Sweetie, listen carefully. Vampires are ruthless, bloodsucking monsters that prey on the innocent. They'll stop at nothing to drain the life of anyone who crosses their paths.
Remember, vampires are masters of deception. They'll charm and lie to get what they want. Never trust their words or their smiles.
If you ever come across one, don't hesitate, run if you can. But if you can't, use the stake I gave you. Aim for its heart and strike with all your might. You must protect yourself, this is your duty as a Vampire Hunter.
The day has finally come for me to prove my worth to the Crimson guild as one of the vampire hunters. For generations, my family has been the protective force over Newhaven City from the vicious attacks of bloodthirsty vampires.
Ever since my training began at the age of six, I've wanted nothing more than to kill a vampire. My elder brothers, Theodore and Orion, both had their first kills at the ages of 12 and 14, respectively. While I'm twenty-one and I'm yet to kill any.
Disappointing, I know.
But it all changes on this day. I, Maya Anderson, must kill a vampire tonight.
My grip on the steering wheel tightens as I drive up to the castle's entrance. I see our convoy of SUVs, each loaded with various vampire-killing gear. Crossbows, stakes, silver spears, UV lamps, and holy water— we're prepared for even the surprise attacks.
We received news that a good amount of Legacy-born vampires will be gathered together in this old castle up on the mountains. The Legacy borns were vampires descending from the first vampire.
I glance at my teammates nervously, their faces set with determination. Marcus, Rachael, Emily, and my brother Orion, compared to me, they look confident and ready. After all, they've all had their share of first kills.
We are the last of the teams sent by the guild to clear out the vampires tonight. As I step into the castle, I'm greeted by the stench of blood.
As a hunter, I must never show my weaknesses, so I brush past the bodies of vampires, heading upstairs with the rest. Cautiously, I enter a dark, ominous room. I feel an odd chill, but heck, it's a vampire campsite; everywhere feels chilly.
My brows crease as I notice an opening on the ground with stairs leading downwards. I gulp, peering into the abyss-like darkness.
“Maya” I hear a whisper and look behind. My brother Orion stands at the door with a crossbow in his hand. I stare at him, putting up a strong facade. I just hope he doesn't see through it and tells me to trail behind him so that he can keep me safe.
Surprisingly, he nods at me, mouthing ‘Good luck’ before leaving. A sigh escapes my lips.
I turn to the opening and take a deep breath before stepping in cautiously. Suddenly, the smell of sandalwood punctuated by scented candles fills my nostrils, and I recoil.
What the….. I climb down the last staircase, gaping in awe. It's…..a bathhouse? What's with the atmosphere?
There are pillars and statues, each having detailed drawings of different mythical creatures. Plus, there's a large squared tub. I've got a feeling someone's here.
At the sudden splash of water, I swiftly crouch down behind a statue, my senses heightening, my heart racing. I knew it! Someone's here. I steady my crossbow, my hand gripping it tightly.
Carefully, I take a peep, a humourous thought crossing my mind. Just imagine being killed right after a bath.
The moment my eyes land on him, my heart drops. My jaw falls open, my eyes widening, unable to look away as I study his features. Smooth skin with a porcelain texture and long black, wet hair cascading gracefully over his broad shoulders. A fox-like gaze with alluring hazel eyes.
His chiseled chest, sculpted to perfection leads to eight distinctive ridges of abdominal muscles that flex with each subtle movement.
My eyes trace down to the indistinct V-shape forming at his hips and muscular legs that seem to go on forever.
I find myself gawking but I'm unable to stop. The water droplets from his raven-black hair slide down his chest effortlessly, causing a slight tremble between my legs.
Is this even a person?? Well, no, obviously, he's a vampire, judging by his long canines and malicious look. It's like staring at a demigod with nothing but a red towel around his waist.
He lifts his hand and rakes his hair with his fingers, his muscles rippling underneath his skin. I feel a flutter in my chest and I avert my gaze. I mustn't be driven by his looks, vampires are deceptive.
If I don't kill him, he'll kill me. I clutch hard onto the crossbow, inhaling and exhaling subtly. This is my chance, I can do it! I will kill this Vampire.
I take another peek and I see him turn towards a full-length mirror. I position my crossbow, my eyes narrowing. Here goes nothing! I pull the trigger.
My eyes widen in shock as he turns around swiftly, only to catch the flying stake in mid-air, the sharp tip facing his chest.
I lean back against the statue, cursing, Fuck! How quick is he???? I reload my crossbow, my heart pounding against my chest. I failed to ambush him, I might get killed now.
