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The Return of the Celestial Defender


Jun Tianyu was a legendary figure who broke the limits of cultivation by opening the Divine Gate, becoming the first to transcend the boundaries of the Tianlan Realm. Ascending to **Rank 27: Chrono-Master**, far beyond the original cap of 25 cultivation levels, he protected the realm for over **456,987 years**. His unparalleled strength maintained the balance of Spiritual Qi and defended the world against countless threats—until the day he faced the ultimate enemy: **Emperor Xianglong**, the ruler of the Cosmic Beasts.

In a titanic battle that shook the very fabric of existence, Jun Tianyu eradicated the entire horde of Cosmic Beasts, delivering a final victory for Tianlan Realm. Yet, the price was steep. Jun Tianyu perished, leaving behind a legacy of heroism and sacrifice. However, the ripple effects of his death reverberated through time: the very Divine Gate he opened destabilized the realm, attracting monstrous entities and disrupting the flow of Spiritual Qi. Civilization regressed, and the era of flourishing space stations and boundless advancement faded into myth. What remained was a realm in ruins—its people struggling to survive amid the wreckage of their former glory.

**234,331 years** later, Jun Tianyu is reborn as a frail youth named **Li Feng** in the **Shenghua Continent**, a land that openly condemns his past deeds. Rather than being celebrated as a hero, he is branded as a harbinger of doom. Shenghua’s historians claim that the disasters brought by Jun Tianyu far outweighed the blessings he bestowed. His name is now synonymous with catastrophe, and the blame for the fall of Tianlan Realm is placed squarely on his shoulders.

Reborn into a world that despises his legacy, Li Feng struggles with the burden of his past. With his memories and cultivation still intact, he vows to right the wrongs and restore the brilliance of Tianlan Realm. But he finds a society that has lost its way. The once-great techniques of cultivation have been forgotten, sects and clans are fractured, and the knowledge that once propelled Tianlan to its zenith has been buried under the sands of time. To reclaim what was lost, Li Feng embarks on a journey to unearth ancient artifacts, forgotten arts, and hidden truths.

He discovers records of the **Space Stations** that once orbited the planet and contained technology so advanced it rivaled the gods. But the secrets of the past come with dangers of their own. Li Feng realizes that the decline of the realm was not only caused by the instability of Spiritual Qi but also by the manipulations of unseen forces vying for control.

With a determination to restore the realm’s glory, Li Feng begins to gather allies, teaching long-lost techniques and introducing new philosophies to unite the fragmented powers of the Shenghua Continent. However, he faces fierce resistance from those who want to preserve the status quo, as well as sinister entities awakened by his reappearance.

As he unravels the mysteries of Tianlan’s decline, Li Feng learns that his resurrection has drawn the attention of powerful beings from beyond the cosmos—entities that wield powers that threaten the very existence of the realm. Can Li Feng, now viewed as a cursed reincarnation, rally the fractured world and guide it toward a new era of prosperity? Or will history repeat itself, plunging Tianlan Realm into an even greater catastrophe?

Chapter 1: The Awakening of a Fallen Legend

Jun Tianyu awoke with a start, his eyes snapping open to the sight of a dusty wooden ceiling. A wave of disorientation washed over him as unfamiliar sensations assaulted his senses—the coarse texture of the thin blanket against his skin, the dampness in the air, and the faint smell of herbs lingering in the room. His body felt weak and frail, a far cry from the overwhelming power he once wielded. He struggled to sit up, only to realize that even this simple act took considerable effort. How long had it been since he last felt like this?

He looked down at his hands—hands that were no longer his. They were small, calloused, and pale, nothing like the mighty, energy-infused hands he had known for over four hundred millennia. Panic began to creep in as he inspected the rest of his body, discovering that it was that of a young boy, no more than sixteen or seventeen years old.

“What… what is this?” he muttered, his voice barely a whisper, weak and unsteady.

It took a few moments for his muddled mind to process the reality before him. Memories that were not his own flooded his consciousness—flashes of mundane, unremarkable events that belonged to someone else. In a jumbled haze, the name emerged: Li Feng.

With each recollection, the truth became undeniable. He, Jun Tianyu, once the mightiest cultivator in Tianlan Realm, had somehow been reborn in the body of a lowly youth named Li Feng.

“Reincarnation?” he murmured incredulously, the idea foreign yet unmistakable. He had heard of the phenomenon, of course, but never had he imagined he would experience it himself. The sensation was unsettling—his soul, still carrying the weight of immense power and wisdom, now confined to a vessel that could hardly even channel a trickle of Spiritual Qi.

