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Whisper Of The Protector


This s my first novel. Please support me. And let me know if i made any mistakes. So lets continue with the introduction content of this new novel!~


In the Elysoria kingdom shaped by ancient magic, the protector's oath is a sacred vow passed down through generations of a single warrior family of Valerius. For centuries, A child from the family has been bound to protect the king, an unbreakable bond that ensures the survival of the royal bloodline of Calithor. Now, for the first time in history, this sacred role falls to a girl—Aria Valerius, a mysterious warrior who has not spoken openly since her mother's death, but whose strength is undeniable.

Aria steps into a court filled with intrigue and suspicion, where nobles murmur behind closed doors, doubting her worth as protector. Despite their objections, her mysterious powers—far greater than any expected—soon catch the eye of Crown Prince Eldrin. Known for his unmatched mind-reading abilities and destined to inherit the throne, Eldrin finds himself both fascinated and challenged by the silent warrior, whose thoughts remain shielded from his own abilities.

As Eldrin prepares for the crown, the kingdom begins to tremble under the weight of unseen threats. The protector's role, once seen as a mere formality, becomes increasingly vital as dark forces stir from within the kingdom itself. Old alliances begin to fracture, and whispers of betrayal echo through the halls of power. Even within his court, not all can be trusted.

As Aria proves her worth time and time again, the bond between her and Eldrin deepens, awakening something long buried in Aria—a voice and feelings, one that speaks not only to the prince's mind but to his heart. Together, they uncover hidden truths about the protector's legacy, realizing that Aria's role is more than just a guardian; it is tied to the kingdom's very survival. Eldrin, poised to take the throne, must not only master his own power but unravel the deeper mysteries surrounding the protector's lineage, a lineage bound by magic and shadow.

In a race against time, they must navigate a labyrinth of court politics, magical forces, and brewing rebellion. As enemies move closer, their bond is tested, and they soon discover that the true danger may not come from outside threats but from a force lurking within the kingdom itself—one that seeks to shatter the protector's oath and seize control of the crown.

With the kingdom's future hanging in the balance, Aria and Eldrin must trust in their growing connection, even as they face a destiny that could tear them apart.



~she do not allow her work to be used or adapted in any way without her permission.

Thank you for reading so far! Hope you will read further as well.

Do not forget to like, sub and comment about the story's idea.

Sorry i have to wirte this all because of the 500 words limits TT. This was just the intro lol

Episode 1

In the magical kingdom of Elysoria, the protector's oath is a sacred bond, passed down through generations of the Valerius family. For centuries, the Valerius lineage has stood as the unwavering shield for the Calithor royal family, ensuring the safety of the crown. Now, this ancient duty falls to Aria Valerius, a fiercely formidable warrior whose power exceeds the expectations of those who doubt her.

Living in a sprawling house nestled on the outskirts of the village, Aria trained tirelessly, honing her skills in combat and magic. Her determination was unwavering, even in the face of the relentless taunts from her stepmother, Morwenna, who resented Aria's very existence. Morwenna, lacking any magical abilities, longed for her own son, Asher, to take up the mantle of protector, viewing Aria as nothing more than an obstacle.


The sun hung high in the sky, illuminating the bustling market of Elysoria. Aria Valerius, clad in simple clothing that concealed her warrior prowess, strode confidently beside her personal maid, Liora, who spoke animatedly about the day's events. Aria's presence commanded attention; her fierce demeanor and the sharp glint in her eye made it clear that she was not to be trifled with.

As they navigated the market, a voice broke through the chatter, rising above the din. A merchant stood at his stall, his face flushed with anger. "You can't just take what isn't yours!" he shouted, pointing an accusing finger at a villager who had inadvertently knocked over a basket of fruit.

The villager, a young woman with fiery red hair, recoiled, her eyes wide with disbelief. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to—"

Aria felt a surge of indignation. How dare he treat her with such disrespect? She stepped forward, ready to defend the young woman, she thought  Who does he think he is? That rude punk?

