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Surprises Of Fate

INTRODUCTION - First chapter


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...FÁTIMA SOUZA – Copyright ...

...© 2024 – 1st Edition...



Is a romance about overcoming, determination, and courage. Even after losing her family, having no friends, and being disappointed by the man she thought loved her, Riana faces everything, finding her strength alongside a newborn who had been abandoned. As she overcomes challenges and seeks justice against those who betrayed her, she finds love in the arms of a stranger.

This story shows that even amid the trials life has imposed on her, she fights to rise above them.

This romance was written with great care, especially for you, strong woman.

With warm regards.


Riana Raddoc, a young woman of just 18, is thrown into a whirlwind of despair and responsibility when she loses her entire family in a tragic car accident. With the weight of the world on her shoulders, she is forced to take over the presidency of her father’s successful company.

Paulo Stronock, a long-time business partner of her father, becomes a pillar of support during this tumultuous time. He becomes a constant presence in Riana’s life, offering comfort and stability amid the chaos. Driven by a desire to preserve her family’s legacy, and perhaps out of a sense of duty, Riana accepts Paulo's marriage proposal.

However, on the eve of their engagement dinner, Riana uncovers a shocking secret about Paulo that leaves her completely disoriented. It is in this moment of vulnerability and confusion that she meets Willian Lamartine.

Willian, a mysterious stranger, enters Riana’s life like a storm, bringing with him the promise of change. Riana does not yet realize that this chance encounter with Willian is about to transform her life in ways she could never have imagined.

This romance is a deep exploration of grief, love, betrayal, and redemption, told through the eyes of a young woman struggling to find her place in a world turned upside down.



After several sleepless nights, Riana finally made a crucial decision: to accept Paulo's engagement proposal. Although it wasn't exactly what she wanted, she recognized that it was necessary to keep the company prosperous. However, she was about to discover that her life was on the brink of a major twist.

On that cold Friday, Riana was more nervous than usual. With such significant stakes involved, the stress was palpable. Paulo had already arranged a dinner for that night, further increasing the pressure on her. Desperately trying to keep her composure, she left the office early in hopes of calming her nerves before the meeting.

However, fate had other plans. While walking through the college halls, Riana spotted Estevan. The unexpected encounter made her stop to greet him, even though her mind was in turmoil with the impending events.

“Hello Estevan, I haven't seen you at the company in the past few weeks. Has something happened?” Riana initiated the conversation, seeking to understand the reason for the young man’s absence. However, Estevan couldn't find the courage to meet her gaze, responding evasively:

— "My brother suspended my activities, miss."

— "What’s the reason for this suspension? What did you do?" Riana asked, insisting on getting a clear explanation.

— "As always," Estevan murmured, visibly uncomfortable. “I didn’t do anything, miss. It’s just that my brother doesn't accept being inferior to anyone. After what I heard, he got quite angry with me, so...”

Riana interrupted, trying to unravel the mystery behind Estevan's enigmatic words:

— "Estevan, I'm not understanding anything. I want to know what your brother did to you. Explain to me why you were suspended." She grabbed his arm and led him to a quieter place. “Come, sit here.”

Estevan, embarrassed in front of Riana, apologized for the confusion in his words, but Riana didn’t take long to express her own frustration:

— "Stop calling me miss; it’s irritating me."

Touching Estevan's chin to make him look into her eyes, she continued:

— "I’m sorry; I’ve been very irritable lately. You know I’m going to get engaged to your brother, and it’s a difficult decision for me."

— "You don’t love him," Estevan stated firmly.

Riana tried to justify her decision:

— "Yes, I know, but he seems to like me a lot, and that’s enough."

Estevan, determined, looked her in the eyes:

— "I may be an idiot nerd, like my brother said, but you shouldn’t accept that engagement proposal. He’s deceiving you, Riana. He doesn’t love you, nor does he even like you; what he wants is the presidency. It’s always been that, the presidency."

Estevan couldn't hold her gaze any longer, but continued:

— "I don’t have enough proof, but your father’s and Junior’s deaths weren’t just accidents. Paulo and Julião have a share of the blame in that."

