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Savannah Cruz (FL)

Appearance : Savannah is a striking woman with shoulder-length dark hair that falls in natural waves. She has an athletic, toned build, standing at an average height, and her sharp green eyes always seem to be assessing her surroundings. Her style leans heavily toward edgy, with leather jackets, ripped jeans, and boots that match her rebellious, carefree attitude. Despite her cool, effortless look, there's an intensity in the way she carries herself, like she's always prepared for a challenge.

Personality: Savannah is bold, sarcastic, and takes no nonsense from anyone. She’s confident to a fault, known for her savage comebacks and ability to stand her ground. Her wit is sharp, and she isn’t afraid to put people in their place, especially those who try to impress her with superficial charm. While Savannah projects a tough, independent exterior, she struggles with emotional vulnerability, especially in relationships. She has insecurities, particularly when it comes to love, but she hides them well. Deep down, she’s protective of those she loves, but trust doesn’t come easy for her.

Background: Savannah has built her career in a creative field like marketing or design, where her quick-thinking and sharp mind serve her well. She comes from a modest background and learned early on to depend on herself, which fuels her independent streak. She’s incredibly close to her best friend, Natalie, and cares deeply about her family, particularly her father, though she rarely talks about his illness.


Blake Hamilton (ML)

Appearance : Blake is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He has tousled dark hair that’s effortlessly styled, a chiseled jawline, and intense blue eyes that seem to see through people. His physique is lean and muscular, and he carries himself with the confidence of someone who knows he can have whatever—or whoever—he wants. Whether he’s in a designer suit or casual wear, Blake always looks polished and exudes a natural magnetism that draws people to him.

Personality : Blake is charming, flirtatious, and exudes confidence—bordering on arrogance. He’s the type of man who’s used to getting what he wants without having to try too hard. Beneath his playboy exterior, however, Blake is guarded. He’s afraid of emotional intimacy and commitment, which is why he keeps most of his relationships shallow and casual. Yet, when Savannah enters his life, she presents a challenge he’s never faced before. Her indifference to his charm forces him to confront parts of himself that he’d rather keep hidden. While his confidence can sometimes cross into manipulative behavior, Blake is capable of genuine feelings—if he can learn to open up.

Background: As the CEO of Hamilton Enterprises, Blake inherited a life of wealth and privilege, but he’s also worked hard to prove his worth in the business world. His life has always been about status and success, and his playboy persona is partly a result of never being able to trust that people love him for more than his wealth. Meeting Savannah disrupts his carefully curated lifestyle and forces him to rethink his priorities.


Natalie Parker (Savannah’s Best Friend)

Appearance : Natalie is a bubbly, blonde woman with a bright, cheerful smile that can light up any room. She’s slightly shorter than Savannah and has a curvier build. Her style is colorful and trendy, always on point with the latest fashion. Her warm brown eyes exude kindness and excitement, and she has an infectious energy that makes people feel instantly comfortable around her.

Personality : Natalie is the outgoing, social butterfly who is always encouraging Savannah to have more fun. She’s optimistic and romantic, always on the lookout for her next adventure, whether it’s in her love life or career. She’s the yin to Savannah’s yang, providing a cheerful, warm contrast to Savannah’s cool, savage demeanor. Despite her playful exterior, Natalie is fiercely loyal to her friends and isn’t afraid to speak her mind when it matters most. Her relationship with Savannah is full of banter and mutual respect.

Background: Natalie works as an event planner, a job that suits her energetic, outgoing nature perfectly. She’s always planning exciting outings and dragging Savannah along, even if Savannah isn’t thrilled about it. Natalie is deeply invested in her friendship with Savannah and often acts as the emotional balance in Savannah’s life.


Ryan Harris (Natalie’s Love Interest/Blake’s Rival)

Appearance : Ryan is a handsome, laid-back guy with sandy-blond hair that’s always a bit tousled. His style is casual but stylish, usually wearing flannels, jeans, and sneakers that complement his easygoing persona. He has warm brown eyes that exude sincerity, making people feel comfortable and safe around him. Ryan is slightly taller than Blake, with a lean, athletic build that makes him look effortlessly fit.

Personality : Ryan is the polar opposite of Blake in many ways. He’s genuine, easygoing, and doesn’t need to flaunt his accomplishments or charm people to get their attention. Ryan believes in honesty and commitment and is fiercely protective of those he loves. He’s more straightforward than Blake, preferring open communication over mind games, which makes him a natural rival to Blake, especially when it comes to Savannah. Despite his calm demeanor, Ryan can be fiercely competitive when he feels challenged.

