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My Summon Give Me Strength Permanently

Chapter 1: THE AWAKENING part 1


Beneath the bustling city of Mayapur, where the old world clashed with the new, lay an underground facility that very few knew existed. Hidden deep beneath the surface, far from prying eyes and shielded from the turmoil above, this research laboratory was home to a select group of scientists, the best and brightest in their fields. They were entrusted with a singular mission: to unlock the secrets of a mysterious relic that defied all understanding—a Rudraksha bead stained with ancient, clotted blood.

The Rudraksha was unlike any other known to mankind. The scientists had subjected it to every test they could imagine. It was bombarded with lasers, doused in acid, and even subjected to temperatures so extreme they could melt steel. Yet, the bead remained untouched, its surface unmarred and its secrets intact. In a last-ditch effort, they had detonated a controlled nuclear explosion in a secure chamber, hoping to crack the relic’s defenses. But when the smoke cleared, the Rudraksha lay in the center of the blast zone, completely unharmed. It was as if it existed in a realm beyond the physical, impervious to the laws of nature.

Frustration and curiosity gnawed at the scientists, but little did they know, their research had attracted more than just academic interest. On a night like any other, the routine quiet of the facility was shattered by an intruder—though not one that any of them noticed. Security cameras showed no sign of entry, alarms remained silent, and guards reported nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, a MAN or what appeared to be a HUMAN was making his way through the corridors, completely unchallenged.

He moved like a puppet, his limbs jerking in unnatural, staccato motions as if driven by some unseen force. His face was blank, devoid of emotion, and his eyes were glassy, unseeing. He mumbled to himself, his voice low and incoherent, a constant droning that echoed faintly through the halls. To any who might have observed him, it would have been clear that this was no ordinary human being, yet no one did. The scientists, guards, and staff all continued their work, oblivious to his presence as he passed among them like a ghost.

The intruder made his way to the heart of the facility, where the Rudraksha was kept. The room was a fortress, protected by layers of security that no normal human could breach. But the man bypassed them all as if they didn’t exist. He walked straight through the final barrier, into the chamber where the relic lay, bathed in the cold light of scientific instruments.

As he approached the relic, his movements became slower, more deliberate. His hand reached into the pocket of his tattered coat and pulled out an object—a scale. It was small, black, and possessed a shine that was not of this world. The scale was imbued with an oppressive energy, so thick and malevolent that the very air around it seemed to grow heavy, suffocating the room with its presence. It was as though the scale itself was alive, vibrating with a dark, ancient power.

The man—or whatever he had become—moved the scale closer to the Rudraksha. As it neared, the relic began to pulse with a faint, inner light, as if recognizing the presence of something kindred. With a final, jerking motion, the man pressed the scale against the Rudraksha, and in that instant, the world as humanity knew it ended.


Chapter 1: THE AWAKENING part 2


The moment the black scale touched the Rudraksha, a shockwave of unimaginable power erupted from the relic. The room was flooded with a blinding light, and a sound unlike any other filled the air—a deep, resonant "Om" followed by a haunting "Hari Hari," the sacred vibrations that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of existence. The sound was not just heard but felt, as if the cosmos itself was chanting, the voices of the gods and the universe entwined in a single, harmonious note.

The shockwave that accompanied the sound was visible to the naked eye, a ripple of energy that spread outward from the relic in every direction. It passed through walls, floors, and ceilings as if they were not there, expanding rapidly until it enveloped the entire facility. Then, as if guided by an unseen hand, the wave continued to grow, traveling across the city of Mayapur and beyond, spreading over the entire planet in mere moments.

As the wave touched the earth, the world trembled in response. Deep beneath the surface, tectonic plates shifted violently, releasing pent-up energy that had been dormant for millennia. The seas roared as ancient fault lines cracked, sending massive tsunamis racing towards the shores of every continent. Coastal cities, unprepared for such an onslaught, were submerged within hours, their streets turned into rivers, their buildings swept away like driftwood.

Volcanoes, once quiet and seemingly extinct, erupted with a fury not seen since the dawn of time. The skies were painted with fire and ash as molten lava spewed forth, raining destruction on the land below. Entire regions were consumed in flames, their once fertile grounds turned into barren wastelands of smoldering rock and ash.

The earth itself shuddered as earthquakes tore through the continents, splitting the ground, swallowing buildings, and leaving behind massive chasms where once there had been solid ground. Cities crumbled, and the once-stable ground became a deadly trap for those who lived above it. The air was filled with the sound of collapsing structures, the screams of the terrified, and the roar of nature unleashed.

