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The Touch of Love.

A rift

Seoul 1985
The city vibrates with the sound of construction, a constant reminder of progress and ambition.
Two men, Kim Han Seok Kyu and Jeon Son Chang Min, sat across from each other in a small, upscale office, their faces marked with tension.
They were once close friends and partners in a promising architectural firm. They were about to experience a split that would permanently alter their lives.
kim Han Seok Kyu
kim Han Seok Kyu
You're really going to do this to me, jeon Chang min. (his voice laced with betrayal)
kim Han Seok Kyu
kim Han Seok Kyu
You're going to take the design we have worked together, the design that was supposed to be our legacy, and now you are saying that you are claiming it as your own? After everything we've been through, after all the late nights and sacrifices we made together? 
Chang Min's expression remained unyielding, but a flicker of guilt danced in his eyes. 
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
I'm not stealing the design seok Kyu You are right; we created it with lots of hard work. So I asked you to submit the revised design together, which you rejected it. As you said, we both worked for it just because you don't like modern design. How can you not consider my opinion? 
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
You know that this is a very important project that has the power to change our lives; if we fail, we will lose a lot. And we will be poor again.
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
Have you forgotten how much we have suffered due to poverty before? This design is good but outdated; it can't win today's people's hearts.
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
As it has my ideas too, I don't want it to be failed design. I want to make it successful by introducing modern touch, which is not acceptable to you. I don't understand why you don't like it It's business, Seok Kyu. It's about what's best for our firms and our families.
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
We can't always make designs that only we like; we need to accept the changes. And evolve our designs After understanding the change in market, I improved it to be contemporary. More modern and innovative. 
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
I asked you if we could present it together with a new design, but you are stubborn and not accepting what should i do. Our business is going down. If we don't change accordingly with times in the future, we will be doomed. I don't want to end up as a failure. 
kim Han Seok Kyu
kim Han Seok Kyu
Best for our families? You are destroying our friendship, our partnership, and our trust. How can it be 'best' for our families? You're not just stealing our design, Chang Min. You're stealing our history, our future. 
kim Han Seok Kyu
kim Han Seok Kyu
You're telling me that everything we built together was nothing more than a stepping stone for your own ambition.   You know its based on my father's design. I don't want to change it. Why don't you understand? 
The room fell silent, the only sound being the ticking of a clock on the wall. Chang-Min's gaze dropped, unable to meet Seok Kyu's piercing stare.
kim Han Seok Kyu
kim Han Seok Kyu
Is this what our friendship meant to you?
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
You're being dramatic; seok kyu, this is what business is. If your father alive, he would want your progress beyond the mere design. Please understand.  I'm telling you if you agree we can both submit the project; just try to understand.   
kim Han Seok Kyu
kim Han Seok Kyu
If this is what our friendship has meant to you? If that's the case, then I'd rather never be your friend at all.
kim Han Seok Kyu
kim Han Seok Kyu
This isn't just about a design or a project. This is about honor, loyalty, and respect. And you've just shown me that none of those things matter to you.
kim Han Seok Kyu
kim Han Seok Kyu
If you are this stubborn, I won't stop you, but please don't ever show yourself to me. 
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
Seok Kyu if you ever have a change of heart, you know where to find me.
Saying that Mr. Jeon walks away
The tension between them was palpable; the rift is now irreparable.

My Legacy, My Burden

Present day
Kim Taehyung's point of view
Kim Taehyung stands in front of his family's iconic office building in Seoul, its classical design a testament to his family's legacy. He felt a mix of emotions: pride, duty, and a hint of suffocation.
Then his grandfather's words echoed in his mind: "Never forgive the Jeons for what they did. They betrayed us and destroyed our trust, and our friendship has no value to them. All that matters to them is money. They gave us a wound that will never heal.  
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
As I gaze up at the building's classical design, I not only see our legacy. Our tradition. Our honor. But I also see the weight of responsibility. The pressure to uphold our family's name. To win. To never lose. 
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
My father's eyes burn with intensity when he talks about the Jeons. "They stole from us, Tae. They stole our designs, our ideas, and our future." His voice cracks with emotion, and I see the resentment they hold towards jeons. 
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
Sometimes, I wonder... Was it really that simple? Was it just a matter of theft and betrayal? Or was it something more? A clash of ideologies? A struggle for innovation?
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I think about Jeon Jungkook, my rival, my counterpart. What drives him? What fuels his creativity? Is he as consumed by this feud as I am?
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I feel like a pawn in a game I didn't choose. A game that's been played out for generations. My parents, their parents, their parents, huh. All bound by a cycle of resentment and competition.
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I want to break free to create something new to forge my own path. 
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
To create something new..
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
But the weight of my family's legacy holds me back. The expectations, the pressure, the fear of disappointing my family.
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I glance around, ensuring no one is watching, and whisper to myself, "What if I don't want to play by the rules?" What if I want to innovate, to experiment, to push boundaries?
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I get a chill just thinking about it. I know it's risky. However, it's also liberating.
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
For the first time, I see the feud not just as a duty but as a choice. A choice to continue the cycle of hatred or to forge a new path. A path that might lead to reconciliation, to understanding, to peace.
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
And I choose to forge my own path.
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I'll find a way to break free from the past and create a new future. One where the Kims and Jeons can coexist, not as enemies but as architects of a brighter tomorrow. I don't want the next generation to waste their lives concerning this cycle. 
He steps inside the building with the determination to change his fate. 

