An Enigma opened the door for the omega who was blindfolded. When they both got inside the room , he gently closed the door behind
Cain Astor (DO)
Can I take off the blindfold now ?
Raiden Black (E)
Wait... Let me do it for you love~
Raiden whispered in his ear as he carefully took off the blindfold from his eyes and back hugged Cain. Cain's eyes widened at the sight in front of him
The room they were in was beautifully decorated with red roses , balloons and candles
Cain Astor (DO)
W..what are all these ?
Raiden Black (E)
We've been through a lot *gave a peck on his neck*
Raiden Black (E)
Even in my downfall.... you were with me
Raiden Black (E)
You stayed by my side , supported me , encouraged me
Raiden Black (E)
You made me believe that I can do anything
Raiden Black (E)
Your love was more than enough for me to pull off from all those horrible things that happened to me
Raiden Black (E)
You made me feel special
Raiden Black (E)
And.... *Walked in front of him and kneel down*
Cain Astor (DO)
*Teary eyes*
Raiden Black (E)
I love you and I'll continue to do so
Raiden Black (E)
I want you to give you the world you deserve
Raiden Black (E)
Let me stay by your side forever and love you
Raiden Black (E)
You're my everything.... I can do anything for you
Raiden Black (E)
*took out a small box from his pocket and opened it*
Raiden Black (E)
So please ..... Will you marry me ?
Cain Astor (DO)
*Nodded his head with teary eyes*
Cain Astor (DO)
Of course I will
Raiden made Cain wear the ring and kissed the top of his hand. He stood up and hugged his wait tightly while hiding his face in the crook of his neck
Cain Astor (DO)
*caress his head* Are you crying ?
Raiden Black (E)
*Snuggle into his neck* Because you said yes
Cain Astor (DO)
*Cupped his face*
Cain Astor (DO)
I love you~
Raiden Black (E)
I love you more~
Raiden moved his face closer to Cain. They were inches apart from kissing. But before Raiden could kiss Cain-
The director
The director
Raiden left Cain's waist and moved backwards creating some space between them
The director
*walked towards them*
The director
You guys were amazing
The director
Especially you Cain *look at Cain*
The director
You nailed it
Cain Astor (DO)
*Smile* Thank you director
The director
Although I've heard a lot about your acting skills , i never imagined they would be this good
Cain Astor (DO)
You're making me blush now *chuckle*
The director
*Smile and walk away*
Cain Astor (DO)
*Look at Raiden*
Raiden Black (E)
I guess this is our end of the journey
Cain Astor (DO)
Um.... End of season 1 journey to be exact
Raiden Black (E)
*Chuckle* Yeah
Cain Astor (DO)
You were actually pretty impressive for your first time
Raiden Black (E)
It's my pleasure to get a compliment from such a great actor
Cain Astor (DO)
*Chuckle* You guys flatter me
Raiden Black (E)
It's true tho
Your Authy 🌝🌝
I know I haven't finished my other two stories yet
Your Authy 🌝🌝
It's just that.... This story has been messing with my mind lately
Your Authy 🌝🌝
I wanted to wait till I completed the other one but..... You know , this fucking story wouldn't let me
Your Authy 🌝🌝
It's always on my mind that I can't write the plot of the other two
Your Authy 🌝🌝
I haven't slept yesterday thinking about this plot
Your Authy 🌝🌝
I thought that if I write this one , maybe it'll help me to complete my other ones
Your Authy 🌝🌝
Maybe my stories will have slow updates for a while
Your Authy 🌝🌝
But I'll try my best to update
Your Authy 🌝🌝
Hope you guys will enjoy this story
Your Authy 🌝🌝
Love you 😚❣️
The director
Since we've finished our first season successfully , let's go for a drink guys
Cain Astor (DO)
Um... Director
Cain Astor (DO)
I have to decline that offer
Cain Astor (DO)
I promised someone that I'll be home early today
The director
You're seeing someone ?
Cain Astor (DO)
N.. No , it's not like that
The director
*Chuckle* Okay okay , you can go early
The director
Everyone else is coming , right ?
Raiden Black (E)
I too have something going on at home director
The director
Ooh.... Is that so ?
Reiden walked towards Cain who was busy trying to call someone
Cain Astor (DO)
Ugh.... Why is he not picking up ?
Raiden Black (E)
What happened ?
