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Tragic Life Or Second Chance??

Chapter 1

Hello guys
Welcome to my historical story I hope you all will like it and give your valuable love and feedback 💖
Let's start
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
No royal mother I can't marry him
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
Princess Yue you are the elder daughter of tang. your must pay off your responsibility towards your kingdom
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
But mother I don't like him
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
So what?? It's a royal settlement you have to marry him
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*take a deep sigh*
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
For royal settlement I have to ruining my life
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
I can't help you in this my daughter
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Do as you please Royal Empress *with sadness and disappointment*
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
*smile at her* your wedding ceremony will be held on 14th of this month
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*bow and left*
Out of the royal court
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*walking with flowing tears*
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
Princess what did empress said??
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
nothing can change my fate
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
But you don't like him
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
It's a royal settlement no one can deny it
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
But still...
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Let it be I want to take rest
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
yes let's go to chamber back
Both walked towards Tang yue's chamber
On other side
Battle Field was filled with blood and death bodies
General of Qaio
General of Qaio
Empress nobody left now
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
Hmm like I expected
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
I will leave back you bring everything we won
General of Qaio
General of Qaio
Ok empress *bow and left*
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
*take her house back towards her kingdom*
To be continue
Bye guys stay safe and healthy

Chapter 2

Hello guys
Let's continue
At wedding ceremony
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
Princess you are looking very beautiful
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Hmm yes but it's vain anyhow
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
Princess you will get what you deserve which is love and respect for your husband
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
I don't think so
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
Don't worry princess one day you will get what you wishes
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
I hope so
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
princess yue *walked inside with her maids*
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Greetings royal mother
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
Greetings are you ready to leave??
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Yes royal mother
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
Then royal carriage is waiting you must hurry up
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Yes *walked behind empress*
At main gate of the harem
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
win his heart and make me feel proud
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Hmm ok royal mother
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*bow in respect and sit in the carriage*
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
Take care of princess
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
Yes Royal Empress
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
*sitting inside*
The carriage left
Tang Empress
Tang Empress
*take a deep sigh* I hope Yue understand her responsibilities
In the carriage
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*wipe her tears*
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
Princess you can do it
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
I hope so
On other side
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
*enter in her huge Harem*
All maids and concubines were standing in the line to greet Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
*walked towards her main chamber without looking at those ladies*
At main chamber
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
What happened??
Royal Doctor
Royal Doctor
Am sorry your majesty it was boy and he was born dead
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
It's was my 20th child whom I lost
Royal Doctor
Royal Doctor
We are sorry he was born dead
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
Prepare for his funeral
General of Harem
General of Harem
Yes your majesty
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
And remove princess from my chamber
General of Harem
General of Harem
ok your majesty as your order
Everyone left
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
I still can't understand the reason of my dead born babies
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
Who can give me a my herit ??
To be continue
Bye guys stay safe and healthy

Chapter 3

Hello guys
Let's continue
At night in main chamber
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
I hate these women
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
Can't carry my healthy child
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Your majesty your angry
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
Yes Ming am angry because I hate all these consorts and concubines
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
They all are useless
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
I shouldn't expect a child from now and set free all women of my harem
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Your majesty you should try with empress consort Shi
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
I don't like her now
Ming (Royal Advicer)
Ming (Royal Advicer)
But still you used to like her I think you will love her if spend time with her
Xu Qaio
Xu Qaio
I don't want to spend my precious time with her,
on other side
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*sitting on her bed and waiting for her husband*
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
*walked inside the room*
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*got up and bow in respect*
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
Princess tang I don't like you
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
You better stay here but don't interfere in my matters
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
I am busy with my royal matters I hope you don't mind me
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
As your wish Crown Prince
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
Zhi (Crown Prince of Zhi)
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*lay on her bed*
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
I want to run from here
At next morning
Maid of yue
Maid of yue
Princess you have to meet His majesty
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Hmm ok
After few minutes at royal chamber
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*bow in respect* greetings royal father
king of Zhi
king of Zhi
nice to see you Princess Tang
king of Zhi
king of Zhi
I hope you like our kingdom
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Yes I like it *with little smile*
king of Zhi
king of Zhi
Well I hope you will stay happy here and yes my son went to battle Field
king of Zhi
king of Zhi
You must pray for his success
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
He went to battle Field
king of Zhi
king of Zhi
Yes he said you right??
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Ohh no he left soon
king of Zhi
king of Zhi
Ohh my son is very passionate towards our kingdom
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
that's great
king of Zhi
king of Zhi
Ok then have rest princess
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
Thank you so much your majesty
Tang Yue
Tang Yue
*bow are left*
To be continue
Bye guys stay safe and healthy

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