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Rewrite My Fate

Betrayal in Silence

The door to Jungkook’s art room creaked open, releasing a heavy sigh as he rolled out into the dimly lit hallway. The air was thick with the scent of paint and turpentine, remnants of his solitary hours spent pouring his heart into his canvases. Each stroke of the brush had been a new feeling, a way to channel the pain and despair that often gripped him
His art was beautiful yet haunting—colors swirling together in chaotic harmony, reflecting the turmoil that raged within him. Each painting told a story of loss, longing, and unfulfilled dreams, mirroring the life he now led in a wheelchair, the world he once knew slipping further away with every passing day.
Jungkook glanced back at the room he had retreated to, where he could hide from the world outside. The paintings adorned the walls like silent witnesses to his suffering, their expressions echoing the emotions he struggled to convey.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(How did it come to this?)
He had once dreamed of becoming a celebrated artist, but that dream faded along with his ability to walk. Now, he was just a shadow of his former self, a burden to those around him. The constant reminders of his paralysis haunted him, like whispers echoing through the halls of his mind.
As he maneuvered his wheelchair down the hallway, he could hear the faint sounds of laughter from the living room, where his father and stepmother entertained guests. He felt the familiar pang of jealousy—how easily they seemed to forget him.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(Am I just ghost in this house?)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
With every turn of the wheels, the weight of his reality pressed down harder. He had become accustomed to the cold looks of pity and the hushed conversations that followed him.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(They don't see me.They only see what I can't do.)
The laughter faded as he approached the staircase leading to the upper floor. It was a place he rarely ventured, a constant reminder of his limitations. The stairs seemed insurmountable, each step an embodiment of the freedom he had lost.
But then he heard it—a familiar voice, one that sent a flicker of warmth through his heart.
Jeon Jimin (Elite alpha)
Jeon Jimin (Elite alpha)
Park Jimin appeared at the top of the stairs, his bright smile a beacon of light in Jungkook’s shadowy world.
Jeon Jimin (Elite alpha)
Jeon Jimin (Elite alpha)
What are you doing? Come join us.
Jungkook managed a weak smile, but it felt heavy on his lips. Why does he care? Jimin had always been his anchor, the one who made him feel seen amidst the darkness. But as the memories of their shared laughter faded, doubt crept in.
Jimin descended the stairs, his steps confident and carefree. Jungkook wished he could push aside the gnawing jealousy that had plagued him since his accident. Why does he get to live his life while I’m stuck here?
Jeon Jimin (Elite alpha)
Jeon Jimin (Elite alpha)
Are you coming?
Jimin’s voice broke through his thoughts, concern etched in his features.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Yeah....just give me a moment. *forcing the words out*
He turned back toward his art room, glancing over his shoulder to see Jimin waiting, his expression a mix of patience and worry. Why can’t I be happy for him?
As he wheeled himself back toward the living room, a wave of dread washed over him. The warmth that Jimin brought was often overshadowed by the nagging feeling of inadequacy. He knew Jimin cared, but did he truly understand what it felt like to be trapped in this body, to watch life unfold just out of reach?
Suddenly, a surge of frustration boiled within him.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jimin! *sharply*
But before he could voice the insecurities that tangled his heart, the atmosphere shifted. A strange tension hung in the air as he caught sight of Jimin standing at the top of the stairs, his back turned to Jungkook
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
The moment stretched as Jungkook’s heart raced, an instinctual warning flaring in his mind. Something wasn’t right. The laughter from the living room faded, replaced by a suffocating silence
Then, in an instant, he felt it—a shove from behind.
His body pitched forward, and all he could do was brace for impact. The world spun out of control as he fell, his heart pounding in his chest
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
In that fleeting moment, Jungkook’s gaze flicked upward to find Jimin standing above him, motionless. A cold dread seeped into his veins as their eyes met.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
But the question hung unspoken in the air as darkness swallowed him whole, the last thing he saw was Jimin’s face, a mask of confusion and something darker—betrayal?
Jungkook’s world collapsed into silence as his body lay still, the cruel irony of his life echoing in the void.