But why? Why was he here? And what had become of Tianlan Realm since his death?

Gritting his teeth, Jun Tianyu fought to stabilize his chaotic thoughts, slowly piecing together fragments of information. Li Feng’s memories painted a bleak picture—one of poverty, weakness, and fear. Born in a remote village on the outskirts of the Shenghua Continent, Li Feng was a nobody—a mere child struggling to survive in a world that no longer resembled the glorious Tianlan Realm Jun Tianyu once knew.

Rising unsteadily to his feet, Jun Tianyu’s gaze swept across the room—a cramped, decrepit space devoid of any sign of luxury or strength. He stumbled toward the small, cracked mirror mounted on the wall, peering into the reflective surface with a mixture of dread and curiosity. A stranger’s face stared back at him—Li Feng’s face: thin, pale, and gaunt, framed by unkempt black hair and a pair of hollow, sunken eyes.

“Is this… truly Tianlan Realm?” he whispered, a sinking feeling growing in his chest. He reached inward, probing the Spiritual Qi around him, only to be met with a shock.

The Qi was thin—pathetically thin. Where once it had flowed like a mighty river, suffusing every corner of the realm with its boundless energy, now it felt like a parched stream, barely enough to sustain the most basic cultivation techniques. How had it come to this?

Closing his eyes, Jun Tianyu cast his senses further, searching for the vibrant life force that had once made Tianlan Realm a bastion of strength and prosperity. But all he found was emptiness—an expanse of stagnant energy, interspersed with pockets of turbulence and instability. The once-lustrous realm was now a shadow of its former self, its brilliance snuffed out by the passage of time and neglect.

“Impossible…” he breathed, disbelief warring with rage. “What happened here?”

A sudden, unbidden thought jolted through him. What of the great cities? The starlit towers that touched the skies? The ethereal platforms that drifted among the clouds? What of the orbiting stations, the technological marvels that had once bridged the gap between cultivation and science, allowing humanity to explore the mysteries of the cosmos?

He probed deeper, his senses extending outward, scouring the skies for any trace of what once was. But there was nothing. The heavens were silent, empty of the grand constructs that had once dotted the firmament.

“No… everything is gone,” Jun Tianyu whispered, his heart clenching with an unfamiliar sense of loss. He had given his life to protect this realm, to elevate it to heights unseen. Yet now, it had all been reduced to ruins.

As the realization settled in, another disturbing memory surfaced—one that had been imprinted into Li Feng’s mind through countless stories and gossip. Shenghua Continent had long blamed Jun Tianyu for the disasters that followed his death. They claimed that the appearance of the Cosmic Beasts, the instability of Spiritual Qi, and the collapse of civilization were all due to the Divine Gate he had opened.

“They blame me… for everything?” His voice trembled with a mix of bitterness and anger. “After everything I sacrificed…”

His fists clenched tightly, nails digging into his palms. The pain was a stark reminder that he was no longer the invincible guardian he once was. He was now Li Feng—a youth with no standing, no strength, and no influence. Yet, in this fragile body, the soul of the Eternal Guardian burned bright.

“They may have forgotten who I am,” he murmured, his eyes flashing with a fierce resolve. “But I will show them. I will rebuild this world, piece by piece, and reclaim what was lost. This time… I will save Tianlan Realm, no matter what it takes.”

With a deep breath, Jun Tianyu—now Li Feng—set his resolve. His second chance had come, and he would not let it go to waste.

Chapter 2: A Summons from the Noble House

Jun Tianyu—now Li Feng—was still grappling with the weight of his new reality when the sound of hurried footsteps approached the small, decrepit room. The door creaked open, revealing a stout, middle-aged man dressed in plain servant robes. His stern face softened slightly upon seeing Li Feng awake.

“You’re finally conscious,” the man muttered, a mix of impatience and relief in his voice. Without waiting for a response, he gestured curtly. “Come. The Young Miss has summoned you.”

Li Feng blinked in confusion, trying to piece together the meaning of those words. “Young Miss?” he repeated, his voice still hoarse and uncertain.

“Yes, the Young Miss of the **Anshui Noble House**, of course,” the man snapped, clearly irritated by what he thought was Li Feng’s ignorance. “Do you not even remember your place?”

Anshui Noble House? The name sounded familiar, though only in a vague, distant sense—something tucked away in the recesses of Li Feng’s memories. As fragments began to coalesce, a clearer picture emerged: the Anshui family was one of the oldest and most prestigious noble houses on the Shenghua Continent, with a lineage that spanned over ten generations. Known for producing some of the greatest **Knights** in history, their warriors were renowned for their mastery of martial combat and their prowess on the battlefield.

