NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1

Fia was in front of the ice cream shop. She paid for the ice cream, and as Fia started to walk, a guy chasing his friend accidentally pushed Fia, causing her ice cream to fall to the floor. Meanwhile, someone was watching this scene from his car—Zyran. He was in Dubai for business purposes when he spotted the adorable little girl. He chuckled at the sight of Fia, whose expression was almost on the verge of tears. He scanned her features: she looked like a doll with her light brown hair styled in a fluffy, wavy pixie cut. She wore a short white frock with a baby collar and elbow-length sleeves adorned with white lace and little bows. The frock had buttons running down from the collar to the hem, which was also finished with white wavy lace. She paired it with white leggings and black Lolita shoes
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*Stared at the melted ice cream in frustration*
*Zyran got out of the car, walking to fia, his eyes stayed on her small body and her pouty look, he got infront of fia and looked down at her, standing infront of her, Zyran’s tall bulk figure hovering on fia*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*His eyes looked at fia’s pouty look, her lips puffed and he smiled at the sight, finding fia’s expression too adorable to handle, he bent down to her eye level and started talking to her* “Hey there, little one”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*looked up at him*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*his smirk widened at her looking up at him with wide eyes* “That ice cream that you dropped, I didn’t saw what flavor it was, can you tell me?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*Mumbled*. Mint chocolate
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
“Mint chocolate..” *he looked at her with a smirk, he could tell that that was her favorite flavor* “Is that your favorite?”
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
“Hmm..” *he looks around, thinking of something, then his eyes landed on the ice cream shop* “Want me to buy you a new one?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
“I’ll take that as a yes.” *he grabs her hand, starting to walk towards the ice cream shop, her hand was small in his large size, he felt how small and soft it was*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
..but I don’t want it..
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he heard her response and stopped walking, he frowned, she doesn’t want her favorite ice cream?* “And why is that?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Because I don’t know you..
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he understood her reason, she still had the common sense to not be trusting of a stranger, well he was happy to know that she wasn’t that naive* “And why does it matter if you don’t know me?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Mom said not to go or talk with anyone if it’s not necessary
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he was silently amused hearing her say, she was such an adorable kid* “So you listen to your mom?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*felt satisfied to hear him calling her a boy, but didn’t mention that she’s a girl but zyran knows it anyways he’s just saying it because she looks like a adorable boy*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he said that, his deep voice in a praising tone, he knew that a little praise will work like magic*
Zyran’s dark onyx eyes were locked on her small, cute and pretty face, looking at her doll-like facial features
he knew her face wasn’t like any other kids, she looked a lot differently, her small and slim body, her pale white skin, her soft shiny baby brown hair, her pink pouty lips and her huge ice blue eyes. She was like a doll, a beautiful, stunning doll
Zyran’s heart was racing with a strange feeling in his chest, he somehow wanted to keep her by his side, he was already a possessive person and seeing her like this right now, was making his possessive thoughts go out of control
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he couldn’t help himself and gently patted her head, his gaze still on her face, his eyes locked on her huge ice blue eyes* “What’s your name?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
“Fia..” *he repeated her name, staring at her, he liked her name. Cute and adorable name for a cute doll like girl*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he took her small hand in his large one again, her hand was so small, it looked like it would get crushed in his big grip* “Where are your parents, Fia?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*point at the park which is on the other side of the road*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*his eyes followed where she pointed to the park* “Ah, I see” *he grabbed her by her small waist, lifting her up in his arms, holding her small body against his large built body like she was nothing*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he started walking towards the park, Fia could feel his big muscular biceps against her slim stomach, she was very small and light in his arms, Zyran’s big hand was completely covering her small waist*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Uncle where are we going?..