I gulp.
Suddenly, the silence is broken by a dark chuckle. So sinister it sends a jolt of shock through my body. I glance down at my hands, I'm trembling.
I hear his voice again, a deep growl “There's an attack, and all I get is a frightened little girl?” as his voice echoes, I feel the hairs at the back of my neck rise.
The sound of the wooden stake falling fills my ears, followed by a soft whoosh. I brace myself for his attack, instead, I hear his sly voice.
“I can sense your fear,” he says and sighs. “Disappointing, to say the least. Weak humans always leave a weird aftertaste. Run along now, little bird, I might just change my mind and decide not to feast on you”
I exhale deeply. Some part of me wants to coward away, but the bigger part of me wants to kill this man. He's underestimating me, and I won't stand being called weak.
I reveal my hiding place, coming out in full, only to meet his surprised look. The stake I shot earlier lies broken in two on the ground, and he's now clothed in sleek black.
His surprised look turns to disappointment. “I gave you a chance to run away and you chose death?” He chuckles,
I stand poised, my crossbow aiming at him. My expression stern, I declare “I'm not scared of you”
He scoffs at me, “I can literally feel your heartbeat, little bird” he says, using the phrase ‘Little bird’ as if we're acquainted. I respond with a scowl, silently waiting for the right moment to stake his vampire ass.
“All right,” he says after a short pause. “Go ahead, little bird, I dare you. Shoot me if you ca—”
I cut him off, firing the stake directly into his chest where his heart is located. He blinks in shock, his eyes widening. My gaze remains unwavering as I watch him reach out to the stake with strained grunts.
His hands tremble and he coughs up a mouthful of blood, falling to his knees. He gives me one last look before falling to his side with a sickening thud.
For a second, everything pauses. I gasp for air, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Ah! Aha, I did it! I did it! My heart jumps for joy.
I cautiously approach the body, a wide grin spreading across my face. I can't believe it. I study his body and there are no movements. With my leg, I move him over, making him lie on his back.
Amusement dances In my eyes, watching blood ooze out of his chest where the stake is. According to what I've learned, his body should start fading any time soon.
Fuck! I can't believe I finally killed a vampire. I've finally had my first kill! My smile reaches my ear. Theodore will never believe it. I crouch down with a mocking smile.
“Killed by a little bird. Disappointing, to say the least.” I just wish I could take his head with me, the others won't believe otherwise.
“Killing me makes you that happy?” My heart drops as the dead vampire's voice breaks the silence. I stumble backward, my pupils dilating as his eyes snap open.
I…Impossible! I killed him!
He sits up, exclaiming “Wow, and they say we're the monsters.” He lifts his hand to the stake in his chest, wincing as he pulls it out. He tosses it into the tub before throwing a look at me.
I stand immediately, trying to steady my grip on the crossbow, but I can't, my hands are shaking. H..how is he still alive??
“Fuck! That hurts. Didn't expect you to actually do that” he mumbles, standing up. With a wave of his hand, the bloodstains on his clothes and mouth disappear before my eyes.
He's standing as if nothing happened.
“You seem surprised, guess you didn't do your research properly” he says. One hand on his waist and the other raking his hair, “Hmm, what to do now…. I never attacked you, little bird, but you attempted to kill me. Wouldn't it be fair if I do the same?”
I'm doomed!
I try to steady myself, but I can't. I wasn't expecting this turnout; my heart is pounding hard against my chest, and my hands are quivering; I can barely hold on to my crossbow.
Why didn't the stake kill him? This doesn't make any sense. The guild, their research…. Are they wrong?
“Well, little bird,” his low, husky voice resonates within me. “According to human law, since you attempted to kill me, anything I do now is nothing but self-defense”
I open my mouth to speak, but he suddenly disappears, leaving a dark mist behind. Fuck! I curse, his sudden reappearance behind me causing me to freeze, my shoulders tensed up, and my breath caught in my throat.
He strokes my hair, tilting my head to the side and exposing my bare neck. His movements are slow and steady, his hot breath grazing my skin.
The crossbow slips from my hand and falls, making a clunking sound, while I remain frozen on the spot with sweat beads forming on my forehead.
I quiver as his index finger trails down my neck. He chuckles, his voice dropping to a low menacing sound “Hmm, I love how your body trembles under my touch”
His almost seductive voice leaves me weak in the knees. I don't want to die, I don't want to get killed by a vampire. Theodore, Orion, I wish you guys were here.
