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Daddy's Little Kitten S5

chapter 1

Only two days till Christmas and I’m all out of sorts. No one should

feel discombobulated this close to Christmas. I haven’t told Daddy or Max

because they’d make a fuss about it and probably make me go to a yucky

doctor. Thankfully, I felt better this afternoon. Enough that I made my way

to Daddy’s office before he was done for the day. He’s working from home

today because he was worried about me when I asked to sleep in. Yeah. My

Daddy loves me.

At the door, I stripped as I was supposed to, leaving Max’s T-shirt,

the only thing I’d put on this morning after crawling back into bed, folded

neatly on the table outside. I didn’t wear panties much around the house. Or

anywhere else for that matter.

I opened the door to find Daddy on a video conference call. They

seemed to all be talking at once while Daddy patiently listened. I didn’t

think he noticed me. I intended to sit at his feet on my cushion as I usually

did, but the second I neared him, Daddy held out one arm for me and pulled

me into his lap.

I could see myself in the corner of the screen curled up on Daddy’s

lap, naked as the day I was born. I tried to shift so they couldn’t see my

breasts. Daddy didn’t seem to mind, even when a couple of the men on the

call leaned forward, their eyes wide.

Daddy kissed my temple and murmured, “You know I’m not

ashamed to show you affection. Let them gawk, my beautiful, naked


Well, when he put it like that…

After the months I’d been with Daddy, I should be used to him

showing me off by now. Normally it didn’t bother me in the least. Today, I was self conscious. Probably because I’d felt so out of it the last couple of

days. I snuggled closer, putting my arms around his neck and my lips on his

skin. He grunted his approval and kissed my forehead before opening a side

drawer at his desk and pulling out my favorite blanket to cuddle up in,

wrapping his arms around me and turned his full attention back to the


I must have dozed off. I had no idea why because I’d already slept

practically the whole day. The next thing I knew, Daddy was carrying me up

the stairs. Max met us at the door to the bedroom. “She all right? Do I need

to call the doctor?”

“I’m not sure. She seems worn out. Have the two of you been

playing today?” It didn’t sound like an accusation. Exactly. I could tell

Daddy was worried though.

“No. She woke up a little late then went right back to bed. I checked

on her several times. As far as I can tell, she didn’t get up again except to go

to the bathroom or get a drink of water. I tried to coax her to eat some fruit,

but she picked at it. She wouldn’t even eat her peanut butter and jelly


“I’m fine, Daddy. Honest.” I looked up at him where he still had me

wrapped in the blanket. “I was under the weather this morning, but I’m

better this afternoon. I don’t feel too bad. Just a little nauseous and


“If you’ve not eaten, you have to be hungry.” Daddy’s brows drew

together in worry. I hated to cause him that.

“I’m not hungry.” I grinned up at him. “At least, not for food.”

“There’s my Kitten. I don’t like it when you feel bad, sweetheart.”

Daddy brushed a lock of hair off my forehead. I crawled out of his lap,

shedding the blanket. He sat on the edge of the bed so I pushed him back so

he lay down. Then I unzipped his pants and pulled out his rapidly hardening cock. “Not sure I should let you do this, but I have trouble denying you


“I’m hungry for this, Daddy.” Then I engulfed him deep. Normally, I

loved sucking Daddy’s cock. It was a comfort sometimes as well as my

happy place. Daddy knew this. Which was probably why he allowed it now.

But it might have been too soon to try after this morning’s nausea. I

abruptly pulled back when I gagged unexpectedly.

“I don’t think you’re quite ready for that, Kitten.” Daddy said. He

stood, removing his clothes. “Why don’t we try me going down on you

instead of the other way around.”

“But what about you, Daddy? I want you to have fun, too.” I knew I

sounded a little whiny, but I was still out of sorts. I wasn’t sick, per se. I

didn’t feel right. Like myself.

“Oh, I think I’ll enjoy myself plenty, sweetheart. You lay back and

spread those sweet thighs of yours. Let me take care of you.”

I did. I spread my legs and Daddy lowered his face between them.

