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His Queen : The First Royal Consort .Vk


-- By Li.mb


JEONGAN DYNASTY : The largest and strongest country in East Asia. No one knows when this kingdom started its root and began to dominate the world but it is believed to be an old dynasty. which is said to be blessed by heavens itself.

(Jk and V's kingdom)

(State with this name really did exist in s.korea once but the info. i am gonna write about is totally based on my own  imagination🙃)


A Dynasty full of mystery,

Long forgotten but

Still lay beneath its misty fog.

This nation was on verge of collapse but it suddenly gain momentum. Even making some unexpected attack on Jeongan kingdom but atlast it wasn't able to defeat them. Resulting in them offering there own princess in exchange of peace.

                       CHOI YONG :

This kingdom is in allies with Jeongan kingdom as per the treaty signed when jungkook's grandfather married their princess as his second wife but never made her his queen.

This kingdom is offen seen as land of wonder which left people mesmerized. This is also called 'fairy land' as not only this Kingdom but even its people are beautiful as fairies.


So let's get started!

''Mother where are we going"

A boy around age of 10 or 11 year, wearing fine embroided hanbok with black rabbit fur coat draped over him asked his mother, curiously holding her hand. The women look at her youngest son with some pity, before giving him a soft smile

" We are goings to Shiku Temple. "

The 10 year old boy look up in some confusion. His mother sighed " We are going to Shiku temple's monk. It is said that they can even talk with gods in heaven. After every 100 year the present head monk comes to visit this temple otherwise he travels all around the world spreading Buddha's teaching."

"100 years ! "

" Yes it is said that as a holy monks they live even more than 100 years. "

" Oh so why are we going there? Are 100 year over ?"

His mother chuckle in fondness

" No my dear 100 years are not over yet. But he had invited us. "


After another long hour of ride in carriage on this bumpy mountain road they finally reached there destination.

Heavy mist sourronding the temple with immense lush greenery.

The steps of Temple made of pure gold with magnifying and kind Buddha statues.

They had seen even more luxurious and splended Building full of richness but never before a palace which have look as if it is free of all mortal filth. As if far away in distance gentaly embraced by clouds.

Beside the temple is a beautiful pond, water as clear as Crystal.

But the little ones attention were only on the elegent swams who were swimming with there neck held high as if disdaining them.

Seeing them the Kim sons were not able to resist as they rushed towards the pond.

Mother Kim shook her head with a smile as she reminded them to not enter the water before entering the Temple with Father Kim.

Master Kim(father kim) also smiled as he ordered his attendants.

" Take care of little Masters."

As they walk further and further away they finally saw the silhoutes of an elderly man seating in lotus position with his back straight, wearing saffron colour robe. Holding a string of Buddha's beads, eyes close silently chanting.

When they neared, the monk finally open his eyes still silently chanting

" Amitabha "

The Kim couple respectfully bowed placing both there plams together near there chest in prayer-like gesture before bowing there head.

The monk silently motion them to sit.

" I presume, you know that my predecessor never broke the rule of only visiting this temple after ever 100 years. "

The couple nodded there head.

Unexpectedly the monk laughed and muttered to himself  " But i guess i have to break it quite few time. " 

Even if the monk had muttred it to himself but in this empty spacious room his voice was crystal clear.

The couple were confuse as they exchange glances with each other.

The monk didn't wait for them to reply as he continued.

" I am here to talk about your younger son. "

The young couple were startled for a moment before looking at each other.

"What about him ? " father Kim asked.

The old Monk sighed " It's related to the prophecy my teacher did before his departure. "

"Prophecy ?"

" Yes, i don't know what exactly will happen but your son birth is not according to the heaven's will. Heavens may not bless him and he can die a tragic death leaving not more than 25 years. Your father was my benifacture, i feel oblige to warn you."

Hearing his monk's word papa kim pursue his lip but mother kim was already horrified, anxiously grabbing  her husband's hand and asked in trembling voice.

" w-what should we do ? There must be some solution. "

They did not want to believe but they dare not neglect.

Monk continued " I understand your concern. To tell the truth he may survive but for that either he betrey is own or remain lonely for life. He is faithed to cross his tribulation with his destine star. Whether they both cross it , fail or destroy each other i can't say. He may rise on his own, he may write it on his own. Or he can fall on his own as well. "

Although they didn't want to believe but this monk's word are more like line carved on stone which never fail to be true.