Estevan's words made Riana tremble. A solitary tear escaped her eyes, but she lifted her head with determination:

— "Don’t continue if you’re not sure of what you’re saying."

Estevan took a deep breath, preparing to reveal what he knew:

— "Forgive me; I like you too much to see you suffer, but a few weeks ago, I fought with my brothers at the office. I overheard them talking about asking you to marry him because that’s the only way he could achieve the presidency. Marrying you is his goal."

— "No, Estevan, that can’t be true." A storm of emotions overwhelmed Riana. An unknown pain enveloped her, and a growing anger manifested in her gaze, bringing forth a shameful and distressing past.


In those distant days, Riana’s experiences at Christian Academy were like a journey through uncharted territories. It was an ordinary afternoon when Samay, the most popular girl of all, approached her. Samay, with her captivating smile, dressed boldly, exuding a confidence that drew the attention of the boys around. Her lips were adorned with a deep red lipstick, echoing her sensuality.

— "I came to invite you." — Samay began, tossing her hair with a graceful gesture. — "Friday night, there’s a party at my house. It’ll be a celebration of girls and, of course, boys too. Your presence is essential; after all, you’re the richest girl in school, and I’m the most popular. A perfect combination."

Riana merely thanked her with a simple "thank you."

— "Oh, and one more thing." — Samay continued in a commanding tone. — "You need to come with someone. Wear something cooler. With so much money, you should look as pretty as I do."

Riana merely nodded in agreement, not saying a word. Christian Academy, with its impeccable reputation for discipline, was a new world for her, filled with challenges and intriguing people. Despite her stunning beauty, Samay was known for her acidic and arrogant personality, but that was still unknown to Riana.

Samay’s invitation seemed, at first glance, like a tempting opportunity for Riana. After all, making new friends was her main goal for her last year in school, and who knows, she might even find the boy of her dreams who wandered the same halls as she did. However, a whirlwind of emotions tumultuously swirled in her mind at that moment.

The sudden and painful loss of her mother had left Riana completely devastated. Even a year after the tragic event, the pain still felt as fresh as if it had occurred just yesterday. While her father and brother seemed immersed in their own worlds, Riana struggled to find a sense of normalcy amid the anguish that consumed her.

In this context of mourning and solitude, the idea of engaging in social activities seemed almost futile. How could she worry about making new friends when her heart still bled for her mother? The pain was a constant shadow that accompanied her, overshadowing any glimmer of hope that might arise.

Despite everything, Riana continued to breathe, facing each day with a silent courage, even when the pain threatened to suffocate her. Perhaps, somewhere within her, there still existed a spark of hope, a small light that propelled her to carry on, even when everything around her seemed to crumble.

At home, after a solitary dinner, Riana found herself battling the need to confide in someone. Jully, her closest friend, would have been the obvious choice, but upon hearing her friend’s overflowing happiness on the phone, she found herself unable to unload her own problems onto her. Jully was radiant with her new college relationship, and Riana didn’t want to spoil that special moment for her friend.

Bidding farewell with a forced smile, Riana hung up the phone, feeling even lonelier than before. Samay’s party was fast approaching, and Riana found herself facing the challenge of finding a companion and a “cool” outfit, as requested by the school’s popular girl.

With a resigned sigh, Riana sat on the edge of her bed, lost in thought. The sound of a knock on the door pulled her from her momentary stupor. With the phone still in hand, she hesitated for a moment. Contacting Samay seemed like a daunting challenge, but Riana knew she needed to find a solution to her situation. With her heart pounding with fear, she finally decided to open the door and face the unknown waiting on the other side.

— "Come in." — Riana gave permission as Aila Will entered the room with a warm smile.

— "Can I bring you your dinner?" — The housekeeper offered kindly.

Riana sighed, a mixture of discouragement and anxiety taking over her.

— "I’m not hungry. Did my dad call?" — She asked, hoping for news that would bring some comfort to her temporary loneliness.

Aila kept her affectionate smile as she replied:

— "Yes, dear. He said he’ll arrive on Saturday."

Riana remained silent for a few moments, her gaze lost in thought. Then she turned to Aila with a question that had long intrigued her.

