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Highschool Novel 1: Control My Anger

NOTE: Must Read


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


In advance notice, I am sorry for wrong grammars and typographical errors that you might encounter while reading. Please bare with me, I am not perfect.

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The room was divided by two colors - pink and blue. Half of the room was painted with pink and different cartoon characters images for girls were pinned on the wall while the other half was painted with sky blue and different cars and robots images were pinned on the wall.

There are two beds, the first one has a flowers design and the other one is cars designed bed. The whole room was filled by different toys, books and nursery lessons posted on the wall.

"Biggybro, You are older than me right?" the little girl with pure black hair wearing a pink dress with a crown asked.

"Yes, my little sis, mommy said that I am two minutes and thirty seconds older than you." the little boy with also has pure black hair wearing an army outfit replied.

"So you should take care of me, biggy bro or else mommy and daddy will be mad at you." the girl said while giggling.

"Yes, of course! I promise that I will take care of you forever." the little boy said then tap his sister's head.

"Ah biggy bro! You're wrecking my hair and my princess crown." the little girl said that's about to cry but a loud noise interrupt and get the attention of two little children.

The noise is like a falling object, breaking, cracking and hitting the wall.

"Biggy bro, I'm scared. What's happening?" the girl cries and his brother hugged him tight.

"I will protect you, lil' sis. I'm your soldier." the boy replied.

They heard different voices shouting and cursing. The boy covered her sister's ears with his hand worrying that his sister might learn those bad words.

He heard everything the anger that's filling the whole house. The scary baritone voice that usually curse out loud.

"Lil' sis, let's go, follow me." the little boy said.

"Where are we going, biggy bro?" the little girl stuttered, and hesitate.

The fears and tears can be seen on the little girl's face. The little boy tries all his best to calm his sister and bring her sister to the cabinet.

"Go inside, don't make any noise lil' sis. Don't cry. Don't shout no matter what you will hear or see." the little boy said while opening the cabinet.

"Biggy bro, Are we playing hide and seek?" the little girl asked.

"Yes, but the only rule is hide, don't come out from this cabinet and don't let the seeker find you." the little boy said.

"I love you, biggy bro." the little girl said as the her brother close the cabinet.

"I love you too, my lil sis." the little boy murmured.


I hope this prologue hooked you up to continue reading. This is only a short prologue, just a teaser of this novel. Again I'm sorry for grammatical and typographical errors. Please bear with me, I am not perfect. Nobody's perfect.

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Ps. The spacing between paragraphs is intended for better reading. Thanks.


Samantha's Point Of View

It's already seven o'clock in the morning, and our house starts to be very busy. I already finish cooking breakfast and starts to serve in our dining table for my husband and 7 years old son named Havoc.

"Here is the breakfast!" I said waking up the two of them napping secretly in dining table.

"Hmm, another delicious food to start my day." My husband said then kisses me on my cheeks.

"Goodmorning, our sleepy son! Wake up, you need to eat before going to school." I said with convincing voice on my son.

I need to encourage my son, because he doesn't come to school yesterday. If it continues, he'll be drop on school and we will transfer him again to other school.

"I don't want to eat." My son Havoc said.

"No, baby, you need to eat." I said sweetly and gives him the spoon and fork.

"And I don't want to go to school." Havoc shouted and throw away the spoon and fork at the corner of the dining room.

"HAVOC ONG NAKAMURA!" My husband, Harold shouted on our son.

"Harold, calm down, please understand our son." I tried to stop Harold but he insisted.

"No, Samatha!" Harold said, I'm about to talk but he interrupted.

"Havoc, you are disrespecting your mother, me and our breakfast. That was not a good manner." Harold said then goes to kitchen and when he came back he is already holding the rock salt jar.

"Harold, no. That might hurt him." I said trying to get the jar from him.

My son, Havoc is angrily staring on us still sitting on his chair. He always do that angry stares.

"He need to be discipline." Harold insisted and pour the rock salt on the floor.

"Come here, Havoc." Harold commanded but Havoc ignores it so Harold drag our son and kneel him in the rock salt.

I don't know what to do, but to cry. Harold is right to discipline our son but I don't want my son to be hurt.

"Please, Harold. Stop this, you know his reason why he's acting like that." I explained to Harold.

"Apologize to us, Havoc!" Harold commanded again.

Tears starts to fall from my son's eyes. He's in pain. But then he follows and look on us.

"I am sorry, I just can't control my anger. Sorry, mommy, daddy. I'm sorry." Havoc said then cries out loud.

I hugged him tight and help him stand. Harold hugged the both of us. A family hug that complete me.

"You know that this is for your own good right, son?" Harold said to our son.

"Yes, dad." Havoc said while nodding.

"Please, my son, try all your best to control your anger. You might hurt someone or hurt yourself. We love you." I explained to him and kisses my son's cheek.

"I will always try mommy." Havoc promised.


What do you think, guys?

Again I'm sorry for grammatical and typographical errors. Please bear with me, I am not perfect. Nobody's perfect.

Please subscribe for more updates notification, and also comment your feedbacks, reaction, etc. And also follow me on these accounts for more info:

NovelToon: Makata Unwell

Facebook: add me, Makata Unwell

Twitter: @makata_unwell

*******: @makata_unwell

Instagram: @makata_unwell

Ps. The spacing between paragraphs is intended for better reading. Thanks.

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