The pleasure was gentle but sublime. Exactly what I need. Daddy had

always been adept at knowing what I needed. It was one of many reasons I

love him so much.

“How about I take care of Daddy Jacob while you watch and enjoy.”

Max tossed his shorts and T-shirt on a nearby chair. Giving his cock a lazy

pump, he urged Daddy to lay over on his hip. Then, to my utter and

complete delight, Max took Daddy’s cock between his lips and slowly

moved down his length. He took Daddy all the way. Both men growled and

my clit pulsed under Daddy’s tongue. The sight was the most hottest, most

erotic visual I’d ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

I thought back to the conversation we’d had before Daddy had first

taken me to his office to be an enticement to his partners. I’d confessed

wanting to have Max and Daddy pleasure each other while they were with me. Daddy had said he and Max would discuss it when they weren’t in the

heat of the moment. I guess they’d done that because Max was definitely all


“Fuck…” Daddy gasped before kissing my pussy gently.

I got the feeling he was trying his best to be gentle and not

overwhelm me. I appreciated that because, while I wanted this, I also wasn’t

certain I could take the vigorous pleasure Daddy and Max usually gave me.

“Feels fuckin’ good, Max,” Daddy said.


I loved the sound of Max’s deep, masculine growl. He made similar

sounds when he had his mouth on my cunt, but this was different somehow.

Rougher. Not necessarily more intense, but with no hint of tenderness or


“That’s it, Max,” I whispered. “Daddy loves what you’re doing. I

think you love it too.”

Both Max and Daddy grunted their confirmation, and I knew they’d

both needed this. “Does it feel different when Max sucks you, Daddy?

Different from when I suck you?”

“Yeah, Kitten.” Daddy’s lips brushed my clit as he spoke. He sank

two fingers inside me, stroking gently but insistently. “Can definitely tell

it’s a man sucking my cock.”

Daddy lay on one hip as he ate me out. He had his legs bent and

spread wide with Max between them, his mouth working vigorously as the

seconds ticked by. Max and Daddy both grew more and more worked up.

Daddy broke out in a sweat while Max growled and grunted as he sucked

Daddy’s thick cock.

Max reached up to pinch Daddy’s nipple and Daddy shuddered. He

groaned against my clit before flicking out with his tongue. “Mother fuck,

Max! What the Goddamned fuck?”

chapter 2

Max didn’t stop and Daddy’s free hand shot out to bury itself in

Max’s hair. He pushed Max’s head down, forcing Max to swallow more of

Daddy’s cock. Max didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I watched in fascination as

Max sucked Daddy all the way down and held himself there. His throat

worked as he swallowed several times. I knew from experience that was a

hard thing to do. I also knew how much Daddy loved it.

“Oh, wow, Max! That’s so fucking hot!” I tunneled my fingers

through Daddy’s hair. Not to hold him to me, but to grind myself. And him.

I could tell he was enjoying himself and made a mental note to thank Max


“Fuck! Fuck!” Daddy finally laid his head on my belly. He

continued to stroke my pussy, but he gave up trying to eat me out, which

was fine with me -- I was enjoying watching the expressions on his face as

Max continued to suck his cock and play with his balls. I stroked his hair

and brushed his face tenderly as Max became more aggressive, growling

every time he took Daddy deep. “What the fuck, Max?” Daddy didn’t sound

angry. Just so on the verge of losing control he was losing his mind.

Max let Daddy’s cock go with a little pop of his lips. “Tell me you

hate it and I’ll stop.”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” I giggled as Daddy tightened his hold on

Max’s hair and shoved him back down. Max chuckled as he engulfed

Daddy’s cock once more.

Daddy used his hold on Max’s hair to control the pace. He

alternately made Max speed up and slow down, sometimes making Max

hold Daddy’s cock deep. Whenever he did, Max swallowed several times.

Saliva leaked from the corner of Max’s mouth, dripping down to cover

Daddy’s balls.

Normally, I’d be eager to join. Instead, I was glad Daddy’s attention

was focused on Max and the sensations the other man created. Even though I’d started this, I wasn’t sure if I could continue. The nausea that had

plagued me all day was coming back with a vengeance.

