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Horrors Of The Heart


Avika Hwang

Cold sweat trickles down from my heart thumps loudly as it is about to leap out of the rib cage

My breath uneven, suddenly it's feeling too suffocating here...

As if the air got stuck in here...the clicking sound of several boots of guns armed men's indicating only one thing...

The Horror was about to consume me whole any moment...

Because I know it's not unbelievable that he did find me after 2 Months...

"He Is Here... He had Found Me"

He as my destruction, is on it's way to reach me any moment...why don't earth swallow me before he reach why not i fade away from here...

cause facing him is something not being courageous it's being foolish to get caught in his gaze...

"I Get this by now after getting involved with him unfortunately"

My hands mouth parted, getting the worst expectation becoming true

He Entered with his Dominic aura...making me held my breath

my stomach churns just when his gaze lands on me...

with his each steps towards me I felt like sinking into the pit of the Toxicities again...

Every memory of the past played like a cassette in my mind as if it's still fresh to be's Still Him & I



It's Him Whom I tried To Escape but still Got Caught Again...

Just his same specific nickname returns the waves of the old terror to me again...


I lost the senses of my surroundings...I cursed countless times the first accidental unfortunate meet of his & mine...

Where it all started




6 Months Ago_

"Miss Hwang You are The talented one among the Youngsters of Nowdays being The well known Lawyer in the Whole S.K"

The paparazzi praises the The Young lawyer presented there in the conference...

"Miss Hwang is it true being the confidential lawyer you are, You will always take stands against Every Wicked & Evil" The Question asked by the News anchor made the Girl's smile widen...

"I will always stay oppose of the every evil or corruption & serve them to the Right in the honor of True's my Absolute Moral" by her stern words the crowd echoes with the clapping...applause...praising of the Girl Again.


"It's all okay but as the latest cases you got are up against the most powerful Group of the whole country's leading economy... You are against Kim Group... Do you think you can actually fight against someone this powerful & Invincible as Mr. Kim Taehyung"

"Are you Not Afraid a bit"

Now all the cameras were focused solely on her comment about the question...It's going to be the highlight

She cleared her thought & with a positive & confident manner she responds calmly" It doesn't matter the position of his...if it is powerful or whatsoever... I believe that being the right, I can't dismiss my ideology of upright justice for anyone specific...I'm up for anyone who is wrong...& I am not afraid to stand still against it"

Somewhere Unknown

*The confrence Ended with her final Response... The men turn off the big LED screen...& look towards his boss...

: What are your orders' sir...should we deal with this, in our way?

"No Need to do Anything...let it be like this until I say so" The man said within his deep voice... A mysterious grin on his face reflecting the devil's persona.

He was admiring the photo in his hands... With his eyes holding the madness for it...

Holding the photo close he murmured

"Hwang Avika....It's Just the Starting My Sweetheart"

Closing his eyes...he lean backwards comfortably on his master chair...humming a tune in calmness...




A/n : So Ahhhhhh please give support to my this new story...hope you will find yourself captivated by this...

I felt like writing something like this from ages so here it & vote please if you enjoy...

Follow for more & yeah! Stay tune for next chapter....till the


First Encounter

~Still In The Past~

Avika Hwang

It's Me Avika...24-Year-old Youngster Being a very well known Lawyer, I am passionate towards was my definite Ambition which I achieved & Made progress in it with my passion & hard work.

It doesn't matter if I'm actually in the risky line of a criminal lawyer but still it gives me the feeling of pride & respect in the society...

Never back down or got afraid of's actually my first impression on people's to convey them the message that I won't shudder to fight & bring the upright justice to the truths.

So, here I am Kim's Cave... In his office cabin waiting for him, though he called me here... I am kinda aware what can it actually be...most probably he wants me not to fight against him...& withdraw the victim party's allegations, or he thinks he can buy me with money or with any of his power then I will prove him wrong!

