NovelToon NovelToon

Mysterious Girl from That Night

Episode 1

In the Miller's mansion
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
oh, well mom told me to wake you.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(pissed off) Why the hell did shout, huh?
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
You weren't waking up so...
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(threw a pillow at him)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I swear I will end you when I catch you bit*h
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Hey relax (dodging and running to hall)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(running behind him)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
What relax you bi...
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
What were you saying young lady?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
What this that huh? I clearly heard you cursing.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
You are grounded for a week. No phone and No hanging out after 8.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
(enjoying at the corner)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
And you (grabs Ethan's ears) why were you yelling in the room? I told you to wake her.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Sorry mom. I promise I won't do it again.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Mom he said the exact same thing last time.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
That's right. Therefore you are grounded along with her.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
(went to the kitchen)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Looks like someone got in trouble while trying to get me in trouble.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Oh hello you are in trouble too missy. Don't act too oversmart.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Yeah yeah.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I am surely gonna tell dad about it.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Yeah sure. Dadda's girl.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
More like Dad's princess.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(flips her hair)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Don't be so jealous of me sweetheart.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Who is jealous? You are jealous not me humph.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Are you both arguing again?
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
No mom.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
As if I believe it. Anyways leave it, go and have breakfast.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(running towards the dinning room after hearing the word breakfast)
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
(running towards the dinning room after hearing the word breakfast)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
(chuckles) my little foodies.
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
(hugs her from behind)
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Our little foodies, love.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
yeah yeah. I know.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Now leave me. I have to go.
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Not before you kiss me wifey.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
(kisses him in the cheek)
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Seriously, it was a peck not a kiss.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Come on, kids will see. I kiss you in the room.
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Let's go eat.
to be continued

Episode 2

time skip
The Next Day
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Claire wake up
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
5 more minutes mom.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
You will be late to your first day of the new school.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
(taking the blanket from her)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
currently 16 years old 👉
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Please mom just 5 minutes more.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(pulling the blanket back from her)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Claire wake up now or no breakfast for you.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(jolts up after hearing the word breakfast)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Go take a bath and put on your uniform.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
yes mom (sleepily getting up)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Fast. Hurry up.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
After taking a bath come downstairs and eat breakfast.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
(leaves her room)
time skip
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I am ready mom. (running downstairs)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Aish Girl you give me all kind of anxiety by running down like that.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Come on mom, I have never fallen down. So why worry.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Till now you have not fallen but what if you fell in the future?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Ok mom. I got it. No worries.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Now give me my breakie.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Ok ok piggy.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Mom (whines)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Fine sorry. Here eat. (hands over her breakfast)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Thanks mom.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(finishes the breakfast and gets up)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Ethan! Come and drop your sister off to her school.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Coming mom!
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Go fast or you will be late.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Got it mom. (winks at her)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Seriously I don't know what to do with you. (chuckles)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Buy me ice cream, chocolates and a lot of snacks.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
You are unbelievable.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Bye mom.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
After leaving the house
In The Car
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Bro how the heck do you manage to look this ugly.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Shut the f*ck up.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I mean like seriously if I was this ugly I would have committed suicide for sure.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
My dear sister, if you don't kindly shut up I will throw you out of the car.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
🤐 (zips her mouth)
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Good girl.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Good girl (mimics him)
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
I am seriously going to complain to mom.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Ok mamma boy.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
I am a mamma boy. So what?
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Perhaps are you jealous, sista?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Who is jealous...
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Oops! looks like we arrived at the school.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(opening the door)
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Hurry up sista. Or girls will begin asking for my number.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Who in their right mind will ask for your number.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
People with good taste.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(goes to the receptionist)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Miss can you tell me where the class 11th C is ?
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Sure sweetheart. Just go straight and take a right turn.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Thank you miss.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(runs to her class)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(bumps into someone)
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
Watch out
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I am sorry I was in a hurry.
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
No worries but be careful.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(looks around but can't see her class)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Could you help me find my class please? I am a new student.
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
Which class are you in?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
11th C
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
Come with me. My class is next to yours, so I'll come with you.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Thank you so much.
They begin walking towards their class.
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
What is your name?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire. Claire Miller.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
Sofie Adamsville
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
Looks like we reached.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Nice to meet you
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
Bye 👋.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(went to the class and sat in an empty seat in the 2nd row
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Hello class
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Let's start today's class by introducing ourselves first.
After few students
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I am Claire Miller. I am a transfer student.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I will be looking forward for the future classes.
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
I am Suzuki yuki
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
I am native to Japan.
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
Thank you.
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Time skip
bell rings
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Thank you class for you cooperation.
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
Eileen (receptionist/teacher)
We will start the lesson from tomorrow.
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
Hi, Claire.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
You are new right? want to be my friend?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Sure thanks.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
You look so cute (pinching her cheeks).
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
Aw,, thank you. You look breathtaking, beautiful (winks at her).
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(chuckles) really, sweetheart?
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
You look like a goddess.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Look who is talking, you could challenge the moon in terms of beauty and end up winning.
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
Yeah (tries to hide her blushing face with her hands)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(giggles seeing her blushing face)
to be continued

Chapter 3

After The School
at around 5:45
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Bye Yuki
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Bye Sophie
Sofie Adamsville(fl
Sofie Adamsville(fl's friend)
Suzuki Yuki(fl
Suzuki Yuki(fl's friend)
They went their separate ways.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
[ I wish they lived near me. I don't want to walk alone.]
It started getting dark.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Oh shoot I should be home before it gets dark.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(feels sudden pain in her head)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Somebody help please.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
In some time
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Where am I?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Is anyone there?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
What do you want?
Chill sweetie. It's not like I am killing you or something. So just relax.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(panicking) who ar..are you?
Sweetie why are you panicking? Calm down.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Tell me where I am?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
What do you want from me?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(voice cracking)
So many questions already (chuckles)
As i said I won't hurt 'you' for now.
Now go to sleep.
(waves her hand)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
What are...
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(falls asleep)
In the Miller mansion
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(wakes up suddenly)
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Claire, are you okay?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(panting and sweating)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Claire, say something.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Did something happen?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl),,brother.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Yes dear. Did something happen?
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I..I saw som..someone (explaining everything that happened)
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
You scared me to death.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Do you know how worried we were when we were informed that you were unconscious on the way.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Right. Me too. I thought something serious happened.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
When we called a doctor to check up. He said that he didn't know why you fainted.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Turns out it was all just because a nightmare.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
I am being serious.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
That lady....
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Relax dear.
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
It's not that we don't believe in you.
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
But rest assured nothing will happen to anyone of us.
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Take rest for a day. Then after making sure that nothing is wrong you can return to school.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Frederick Miller(fl
Frederick Miller(fl's father)
Now rest for a while. We will be downstairs.
Diana Miller(fl
Diana Miller(fl's mother)
Call us if you need anything.
Ethan Miller(fl
Ethan Miller(fl's brother)
Rest well sista.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(nods with a smile)
They all leave her there
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
That's right.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
It was just a dream.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
Nothing will happen.
Claire Miller(fl)
Claire Miller(fl)
(goes to sleep)
to be continued
I know it is getting boring but stick around for a while.
Thank you for your support.

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