They just nodded and soon took there leave as the monk was not ready to tell them more but just to be always loyal to his nation as if possible them reunite with his faithed star as soon as he can.

" Son come here "

As soon as the voice reach them the boys flew to their parents like butterflies.


(I had already published this Novel in wattpad under the same name but future updates will be done here)

Plz remember that this book is purely fictional. None of this incident or the personalities shown by the characters are on basis of reality.

If i hurt someone's feeling somehow or seen as rude then kindly forgive me.

*Few characters of this fanfiction are given same name and appearance as that of Kpop idols.


The Little lad hold his father's finger and asked " What did the monk said "

His father gave him a small smile

" Nothing for you to worry about "

His father thought about a bit before saying " He just reminded us of our responsibility "

The little lad tiltted his head in confusion " Do i also have responsibility."

" Yes my dear,You have to become the light in dark, a rose in thorn.

You have to write your own faith,my son. This curse of heaven may not be a curse. Remember every problem has it's own solution just waiting for

You to solve.

Will you live up to our expectations ?"

"Of course " the small boy didn't understand but nodded his small head very serious and puffed up his little chest looking very cute.

His father can't help but pinch his cheek watching in amusement as they both laughed.

After staring at his son for a long time he finally decited to tell his son the most cruelest but most truthful words.

" This world is cruel, it is fair to no one and that is the most fairest thing. Remember no one will be there for you forever. It is you yourself who will be there for you in both your tears and laugh. What you have today you may not have that tomorrow. If you have something that will remain with you forever, then it is you.

You cannot depend on others forever, From now on learn to live on your own. If you want to remain in this world then you have to prove yourself to be worthy of it."

The Kim taehyung of today maybe a kid but from that day on he had promised himself to make his parents proud. To become a person who has his own Name carve in stones of history.


Birds chirping sitting on willow tree basking in gentle rays of morning. With peace all over the capital what a pleasant day it was?

But only the people present in palace hall got to experience what true dread is with dark cloud looming over them.

In this vast hall decorated with immense luxury and dominance. With crowd of Ministers standing in front and three servents kneeling in middle but the true Majestic appearance was of the youth sitting leisurely on the broad golden throne.

Clad in a purple robe with golden borders and majestic dragon on his back. He slum languidly on this supreme throne which thousand sought after and millions respect as if it was only natural.

He look young barely in his 20s.

Like a pampered prince his skin is white as milk, delicate as rose petal. But those firm muscle and tall stature full of power are intimidating everyone. Not daring to challange his authority.

He has this round doe eyes with pupil darker then night filled with stars captivating its every soul.

His jawline is sharp as knife and face adore by god himself.

While other are sweating in fear, he is looking at these shining rings decoring his fingers unbother by others.

What a contradiction.

He may look clam but the dangerous aura he is emitting says otherwise. It make him look even more captivating.

But only more terrifying to his ministers.

Among the three servent kneeling infront. one was on edge of loosing patience. Dressed as servent but having temper of a rich brat who can't stand kneeling for one hour how was it behaviour of a servent? Observing them Jungkook smile in sarcasm.

" Your majesty it's been an hour since we are kneeling. Your servent is innocent."

He was clearly saying that majesty is wasting time not only his own but also of his servents.

Everyone in the hall heald their breath on his word not even daring to breath loudly.

As a servents saying this words looks like he isn't afraid of death.

All of the people were so shocked by his words that the attendent even forget to schold him. But he was quick to return to his sense unfortunately before he can lass out this disobedient  servent his majesty stopped him.

The emperor wasn't angry instead he chukled, his pleasant voice reverberating in hall. Despite having an smile on his face his body is immersing cold aura all around him. 

But soon as if previous scene was delution his cold aura disappear  gaining an michevious air.  His cold eyes lit up full of excitement as he once again chuckled deeply.

By now the other two servents were sweating profoundly and glaring at there third member who was still confuse afterall it's his first week in the palace,

How will he know how sweet the king is?