Cain Astor (DO)
Ooh *Look at him* It's just that my PA is not picking up my calls
Cain Astor (DO)
He told me that he'll be here to pick me up
Raiden Black (E)
Then.... Do you need a ride home ?
Cain Astor (DO)
*Look at him* Wouldn't that be inconvenient-
Raiden Black (E)
No , not at all
Cain Astor (DO)
O.. Okay , Thank you
Raiden Black (E)
So .... What are your plans after this series ?
Cain Astor (DO)
Um.... I'm planning to take a short break
Cain Astor (DO)
Till my PA finds a good series
Cain Astor (DO)
What about you ?
Cain Astor (DO)
Are you going to continue this career ?
Cain Astor (DO)
*Chuckle* Why is that ?
Raiden Black (E)
I only did this series because my Sister forced me to
Cain Astor (DO)
Your sister ? The producer ?
Raiden Black (E)
I'm planning to go back to my company
Raiden Black (E)
It's been in chaos since i left
Raiden Black (E)
And.... *Look at me*
Raiden Black (E)
You can always call me when you're in trouble
Raiden Black (E)
I can help you with anything
Cain Astor (DO)
Ooh my.... Look at you bragging about yourself
They reached Cain's house
Raiden Black (E)
Looks like we're here
Cain Astor (DO)
*Smile* Thank you for dropping me off
Raiden Black (E)
It's my pleasure
Cain Astor (DO)
*Get out of the car* Get home safe
Raiden Black (E)
*Smile* I will
Cain walked inside the house and found the lights off. He sighed in relief thinking that everyone must be sleeping
He was walking towards the bedroom when the lights of the living room suddenly turned on
Cain Astor (DO)
Cain Astor (DO)
*Look at him*
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
*Glaring at him while sitting on the couch*
Cain Astor (DO)
Cherry~ *walked towards him*
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
What time is it ?
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
You promised me that you'll come home early today 😤
Cain Astor (DO)
I'm so sorry baby
Cain Astor (DO)
*Sat next to him*
Cain Astor (DO)
I wanted to come early but you know .... The shooting got a bit carried away
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
Dont talk to me 😤
Cain Astor (DO)
But guess what ? My shooting is over
Cain Astor (DO)
I don't have to go to the shooting tomorrow
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
*eyes sparkle* Really ?
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
Can I also take a leave tomorrow?
Cain Astor (DO)
Nope , you can't
Cain Astor (DO)
You just joined your new kindergarten today
Cain Astor (DO)
You can't take a leave tomorrow
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
*Pout* That's not fair
Cain Astor (DO)
*Pinch his cheeks*
Cain Astor (DO)
And... *Pinch his cheeks* Who told you to stay up late young man ? You have to go to class tomorrow *pick him up*
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
*Wrap his hands around his neck* But I was waiting for you mommy *pout*
Cain Astor (DO)
*Peck his cheeks*
Cain Astor (DO)
Let's go and sleep
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Cherryyyy~ *ran towards them*
Caden let out a sigh in relief when he saw Cherry in the hands of Cain
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
*Sigh* Do you know how worried I was when I didn't find you ?
Cain Astor (DO)
Why are you still up mom ?
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
*look at Cain* Me and Cherry went to sleep and this little guy *poke his cheeks* decided to sneak out of the room when I was sleeping
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
*look at Cherry* Don't do that , I was worried
Cain Astor (DO)
Cherry *stern voice*
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
Sorry *mumble*
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Come here *open his arms* Your mommy must be tired
Cyrus Astor/Cherry (DA)
Nooo... *Shake his head and hug Cain's neck tightly*
Caden Astor/Cain's mom (RO)
Baby.... Your mom must-
Cain Astor (DO)
It's okay mum
Cain Astor (DO)
I'm not that tired actually *smile*
Cain walked towards his room with Cherry in his arms after saying good nights to his mom
Raiden walked inside his mansion. The head maids ran towards him and took the coat from his hand
Raiden Black (E)
Where is he ? ❄️
Y.... Young master is throwing a tantrum cause you didn't come to pick him up this evening
*Bow her head and walk away*
Raiden walked towards a room and opened the door. He looked inside and saw a fluffy ball , more like a little guy wrapped in a bedsheet
Raiden Black (E)
Sugar baby~ *soft voice*
Rowan Black/Sugar(DO)
Go away *throw a book at him*
Raiden Black (E)
*Dodge it*
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