Shadows of Past

Jungkook layed on the ground with the blood flowing out of his head creating a big pool while his unfocused eyes stared blankly at the ceiling above . The room felt suffocating, the silence deafening. Memories surged through his mind like a relentless tide, each one crashing down heavier than the last.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(Once upon a time ,my life was perfect.......)
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He closed his eyes, and the scene unfolded in his mind—a grand mansion adorned with opulent decor, laughter echoing through the halls, and the warmth of a loving family. He remembered his mother’s sweet smile, the way her laughter danced through the air, and how her gentle touch could chase away any fear.
His father had been a formidable figure, tall and confident, a true patriarch. They were rich, the kind of wealth that could erase any problem, or so he thought. The three of them—Jungkook, his mother, and his father—were a perfect trio, an elite family that seemed untouchable.
But that all changed in an instant
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(It was the night of my high school graduation)
Flashes of fire filled his mind, a blaze that consumed everything he had ever known. The heat had been unbearable, scorching through the air as he fought to escape. He could still hear the sirens, the frantic shouts, and the haunting screams that shattered the night.
Jungkook remembered the moment he had found his mother, her lifeless body lying amidst the ashes.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
NO! MOM ! *crying*
He had screamed until his throat was raw, but it didn’t matter. The world he knew was gone, and in that moment, he felt everything slip away—the warmth, the laughter, the love.
The fire had taken more than just his mother; it had taken his legs too. As he lay in the hospital, pain tearing through his body, he felt the weight of the world crushing him.
Jeon Hyunbin (Rare blood alpha)
Jeon Hyunbin (Rare blood alpha)
You're useless now *disappointed*
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Those words echoed in his mind, taunting him. He could still hear the whispers of his father’s friends, the way they’d looked at him with pity in their eyes. What a burden he had become.
He could feel the laughter of his old friends, Cha Eun Woo and Park Jimin, fading away. They had been the elite—confident, charming, destined for greatness. But after the fire, things changed. They stopped visiting, stopped calling. It was as if the loss of his legs had erased him from their lives.
Park Jimin (elite alpha)
Park Jimin (elite alpha)
He heard Jimin’s voice calling from the living room, a reminder of the boy who had once been his best friend, who had shared his dreams and fears. But now, Jimin was his stepbrother, the connection twisted and tainted by circumstance.
Jungkook shook his head, trying to dispel the thoughts, but they clung to him like shadows. He remembered the day Jimin had walked into the house after his father’s marriage, a smile plastered on his face that never reached his eyes.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(He's here to save you.)
But how could he save someone who had lost everything?
Jimin had once promised to always be there, but now, Jungkook felt abandoned. He was stuck in a gilded cage, surrounded by wealth but deprived of love.
Cha Soo hyuk
Cha Soo hyuk
Are you going to just sit there?
A voice sneered from his memories. It was one of his father’s friends, a cruel reminder of the whispers that followed him everywhere.
Cha Soo hyuk
Cha Soo hyuk
You're not a real alpha anymore.You're a failure
Each word pierced his heart, dragging him deeper into despair.
He felt the weight of the world pressing down on him, the loneliness curling around him like a suffocating fog. The laughter of his past felt like a distant echo, fading into nothingness.
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(Maybe this is the end....end of me....end of my miseries.....and finally the moment to meet mumma again..) *smile*
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(Mumma...I'm coming to you. I'll be angry at first for leaving me too soon and then I'll cry in your hold while you pat my head like you always did and then I'll complain about appa. He is being a real bad boy....)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(Mumma you'll put him on time out ,right? For thirty less.)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(Mumma you were right this world is too bad. Only you were right eomma but you left and now everything is wrong...)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(So I'm coming to you again to make this all right and perfect again...)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
(I'm coming eomma..... ... please...)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
P-please hold me........