In the space of a few minutes, the world was transformed. The death toll was unimaginable; millions perished in the initial cataclysm, and millions more were left to face the chaos that followed. The survivors, those lucky or unlucky enough to have been spared, found themselves in a world they no longer recognized—a world where the old fears of demons and dark powers were no longer just stories, but a terrifying reality.

But as the earth began to stabilize, it became clear that this was not just a natural disaster. The world had been altered in a fundamental way. The ancient force field that had protected humanity for millennia, powered by the divine relics of the 12 Jyotirlingas and 51 Shakti Peethas, was now severely weakened, if not completely shattered. With its collapse, a new era of terror began—a time when the Asuras, the ancient enemies of the gods, could once again walk the earth.

The world would never be the same.

Chapter 2: THE CATACLYSM. part 2


The collision of the mysterious scale with the Rudraksha was an event that would be remembered for generations, a moment that marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new, terrifying age. The instant the scale touched the Rudraksha, the world was plunged into a cacophony of sound and fury. The ancient relic, dormant for countless millennia, reacted as if it had been waiting for this exact moment. A deep, resonant "Om" filled the air, vibrating with a power that was both divine and destructive. It was the sound of the universe itself, a primordial echo that resonated through the very core of the Earth.

As the "Om" continued to reverberate, it was joined by the sacred chant of "Hari Hari," a mantra that symbolized the eternal dance of creation and destruction. The sound was no longer just a noise; it was a force, a wave of energy that rippled through the atmosphere, shaking the very foundations of reality. The vibrations grew stronger, the air itself seemed to shimmer, distorting and warping as if struggling to contain the immense power being unleashed.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light erupted from the Rudraksha, and a shockwave of unimaginable force burst forth. This was no ordinary explosion—it was a cataclysmic event that transcended the physical realm, shaking the Earth to its core. The shockwave was visible to the naked eye, a rippling wave of energy that expanded outward in all directions, moving faster than the speed of sound, faster than light itself.

As the shockwave spread, the world began to tremble violently. The ground heaved and buckled as though the Earth were trying to tear itself apart. Massive fissures split open the land, swallowing whole cities in a matter of seconds. Mountains crumbled, their ancient peaks collapsing in on themselves as if they were made of sand. The sky darkened as if a curtain had been drawn over the sun, plunging the world into an eerie twilight.

The Earth's crust, strained to its breaking point, could no longer contain the immense pressures building beneath it. Dormant volcanoes that had slumbered for thousands of years suddenly roared to life, spewing molten rock and ash high into the atmosphere. The ground trembled as mountains of fire erupted across the globe, their fiery lava flows consuming everything in their path. The sky turned a deep, ominous red as clouds of volcanic ash blotted out the sun, casting a shadow over the entire planet.

The oceans, too, responded to the cataclysm. The seas, already agitated by the seismic activity, surged with unnatural fury. Massive tsunamis, hundreds of feet high, raced towards the coasts of every continent. These towering walls of water crashed onto the shores with devastating force, sweeping away entire cities and towns. The once-bustling coastal regions were reduced to wastelands of twisted metal and shattered concrete, their populations decimated by the relentless onslaught of the waves.

The Earth continued to convulse, as earthquakes of unprecedented magnitude shook the land. Entire mountain ranges were shattered, and vast tracts of land were reduced to rubble. The very structure of the planet seemed to be unraveling, as if the shockwave had reached down into the Earth's core and wrenched it apart. The Earth groaned and trembled as it tried to stabilize, but the damage had been done. The world would never be the same again.

Amidst the devastation, the world was thrown into chaos. Communications systems failed, cities were plunged into darkness, and governments struggled to respond to the unfolding disaster. The death toll was incalculable, millions perished in the initial shockwave, and millions more would die in the days that followed. The survivors, scattered and broken, were left to navigate a world that had been irrevocably changed.

Yet, the true horror of the cataclysm was not the physical destruction it caused, but the rifts it tore in the fabric of reality. The ancient force field, placed by the Devas to protect Earth from the Asuras, had been critically weakened by the shockwave. This divine barrier, once impenetrable, now flickered and wavered like a dying flame. It was as though the very essence of the Earth had been exposed, and through the cracks in the force field, something ancient and malevolent began to stir.


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