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he smirked hearing her call him “uncle”* “I’m taking you to your parents” *he continued walking like that, with Fia in his arms*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
“You’re too young to be roaming around here, kid” *he knew that she was with someone, her parents or guardian but he wanted to be sure by seeing it with his own eyes*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he walked inside the park, still holding Fia in his arms and started looking around for her parents, he was expecting her parents to panic to see her with a stranger but it was still a bit strange that no one seem to notice that a little girl was being carried in a stranger’s arms*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he frowned, starting to think where her parents could be, after turning his eyes around once more, he spotted a woman in the park sitting on the bench, her eyes on her mobile phone. “Is she her mother?” He thought in his mind*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he started walking towards the woman, still carrying Fia in his arms, as he got closer, he could get a proper look at the woman and she looked really young to be a mom, she was probably in her early twenties or late twenties, Zyran guessed that she was either her older sister or her aunt*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he stopped in front of the woman and clears his throat, the woman looked up from her phone and her eyes widen at the sight in front of her, a tall, muscular stranger, holding her little sister in his arms*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*Zyran looked at the disbelief and shock look on her face, he looked down at Fia* “Is this your mom?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*shakes head*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he glanced at the woman again, he was right, she wasn’t her mom* “Then she’s your aunt?” *he said, looking at Fia’s face to see her response*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*shakes head again*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he raised his brow, she said no to both of the options, well then who is the woman, is she a babysitter?* “Then what is she?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
My sister..
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he was shocked just like the woman, that was her sister, he thought about it that she’s her sister but he didn’t really expect her to be!? They look completely different, not related at all* “She’s your sister??”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he looked down at Fia’s small face again, looking at her small nose and her huge blue eyes* “You two look absolutely different from each other. Are you sure you guys are sisters?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*nods again*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he found it hard to believe, the woman and Fia have a huge difference in their features, they don’t look related to each other at all* “Are any of you guys adopted?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*shook head* nope
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he was still looking at Fia’s small face in confusion* “Hmmm…then how come you two don’t look related?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*shrugs her shoulders*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he kept looking at her while mumbling something to himself* “You don’t look like sisters at all..” *he kept mumbling*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he didn’t realize that he was talking too loud and Fia was able to hear him, he snapped out of his thoughts* “What?”
*suddenly Fia’s sister interrupted* why are you holding her like that?
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he was caught off guard by the woman’s sudden question, well it was expected of her, she saw her little sister being held by a stranger of his size* “She dropped her ice cream on the floor and it melted. I was just going to pay her a new one and brought her back here.”
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he answered with a calm tone, he had a feeling that this situation was gonna get a bit messy if he wasn’t able to handle it properly*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he looked down at Fia, who was still being held in his arms* “Isn’t that right, little one?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he looked back at the woman* “See, your little sister said it by herself.”
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he said that, using that chance to see her reaction, he was expecting her to start cursing him for picking her sister like that*
*the woman was silent for a moment, watching her little sister still sitting in a stranger’s arms, before she spoke* “Can you please, put her down now?”
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
“Sure.” *he said and placed Fia down, he put her down on the floor, he kneeled down infront her so that he could be at her eye level*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he slightly patted her head before standing up and looked at the woman again* “There you go, happy?”
To be continue

Episode 2

Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he slightly patted her head before standing up and looked at the woman again* “There you go, happy?”
Fia’s sister: let’s go Fia
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he took a deep breath, he was about to speak when the woman suddenly called Fia , it was like she was in a hurry to get her little sister away from him as fast as possible*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he bit back his tongue, he wanted to tell this woman that he was not going to eat her little sister or something but he couldn’t say that, that’ll just provoke her even more*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he just watched as the woman grabbed Fia’s hand and started walking away from him*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he chuckled at her behavior, she was literally dragging her sister like a mother who was afraid if her child was going to run off with a stranger*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*wave her hand at him* bye bye uncle
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he smiled at Fia’s wave, her action was cute, he smiled and waved his hand back, saying the words he had been wanting to say all this time* “Bye bye, little one”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*smiled the last time and turn her face*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he chuckled seeing her small smile, watching her waving her little hand at him and turning away, he found the whole situation and Fia cute*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