“Max!” Daddy shuddered as he yelled out. His cock pulsed in Max’s

mouth. The other man sank all the way down onto Daddy’s cock, taking

Daddy down his throat to the balls. One trickle of cum leaked from the

corner of Max’s mouth. “Mother fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Daddy continued to roar his release. It went on and on, his cock

pulsing and throbbing. Max continued to drink the sticky seed. If the look

on his face was any indication, Max was supremely satisfied. His own cock

was angry looking, the head purple with a pearly drop of precum beading

on the tip.

Once Daddy was spent, he let go of Max’s hair. I’d bet he was so

weak he couldn’t hang on any longer. It had been a while since Daddy had

come that hard and I was glad it was with Max. It made me smile that the

two of them could find this kind of pleasure in each other.

“Get the lube and a condom, Max.” Daddy gasped as he spoke,

having trouble catching his breath. “I don’t think I can suck you off at the

moment, but you can fuck my ass until you come.”

“Oh, God.” The whispered plea escaped before I could censor it. I

wanted to see that more than about anything in the world.

“I think Kitten likes this idea.” Daddy grinned at me. Then he

moved further up my body so he could wrap his brawny arms around me

while he kissed me. I accepted him eagerly, wishing I could participate

more but knowing my tummy wasn’t ready.

“Next time, Kitten.” Daddy always knew me so well. “You know I’d

never willingly leave you out of this. Right?”

“I know, Daddy.” I felt tears of frustration prick my eyes. “I don’t

know what’s wrong. I don’t feel bad. I’m a little nauseous.”

“It’s OK, Isabella. I promise everything will be wonderful. Just relax and know I’ll always take care of you.” He kissed me again, lingering, but

not pushing or deepening the kiss. His touch was comforting and I found

myself relaxing. Daddy never called me Isabella unless he needed me to

understand he was very serious. If he said he’d take care of me, I knew he


I sighed as Daddy broke our kiss only to nibble his way down my

chest to latch onto a nipple. I winced and gasped. The nubs were sensitive.

Painfully so. Attentive as ever, Daddy stopped immediately and looked up

at me. “Tender, Kitten?”

“Yes, Daddy. It’s close to time for my period though.”

“Sometimes you get tender, don’t you.”

I nodded, tears wanting to form again. Daddy stroked my cheek and

smiled up at me. “Just relax, my beautiful Kitten. I promise I’ll take care of


* * *

Max approached the bed again, his cock standing out proud and

eager, already encased in a condom. His hand worked his shaft with

lubricant, his fingers gleaming as they moved up and down his cock.

“Stretch me first, Max,” Daddy commanded. “I’ve not done this in a


He took the bottle of lube and slipped open the cap. “I’m so fuckin’

ready for this, I’m afraid I’ll go too fast.”

“You won’t.” Daddy sounded supremely confident. Max met my

gaze and I smiled at him, nodding my head. Daddy trusted Max as much as

I did. “Just take your time. Make it good for me.”

If the noises Daddy made and the way his body shuddered were any

indication, Max was definitely making it good for Daddy. Every so often,

Max would squirt out more lube over Daddy’s ass before Max would start

fingering and stretching him again.

chapter 3

“Goddamn! Fuck! That’s it, Max. Stretch my ass. Get me ready to

take your cock.”

“I can’t wait for this.” Max’s body gleamed with sweat. Daddy’s


Daddy still had his arms wrapped around me and he nuzzled my

chest between my breasts. He was on his knees with his ass up in the air

while Max played with him. Even though he’d come, Daddy was still hard.

I could see his cock bobbing below his belly with every move he made,

with every thrust of Max’s fingers. Daddy’s thick cock pulsed angrily,

precum leaking from the tip. Daddy had always rebounded fast, but this was

a new experience with me and Max. It was easy to see how he enjoyed this.

How he wanted everything Max could give him.

I wanted this for Daddy. He was so good to me and Max. Pleasuring

Daddy was the least we could do for him. Max was going to enjoy himself

as well, but I knew this was more about Daddy’s pleasure than Max’s.

“Do it, Max,” Daddy hissed. “Put your cock in my ass.”