— "Aila, can I ask you something?" — She invited the housekeeper to sit beside her.

— "Of course!" — Aila promptly accepted the invitation, her sincere smile radiating calm and confidence.

Riana didn’t hesitate to voice her doubt:

— "How did you know you were in love with Dody?"

Aila’s eyes sparkled with the memory, an expression of pure passion illuminating her face.

— "Oh, my little angel, it was love at first sight." She declared with conviction. "We fell in love the moment we saw each other."

Riana smiled at the housekeeper's enthusiasm, finding comfort in the simplicity of that love story. However, she soon changed the tone of the conversation, sharing her own concern.

— "Before you ask anything about me being interested in someone, the answer is no." She asserted, denying the possibility of being romantically involved with anyone. "There’s a party tomorrow, and I need to go with someone."

Aila reacted with enthusiasm, clapping her hands excitedly at the prospect of the young girl’s socializing.

— "A party in the first month of school? You’re becoming popular." The housekeeper exclaimed, trying to cheer Riana up.

However, Riana was far from feeling that way.

— "I’m not." She corrected

, disheartened. She then handed a card to Aila.

— "But who is this girl?" The housekeeper asked, curious.

— "She’s the popular one, and she invited me to a party at her house." Riana explained. "But I have to go with someone."

Aila seemed genuinely excited about the prospect of the party and wasted no time in asking:

— "Have you chosen an outfit for the party?"

Riana shook her head in denial, revealing her hesitation:

— "I’m not going to that party."

The housekeeper tried to encourage her:

— "You will. You can take Estevan as your companion; he’s a good boy, and we know him."

A flicker of hope rose in Riana’s heart at the suggestion, reflected in a faint smile. However, she quickly reconsidered:

— "I wouldn’t have the courage; we hardly talk."

After a brief moment of contemplation, she made a decision:

— "I’ll find a companion tomorrow; don’t worry. And you can bring my dinner."

With a comforting smile, Aila left the room, leaving Riana alone with her thoughts. Determined to find a solution to her dilemma, Riana picked up the phone and called Samay. On the other end of the line, her colleague's cheerful voice echoed.

— "Sweetie, I was waiting for you to call; I knew you’d need me."

Without hesitation, Riana got straight to the point:

— "Can you come with me to the mall tomorrow? I need to buy some cool clothes."

Samay burst into laughter before replying playfully:

— "What do I get out of this?"

Riana responded, trying to be kind:

— "You can buy whatever you want for yourself."

The answer seemed to please Samay instantly:

— "Now you’re speaking my language. Tomorrow at lunchtime."


Estevan cast a tender glance at Riana, sensing the depth of sadness that consumed her. His heart ached at the sight of her dejected expression.

— Don’t be like this, Riana. — He tried to comfort her, wishing to ease her suffering. — And please, don’t tell my brothers anything. They can’t know I told you this.

A faint smile blossomed on Riana's lips, followed by a sisterly gesture as she kissed Estevan's cheek.

— Don’t worry, Estevan. — She replied tenderly. — I know who my true friends are.

With those words, Riana stood up and slowly left the university. Her steps were hesitant, her hands trembling with the intensity of the emotions that overwhelmed her. Despite her effort to contain her nervousness, she knew she was fighting a losing battle.

Walking toward the city center, Riana longed to leave behind everything she had just heard about Paulo. She desperately wanted to erase those revelations from her mind, but even her most sincere efforts were in vain. Tears began to flow down her face again, a torrent of emotions she couldn’t contain.

The feeling of being manipulated and used haunted her, leaving her with an overwhelming desire to disappear. She yearned for someone to protect her, someone to care for her without any hidden motives. The weight of the past felt crushing, bringing forth painful memories from high school that she would rather leave behind. But at that moment, those memories returned to her life like an unwanted nightmare, reigniting old wounds she struggled to heal.


After a successful afternoon of shopping, Riana felt radiant. She returned home loaded with bags, with a confirmed date for the party: Estevan had agreed to accompany her. Her heart raced with excitement and anxiety, as she knew the night promised to be memorable. However, before diving into the fun, there was an important task ahead: getting ready.