Background : Ryan is an architect who has worked hard to build his career. He values hard work and integrity, something that’s evident in both his professional and personal life. He met Natalie through mutual friends, and while he’s drawn to her bubbly nature, he finds himself intrigued by Savannah’s fiery personality as well. Ryan doesn’t back down when it comes to going after what he wants, and while he respects Savannah’s independence, he won’t hesitate to challenge her if it means protecting her from Blake’s games.


The Unexpected Encounter

Savannah Cruz stepped into the upscale bar, her boots clicking against the polished floor with a sense of purpose. She hated places like this—glitzy, pretentious, and filled with people who cared more about appearances than authenticity. But tonight, it wasn’t her choice. Natalie had insisted they needed a break from their usual hangouts, and apparently, this swanky new bar was “the place to be.”

“Come on, Sav! You’ll love it,” Natalie had chirped, practically dragging her out the door earlier.

Savannah scanned the room, her green eyes taking in the dim lighting, the well-dressed crowd, and the low hum of conversation. She tugged at the collar of her leather jacket, feeling a little out of place among the sea of designer dresses and tailored suits. Natalie, of course, fit right in—her bright floral dress and blond curls bouncing as she floated through the crowd like she owned the place.

“There she is,” Natalie grinned as she found a spot near the bar, waving Savannah over. “Isn’t this place amazing?”

“If by ‘amazing,’ you mean filled with people who look like they’d rather die than get their shoes dirty, then sure,” Savannah said dryly, but there was a twinkle in her eyes. She couldn’t help but smirk at Natalie’s enthusiasm.

“Stop being such a grump. You need to loosen up, have fun. Who knows, you might even meet someone,” Natalie teased, nudging her playfully.

“Unlikely,” Savannah replied, sliding onto the barstool beside her. She ordered a whiskey neat—no fancy cocktails for her, thank you very much.

Natalie was already eyeing the room for potential suitors when Savannah’s attention was drawn to the far side of the bar. A group of men were laughing, clearly the center of attention, but one man stood out among them. Tall, dark-haired, and wearing a perfectly tailored suit that probably cost more than her entire wardrobe combined. His presence was commanding, and even from across the room, Savannah could feel the confidence radiating off him.

“Don’t stare too hard, you might blind him with your disinterest,” Natalie quipped, following Savannah’s gaze.

“I’m not staring,” Savannah muttered, turning her attention back to her drink. “I’m observing. There’s a difference.”

But it was hard not to stare. The man, now leaning casually against the bar, was clearly used to the attention. Women fluttered around him like moths to a flame, and he seemed to enjoy every second of it. Savannah rolled her eyes. He was the type she avoided like the plague—handsome, yes, but oozing arrogance from every pore.

As if sensing her thoughts, the man’s gaze shifted, landing squarely on Savannah. For a moment, their eyes locked, and Savannah felt a strange jolt of electricity. His lips curled into a slow, confident smirk, and he raised an eyebrow as if to say, Come over here and join the party.

Savannah narrowed her eyes, clearly unimpressed. She wasn’t one to fall for a pretty face, especially one that screamed “trouble.”

“Yikes. Who does that guy think he is?” she muttered under her breath, turning away from his gaze, determined to ignore him.

“Uh, that would be Blake Hamilton,” Natalie said, her voice dropping into a whisper of excitement. “He’s basically a walking fortune, and trust me, he’s more than just good looks. He’s the CEO of Hamilton Enterprises.”

“CEO, huh?” Savannah snorted. “Well, good for him. Still doesn’t mean he’s worth my time.”

Natalie sighed. “Honestly, Sav, you’re impossible sometimes.”

Before Savannah could respond, the man—Blake Hamilton—was making his way over to their side of the bar. His entourage stayed behind, laughing and drinking, as Blake casually approached the two women.

“Ladies,” he said smoothly, his voice as deep and rich as his bank account. “Mind if I join you?”

Savannah took a long sip of her whiskey, deliberately not meeting his eyes. “That depends. Are you going to bore us with stories about how great you are?”

Blake chuckled, seemingly unphased by her cold reception. “Only if you ask nicely.”

Natalie, clearly flustered by his attention, was already giggling like a schoolgirl. “Oh, don’t mind Savannah. She’s just a little... guarded.”

Blake turned his attention to Savannah, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “Is that so? Well, I’ve always liked a challenge.”