Waves of Rebellion

Jeon firms
The sun streams through windows of Jeon firms, casting long rays of light over the sleek surfaces of Jungkook's office. Sitting at his desk, Jungkook leaned back and admired the glowing holographic projection before him—a digital rendering of his latest creation: the Seoul Wave.
This isn’t just another skyscraper. It is a revolutionary design with cutting-edge technology to protect its occupants during even the most severe earthquakes.
The "Seoul Wave" is more than just style; it's about the purpose of saving lives during earthquakes. Which increases its value. The building's elegant, curved designs mirror the city's dynamism while housing an extensive network of enhanced safety features.
He adds the features of  Seismic Isolation Systems: Special bearings at the base allow the building to move independently of the ground, keeping it stable as the earth shifts below. Damping Systems: Inside, viscoelastic dampers absorb the energy of seismic waves, reducing the building’s sway during a quake. Flexible Frames: The steel frame was designed with flexibility, its curves strategically placed to distribute stress and prevent damage. Energy-Dissipating Devices: Hidden shock absorbers were placed throughout the structure, ensuring that any seismic force was neutralized before it could cause harm. Reinforced Foundations: Below the surface, deep foundations were reinforced with cutting-edge materials designed to anchor the building securely in place even during the most powerful tremors.
Jungkook’s design also boasts "smart technology". Embed sensors provide "real-time seismic monitoring", while the "intelligent building systems" could automatically adjust lighting, heating, and evacuation protocols in response to seismic activity. The "Seoul Wave" is more than a building; it is a safe haven, capable of protecting thousands in the event of an earthquake.
As he admires the design, Jungkook feels a deep sense of pride. This is what being an architect is about—not just aesthetics, but solving real problems and making people’s lives safer. The Seoul Wave could become the new standard in earthquake-resistant architecture, both a marvel of engineering and a work of art.
Unable to contain his excitement, he grabs his digital tablet and heads straight for his father’s office. Inside, Mr. Jeon is bent over a clutter desk, reviewing blueprints. Jungkook approached, unable to hide his excitement.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Appa, I’ve finished it. The Seoul Wave, he announces, handing over the tablet with the holographic projection.
Mr. Jeon studies the design in silence. His eyes scan the projection, taking in every detail. Slowly, a smile spread across his face.
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
Jungkook (pride evident in his voice)  "This is extraordinary. You not only bring honour to our family's name, but you’ve taken us into the future. We’re leading the industry because of innovations like this.”
Jungkook’s chest swells at his father’s approval, but he knows there is more.
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
This is why we stand apart from the Kims. We don’t need to play by their old school rules. We innovate, we push forward, and that’s why we’re winning.
jeon Son Chang Min
jeon Son Chang Min
(his tone grew more serious) “I don’t know how the feud started, and maybe it doesn’t matter. But you need to be careful. Don’t get involved with the Kims. They’ll only distract you from your work.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
(Jungkook nods, but a sense of rebellion flickered inside him.) I will take my leave appa Without waiting for reply he walks away.
Inside his cabin
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
(screams) Why should I be burdened by a feud that meant nothIng to me? Why should i allow old family grudges to dictate my life?
After a while, Jungkook settles back into his chair and stares at the holographic projection of the "Seoul Wave."
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
This design is a masterpiece—my masterpiece. But the weight of the father's words is very heavy. Why am I not allowed to live my life on my own terms? Why should I be bound by rules set by the past?
As he gazes out at the city skyline, the sun sinking lower on the horizon, a thought surfaces in his mind:
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
What if I could break free from the feud entirely? What if i could pave my own path, free from this family’s history?
He feels a rush of excitement came at the thought.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Maybe it's time for me to create my own rules, not just in architecture but in my life too.

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