Liora, sensing her agitation, urged her softly, "Miss Valerius, let me handle this--," but Aria raised her hand to stop her, her fierce spirit unwilling to back down.

Before she could speak, a commoner in a simple tunic, emerged from the crowd. He had been passing by when he caught sight of the unfolding drama. As he assessed the situation, he instinctively sided with the merchant, his thoughts aligning with the man's reasoning: Accidents don't absolve responsibility.

"Excuse me," He said, stepping forward. "If she broke your goods, shouldn't she compensate you? It's only fair."

Aria's eyes narrowed, irritation bubbling within her. Who the hell?  She stepped between him and the villager, crossing her arms defiantly. "She just a made mistake, Why are you being so mean?" she shot back, her expression fierce.

He raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her fiery spirit. "And you think defending someone who caused damage is the right thing to do? She should take responsibility."

The merchant tried to signal the commoner "You should back off, she is--" The man replies "i do not care who she is, I only support fairness"

The tension escalated. Aria, fueled by the frustration of her circumstances and the stranger's unexpected interference, challenged him with a battle-ready stance. "Care to test that theory?" she said, her eyes blazing.

"Your sword looks quite enhances to be used by a commoner perhaps..." she said. He got nervous. "You might be from a noble family with powers, who just went...bankrupt!" she continued confidencely.  He signed and then looked at her sword. This sword-? He thought

"Would you like to have a match..? You seems quite powerful to me with that sword" he said. She looked at him "So confidents? Do you want to Redefine you are fallen family or something?"

"Just say yes or no" he said. "Yes. if you are so onto it-" She replied.


The crowd watched with bated breath as the two began to spar. Aria's movements were fluid and powerful, each strike calculated and precise. he was, taken aback by her skill, quickly matched her intensity, dodging and countering her attacks. Their fight drew cheers and gasps from the surrounding villagers, who had never witnessed such a spectacle.

As the sparring continued, Aria could feel the thrill of combat coursing through her veins. But amidst the adrenaline, a flicker of realization struck her. Wait, is he reading my thoughts? The thought echoed in her mind,  As if he already know what the next move she is going play. leaving her momentarily distracted.

With a swift kick, Eldrin disarmed her, sending her weapon clattering to the ground. He stood over her, panting slightly, a glint of respect in his eyes. "You fight well, I quite enjoyed it" he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

Aria glared up at him, her heart racing—not just from the fight but from the shock that this person was reading her mind?

He extended a hand to help her up, his gaze steady. "I didn't actually mean to offend. Well i think I'm forgetting something... " Both the Merchant and the lady were looking at the two in confusion..

Aria did not took his hand but pulled herself up with a fierce determination, refusing to show any sign of defeat. She met his eyes, both intrigued and annoyed. "You forgot the reason you want to fight? Oh wait you wanted to fight for fun!"

He raised an eyebrow, clearly unbothered by her as he said "Well we should solve this first-" she replied "I will pay the damages due to the lady, but the merchant should apologize for his rudeness"  "Deal" he replied again ,as they did not wanted to continue the agurment .

As she walked away she said "I will go now that it's solve, i do not have time to waste on strangers" she could feel his eyes on her, lingering longer than necessary. "We will meet... again"

he both found himself wondering who she really was. There was something about her—something—that drew him in. And for the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of curiosity that went beyond mere amusement.

They both thought "interesting!"

Episode 2

Aria’s mood darkened as she made her way home, the echoes of the market encounter still buzzing in her mind. The village’s dirt roads were quieter now as dusk began to settle, the glow of the sun fading behind the hills. Her maid liora, still catching her breath from their brisk pace, nervously glanced around.

“M’lady, perhaps we should hurry... something doesn’t feel right.”

Aria ignored her, her thoughts clouded by frustration. First that arrogant fool, and now my stepmother waiting at home to spew more of her poison. She was no stranger to feeling hunted, but something gnawed at the back of her mind today—a lingering tension she couldn’t shake.

Suddenly, from the shadows of an alleyway, several figures emerged, blocking the road ahead. Their faces were obscured by dark hoods, but their intent was unmistakable. Aria stopped in her tracks, her eyes narrowing. She instinctively moved a hand toward the dagger at her side, her body tensing for the inevitable confrontation.

