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The Shadows Of Ruin

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Takuo, living in feudal Japan. He serves under a prominent lord, and has trained in swordsmanship since he was a child. Samurai in this world have magic swords that become stronger as the samurai's aura grows stronger, and their aura progresses through different colors and titles as they gain training and experience.

The other bodyguards had all returned to their quarters, ready to rest and recuperate after the day's work. But Takuo was determined to push himself even further, even though his body begged for rest.

As Takuo continued to push himself further and further, his blade aura began to change. It started as a pure white, but as he trained more intensely, it slowly started to become a light gray.

Takuo stopped his training at the call from one of the other bodyguards, a man named Kairo.

"Hey, the food's ready!" Kairo called out. "You should come eat before it's all gone!"

Takuo was tempted to continue training, but his rumbling stomach won out over his determination.

"Alright, I'll be right there!" Takuo called back, wiping his sweaty brow with his sleeve.

As he entered the dining hall, Takuo was greeted by the sight of the other bodyguards already seated around a long table, plates of food in front of them.

"There he is, the dedicated one." Kairo teased, gesturing to the empty seat next to him.

Takuo chuckled and took his seat, grabbing a plate and filling it with food.

"Can't help it if I'm more dedicated than all of you lot" He replied, taking a bite of his food.

Kairo rolled his eyes and shoved Takuo playfully.

"You're just a glutton for punishment, that's what you are." He replied, shoveling food into his mouth.

As Takuo sat down, the other bodyguards continued their own conversations amongst themselves. The dining hall was filled with the sounds of laughter and discussion, as the men relaxed and enjoyed their food.

Takuo tried to join in on a few of the conversations, but found himself mostly listening and eating.

"So, Takuo," One of the bodyguards, Rokuske, spoke up between bites of food. "Still working yourself hard, I see."

"Yeah," Takuo replied, shoveling food into his mouth. "Just trying to get stronger, y'know?"

Rokuske looked at Takuo with a raised eyebrow. "You're always pushing yourself so hard. Don't you ever take a break?"

Takuo shrugged, taking another bite of food.

"Can't take a break if I want to get stronger," he replied. "The enemy won't give me a break, so why should I give myself one?"

"You're going to work yourself to death at this rate," Rokuske said, shaking his head. "You need to rest and recuperate too, you know."

"Speaking of which," Takuo said, remembering his earlier training. "Something interesting happened while I was training today."

Rokuske raised an eyebrow at that, curious. "Interesting how?"

"I noticed that my blade aura changed color," Takuo explained. "It started out white, but as I trained longer and harder, it slowly changed to a light gray."

Rokuske whistled, impressed. "Gray, huh? That's not something you see every day."

The other bodyguards had also stopped their conversations and were listening intently now.

The other bodyguards gasped and looked at Takuo with new respect.

"You're kidding me," Kairo said, disbelief in his voice. "You ascended to gray already?"

Takuo nodded, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah," he replied . "I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but I guess all the training paid off."

The bodyguards all looked at each other in disbelief, impressed by Takuo's accomplishment.

"That's incredible," Rokuske said. "It's not easy to achieve gray so quickly. It usually takes months of training

But to do it in a matter of days... Takuo, you're a natural.

Takuo felt a sense of pride at the praise, but tried to keep his cool on the outside.

"Thanks," he replied with a slight smile. "But I definitely couldn't have done it without all the hard work I've put in."

The other bodyguards nodded in agreement, admiration in their eyes.

"We'll have to step up our game if we want to keep up with you," Kairo joked, giving Takuo a playful punch on the arm.

Takuo chuckled and returned the punch.

"You all better start training harder then." He teased. "Otherwise I'll leave you all in the dust."

they were enjoying as they suddenly heard the big bell ring , it was an attack of intruders

The guards immediately stiffened upon hearing the bell, their faces growing serious.

"Intruders?" Kairo said, standing up from his seat. "I guess the peace was too good to last."

Takuo's heart skipped a beat as he realized the gravity of the situation. He quickly stood up as well, already mentally preparing himself for the fight ahead.

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