Savannah finally met his gaze, her expression unreadable. “Good for you. Enjoy it somewhere else.”

Blake’s smirk grew. “Feisty. I like that.” He leaned casually against the bar, as if her rejection only fueled his interest.

Savannah internally groaned. This was exactly why she hated places like this. Guys like Blake thrived on their own ego and charm, and the last thing she wanted was to get tangled up in his games. But there was something about the way he looked at her—like he wasn’t used to being dismissed—that made her want to push his buttons.

“So, Blake Hamilton,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “What brings you down from your golden throne tonight? Slumming it with us common folk?”

Blake laughed, clearly entertained by her attitude. “You could say I’m here for... inspiration.”

Savannah raised an eyebrow. “Inspiration? You don’t strike me as the creative type.”

“I’m full of surprises,” he said, his gaze never wavering.

Savannah’s lips twitched, but she quickly suppressed it. She wasn’t about to let him charm his way into anything.

“Well, don’t waste your time here. We’re not interested,” she said, turning back to her drink.

Blake leaned in slightly, his voice lowering to a teasing whisper. “You keep saying ‘we,’ but somehow, I think you’re the one I’ll have to convince.”

Savannah’s heart skipped a beat, but she didn’t let it show. Instead, she gave him a slow, deliberate smirk. “Good luck with that.”

Blake straightened, clearly amused. “I think I’ll take my chances.”

With one last lingering look, Blake walked back to his group, leaving Savannah to roll her eyes and take another sip of her whiskey. Natalie, meanwhile, was practically buzzing with excitement.

“Oh my God, Sav, did you see the way he looked at you? He’s totally into you!”

“Please,” Savannah muttered, though she couldn’t deny that their exchange had stirred something in her. She wasn’t about to fall for some rich, arrogant playboy. But the way he looked at her, like she was the first person to ever challenge him, intrigued her—just a little.

“Let’s just enjoy our night without any more distractions, okay?” Savannah said, trying to shake off the strange feeling.

But as much as she wanted to brush it off, she had a sinking suspicion that this wouldn’t be the last time Blake Hamilton crossed her path.

And something told her that when their worlds collided again, things would get a whole lot more complicated.


Unwanted Attention

Savannah Cruz had always been good at shaking things off. But for some reason, as she and Natalie left the bar later that night, she couldn’t stop thinking about her encounter with Blake Hamilton. His smirk, the confident way he carried himself, and—most annoyingly—the fact that he didn’t seem fazed by her sharp comebacks.

“Sav, I swear, if you don’t go after him, I will,” Natalie teased as they walked down the sidewalk, her heels clicking against the pavement.

Savannah snorted, tugging her leather jacket tighter around herself. “Good luck with that. Guys like him are trouble, Nat. Pure trouble.”

“Trouble you could totally handle, though,” Natalie quipped, linking arms with Savannah. “Come on, admit it—you’re a little curious.”

“Curious? No,” Savannah said, her lips tightening. “Annoyed? Definitely.”

“Uh-huh.” Natalie’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Annoyed in that ‘I kind of like him but don’t want to admit it’ way.”

Savannah shot her a glare. “Drop it, Nat.”

Natalie shrugged, but she had a knowing smile on her face. Savannah rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling Blake had left her with. Why did he have to be so... infuriatingly charming? There were plenty of guys in the world, so why was her brain stuck on this one?

Maybe it was because, for once, someone didn’t back down when she threw up her walls. Or maybe it was the way Blake had looked at her—not like he was interested in what he could get from her, but like he was genuinely entertained by her refusal to fall for his charm. Whatever it was, she didn’t like it.

Not. One. Bit.


The next morning, Savannah woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. She groaned, rolling over in bed and pulling her pillow over her head. Who in their right mind was texting her this early?

Her curiosity eventually got the better of her, and she peeked out from under the pillow, squinting at the bright screen. It was Natalie, of course.

Natalie: You’re going to die. Guess who’s in the paper this morning?

Savannah raised an eyebrow, sitting up and brushing her hair out of her face. She had no idea where this was going, but with Natalie, it could be anything.

Savannah: Please tell me it’s not Blake Hamilton.

Natalie’s reply was almost immediate.

Natalie: Ding ding ding!

Savannah groaned audibly, tossing her phone onto the bed. Why did it not surprise her? Of course, Blake would be in the paper. He was probably in it every other day, plastered all over the tabloids for whatever high-profile event or scandal he was involved in.