Late that night, Riana was impatient, her heart beating out of rhythm. Aila, the loyal and comforting housekeeper, was by her side to help her. That party represented a milestone in her life, as it would be the first time she would attend an event without her parents' presence. She felt as if she were taking a step toward adulthood, ready to embrace all the emotions and experiences the world had to offer.

When Estevan finally arrived at the Raddoc house, Riana was already ready. Her restless steps led her back and forth in the living room, her thoughts spinning in anticipation of what the night would hold. Estevan’s comforting presence brought a sense of safety and confidence, preparing her to face the challenges and adventures that awaited outside.

However, after an hour immersed in that spectacular party, Riana had already familiarized herself with more than half of the guests. Samay, the most popular girl Riana had ever met, was now her friend. Samay’s popularity was undeniable, and her presence was like a magnet, attracting everyone around her.

Before the party ended, Riana was introduced to Pither, the boy who inhabited her dreams. He was the same one she had seen walking through the school corridors. Now, he stood right in front of her and had just kissed her cheek. Pither was a stylish and seductive young man, with an athletic body and a smile that captivated all the girls. He was a member of the school basketball team, and his popularity was indisputable.

That night, after consuming just one glass of an extremely strong drink, Riana found herself kissing Pither in the barn of the house. Falling for that boy was the worst thing that could have happened to her. The cursed drink left her completely disoriented, and Pither took advantage of the situation. Without her noticing, he had already removed her dress.

However, in a brief moment of lucidity, Riana asked:

— What are you doing? I don’t feel well; I need to go home. Pither kept her trapped in his arms and said with malice:

— Easy, kitty, we’re just getting started.

Riana felt her head spinning, and her thoughts were completely confused, unable to have control over the situation she was in. The pressure of Pither’s hands against her was suffocating, and discomfort grew within her like a snowball.

— Please, let me go. She pleaded in a whisper, her voice choked with the anguish that consumed her.

Meanwhile, outside the barn, the festive atmosphere continued, with everyone dancing and having fun. Among the guests, Bruna Cavalcante, one of Samay’s friends, approached the hostess with a serious expression.

— Samay, I need to tell you something. — She whispered in Samay’s ear, her tone filled with concern.

Samay’s expression instantly changed, a mix of shock and fury crossing her face.

— What! — She exclaimed, her eyes sparking with rage. — That bitch! I’ll embarrass her in front of everyone. Come with me, Bruna.

With determined steps, Samay and Bruna headed to the barn, intent on exposing Riana in front of everyone. Confusion reigned inside the barn when the doors were abruptly opened, and the lights turned on all at once.

For Riana, the impact of the sudden light was like a shock, revealing her vulnerability before a crowd of cruel laughter. She found herself there, almost naked, the laughter of the guests cutting through her soul like sharp knives. Pither, the one responsible for her humiliation, had vanished in the midst of the chaos, leaving her alone and exposed, desperately trying to cover herself with her hands.

From a distance, Estevan noticed a large crowd and the sound of loud laughter. Intrigued and curious about what was happening, he ran toward the group. However, as he approached, he saw Riana rushing past him, heading toward the woods.

He looked at one of the boys beside him and asked what had happened. The young man, with a smile on his face and a contagious enthusiasm, as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world, replied:

— You’re late, man. That bitch was getting it on with Pither. He burst into laughter and continued: — With that innocent face, who would’ve thought?

Estevan didn’t wait for the boy to finish speaking. He felt guilty for leaving Riana alone and, without thinking twice, ran after her into the woods. As he distanced himself from everyone, he began to shout:

— Riana, where are you? Riana! The darkness of the night caused a certain panic in Estevan. He was afraid of tight spaces, strange noises, and dark nights. However, this matter was a priority, and he needed to be brave.

Estevan entered the woods, walking in despair, praying to find Riana soon. As he walked, he heard her crying. Riana was sitting on the ground, sobbing heavily. He took off his jacket and covered her, then sat down beside her in silence and embraced her affectionately. She whispered through her tears:

— Take me home.

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