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Sly Mask

Chapter 1: New Girl

Chapter 1: new girl

Going to a new high school filled with a bunch of supernatural people I thought it’ll be awesome! I said to myself since there are so many types of them but when I got there it was different than I imagined, I scanned around to see if there are some of my kind but all the supernaturals here doesn’t, I was the only different one there I already felt left out before anyone even knew who I was yet.

I walked inside the high school and looked around again, I saw a girl by her locker. She looked scared. I thought she was able to see ghosts but she was actually a banshee when I observed what she was more…, I didn’t want to be friends with a banshee that would scream any minute out of nowhere.

My part though is that I never used my powers I have no reason to and if I did it’ll get out of hand because it happened once and I don’t want it to happen again.

I am a yokai, which is a kitsune. I trained to be a 9 tailed fox to get stronger but even though I achieved to be a 9 tailed I don’t use my magic but as a yokai I didn’t want to be a 1 or 5 tailed fox.

Nobody knows I’m a yokai yet I didn’t tell nobody nor even made friends, only the principal knows what I am. I’m a 9 tailed fox, THE only one here in this NOW supernatural hell of a high school I was looking forward to going to, “Nobody will find out..” I whispered to myself after I closed the principal’s door.

‘Nobody will find out’ I said to myself in my head this time but here not am I the only 9 tailed fox but also only yokai here. A lot of those supernatural beings were staring at me strangely in a way when I was walking to my locker, I just avoided eye contact with everyone and looked down until I got to my locker. I felt like I’m not going to have a boyfriend if everyday was going to be like this, getting stared at and not even making a single friend yet.

I wanted to use my magic and shapeshift into an ugly person but I felt like that wouldn’t even work to stop the stares, so I went to the bathroom to get ready for class first. I mean I am a transfer student and I need to look at least approachable.

I was looking at myself in the mirror fixing my silver hair and then suddenly my golden like eyes glowed again, I have to get that under control before anyone sees it.

“Everyone listen up! We have a new transfer student” I heard the teacher say while she was clapping her hands to get all the students attention. I was preparing myself first before I opened the door when I was ready and when I did I already heard whispers while I walked in front of the class holding my books.

“Here she is,” the teacher said, putting both her hands lightly on my shoulder, “Introduce yourself dear.” she said while smiling I already can tell I won’t like her at all “My name is Lila Clover and.. I can’t tell you what type of supernatural I am. I’m sorry!”

It got quiet I want to run out this classroom and never come back again, I looked at the teacher urning for help because the class was dead silent then she finally spoke “Oh, everyone doesn’t have to tell what they are it’s fine if that was what you were worrying about” I changed my mind the teacher isn’t to bad, she told me to pick a seat so I did quietly while class started and not looking at anyone “Hey, hey you can sit next to me” I looked to the person who was talking it was a girl “Me?” I questioned, this might be my first friend so I was happy about that “Yes you, your name's Lila right?” “Mhm, what’s your name?” I sat down putting my books on the desk and took off my bag and put it aside from me “Melody Flynn, it’s nice to meet you” she said with a sweet smile.

Blonde hair and blue eyes she is a pretty girl she must be popular I thought until I heard a whisper from someone in the back of class “Again Melody is trying to make a new friend when nobody wants to talk to her” a girl said laughing and another girl spoke “A try hard watch when the new girl leaves and doesn’t want to be her friend anymore” she sighs while rolling eyes chewing gum, I turned around to look at them and glared as a warning which I actually shouldn’t have done or my yokai of me will come out.

It pissed me off though but I looked back at Melody and she looked down and said “Don’t worry about them” . She looked up and pretended like she was okay and smiled when obviously I can tell she wants to cry but that would be humiliating.

“My supernatural being is a swan, I know it’s lame because swans are weak, so those 2 vamp girls…” “Don’t listen to them, besides I was wondering why your name was Melody now I know why” I laughed and tried to make positive conversation with her “I heard most supernaturals names comes from what they are, your name suits you” I told her with a smile she was happy and hugged me smiling “But is your name from what you are too?” she questioned me about something and I didn't know what to say back “N-no” she then just stares at me and starts thinking and tells me to come a bit closer to her so she can whisper something to me “Secret?” I was confused about “Secret?” I repeated back “Yeah, you don’t want anyone to know your supernatural, some people don’t say what they are but then somehow their supernatural they “hide” you can say everyone figures it out” I made a gulp with a sweat down my cheek worried even more “So if you don’t want nobody knowing what you are be careful who you talk to Lila” I look down zoned out in a daze thinking what would happen if people figure out I’m the only yokai, a kitsune.

Will I have no friends? Will people run away from me? I questioned myself so much, now I don’t know who to trust, can I trust this swan named Melody or not… she's my first friend though and she warned me about something that can happen. I'll just have to be careful who to trust that I come across with.

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