Her phone buzzed again, and she reluctantly picked it up.

Natalie: Seriously though, there’s this huge article about his latest business deal. Apparently, he’s got some major project lined up in the city. Thought you’d like to know since, you know, you’ll be bumping into him again.

Savannah rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop the tiny spark of curiosity. A major project? That explained why he’d been at the bar last night. Still, she didn’t need to know every detail of his life—especially not from the tabloids.

With a sigh, she tossed the phone aside again and got out of bed. Today was Saturday, which meant she had a rare day off from work. Her plan was simple: head to the gym, grab coffee, and pretend Blake Hamilton didn’t exist.


A few hours later, Savannah found herself at her usual coffee shop, sipping a much-needed cappuccino and flipping through her phone. The café was cozy and bustling with the usual weekend crowd—college students tapping away on their laptops, couples chatting over pastries, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the air. This was her haven, her escape from the chaos of the city.

She was just about to check her emails when a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the woman who pretends not to be interested.”

Savannah’s eyes snapped up, her heart sinking as Blake Hamilton stood before her, looking as annoyingly confident as ever. His blue eyes sparkled with amusement, and he was dressed casually in a fitted navy sweater and jeans—still somehow managing to look effortlessly perfect.

“Are you stalking me now?” she asked dryly, taking a sip of her cappuccino without breaking eye contact.

Blake chuckled, sliding into the seat across from her. “If I were stalking you, I’d be a lot more discreet.”

“Not comforting,” she replied, setting her cup down. “What are you doing here?”

He leaned back in his chair, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “Same as you, I imagine. Enjoying a quiet morning before the day gets busy. Or, in your case, avoiding thinking about me.”

Savannah narrowed her eyes. “Why would I waste my time thinking about you?”

“Why indeed,” Blake mused, leaning forward. “But you are thinking about me, aren’t you?”

“Wow, your ego really knows no bounds,” she said, crossing her arms.

Blake smiled, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth. “I’m just stating facts. You’re too sharp not to have noticed me, and I can tell you’ve been thinking about our little exchange last night.”

Savannah rolled her eyes but didn’t dignify his comment with a response. She wasn’t about to feed into his self-importance. “So, is this your thing? Find a girl who doesn’t fall at your feet and then chase her down until she gives in?”

Blake tilted his head, considering her words. “No, not usually. But you’re different.”

“Different?” she echoed, raising an eyebrow.

“You don’t play the game like everyone else. Most people are easy to figure out. They like what I have to offer, and they make it obvious. But you...” He paused, his blue eyes locking onto hers. “You keep me guessing.”

Savannah tried to ignore the slight flutter in her chest. She wasn’t going to fall for this. Not his charm, not his smooth words, and definitely not his flirty, intense gaze. “Maybe I just don’t care about whatever it is you’re offering.”

Blake smiled slowly. “Then why are you still sitting here?”

Savannah opened her mouth to respond but found herself momentarily at a loss for words. Why was she still sitting here? It wasn’t like she had to entertain his presence. She could easily tell him to leave, and yet... there was something oddly compelling about their banter.

But before she could overthink it, she took a deep breath and shot him a smug smile. “Because watching you try so hard is hilarious.”

Blake laughed, genuinely amused. “Fair enough. I’ll take that as a challenge.”

“Challenge? There’s no challenge here, Hamilton. I’m not interested.”

“Keep telling yourself that, Savannah.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Stop calling me by my full name.”

“Fine,” he said with a grin. “Sav.”

“Don’t call me that either.”

“Alright, alright,” Blake said, putting his hands up in mock surrender. “I’ll figure out what you like to be called eventually.”

Savannah sighed, exasperated, but there was no denying that part of her enjoyed their back-and-forth. He was persistent—annoyingly so—but she had to admit that most people would’ve backed off by now. Not Blake. And while that might be a red flag to some, there was something about the way he seemed genuinely entertained by her resistance that intrigued her.

Still, that didn’t mean she was going to let him win.

“I don’t need you to figure anything out about me,” Savannah said, standing up and grabbing her coffee. “I’m not one of your projects.”

Blake leaned back in his chair, watching her with that same amused smile. “Noted.”

Without another word, Savannah turned on her heel and walked out of the café, her heart pounding a little harder than she’d like to admit. As she stepped out onto the sidewalk, she tried to push away the nagging feeling that this wasn’t the last she’d see of Blake Hamilton.

In fact, she had a feeling this was only the beginning.


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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