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One Step Away from Reality to Imaginary Virtual Dream

Shadows Beneath the Light

Ravihiro had long learned to live in the shadows. His world was a quiet, lonely place filled with the weight of expectations he could never meet. He always watches anime ,donghua and manga to escape from Reality. His parents, obsessed with academic success, always held him to standards he couldn't achieve. His true passion, art, was dismissed as a waste of time. “Focus on your studies,” they would say, with cold indifference. “It’s better to have a son who succeeds in life.”

But it wasn’t just their words that cut deep—it was the constant comparison to his younger brother, Rudra. Three years his junior, Rudra was everything Ravihiro wasn’t. Where Ravihiro struggled, Rudra excelled. He was always ahead—better grades, more friends, and the perfect child in their parents’ eyes. Ravihiro was a ghost, barely acknowledged.

At school, it wasn’t much different. He had no friends, just people he passed in the hallways, faces he barely remembered. He spent his days trapped in silence, turning to the only escape he had: anime, donghua, and manga. Through the stories of heroes and villains, Ravihiro found solace, but his dream of becoming an artist remained locked away, hidden from the world. He couldn’t bear to face the disappointment his parents would show if they knew.

The loneliness weighed him down, pushing him deeper into despair. His parents’ harshest words rang in his ears like an ever-present reminder: “It would have been better if we had a daughter instead of you.” That night, he promised himself that he would never let his tears fall for anyone again. No matter how much it hurt, he would keep everything inside.

Then, Kuroryu came to life.

Kuroryu was everything Ravihiro wasn’t—his dark side, born from the anger, fear, and resentment that simmered within him for years. It had surfaced only once, but it was enough to terrify those around him. The dark personality had no restraint, no limits, and no fear of lashing out. Ravihiro hated it, yet it was a part of him he couldn’t deny—a side he feared more than anything else.

And then, when Ravihiro entered the 12th standard, another blow came. His parents had adopted a small girl named Purvi. Cheerful and full of life, she quickly became the new focus of their attention. Ravihiro, already pushed aside for Rudra, now felt completely invisible. His home wasn’t a home—it was a place where he barely existed.

On a gray, overcast day, Ravihiro was cycling to school, lost in thought as the wind whispered through the trees. The world around him seemed distant, his mind trapped in its familiar haze. Suddenly, a sharp crack split the air, and a flash of lightning struck.

His vision went dark.

When he awoke, Ravihiro was no longer on the road. He wasn’t in his familiar world anymore. The place around him was strange, eerie, and unfamiliar. And as he stood up, disoriented and confused, he realized that nothing would ever be the same again.


Chapter 1: Awakening in the Unknown

Ravihiro stirred, his body aching as he slowly regained consciousness. The air felt thick and heavy, different from anything he had ever known. As his eyes fluttered open, he found himself lying on damp, cold ground. Towering trees surrounded him, their leaves rustling in the faint wind. But something else caught his attention—a figure lying nearby.

A corpse.

His breath hitched as he scrambled back. The body was dressed in strange, ancient clothing, robes embroidered with intricate golden designs that shimmered faintly under the muted light. The figure’s hand, pale and lifeless, clutched a silver ring, the only thing untouched by time.

As Ravihiro slowly pushed himself up, he felt a strange energy in the air—something unfamiliar, something powerful. He wasn’t on Earth anymore. He could feel it in his bones. Panic surged through him, but his curiosity overpowered the fear. He reached out, almost instinctively, and took the ring from the corpse’s finger.

The moment his hand touched the ring, a chill ran down his spine. He stood up quickly, his eyes darting around the unfamiliar forest. He didn’t know where he was, or what had happened to him, but he needed to find help. He began looking frantically for any signs of life, calling out into the dense trees.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” His voice was shaky, but all he received in response was silence.

Then, a voice echoed around him.

“You're looking in the wrong direction.”

Ravihiro froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He spun around, trying to find the source of the voice, but saw nothing. The wind had stopped, and everything seemed unnaturally still.

“I’m here,” the voice spoke again. “Not out there, but here. In the ring.”

