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The Accidental 'I Do'

The Morning After the Wedding...!

The soft rays of the early morning sun crept through the thin curtains, casting a golden hue over the plush hotel room.
A soft hum of the air conditioner filled the air as Anvita stirred under the covers, her head heavy, an unmistakable pounding in her temples.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Groaning softly, placing a hand to her forehead*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
"Ugh... Why does my head feel like it's been hit by a truck?"
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Shifts slightly in bed, trying to shake off the grogginess*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Feels an unfamiliar weight on waist*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Heart skips a beat*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Mind racing, eyes snapping open* "Wha—?"
She turns her head slowly to the side, and her breath catches in her throat.
Lying beside her, his arm lazily draped over her stomach, is none other than Daksh.
His face, peaceful in sleep, is inches away from hers.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Whispers in disbelief, eyes widening* "DAKSH?!"
She tries to pull herself out from under his arm but in the process, accidentally nudges him.
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Stirs, groaning softly, eyes slowly fluttering open*
He looks groggily at Anvita, confused, before jolting up in bed.
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Rubbing his eyes, voice still heavy with sleep* "Anvita? Why... why are you in my bed?"
He pauses, realizing he's still lying down, and quickly sits up.
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
"And why are we...?"
Both of them glance down, and their gazes fall on the vermillion in Anvita’s parting, the nuptial chain around her neck.
Daksh's eyes widen, and Anvita's hands fly to her forehead in horror.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Shocked, her voice trembling* "Vermillion... nuptial chain... What the—"
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Panic rising, looking at her wide-eyed* "We didn't... We couldn't have—"
This is the second chat story, I am starting with.... I hope you like the start.... Will continue in the next chapter....Show some love if you like the story..... 🥰✨

The night after the wedding 2

Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Shocked, her voice trembling* "Vermillion... nuptial chain... What the—"
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Panic rising, looking at her wide-eyed* "We didn't... We couldn't have—"
Anvita pushes the covers off herself and swings her legs off the bed, standing up too quickly, almost losing her balance.
She stumbles a little, gripping the bedpost to steady herself.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Taking a deep breath, trying to calm the racing heart* "We need to figure this out... now!"
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Still in disbelief, standing up next to her* "I don't remember anything after the campfire... The truth or dare game... God, how much did we drink?"
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Runs a hand through his hair, frustrated*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Paces around the room, fiddling with the chain around her neck*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Mumbling under her breath, panic in every word*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
"I can't believe this... What if our families find out? What are we supposed to say? That we got married... while drunk? We don't even remember!"
She stops mid-step, looking at Daksh, her voice softening in fear.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
"We need to hide this. No one can know, Daksh. Not our families. Not our friends."
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Nods, swallowing the lump in his throat* "You're right. This... this was a mistake. We’ll just pretend it never happened."
He steps closer to her, his voice firm but still laced with concern.
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
"But we need to figure out what actually happened last night. We need to know how we ended up like... this."
Anvita pulls out her phone, her hands shaking slightly as she fumbles with the screen.
She tries calling one of their friends from last night, but it goes straight to voicemail.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Frustrated, muttering* "Great. No one's answering."
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
"Everyone must’ve been as wasted as us."
Just then, there's a soft knock on the door.
Both of them freeze, staring at each other wide-eyed.
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Whispering, panicking* "Who the hell could that be?"
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Tiptoes toward the door and peeking through the peephole*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Exhales in relief, turning back to Daksh* "Just room service."
She opens the door slightly, taking the tray from the staff with a forced smile, then shuts it quickly.
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Sighs, running his hand down his face* "We need to talk to someone who was with us. Someone who remembers."
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
"Yeah... And we need to act normal. No one can suspect anything."
She sits on the edge of the bed, burying her face in her hands.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Voice muffled* "I can't believe this is happening..."
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Sitting beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder reassuringly* "We’ll figure it out. We always do, right?"
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Looks up at him, their eyes lock for a moment*
Something about the way he's looking at her, concerned yet steady, makes her heart race for a second.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Clearing her throat, breaking the eye contact* "Right. First, we shower. Then, we figure out what our friends remember. And... we just need to stay calm."
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Chuckling nervously* "Calm... Yeah, easy."
They exchange an awkward glance before Anvita nods, heading toward the bathroom.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Closes the door behind her*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror—the vermillion, the chain—and sighs*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Whispering* "What have we done?"

Hide the marriage?

Daksh and Anvita sat across from each other in the hotel room, the faint remnants of panic still lingering.
The reality of what had happened was beginning to settle in—the vermillion on Anvita’s forehead, the nuptial chain around her neck, and the undeniable fact that they had married each other.
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Running a hand through his hair, his voice low* “This is... insane. I mean, how did this even happen? We don’t remember anything.”
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Stared at him, fingers trembling slightly as she touched the nuptial chain*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Whispering, voice barely audible* “We’re married, Daksh. M-a-r-r-i-e-d.”
Her words hung in the air, as though saying it made it even more real.
Daksh met her eyes, his own mind racing.
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Exhaling sharply* “Okay, okay. Let’s think. We can’t undo what happened... but we don’t have to tell anyone. Right?”
Anvita's eyes widened slightly. She bit her lip, trying to process what he was suggesting.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Fidgeting with the hem of her dress* “You mean... hide it? From everyone? Our families?”
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Nodded and leaning forward*
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Serious* “Think about it. We were drunk, we didn’t even know what we were doing. "
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
"If we tell them now, they’ll freak out. Our parents will ask a thousand questions, and we don’t have answers.”
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Frowned, mind swimming in a mix of emotions*
The thought of her family’s reaction made her stomach twist.
She could almost hear her mother’s voice in her head, asking her how she could get married without telling anyone.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Softly* “But... what if they find out? I mean, how long can we keep this a secret?”
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Leaned back in his chair, his jaw tightening over her words*
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Determined* “We’ve been best friends for years, Anvita. If we can manage a business together, we can manage this."
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
"It’s just a year, maybe less. We’ll figure out a way to... handle it.”
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Heart raced considering his plan*
It felt risky, but at the same time, she knew Daksh was right.
Telling their families now would open a floodgate of drama they weren’t prepared for.
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Sighed and nodding slightly*
Anvita Mehra
Anvita Mehra
*Reluctant* “Okay. Let’s keep it quiet. Just... for now.”
Daksh Ahuja
Daksh Ahuja
*Nodding firmly* “For now.”
They exchanged a look—half disbelief, half resignation.
It was a secret neither of them wanted, but one they had no choice but to bear.

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