But why would a noble house like Anshui have any interest in someone like him? And why would their Young Miss summon a mere servant?

Before Li Feng could respond, the man stepped forward, his tone softening slightly. “I don’t know what got into you, but listen carefully. The Young Miss is not someone to keep waiting. If you want to keep your life, follow me and do exactly as you’re told.”

The weight of the man’s warning hung in the air, and Li Feng nodded numbly. For now, he needed information—about his new identity, about this family, and about the state of the world. He suppressed the urge to release even a trace of his true power; this was not the time to reveal himself.

The servant led him through narrow hallways, eventually emerging into a more opulent section of the residence. The contrast was stark—the decrepit, dim-lit rooms he had seen earlier gave way to richly decorated corridors lined with tapestries depicting legendary battles and knights in gleaming armor. Despite being a servant, Li Feng’s identity clearly placed him within the main estate, albeit at the very bottom of its hierarchy.

They finally stopped before a set of intricately carved double doors. The servant knocked, his demeanor shifting to one of deference. A moment later, a melodious voice drifted from within.


Pushing open the heavy doors, the servant bowed low and ushered Li Feng inside before retreating silently, leaving him standing alone in the large, elegantly furnished chamber. Sunlight filtered in through tall windows, casting a warm glow on the figure seated at the center of the room.

She was a young woman, perhaps in her early twenties, with long black hair cascading over her shoulders and a pair of sharp, discerning eyes that seemed to pierce right through him. Clad in a flowing azure robe embroidered with the emblem of a silver sword and a blazing sun—the insignia of the Anshui Noble House—she exuded an air of quiet authority and strength.

“You’ve kept me waiting, Li Feng,” she said softly, though her tone carried a weight that belied the gentleness of her words. She studied him for a moment, her brow furrowing slightly as if noting some imperceptible change in his demeanor. “You’re different. Have you recovered enough to remember your place?”

Li Feng hesitated, measuring his response. He didn’t have the full picture of what this body’s past entailed, but one thing was clear: this young woman was his superior, and she held power over him.

“Apologies, Young Miss,” he said, lowering his gaze in an attempt to convey humility. “I—there are gaps in my memory. But I am prepared to serve as best I can.”

“Gaps in your memory?” She raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism creeping into her expression. “That’s unfortunate. I had hoped you would recall your duties.”

Silence stretched between them as she continued to scrutinize him. Then, seemingly satisfied, she leaned back in her seat.

“Let me remind you, then. You are a servant of the Anshui House, assigned specifically to assist me, **Anshui Meiyu**. Your loyalty is to this family and to me, above all else. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Young Miss,” Li Feng replied, keeping his voice steady. The name Anshui Meiyu triggered faint memories of his past life’s encounters with nobles—arrogant, capricious individuals who wielded their status like weapons. But this woman seemed different. There was a restrained sharpness to her demeanor, a poised intensity that set her apart.

Anshui Meiyu’s gaze softened slightly, though her tone remained firm. “Good. I summoned you here because I require your assistance in a matter that concerns the honor of our house. The annual **Grand Knight Selection** is approaching, and I intend to participate.”

The Grand Knight Selection. It was a prestigious event that determined the ranking of knights across the entire continent, a gathering of the most elite warriors and magicians. Li Feng’s fragmented memories told him that in the Shenghua Continent, power was split between two paths: **Knights**, who honed their bodies and weapon techniques to the peak, and **Magicians**, who channeled elemental energies to wield destructive spells. Anshui Meiyu, it seemed, was determined to prove her worth among them.

“You will accompany me to the capital,” she continued, her tone leaving no room for argument. “There are certain… elements within our house that wish to see me fail. I need someone I can trust.”

Li Feng nodded slowly, absorbing her words. “As you command, Young Miss.”

“Good. Prepare yourself, then. We leave at dawn.”

As he left the room, Li Feng’s thoughts churned. This development was unexpected, but it offered him a unique opportunity. The capital city would be a place of information, a hub of knowledge where he could learn more about the state of the realm. And if he were to restore his strength and reclaim his past identity, he would need every scrap of insight he could find.

With a deep breath, he steeled himself. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he would navigate it, step by step. After all, he was Jun Tianyu—the Eternal Guardian, the one who had once defied fate itself. And no matter how far he had fallen, he would rise again.

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