I squeeze my eyes shut, bracing myself for the potential pain. Instead of the sharp, piercing feeling of his fangs biting deep into my neck, I feel the softness of his lips as it touches my skin.
I feel his arm wrap around my waist, the other, holding my tilted head. He whispers into my ear, his voice gentle yet commanding. “Sleep, little bird”
At the sound of his voice, my eyelids suddenly feel heavy. I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. What has he done to me? No! I can't submit, I must kill this man. I feel my knees buckle, giving away as I succumb completely to the darkness clouding me.
A throbbing headache pierces my skull, snapping my eyes open. I sit up, heaving with erratic breaths, sweat trickling down my face.
Instinctively, I reach out to my neck, my eyes darting about, my heart racing.
“You're awake.” Orion's voice cuts through my disorientation, and I blink rapidly. He walks towards my bed, sitting with a concerned look on his face.
I slowly regain myself, shifting uncomfortably as my thoughts recollect themselves. I'm…. Alive? I don't understand, how?
“What happened?” I manage to ask.
Theodore answers instead, his voice low and intimidating as usual. “We found you unconscious in some kind of underground cellar bathhouse.” I avert my eyes from Orion to the door where Theodore is leaning against with his arms folded across his chest.
Orion laughs “Thought you were a goner for sure”
I ignore his humor, my mind reeling with questions. The vampire, why didn't he drain me? I mean, I tried to kill him; why would he keep me alive?
Then, it hits me. My expression darkens as I recall the man's words ‘Weak humans always leave a bad aftertaste’ Tch! That bastard!
Ugh! I collapse on my back, my palm smacking my forehead. “I couldn't kill a vampire this time,” I mutter, frustration escaping my lips in a deflating sigh.
“That's all right, none of us did,” says Theodore, prompting me to sit up with a confused look. My brows furrow at Theodore's serious expression and I can't tell if he's lying to make me feel better.
I avert my eyes to Orion, and he nods, saying “Yup, we thought we killed ‘em, but all of a sudden… bam! They’re up again.” Orion purses his lips as if remembering. He mutters “That shit scared the fuck outta me”
Theodore cuts in. “Turns out that merely stabbing their hearts with stakes and silver spears isn't enough to kill a Legacy born. The guild's mistake almost got us all killed,” he says with a tired sigh.
I lean back, thinking. It's no wonder I wasn't able to kill that man. Ordinary vampires would've died, but he knew he couldn't be killed yet he pretended to be dead just to tease me.
My jaw clenches, that god-damned vampire! Makes me want to kill him even more now. “What about dad?” I ask
Theodore responds “He's gone overseas to see the guild. Next time, we'll need to be well prepared. Dad also said you should let work go today, just rest”
“Uuuuuugh” I groan loudly, falling to the side. “I wish I could, but the owner of the company is coming today, I've got so much to pile up and submit”
Orion stifles a laugh and I ignore it. Subconsciously, I reach out to my neck. Instead of biting me, he kissed me. That bastard!
“Hey, you weren't bitten were you?” Another one of Orion's dry humor cuts through my thoughts. I open my mouth to speak but Theodore cuts me off seriously “If she was, there would be a mark”
His expression turns cold as he says to Orion “You shouldn't have let her go down there on her own”
My face twists into a frown. Here he goes again, belittling me like he always does. I cast my gaze downwards.
“We can't shield her forever, You know. She gotta do stuff herself,” says Orion. I look up at Theodore, our eyes locked. He says nothing and leaves.
Orion gets up from the bed, stretching his limbs. “Oh well,” he says, tucking his hands in his pocket. “Gonna get me a nice warm bath and some good-looking ladies”
I roll my eyes, shaking my head. A sigh escapes my lips, I just want to lie here and do nothing.
Sadly, after one hour and some minutes, I collapse in my cubicle, sinking into my chair. I exhale, my fingers hovering over the keyboard.
Suddenly, someone behind grasps my shoulders.
I narrow my eyes dryly, staring at my computer's screen. From behind, she leans into my neck and nibbles on my skin before announcing in a stiff, robotic voice “I… am… a… vampire... and... I… will... suck… your... blood.”
My lips twitch and curse under my breath. “What the hell are you doing now?” I arch my head back to meet her pouting face. “When did vampires become robots? Huh?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “And who talks like that?”
She rolls her eyes, her lips curling into a sly smile. “Maya, you're such a killjoy.” She unhands me and plops down on her cubicle beside mine.
