great couple"
Jeziel hug's Cora tightly while apologizing to her. When the two childhood friends calm down, They knew that the two won't see each other again after this conversation. Because Jeziel's family we're moving faraway from Nicosia, They made a promise to meet again someday, And the two partied their ways.
After there conversation Cora went home to get ready for the party.
While Cora was heading to the place where the party is. When suddenly someone called her name, Cora looked around and saw her friend Angel
"Cora! There you are. I didn't see you in English class this afternoon. Where have you been?"-Angel ask
" English class? That's right I left school too early, I didn't even realize it. I was just meeting a friend and because of my excitement, I didn't even check the time." Cora said
" Your meeting a friend? Or boyfriend? He-he" Angel asked with a smirk on her face
"She's a girl."-Cora respond
" Ohh its a girlfriend then"-Angel
"It's not a boyfriend or a girlfriend. In fact, I didn't even have a crush."-Cora said
" You may not have today but maybe tomorrow you will-have crush"-Angel
Cora looked at Angel with disgusted face
"You're heading to the party right? Shall we go there together?"-Cora asked Angel
"Party? Partying is a waste of time." -Angel respond
"Ha! Why? I thought you love parties,"
-Cora asked
"I do, but not today. I couldn't come, because Im meeting up with my other father ' - Angel said
Cora stopped walking.
"Other father?"-Cora asked
"Will the one I've been calling dad for the rest of my life wasn't my real dad. And now I'm meeting up with my real father that I've never meet since childhood" Angel said with sadness.
Angel looked at Cora then Angel looked up at the sign written in it.
"Isn't this the place were the party is held?"-Angel asked while looking at the sign
Cora turned and look's at the sign
"Ahh… Yeah… It is." Cora turned to Angel
and said "Have a good night with your father."
'Angel smiled and left.'
'Cora arrived at room were the party was held.'
"Cora there you are. What took you so long?"-Luna
" I was with Angel."-Cora
"Angel? (Looks around) Where is she?" -Luna ask
"She's with her father, Celebrating or something"-Cora said (lie)
"Ohh, Okay. Come this way everybody is here"-Luna
They arrived at the table were class 2-A were at.
"Cora!!! I've missed you so much"
Narlea said while hugging Cora tightly
(Narlea one of Cora's group of friend)
"I missed you too but can't breathe"-Cora said while struggling to talk
" Sorry." Narlea said sincerely
Cora tap Narlea's head and after that she saw Melgie and Laurence screaming and shouting at each other again.
"What's your problem!? I already paid you by giving you a hand rewriting your report, Isn't that enough?-Melgie said while screaming at Laurence.
" It's enough, but the problem here is you made my report like a kids comic you draw all over it, you ruined it again!"
-Laurence said
When Cora was about to stop the two of them, when Shaira steps in and twisted their ears.
"Can you two just be friends for a second?"
-Shaira said
"Seriously, when will you two stop fighting?"-Cora asked
" If she's tall enough, If he's kind enough "
Laurence and Melgie said it at the same time.
They looked at each other and starts arguing again, Cora smiles because she noticed that both of them become closer than before.
While Cora was looking at them arguing
she notice that Shu was staring at her.
Cora's mind-[Why is he staring at me like that? Is it because I accidentally bumped into him?]
Cora looked at Shu again and then suddenly Shu stands up and he walks toward where Cora was standing
Cora's mind-[Oh no his coming towards me. What is he going to do with me?]
Cora closed her eyes and wasn't ready on what's going to happen next.
"Come with me"
- Shu whispered into Cora's ears.
Cora was stunned for a minute and just went after him. They arrived at the rooftop.
Cora's mind-[Why are we in the rooftop? Is he going to kill me here? No, No way I won't let that happened.]
"Please dont hurt me, I'm sorry for what I did to you in the hallway." Cora shouted.
Shu laugh and said "What are you saying?
I didn't bring you here to hurt you hahaha."
"Ha? You didn't? So what do you want from me then?"
-Cora ask
"Nothing. I just want to return this"-Shu
"Ahh? My bracelet!"-Cora said with relieve
Cora looked at Shu with embarrassment, She closed her eyes and said
"Thank you. And I'm really sorry for thinking of you like that. I thought you were going to hurt me for what happened this morning, But I swear it was an accident. So forgive me"Cora said while bowing her head for forgiveness.
Shu looks at Cora with stunned face, He crouch down and said.
" Your ugly when you're begging."
-Shu said without hesitation.
Cora open's her eyes and then punches Shu on the face without thinking about it,
Shu fell into the ground.
"Here I am apologizing while your making fun of me" Cora said angrily.
Then Cora went back from the party leaving Shu behind.
"Cora, Want some drinks?" Luna ask.
But Cora ignored Luna.
"What happened to her?"-Luna ask Carl
"Ha!? Who?" -Carl said
"Idiot, Pay attention look, Look at Cora she seems piss. Did something happen to her?"- Luna
"Hmm... I don't know, I'm not with her the whole time"- Carl
" Then ask your friend over there (points at Shu)" Luna
"Ohh no... He's not my friend but he is a little friendly." Carl
"Then? What are you waiting for go talk to him about what happens between him and Cora"- Luna requested
"Talk about Cora? what are their close?"
"Urghhh... Just go talk to him (pushed Carl)"-Luna
[Carl walking to Shu]
" He-hey Shu Hattori the most handsome student in NN high school what's up?"
-Carl said confidently
Shu looks at Carl and thinking of him as a weirdo but Shu ignores Carl like his not even around.
".....Now, Don't be like that to your awesome classmate" Carl said it proudly
"And If this awesome classmate, want something from me, just get into the point. What do you want?" -Shu said coldly
Carl turns serious
"When you ask Cora to come with you, What did you said to her?" Carl asked
"I didn't said anything, I just return something to her"- Shu
" When Cora returns, She looks mad and want to ripped something or someone."
-Carl said seriously
"I'm sorry can you excuse me for a moment?" Shu ask
Carl was wondering why Shu left just like that, so he keeps he's eyes on Shu.
Shu was going towards where Cora was.
Carl saw that Shu was dragging Cora out at the party. Carl couldn't believe what he saw, It was like saving his girl from the people who hurt her.
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