The Tears

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The soft rain falls on the already wet leaves of tree dropping from the upper one to the one below letting the hidden one to have a taste of pure rain water too.
The drip drop sound of rain was pleasant to one while annoying to other. Some were happy with the fresh rainy season while other was sad thinking the sky was crying with them.
Similar was scene to the boy who was laying under the big tree with his back resting against the tree and his legs splayed in front.His hands fallen by his side while his face upwards towards the sky
The boy eyes were closed while he let the drops fall on his milky white skin making the rain to shine like a diamond on it.
But was it only the rain on those soft cheeks that were shining or was it something else.Something that people hide a lot in rain and that no one can tell about it.
The Tears
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
This was the only question in the boy's mind who has been staying at the same place for more than an hour since he opened his eyes.
It wasn't raining from the sky nor from his eyes when he first woke up.Expecting to wake up beside his mother Patting his head and welcoming him to his new home which isn't in this world.But why is he here again? At this very familiar place with those familiar voices and faces but not people.
It was very difficult to digest when he woke up again in that body of his which was once perfect and loved by everyone. He couldn't digest when he could feel the strength in his legs and absolutely move them.
It took the boy more than an hour to finally admit that he was born again.Exactly ten years the year before when that all happened.
The year before when he lost his most precious person,when he almost lost himself but still lose the half part of him.When he finally saw the reality of those faces.The faces who all loved him and called him his family.
He has already feel all those miseries, all that hatred ,all those tears ,all those harsh words ,all those disgusting eyes and pitiful words ,then why is he here again?
Wasn't it enough? Didn't he suffered enough? Isn't it time for him to rest? Isn't it time for him to feel the real love? Don't he deserve it?
Then why is he here again? Was something left?
*opened the door which was ringing constantly*
*shocked to see the person standing outside*
Young master, you're home ,so soon. Isn't it time for your school? *motion the maid to bring a towel as other was completely wet from rain*
But the boy didn't gave an answer and only walked inside with his face casted down and his eyes fixed on his own footsteps with no emotion present in them.
The boy kept on walking like a hypnotize person with only one destination in his mind. He ignored the worried words of his butler and maids and focused on his step.
Soon his steps halted right outside a big white door.His eyes slowly shifted upwards and rest on the handle before his one hand moved forward and hold it.
The boy was going to push it ,when he suddenly heard it making his heart ache in pain.The laughter ,the familiar laughter of the woman whom he missed more than his life. The same laughter that was always so joyous that a smile will automatically come on the person seeing it.
Jeon yejin (omega)
Jeon yejin (omega)
📞And you..... *stopped and looked towards the door*
Jeon yejin (omega)
Jeon yejin (omega)
Kookie? *confused and worried*
Jeon yejin (omega)
Jeon yejin (omega)
Why are you home so early dear? Is everything okay? *worried seeing her son home earlier than his usual time*
The boy looked up at her with his teary eyes and finally the boy let those tears out without caring about anything knowing he's in the most safe place now
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
M-Mumma *crying like a baby*
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
They a-are so bad mumma...They hurt your kookieee *crying out*
Jeon yejin (omega)
Jeon yejin (omega)
*eyes widen seeing her son and threw her phone away running to her baby hugging him tightly*
Jeon yejin (omega)
Jeon yejin (omega)
My bun ,what happened? Tell mumma hmm? Why are you crying so much? *teary eyes*
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
They all are so bad 😭
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
They said no no words to kookie....kookie doesn't want them....
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
They said kookie don't deserve to live....they said kookie Is a burden......they said kookie is weak.....they called kookie so many bad words....😢😢
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
P-punish them mumma ....punish them for hurting kookie.....😢😭😭😭
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Kookie only want mumma ..... p-please don't leave kookie.....😭😭
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Kookie will be a good boy....I promise....Just don't leave kookie..... otherwise kookie will be sad and alone...
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon jungkook (True blood alpha)
Jeon yejin (omega)
Jeon yejin (omega)

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