The leader of the group stepped forward, his voice low and menacing. “Aria Valerius. The daughter of the protector. You won’t live to see another day.”

Her maid gasped, clutching her skirts in fear, but Aria’s expression remained cold, calculating. Wonderful, she said sarcastically, drawing her sword in a fluid motion. Why does everyone want to fight me today? she continued, her anger flaring as her words turned to action.

Without a word, she launched herself at the nearest attacker, her blade cutting through the air with precision. The man barely had time to react before she disarmed him, knocking him to the ground with a swift kick. Another lunged at her, but Aria was faster. She dodged his strike, slicing across his arm in one smooth motion.

The fight was a blur of steel and fury. Aria moved like a shadow, her silence as deadly as her strikes. The men surrounding her soon realized that they had underestimated her—this girl, was no ordinary protector.

One by one, they fell, bloodied and beaten, until the last attacker staggered back, clutching his side, his eyes wide with disbelief. Aria stepped forward, her blade gleaming with the dim light of the setting sun. She didn’t need to speak—the fury in her eyes said it all.

With a final slash, the last man fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Aria wiped her blade clean, her breath steady despite the chaos around her. She glanced at her maid, who was trembling behind a cart.

“We should go,” Aria said, as her maid stammered, her voice shaky but filled with awe at Aria’s prowess said, “M’lady... they knew who you were. This wasn’t just a random attack.”

Aria nodded, her mind racing. Why now? The timing of the ambush felt too convenient. Sheathing her dagger, she turned toward home, her expression hardening. Whatever this was, it wasn’t over.

By the time they reached her family estate, the sky was growing dark, a heavy tension lingering in the air. As they approached, Aria noticed something unusual—several horses were tethered outside the gate, and the house itself was eerily silent.

She pushed the front door open, her eyes immediately scanning the room for any sign of her family. Her heart clenched when she spotted her father—Valerius, the king’s protector—standing in the center of the room, his face drawn and serious. She has not saw him in ages. Beside him, She saw her stepmother, crying by Asher as he sat on a chair, his arm wrapped in a blood-soaked bandage, his face pale and strained.

“Father?” Aria stepped forward, alarmed by the sight of Asher’s injury. Her eyes darted between the two men. “What happened?”

Her father’s gaze softened when he saw her, though the weight of urgency still hung heavy in his voice. “Aria, we don’t have much time. There’s a threat to the royals, and I’ve been summoned back to the palace. I came to take both you and Asher with me.”

“But asher- How can he go like this..?” Aria said sharply, moving to inspect her stepbrother’s injury. His sleeve was soaked with blood, and though he smiled weakly at her, the pain in his eyes was unmistakable. “What happened?” she asked, her voice tightening with concern.

Asher grimaced, his good hand trembling as he spoke. “They attacked us. The men... the ones who wanted the next protector dead. They came after us while we were waiting for you.”

"Oh so i got attacked by the same men" Aria said

Valerius’s jaw clenched, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword. “They wanted to eliminate both of you, to stop either of you from reaching the palace. But Asher got injuired due to it. He won’t be able to take on the role now.”

Aria’s heart pounded in her chest. She looked down at Asher, whose normally strong demeanor had faltered under the weight of his wound. His arm was mangled, the injury severe enough to prevent him from wielding a sword for months.

“I can’t go, Aria,” Asher murmured, his voice weak but filled with regret. “It has to be you.”

Aria’s mind raced. The threat against the crown prince was real, and time was running out. She had always known this day might come—that she, not Asher, might be called upon to fulfill the family’s promise. But she hadn’t expected it to be under these circumstances, with danger lurking so close.

Her father placed a hand on her shoulder, his expression heavy. “We have no choice. The enemy is coming, and the crown prince’s life is in danger. You must come to the palace.”

Aria met her father’s gaze, her thoughts swirling with a mix of duty, fear, and determination. She nodded, her face set in grim resolve. She would protect the crown prince with everything she had.

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