With a grunt, Max pressed himself inside Daddy. I could see the

euphoria overcome both of them. Max’s eyes closed in bliss while Daddy’s

lips parted and he breathed out a sigh, like this was the greatest relief he’d

ever had. Maybe it was. Both men had fucked me together multiple times,

but they’d never taken pleasure from each other. In my opinion, this was

way past time this happened.

“You both look so beautiful.” My voice was a whisper. I continued

to stroke Daddy’s hair, to pet him the way he loved to pet me. “Does it feel

good, Daddy?”

“It does, my perfect Kitten.” His voice sounded strained, but also in

awe. “Never felt anything like it, even the few times I’ve let another man

have my ass.”

“So fuckin’ tight.” Max gripped his hips and eased his way in until his abdomen rested against Daddy’s upturned buttocks. “Gonna fuck you

good, Daddy Jacob. Just like you need.”

“Do it, Max,” Daddy snapped. He laved my nipple gently, the

opposite of his harsh tone. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

Max didn’t need any further encouragement. He gripped Daddy’s

hips and pounded him with rapid, hard snaps of his hips. Daddy groaned,

tightening his arms around me, continuing to nuzzle my breasts. Even

though I wasn’t feeling my best, the sight and sounds, and the looks of bliss

on both Daddy and Max’s faces gave me a kind of euphoric high. My pussy

dampened and my clit ached with need until I whimpered and wiggled

against Daddy to get friction where I needed it.

“Does my little Kitten like what she sees?” Daddy looked up at me,

his beautiful face expressing a plethora of emotions. I saw lust and love and

pleasure as well as a desperate need he’d never shown me before. It

confused me. My Daddy obviously needed something and I wasn’t sure

what it was. Or who he needed it from. I wanted with all my being to give

him what he needed, but this was something only Max could give him.

“I do. You and Max are so sexy together. I could watch you all day.”

“Are we making you wet?”

“You are, Daddy. My pussy aches.” The second I said it, I knew I’d

expressed the right thing. The look of relief on Daddy’s face satisfied me in

a way I hadn’t realized I’d needed. “Will you fuck me while Max fucks


“Ah fuck!” Max slammed into Daddy’s ass hard, holding himself

deep. “You sure you’re up to it, Kitten?” Max looked equal parts concerned

and eager.

“I wasn’t until a few moments ago. Now I feel like I’ll die if I can’t

be a part of this.” It was true. Lust hit me with such force I cried out,

thrashing beneath Daddy. I scooted further beneath him, trying to get to his cock. Needing to feel him inside me.

Daddy didn’t resist. He let me scoot further underneath him until my

pussy kissed the head of his dick. I looked up into his beautiful face, the

face of the man I loved with all my heart. Watching as I urged him deeper, I

saw his eyes glaze over and a look of so much pleasure cross his face my

heart swelled to bursting.

“Daddy…” I sighed his name like a homecoming. That’s what it felt

like. I had no idea what was different this time, but I knew it was. This was

everything. One of those moments when you knew your life was getting

ready to change.

“Sweet Jesus.” Daddy lowered his face to mine. He kissed me

gently as his cock sank inside me until he could go no deeper. Once he

stopped, Max started moving again. First slow and gentle, then harder and

with more purpose. Immediately, pleasure engulfed me.

“He’s fucking both of us, Daddy.” My voice was barely a whisper as

Daddy and I locked gazes while Max continued to pound Daddy’s ass with

his long, sure strokes. I knew exactly what it felt like to have Max fucking

me like that. He was into it with his whole heart. Daddy too.

“I know, baby.”

“It’s blissful…”

Daddy kissed me then, dropping his weight on top of me. Max

followed him down so that I was pressed into the mattress by both men. It

should have been suffocating, but it was perfect. It was exactly what I

needed and I reveled in it.

It wasn’t long before we were lost in each other. Daddy. Max. Me.

This was my family. My home. I belonged here more than I’d ever

belonged anywhere. Daddy had taken me in when I had nothing and made

me his world. In the process, he’d become my world, as well. Max balanced

us out. I doubted I’d be completely whole without the two of them.

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