I shoot her a wry glance. “And you're a nutcase” But I say it with affection because this weirdo is my best friend, Peridot Roosevelt— the daughter of our company's director. I sneer at her “I'm not the one pretending to be a make-believe creature”
She responds “Make-believe to you, but real to those witnesses on 8’oclock news.” She clicks her tongue “You're just jealous because unlike me, you have never seen a vampire”
“You've seen a vampire?” I scoff, my attention fixed on the computer's screen. I highly doubt it. We vampire hunters take great pains to make sure humanity is unaware of the supernatural threats lurking in the shadows. Our role is to protect them all while hiding the existence of vampires and vampire hunters.
Besides, the overprotective director Roosevelt who still gives his daughter curfews— despite her being 23— would never let his daughter set eyes on a ‘vampire’
Peridot glares at me, preparing to respond with probably a believable story of how she saw a vampire or witnessed one killing a human, but the sudden entrance of our department's manager prompts all movements to seize.
The room falls silent, all eyes fixed on Mrs Stella. Her stern face scans each and all of us, her hands clasped behind her back. Our eyes meet, and I force a warm smile.
She looks away, and after a small pause, she says “I’m sure you all are already aware of the owner's visit today”
Her statement sends rowdy thoughts and nervous glances flying across the room. She continues, “Well, of course you do.” She pauses, “Most of you have never seen him before, this is because he rarely comes to the company. Today, he's here and all shall be accounted for. So let's make sure to leave a good impression”
I shoot Peridot an uneasy glance. Unfortunately, I'm one of the many who have yet to see what the owner of the company looks like. Once Mrs Stella leaves, Peridot whispers
“I've seen the owner”
My eyes narrow, and I raise an eyebrow. “Oh really? What does he look like?” I ask, rolling my eyes.
Peridot’s expression turns dramatic. “His looks are nothing like you imagined. He's Mr Reynold, a stout, chubby man with a generous midsection” She widens her eyes for emphasis. “Imagine a beach ball with a suit wrapped around it”
I roll my eyes again, chuckling “You’re exaggerating, Peridot, there's no way he's that….. rounded”
Peridot grins slyly, her lips parted to reveal another juicy detail. But before she can utter a word, she freezes mid-sentence as a man clears his throat.
Our attention shifts to the elevator as it slides open. Instinctively, I straighten up, composing myself. Standing in the elevator is Mrs Stella and a man. A man fitting Peridot's exact description.
His hands clasped behind his back, he walks forward slowly, Mrs Stella trailing behind him. His eyes scan around, watching us work. My gaze falls on his midsection, which jiggles with each step.
I quickly avert my eyes, bringing them down to my computer and I start typing random keys to distract myself.
Peridot whispers “See? I told you he's a walking barrel” I purse my lips, containing a stifle laugh. I shun her quietly with a stern stare.
I sneak a peek…… so this is what the owner looks like. Peridot wasn't exaggerating at all. Mr Reynold finishes his inspection, heading back to the elevator with Mrs Stella.
“Ms Anderson?” Mrs Stella calls out.
I rise from my seat immediately, exchanging nervous glances with Peridot before approaching Mrs Stella. She hands me a stack of papers while introducing me to Mr. Reynold.
“Mr. Reynold, this is Ms. Anderson. She'll be escorting you back to the office,” Mrs. Stella explains
I nod politely, giving Mr Reynold an acknowledging smile. We step into the elevator together, leaving Mrs. Stella behind.
As the door closes, I bite on my lower lip, a wave of awkwardness washing over me. This feels so awkward! But I can't do anything about it.
I let out a sigh of relief as Mr Reynold's phone started ringing, breaking the stuffy silence. He answers, speaking with the caller in a foreign language. As he hangs up, the elevator chimes and we exit.
Mr. Reynold’s pace quickens as he says “We must move quickly, Ms. Anderson, the owner just arrived at his office and dislikes being kept waiting”
I Instinctively hasten my steps. But my mind lags, “Wait, did you say ‘the owner’?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. “I thought you were the owner, Mr Reynold?” I blurt out.
He responds almost immediately “Good heavens, no! I'm merely his half-brother”
Half brother? I tilt my head, confusion etched on my face. If Mr. Reynold isn't the owner, then who is??
We halt before a door adorned with a golden nameplate. The name ‘Van Helsing’ is written in bold black letters. My heart racing, Mr Reynold knocks on the door.
My ears perk up at the sound of a woman's firm voice, “Enter.” Mr Reynold opens the door and I step in.
Oh fuck! My eyes widen, and my jaw drops.
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