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Caught Up.

The Client



She gripped the rim of porcelain sink and tried to steady her hands.

"One last time," she whispered to herself.

One. Last. Time.

With this promise she stomped out of the old bathroom and into the 80s themed diner. Walking past the live DJ she went to the outdoor patio area. The smell of cigarettes was heavy in the air, wrinkling her nose she made her way back to the client.

He was already onto his 6th cigarette. She looked up at the man with his receeding hairline and obvious wrinkles and saw her reflection in his gold-rimmed glasses, dark-brown eyes complimenting her shoulder-length brown hair, originally smooth skin now showing a hint of ruggedness here and there, slim figure yah all in all easy on the eyes but nothing that stands out. Perfect for her work.

"Need an answer" huffed the man bringing her out of her musings.

"Okay old man you can count on it" she mused.

"What do you need"

"The same. Lodgings, Ids, burner phone and some extra cash" she replied gruffly she wanted this to be done fast the smoke was getting to her.

Without a word he handed her a big brown envelope and asked "When?"

"You will be informed. Are we done here?" She grabbed the envelope and stood up. Without waiting for a reply she walked off.

All the while thinking- one last time.

Blissfully unaware that this last time was the one that would bring on the worst of consequences.



I got a full blast of cold air as soon as i stepped out. Pulling my black hoodie close to me i walked till the curb and looked around.

"Late. Late again." I sighed. I decided not to wait and started down the dimly lit path. It was almost midnight and the already lowly populated area looked even more deserted.

The wind swished past me blowing my hair all over the place, i tucked them inside and pulled the hoodie over my head. Ignoring the cold i turned a corner and came to a halt.

With a loud thud the guy greeted the cement and the other three hovered over him and i heard one of the most cliquè lines ever..

"Show me the money. And you can go" shouted the guy in a red pullover with '**** life' written on it.

The other two stood behind him. They looked like they would still be in school, seniors maybe and my suspicions were confirmed when I payed attention to the guy on the ground who was still in his winter uniform. I looked up, one of them met my eyes and winked.

I shook my head. "Huhh, bullies thought that shit was old." I said under my breath and started walking past them, as i did i caught a strong whiff of alcohol. Suddenly the guy who winked caught me around my waist and jerked me towards him.

"Hey stay for some fun if you are here already" he said suggestively.

I looked up at his face calmly and said "Why don't you go back to stealing your lunch money and i go on my way and the night can then end peacefully. Huhh."

This seemed to peek the guy's interest even more "Looks and a smart mouth" he smirked and had enough confidence to slap me across my face with his other hand, after that he pulled my hoodie off my head and started groping his way down.

Now he had already made two mistakes.

One he slapped me.

Two he underestimated me.

Who Is She



The thing with drunk, testosterone-laden guys is you don't even have to do much.

I caught hold of his hand around my waist and twisted his wrist, he jerked back with shock, i gave another turn and bended his palm back on his forearm, the pain made him go down on his knees.

"Ahhhhhhh" he screamed.

The guys standing with him lurched towards me with my hold still on the first one i kicked him hard in the stomach sending him flying backwards.

The third '**** life' guy finally realised what was going on and came at me, i put my free arm around his neck and kneed him in his essentials, he doubled up in pain and mumbled "OWW."

I let go of the first one. All three were on the ground now moaning and grunting. I looked back to see the guy i ended up helping run for his life. What a wuss, i thought.

I brought my attention back to the ones still on the floor, either they were too drunk or too tired as none of them made another move in my direction.

"Who is this bitch!" the one who had initiated this managed to say.

"I didn't even get to show off my tai chi moves." I sighed, ignoring his comment I pulled my hoodie back over my head and went on down the alley.

This night was really getting annoying now. I took two more turns and reached my destination, a beautiful two-storey house, which had that brick exterior and those green plant creepers running up the walls. No i don't live there, I took the adjacent stairs down and reached the entrance of the old basement. Yes home sweet home.

I flung open the door and entered.

"Hey chloe! You back" said Erin.

"CC my girl!" shouted Edwin.

"Shit! I forgot,the meet-up was today" came from Clint.

"Where do you think i went Clint, the spa?!" I said as calmly as possible.

"No wonder you look even prettier Chloe" was the comeback. I sowled in response.

They all followed me to the table and I slammed the envelope down, I had made sure it was on me after my little mishap in the alley.

"Well here it is" Clint reached for it but I kept my hand where it was and looked into his brown eyes very similar to mine, "and this is my last, as you promised" i said, and the coldness in my voice even surprised me.

"Well ofcourse Chloe" he replied icily.


• 27yrs, brunette, brown eyes, fair, long hair, 5'3 (yah 3 inches shorter than me, way prettier than me though).

• Role-Connections, she can hit us up with anyone we need.


• 27 yrs. You guessed it. Twin of the above said female. Dark brown hair, fair, 5'11, lean, good-looking i guess, glasses.

• Role- Computers. Or like i call him the 'guy in the chair' since spiderman released. Not a world class hacker but gets things done.


• 30yrs, blonde, blue eyes, bit tan, 6'1, rugged looks.

• Role- the decision maker, good at fights, our leader (and asshole).

ME, I am Chloe Cartner, well i am the one who usually does the actual task, pretty smart (IQ 148, not boasting), can handle myself in a fight, cold in personality as i have come to hear a lot, and i am the same age as the Green twins.

Welcome to my world.

The Basement



This is the rough outlet of our humble abode, Clint had a room to himself in the far east corner the best one if you ask me. Initially me and Erin used to bunk up when we had just started out but over the years i insisted that I needed my own space to which Clint after some persuasion agreed so i took the one near the staircase and the twins bunked up together near the kitchen room.

The hall had minimal furniture a sofa, two chairs and a table, we had no tv but owned three laptops thanks to Edwin's demands. Though the basement was old it was well kept courtesy of the old-age couple living in the house who rented it out to us at a reasonable price.

We gathered at the table and emptied out the contents of the envelope and we began our drill. Clint checked out the initial amount of cash we recieved and the two burner phones, Edwin took the ids to rate their authenticity and me and Erin skimmed through the files that were provided.


Managing Director

Union enterprise


Asst. Manager

Union enterprise


Get Holt out, need my place back on the committee, the B*st*rd tricked me out of my shares and got me kicked out.

My sources told me him and his wife had teamed up. I need revenge on both.

We looked at each other.

"It's simple this time I guess" I said instantly, already piecing up a plan in my mind.

"What is! The son of a b*tch handed us two targets in the name of one" snapped Clint.

"Relax we just have to figure out how to get back at both of them at once, cause we don't have the resources to work on two separate projects" said Erin.

"She is right" Edwin joined whilst entering the details on the laptop.

You would be wondering why would people at high posts be getting involved with us when they probably can do better. Well the answer is simple-

One- We don't mind getting our hands dirty.

Two- We are expendable.

"We are gonna get Holt on account of infidelity. Board of directors are gonna kick him out and I don't think his beloved wife would stay with him when he is a nobody and a cheater" I finally said drawing all eyes on me.

"Chloe, that was smooth, are you sure you wanna leave you are a natural" Clint replied giving me a lopsided smile.

"Easier said than done" chimed in Erin I had noticed she always got a little irritated whenever I held Clint's full attention.

"We will figure out the details tomorrow I wanna get a little sleep while it's still dark outside"

I finally relaxed after the long night yah I was close.

Had no clue how ugly this was gonna get.

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