I Hwang Avika isn't Afraid of any being!... I recite this moral in my mind time to time whenever it's situation like this...


I here the sound of boots tapping behind me... I look at my laps waiting for him to reach the front & Sit on his chair ahead of me behind the desk...

: Good Evening Ms Avika...

*His voice deep, with dripping honey he said with an alluring smile*

For the first time I'm seeing this man in person...I had seen him on TV several times

& He is really charming just as shown on the screens...

: Good Evening to you too Mr. Kim...

I said within my professionalism & he also just looks at me with unreadable gaze...

What's with him? can't he see it can make someone uncomfortable... I cleared my throat again

: So, What you wanted to talk to me in person Mr. Kim...

His expressions changed into something more twisted...he lean further onto the table joining his hands downwards

: I have too much to say, Will you listen to me Sweetheart.

I can't believe him...he the Stoic CEO of Kim Group would behave this unprofessional with me here... I close my parted mouth embarrassingly

: I'm Listening if it's about something related to any issues

Giving a typical toothy smile he comfortably lean back on his chair...still looking continuously at's actually chilling i felt it in the surrounding

He didn't say anything now playing with my composed patience...

His gaze is also something which is giving me odd irritation...

: If You don't have anything to say then don't waste yours & mine time here Mr. Kim...

I let it out finally but also regretting losing patience this early...& His expressions still isn't changing a bit just the same smile & piercing he mentally disturbed? Is he a psycho freak?...apart from these questions in my mind I don't like his this keep staring sh*t at all...


I stood up banging my fist on his table...taking sharp inhales to ease my tamper...

he also stood up...

: Such a bad tamper isn't good Sweetheart...I summoned you here cause I wanted to meet you...

*I look straight into his eyes...Finally, he is speaking after f*cking tarnishing my mind peace...

: & To tell you that even if you fought fairly you won't be's also the waste of yours mine & court's precious time...

Aside all this we can spend our time with something better...

*I scrunch my brows together & spoke

: Don't be ridiculous Mr. Kim I believe in my capabilities & I'm not backing down until I prove have allegations of doing black market investments...murders & assault cases do you think you can easily get out of it!

*Rage taking over me further seeing him laughing hearing me...

: Don't stress too much for this Sweetheart... I accept these all allegations are true & still even now nobody can do anything about it

This whole country's systems are in my pocket... I can do whatever I want

: So you finally showed your true colors Mr. Invincible Kim Taehyung!

*With sarcasm I throw the tantrum...

He didn't say anything but took steps towards me & i got alerted if he is up to something... I took some steps backwards

But he is still taking steps towards me making me take steps backwards with panic!

: Mr- Kim! Stop!

He didn't until my back hit the wall he got into my personal space too breath stuck in my throat looking at him with sudden panicking gaze...What's his intentions!?

: Kim Taehyung!-

: Yeah Say My Name Like this Sweetheart I love it from your voice...

He said so close to my lips...his strong cologne hit my's is hard to breath when his breath & mine are mixing hands on his chest blocking him to proceed closer

With a sudden... I pushed him with all my strength

The f*ck he said & was doing to me!

: Stay in your limits Mr. Kim...if you try something dirty... I will sue you!!

With my push he wasn't much budged...he chuckles giving unknown chills to my bone

I just look at him with frown...

: Correct yourself Sweetheart, you haven't even imagine the dirty I will do!

*hearing his remark I felt the fear... I never imagined felting the fear of getting harm

Within my subconscious I took fast steps to leave without any delay or saying any word further...

I can't stand it...

His chuckling is still ringing in my ears like a haunted lullaby...

He is Scary!




A/n : Hope you liked the chapter support for more...

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thanks for your read



Still in the Past~

Hwang Avika

I can't decipher a thing here... Everything was fine yesterday... Never thought I would be standing at the police station still in my night pajamas...

The officer offer's a glass of water...which I gulp down whole due to my parched throat...

given my current state the officer himself is looking a bit tense...