His eyes widened as he stared at the silver band now wrapped around his finger. Before he could react, a figure began to materialize from the ring, a faint, ethereal glow illuminating the form of a man. Ravihiro stumbled back, fear gripping him as he stared at the floating figure before him.

“W-Who are you?” Ravihiro stammered, his voice trembling.

“I am the spirit of the ring,” the figure said calmly. “And you, young one, are now its new master.”

Ravihiro’s mind raced, struggling to comprehend what he was seeing. He wanted to believe this was a dream, but everything felt too real. The cold air, the earthy smell of the forest, the weight of the ring on his hand—it was all too vivid.

“W-Where are we?” Ravihiro managed to ask, his voice barely a whisper.

The spirit’s gaze shifted slightly, surveying the dense forest around them. “This place is called the Beast Forest, a dangerous region in the world of cultivation. And you, Ravihiro, are far from the world you once knew.”

“Cultivation?” The word felt foreign on Ravihiro’s tongue, but a sudden realization struck him. This wasn’t Earth. He had somehow been transported to a different world. And not just any world—a cultivation world. His heart raced with excitement, the fear momentarily forgotten.

Spiritual energy... the spirit had said.

“So that’s what this energy in the air is... spiritual energy?” Ravihiro asked, piecing together the knowledge he had gleaned from years of watching anime and reading donghua. The spirit nodded.

“Yes. This world thrives on it. And now, so can you.”

Ravihiro’s heart pounded with a mix of fear and exhilaration. This was the world he had only dreamed about—the world where he could cultivate, grow stronger, and live the life of a hero, just like in the stories he had always admired.

A grin spread across his face as the realization sank in. He was no longer bound by the constraints of his old life. Here, in this world, he had a chance. A chance to become strong, to carve out his own destiny.

“Then... I can cultivate here?” Ravihiro asked, his voice filled with a newfound determination.

The spirit smiled faintly. “Yes. You have entered a world where strength rules, and the path of cultivation lies before you. But be warned, this world is as dangerous as it is wondrous. Only the strong survive.”

Ravihiro nodded, excitement bubbling within him. This was it. His chance to start anew, to become someone he had always dreamed of being. He clenched his fist, feeling the weight of the ring on his finger.

For the first time in his life, Ravihiro felt like he had the power to take control of his destiny.

Learning of Cultivation

Ravihiro's eyes widened in realization. His thoughts returned to the last thing he remembered—riding his bicycle in the storm and being struck by lightning. But now he was here... in this strange world. It didn’t make sense. How was this even possible?

As if sensing his confusion, the spirit continued, “The lightning that struck you on Earth was no ordinary lightning. It tore open a crack in space-time, a rift between your world and this one. That’s how you ended up here.”

“A... space-time rift?” Ravihiro’s voice trembled as he tried to grasp the magnitude of the situation.

The spirit nodded solemnly. “Yes. The energy of that lightning, combined with your own unique soul, tore a path between realms, bringing you here.”

Ravihiro’s mind raced as he tried to make sense of it all. A part of him was terrified, but another part—one that had always dreamed of escaping his mundane life—was strangely excited. This world, with its mysterious energy and strange aura, felt like something out of the anime and donghua he loved. Was this... a world of cultivation?

He took a deep breath and asked, “What is this energy I feel in the air? Is it... spiritual energy?”

The spirit’s eyes gleamed. “Yes, precisely. Spiritual energy permeates this world. It is the lifeblood of all living things, and those who can harness it become powerful cultivators.”

Ravihiro’s heart skipped a beat. He had dreamed of something like this—of stepping into a world where strength wasn’t determined by society’s rules but by one’s own will and power.

“Then... how do I begin?” Ravihiro asked, determination igniting in his eyes. “How do I cultivate?”

The spirit smiled faintly, seeing the fire in Ravihiro’s gaze. “Cultivation is the process of absorbing spiritual energy from the world and refining it within your body, strengthening your mind, spirit, and physical form. There are many stages to cultivation, each one more difficult than the last. Let me explain the basic system of cultivation.”