"Is that so ,you think so lowly of youself? you don't believe that i can give you my mear one hour hm? " He raised his eyebrow as he draged his voice making it more melodies by now that the servent was fully lost in his charms that he completly let his guards down with this somewhat flirty question.

The man kneeling in front want to protest but the king just gave him a lazy smile as he nonchalantly said " But me wasting my time it's only beneficial to you all. After all a lazy Monarch cause his own doom. Woudn't it be pleasurable thing for you ? "

Now even the third servent was shaking. They don't know why they were brought here , they were just order to come here and kneel.

The third lad thought it was one of the  sick pleasure of the king. But he had never imagine that table will turn in this way.

The court was silent. They know what happen when there king found someone at fault.

It was suffering for the culprit.

Jungkook softly sighed

"It's a shame that your year of plan was just for a weak that also for what? To take in revenge for an genaral who always walk with his death invitations and life of thousands on his back."

" It is such a pity, i would have patted your back because of your father.But it's really shame that he had got fools as his-..."

"We are not his shame we are--

"  SILENCE ! "

Once again the court was dead drop silent as everyone held there breath and started to curse this fool in there mind. Who was not only fool but also brainless to even provoke the emperor again and again.

If you want to know his Majesty then the first thing you should know about him is that he HATE being interrupted.

" Zhen was magnanimous before but look you aren't grateful. Your life is precious and you should not throw it away just like this . Making sure that you were worthy of the life your parents gave you is one of your responsibilities. Easily being enraged by other without considering whether they are friend for foe is what foolish do. For a soldier dying in battelfield is  to be proud of he who had given his life the day he joined the Army whoudnt care how he diead but whether his death had benefit his nation. "

(Zhen\=emperor call themself as zhen)

Those servents were lost in this simple sentences which they had heart countless time. But maybe it was the feeling before death that made them realise just how true these words were and how big of a fool they were. Unfortunately its too late.

The young emperor was already bored so he just decided to end it quickly.

" But that doesn't mean you have any chance."

Even after knowing that they might die today those servent crawl forward  telling everything they know. They were less hopefull for there survival but more willing to help as much as they can.

"Majesty we are a small revolutionary group but we got some supplies from nearby kingdom in free. We don't know much about them but one day some people who look like assasins gave us gold coin saying to mix in palace and bringe information.

The emperor laugh in amusment " Oh so it's wasnt just about revenge but also money ? if i had know that i will get this piece of news by beheading you then i would had done it earlier "

The official of the court were no longer suprise by there emperors unpredictable tactics they had alredy become numb to it but it still left them in awe. This servents were here for one week and basically got no information.

One heared that the king personally torture traiters without bilnking his eyes before killing them. And if some are lucky then he will left them to his subordinates mercy. But it was only rumor who know whatreality is.

The court was dissmissed.Everyone went to there work however the two figure standing beside the pillar in black robes unseen by others stare blanky at eachother.

" sometime i really think he love to torture human heart. Say was he really inquiring them or was he captivating souls."

The other figure just gave him a taunting smile" captivating souls ? all he want is power"

The other one just sighed " if you say so , but is it bad that i think he is really so sweet " the latter bit his lips to control his laughter and snorted When he finally composed himself he took a deep breath and slowly meet his friends eyes, his lip tug in a small smirk  "oh JIMIN trust me he is anything but sweet. I know the hunger of power very well and you should know that afterall it is all for what i am here for. Jeon jungkookk can fool the world but he can never fool me. Do you know i can guarante that half of the thing he said to those servents were just buffling he doesn't know a single thing about them. He only knows about there father.  why they are here and who send them that he definately doesn't know "

" he know very well were to strike and when to take steps do you think he just wasted those 2 hours of his for inspecting his rings."

Jimin stare at his friend blankly for a minute

" so you want to say that he waited so that they will lose there patience  and after giving them idea that he know everything, he will get the whole informaton from them without them knowing wow that's brilliant."

The other just laugh "i know , said so he is a fox "

But jimin was not satisfy he narrowed his eyes and ask "but how do you know this all "

"Great minds think alike" with this he walk aways as they lugh it off  "And i conform this when he laugh there in court, his eyes were clearly shinning in amazment. Afterall he was clearly amused by how stupid they were and how his silly tick work to hit a rock."



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