: So Miss Hwang You mean Some goons broke into your house at midnight...

*I nodded remembering the whole scenario...

*I was lying on my bed half asleep...the heavy rain was pouring outside while I was snuggled in my duvet...The ting sound of doorbell echoed in my house...Sitting up I look at the time in the clock beside my bed...It's 12:30 AM...who the heck will be at my door this late hour...I got up wearing slippers...just then instead of doorbell someone banged on my door loudly...for a moment I got startled & decided to the door was banging continously making me More Anxious...I opened my room door & with quick steps I reach the main's not someone it's some people's, I can hear there noises standing inside...I put my hand on my mouth...they were too many & Surely unknown to me...Getting near the door I put my hand on the knob...I ask in a loud voice "WHO Is THERE?!"...The laughter ringed in my ears...I heard someone answering..."Open the d@mn door b*tch We are here to have some fun with you...let us in"...I back off instantly sitting on the floor my hands shaking my mind not working in this situation...They all banged the door together with much force that it might broke with there 3 or 4 More hard pushes...I felt freezed on the floor remembering my parents...they lives in the village while I alone live in this house of mine...I wish they were here too...The banging is stronger than before those intruders might really broke in my house...I have to do something!

I stood up & ran towards my room...My Phone I should call the police...maybe they won't arrive on time but until they arrive i will somehow-

I didn't even reached my room when I heard a loud gunshot...

My heart races uncontrollably I look back the door, it wasn't broken but then those who were laughing a while ago are now screaming...The gunshots aren't stopping I sat on the floor covering my ears...What's happening Outside?

 Everything got silent after a while...I stood up this eerie of silence was too much strange...taking hesitant steps towards the door I twist the knob mustering the courage...

I opened the door

My eyes might come out of the mouth agape wide...


The dead bodies of men's were lying there blood oozing out from them everywhere...This wasn't the end, a man was standing in front of me at some distance...despite of the heavy rain, he was getting soaked from head to toe...holding a gun in his he killed these 4 guys on his own with the gun without hesitation...such a dangerous man he is!

His face was covered with mask...I couldn't get to see or recognise him...but his dark orbs were glaring straight into mine...I have seen him somewhere...I know this unknown saviour of mine?

He was as silent as me...But then I felt like run up to him & hug him saying thanks for being my saviour even though he himself isn't saint by killing them but still if these guy's had broken my door by now I would surely be in grave danger...& just the thought of it is terrifying...

I can guess these goons must be send by the drug dealer whom I got jailed last week...after all he did threatened me...I didn't knew that it might actually turn out like this...

My chain of thoughts broken when I saw him finally turning around & leaving just like he came mysteriously miraculously for me!*



I told the cops everything in detail & they now assured me with giving protection of a all time Cop guarding me at outside my house for few days...

cops also felt it strange after collecting the bloody bodies in front of my door...that the all of them were shooted down in skull with perfection...means that man must be really in Dark profession...

With a absent mind I reach my home...changing my outfit quickly...I left wanting to spend some time outside due to the fresh memories of the incident were triggering more while I stay in there...

I reach the Café I usually comes...It was not much crowded to my liking...I finally relax sitting on the chair ordering the cold coffee I yearn badly...

for averting my mind I open the folder of the documents related to my latest case...I can read peacefully here while enjoying my coffee...going through the documents I remembered About HIM...

Kim Taehyung...such an Arrogant & puzzled guy he is...& how strangely he behaved with me that day...


I gulped remembering it's better to only see him in court directly, I won't interfere much with him...he carry red flags allover..

I finish my coffee arranging the documents...but then some of them slip from my hands & Fell on the floor...I sigh bending down to collect them...just then someone too started collecting them along with me...

I look upto see the face of the kind human...but got shocked as hell

it's Him...,What's he doing here?

: Mr.Kim...?

: Hello, Sweetheart...




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