Cultivation Stages

Qi Disciple

Levels 1-10

The entry stage where the cultivator learns to absorb spiritual energy from the environment and infuse it into their body. Each level increases their physical strength, speed, and senses. By Level 10, the cultivator can control small amounts of energy for minor techniques.

Qi Practitioner

Levels 1-10

The cultivator refines spiritual energy within their body, increasing their control and strength. At higher levels, they begin using spiritual energy to form basic defensive and offensive techniques. They can also sense energy from other cultivators and beasts.

Core Formation

Levels 1-10

At this stage, the cultivator forms a “core” of spiritual energy within their body. This core becomes the source of their power, and the cultivator begins to master energy projection, forming energy blasts, barriers, or even weapons from their core energy.

Soul Refinement

Levels 1-10

The cultivator strengthens their soul, which allows them to communicate with spirits, manipulate their soul force, and endure attacks on their spirit. By Level 10, they can project their soul energy to affect the minds of others and manipulate their own body to heal faster.

Spirit Adept

Levels 1-10

A Spirit Adept begins to control spiritual energy on a more advanced level, using it to influence elements like fire, water, wind, or earth. At higher levels, they can channel these elements into their techniques and use them in combat.

Spirit Master

Levels 1-10

At this stage, the cultivator can merge their spiritual energy with natural elements, creating powerful elemental attacks. They can also enhance their weapons and defenses, making them much harder to defeat in battle.

Soul Master

Levels 1-10

The cultivator now controls their soul and energy at a masterful level. They can manipulate the environment around them, shift the battlefield, and enhance their body to nearly indestructible levels.

Earth Sovereign

Levels 1-10

An Earth Sovereign has mastery over the energy of the Earth, granting them control over large-scale natural forces like earthquakes or mountains. They are nearly untouchable in combat, commanding immense respect.

Heaven Ascendant

Levels 1-10

The cultivator begins to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth. They can manipulate time, space, and even gravity at higher levels. Their energy output is enough to rival entire armies.

Void Emperor

Levels 1-10

At this level, the cultivator’s connection to the void allows them to manipulate dimensions, enter different planes of existence, and summon or banish beings from other realms. Their mastery over the void makes them a formidable force in any battle.

Celestial Deity

Levels 1-10

The cultivator gains an almost god-like status, able to control the laws of life and death, reshape reality, and influence the destiny of those around them. By the time they reach Level 10, they are revered as beings of immense power.

Eternal Immortal

Levels 1-10

The final stage. At this level, the cultivator transcends the mortal plane, becoming an immortal being. They are no longer bound by the rules of the physical world, and their control over life, death, and the universe is absolute.


After the spirit explains the cultivation system to Ravihiro:


Ravihiro’s mind swirled with this new information. Twelve stages, each with ten levels, and each stage granting power far beyond his wildest dreams. This world of cultivation was no joke, and reaching the top would take unimaginable effort.

“The lightning that brought you here not only opened a rift between worlds,” the spirit continued, “but it also awakened something inside you. This world is filled with spiritual energy, and you must now learn how to absorb it if you want to survive.”

Ravihiro nodded, his excitement building despite the weight of the situation. He had seen this before in anime and donghua—a protagonist being thrust into a world of cultivation, growing stronger, facing enemies, and overcoming obstacles. But this was different. This was real.

“How do I begin?” Ravihiro asked, his voice steady with determination.

“To cultivate, you must first calm your mind,” the spirit explained. “Sit down, close your eyes, and focus on the energy around you. Breathe deeply, feel the flow of spiritual energy in the air. Let it enter your body through your core, and begin refining it.”

Ravihiro followed the spirit’s instructions, sitting cross-legged on the forest floor. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. At first, there was nothing but silence and the distant sound of leaves rustling in the wind. But as he concentrated, he began to feel something—an invisible force moving around him, a subtle energy he had never noticed before.

“That’s it,” the spirit’s voice was calm. “You’re feeling the spiritual energy. Now, guide it into your core, just below your navel. Let it pool there and begin to circulate.”

Ravihiro focused on that energy, trying to pull it into his body. Slowly, ever so faintly, he felt a warmth gathering inside him. His heart raced with excitement. This was it—the beginning of his cultivation journey.


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