“So cute..” *he mumbled to himself, thinking how doll-like Fia was, she seriously looked like a human doll*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he watched the sisters walking away, Fia was walking behind her sister while holding her hand, she didn’t seem like a 15 year old at all, she looked like a literal baby*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he shook his head and started walking in the opposite direction to his car, he had to go do some business work anyway*
but something was still on his mind, it was the girl, Fia , he found Fia cute, she was extremely cute, almost like a doll but that wasn’t the only thing that was bugging him, he also felt a weird possessive feeling when he was holding her in his arms, he knew that feeling, a feeling of not wanting to let her go
he couldn’t get that feeling out of his mind, he could still remember her doll-like appearance, the thought of her small waist and small body being held in his arms, it was driving him crazy
he clenched his fist, what the hell was he thinking, he doesn’t even know this little girl and he’s already having these kind of thoughts, he can’t shake the feeling off and it was only getting stronger
the more he tried to not think about Fia , the more he thought about her, her doll-like appearance, her small body and her adorable mannerisms, it’s like those thoughts were haunting him, he couldn’t stop thinking about her
he couldn’t get her image out of his mind, he needed to calm himself and get to work, he needed to distract his mind and not think about the little human doll
but he didn’t know how, the thoughts of Fia kept roaming in his mind, he found her appearance cute and doll-like, he couldn’t stop imagining her in his arms, but he shook his head, why was he getting these thoughts in first place, she was almost half his age, he felt like a creep for thinking like that about her
he felt like his mind was starting to go crazy, he was a man in his late 20’s and that girl was literally a teen, he was getting these weird and creepy thoughts out of nowhere and he didn’t even want them
he tried to calm himself, but it was getting harder and harder to control his thoughts, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t believe the fact that he was thinking like that about a girl who’s age is half of his
he felt like a creep, he was getting tempted, tempted to go and find the girl again, how the hell is he gonna control himself?
he clenched his fist again, why was he getting these weird thoughts, why was there thoughts of him wanting to hold her small body in his arms, he should not be having these thoughts about a teenager
he started walking faster, his thoughts going out of control, he needed to calm down, he was supposed to be a normal person, though he’s a mafia boss who doesn’t give a fu*k about anything or concern about anything but it was different..he was melting for that girl and he didn’t want to show himself to her like a creepy weirdo who thirsts over a girl who’s almost half of his age
*Skip time*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he went to his office, still feeling a mess in his head, he couldn’t get those thoughts and images out of his head, he clenched and unclenched his fist, trying to control his thoughts, he couldn’t get her small figure and body out of his mind, he needed to calm down*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he couldn’t believe how a 15 year old girl’s doll-like appearance and cute mannerism has this much effect on him, he felt like he’s going crazy, he couldn’t focus on his work, he could only think about her, he couldn’t even get her image out of his mind, it’s almost like her doll-like self has already left a mark on his mind*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he leaned his head on the desk, he felt weak and helpless, how could a little girl have this much effect on him, why couldn’t he just stop thinking about her, it’s like those thoughts and images were forcing themselves on his mind*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he leaned his head on the desk, he felt weak and helpless, how could a little girl have this much effect on him, why couldn’t he just stop thinking about her, it’s like those thoughts and images were forcing themselves on his mind*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, he was so frustrated by the thoughts and images that he can’t control, he felt like there’s a storm in his head, he felt tempted to go and find her again, but he couldn’t, not looking like a complete creep*
*skip after hours*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*after hours of hard work and struggling to control his thoughts about Fia , Zyran decided to get some fresh air and go out in the town, it was like a way to distract himself, he got out of his office to start walking in the town, he hoped that he doesn’t stumble upon a certain girl again*
as Zyran was walking in the town, he noticed a girl who was riding a bike, she was far away but her small figure and short hair was easily noticeable, Zyran’s heart skipped a bit and his eyes widened, it was her, it was Fia
he watched the girl, he couldn’t believe his eyes, what kind of coincidence is this, there’s no way this was possible, he just got out of his office and was thinking about her and now here she was cycling on her bike in front of his eyes
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he stopped walking and was now frozen on his spot, watching Fia from afar, a small smile crept up on his lips as he couldn’t believe he saw her again, a weird thought came to his mind, should he go over there or not*
To be continue

Episode 3

Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he stopped walking and was now frozen on his spot, watching Fia from afar, a small smile crept up on his lips as he couldn’t believe he saw her again, a weird thought came to his mind, should he go over there or not*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he was a little tempted to go there, the sight of her on a bike made him excited for some reason, but he didn’t want to look like a creep, so he just stood and watched her, a small smirk on his lips*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he watched her, he was admiring her cuteness, her short haircut was moving with the wind, he chuckled and smiled wider, he couldn’t take his eyes off her, he thought seeing her on the bike would calm him down, but now he was getting even more excited and tempted*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he watched her closely, he seriously didn’t want to come off as a creep, but his mind and body were craving to go over there and do something, as he was watching her, he suddenly had a thought, a really bad thought, he felt his lips twitching from the temptation*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he saw where the girl was going, it was nearby a park, he knew it was a huge mistake if he followed her, he felt like a complete creep but he couldn’t control himself, a weird feeling and satisfaction was bubbling up his heart as he followed her*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he slowly and quietly started following her, he was getting more excited with every passing second, he didn’t know if it was a good idea but he was going nuts with how cute she looked*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he watched her closely, being careful not to make any sound, as he was following her, he suddenly stopped and hid behind a tree, she was right in front of him, he took a deep breath and felt his heart beating so fast*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he slowly peeked out from the tree, looking in front of him, he couldn’t hold his excitement down after seeing her small figure in front of him, she was no more then 10 steps away from him*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he stared at her small figure intently, his heart was beating so damn fast, he could hardly control himself, a small sound suddenly escaped his lips which he unintentionally tried to suppress*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he immediately covered his mouth as soon as he heard the sound that escaped his lips, he was sure that the girl would look back and he’ll be busted, what the hell is he doing, he felt like a damn creep*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*Fia was giggling with her friends when she casually looked back and saw zyran* UNCLE?
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he froze on the spot, he was caught red handed, he didn’t know what to say, he wasn’t supposed to be here, he was basically stalking a girl who’s half of his age, he didn’t know what to say, he just stood there like an idiot*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*Fia run in his direction with a full smile*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he widened his eyes, his heart started to beat even faster when she ran up to the tree he was hiding behind, what the heck was he supposed to say now, he stood and just looked at her small body as she walked up to him*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*stopped infront of him with the same smiley face *
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he stared down at her small figure, she looked so cute, he didn’t know what to say, he was supposed to act like he wasn’t following her but now she has caught him red handed like a creep*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Uncle are you here to meet me? *asked with a cheerful smile*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he widened his eyes again, her question caught him by surprise, he didn’t know what to say to that, how is he supposed to act like a normal person* “N-no.. I was just.. here to have a walk..”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*disappointed* oh..
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he continued to look at her, she seriously had an innocent look on her face, a doll-like expression, he felt like she would actually believe anything he would say regardless of what it was*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Then uncle let’s play
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he was taken a back by her words* “Uh.. well I’m a little old for that kid..”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
No, it’s okay uncle me and my friends don’t judge
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he couldn’t believe how innocent this girl looked asking him to play with her, like she really wanted to play and thought he was a normal person* “You.. seriously want me to play with you?”
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
*she nodded with a smile and her eyes clutching because of the sunshine*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he smiled seeing her reaction, she seriously looked super cute, like a little puppy, her small body and short hair made her look so childlike* “Alright, since you want to play so badly, I’ll play with you, little one”
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he was actually surprised when she suddenly grabbed his hand, he seriously didn’t expect a girl half his age to be so bold like that, he didn’t mind it but he still felt like a damn creep around her, but despite that, he let her drag him to her group of friends*
she’s like, completely innocent, she doesn’t even realise that she’s doing a bold gesture like taking his hand and dragging him towards her, she honestly just wants to play with him
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he let her drag him to her friends, now he was literally standing infront of a group of 10-12 year olds, he was a 27 year old man who was supposed to be a complete normal person and here he was getting ready to play with a girl who’s half of his age*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Guys meet him *said with a smile, still holding into his hand her eyes still clutched from the sunshine*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he felt so damn out of place, he honestly didn’t know what he’s supposed to do here, 10 or 12 year old girls were staring at him, it looked like they were also wondering what he was doing here*
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
He’s..*stopped didn’t know who’s he*
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he widened his eyes a bit, he felt like these girls were waiting for her to continue the sentence, he felt so damn nervous, what would they think of him, a 30 year old man who was being friends with their friend who’s half his age*
a fearless mafia getting feared from people half of his age
Fia Taylor
Fia Taylor
Uncle what’s your name?..
Zyran D’Alessandro
Zyran D’Alessandro
*he chuckled lightly at that, the fact that she called him “Uncle” infront of her friends and didn’t even know his name, it was actually kind of cute* “My name is Zyran..”
To be continue

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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