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Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Chapter 1: This World Isn’t Right!

Chapter 1: This World Isn’t Right!

Donghai was as hot as a furnace in June. The sky was azure blue, and not a cloud was in sight. The scorching sun burned furiously like a massive fireball as it hung high in the sky.

Donghai No. 1 High School.

5.30 pm.

“Ring, ring, ring…”

The bell signaling the end of the lesson rang. The entire school campus woke up from its stupor, and noises appeared from everywhere.

A few seconds later, waves of students gushed out of the different classroom buildings. They smiled and chatted in their small groups while walking out of the school gates.

“The weather is so hot today!” someone complained angrily.

“Brother Wang Teng, let’s go to Wild Rose Pub for a drink tonight.”

A voice pulled Wang Teng back to reality.

“Xu Jie!”

As he looked at the person in front of him, the familiar face and the distant memories surged out from the depth of his mind. This was one of his playmates when he was in senior high.

“I won’t be joining you tonight. I have a headache. You can have fun,” said Wang Teng.

Xu Jie replied hurriedly, “Hey, don’t be like this. There aren’t many people in our circle. If you don’t come, it will be meaningless. Besides, we haven’t gathered in a long while. Why don’t we find another day to meet? How about tomorrow or the day after? What do you think?”

Wang Teng shook his head helplessly. “Tomorrow is good.”

“No problem. I will inform Little Wei and the rest that we will be gathering tomorrow instead.” Xu Jie smiled brightly.

When they walked to the school gates, a huge commotion sounded in front of them.

“Hey, what happened in front? There’s a crowd there.” Xu Jie felt puzzled.

“Let me take a look.” He then ran forward and squeezed through the crowd to get to the front.

Wang Teng, on the other hand, just placed his hands in his pockets and walked forward slowly. A few students saw him and voluntarily made way for him, afraid of provoking this guy.

As expected, he, Young Master Wang, had a powerful reputation!

Wang Teng mocked himself silently.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a good reputation.

He walked out of the crowd and looked at the open space in front. A lady had managed to knock down a few gangsters with dyed hair. The thugs were lying on the ground and crying in pain. They had fear in their eyes when they looked at the young lady.

From the discussions around him, Wang Teng had a basic understanding of what happened.

He Manrong encountered these gangsters after she ended her lessons. Finding her quite pretty, they teased her and said some nasty things to her.

They thought that He Manrong was just a weak and easily bullied lady, but unexpectedly, she was a rose with thorns.

She attacked them angrily and beat them until they couldn’t get up from the ground.

“Goddess He is indeed an advanced stage martial disciple. These gangsters offended the wrong person!”

A male student beside Wang Teng was waving his fist around feverishly. Even the pimple on his face turned slightly red because of his excitement.

From his words, he treated He Manrong as his goddess.

“I’ve heard that He Manrong was a star student, but I didn’t expect her to fight so well. Did she learn taekwondo in the past? Has she achieved the legendary 9th-degree black belt?”

“Honestly speaking, it’s rare to see such long legs. She’s only a high school student, but her figure is already so good. Imagine how she will look in the future!”

Wang Teng was amazed at He Manrong’s valiance. Just as he was admiring the beauties in life, he suddenly heard the words ‘advanced stage martial disciple’. The expression on his face froze.

He was in a daze!

Did I hear wrong?

That’s right. I just got reborn, so it’s normal to be a little absent-minded and mishear things.

At this moment, Xu Jie leaned over and said with jealousy, “We have five advanced stage martial disciples in our school. He Manrong is the only female, and she comes from a common background to boot. She’s really a genius.”

…Wang Teng felt speechless.

They were indeed talking about advanced stage martial disciples; he didn’t hear wrong.

He was reborn in modern society, so why did this interesting profession exist? What was going on?

Was he really reborn?

Wang Teng sensed the evil intentions of this world. His mind was filled with questions.

He Manrong frowned slightly when she noticed the number of people she had attracted. In the end, she ignored the gangsters on the ground and left right away.

The people crowding around also dispersed when she left the scene.

Wang Teng and Xu Jie parted ways at the school gates.

Wang Teng found the car that came to fetch him from school as the other students stared at him in envy. He sat in the BMW parked at the side of the road, and it zoomed off.

In the car, Wang Teng looked at the scenery flashing past outside. He was deep in thoughts.

This was when he noticed that the trees growing along the road’s side were exceptionally tall, big, and lush.

These plants had too many nutrients. No wonder he felt something different when he was in school just now.

The plants in school were exceptionally lush too. However, Wang Teng was immersed in the fact that he was reborn, so he didn’t notice it.

Everything Wang Teng saw on the road astounded him.

The streets were clean and neat, the pedestrians’ styles seemed ahead of time, and the country’s economy was extremely prosperous.

It didn’t feel like 2009. It didn’t feel like 2019 either, the year he was reborn.

As expected, there was something different about this world!

Wang Teng’s mind was in a mess. He saw a pretty lady around 20 years old walking on the streets with a huge and fluffy dog on the leash.

There was nothing wrong with this scene, but the dog was just too huge. It was as big as a calf.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but curse, “What the f**k! What breed is this? Why is it so big?”

He took a deep breath to calm his emotions. But then, he was dumbfounded again as he touched his chin.

“It looks like a golden retriever, but it’s too big.”

He noticed a few more people walking their pets, and all of them were huge. Their sizes exceeded the typical dimensions of the animals. Some parents even let their children ride on the backs of the big dogs.

The pet dogs became mounts!

He also saw some pet cats with two tails. They were gigantic, too, looking like leopards.

However, they were very obedient. Judging from the unsurprised reactions of the passers-by, they weren’t treated like wild beasts.

Wang Teng felt a little numb.

This was definitely not his original world. Even though his classmates and school remained the same, some things were obviously different.

The car drove for more than 20 minutes before arriving at the luxurious villa district.

Fortunately, his home was still here.

He came from a normal wealthy family.

Wang Teng’s grandfather had four children. His father, Wang Shengguo, was the second child. He was a business talent, so he started his own business and built the Xinteng Group. This corporation was second to the corporation Wang Teng’s grandfather founded, which was the Rongsheng Group.

The Xinteng Group and the Rongsheng Group were both big businesses worth over a hundred million.

But, Wang Teng knew that there were many corporations like this in the world. His family might be considered wealthy in this area, but in front of the real global financial institutions, they were just tiny ants.

In his past life, the Wang family had offended someone, resulting in the downfall of their business. They only managed to persevere for a few months before their company went bankrupt and closed.

The Wang family collapsed and became a thing of the past.

It sounded good to have two companies each worth more than a hundred million. Yet, they were nothing in front of the really influential people.

How ironic!

Since then, Wang Teng’s life took a huge turn. In the next few days, he basically lived a dog’s life. He got humiliated and embarrassed all the time until he was reborn—wait, he might not be reborn!

This world had changed drastically, so he didn’t know what the Wang family was like now.

He wondered if his parents were still his parents?

He hoped that when he opened the door, his parents wouldn’t have changed.

No way! It won’t happen! Wang Teng comforted himself hurriedly. He felt agitated, so he took a few deep breaths before he stepped through the doors of the villa.


Chapter 2: The Principles Of Peaceful Coexistence With The Otherworld

Chapter 2: The Principles Of Peaceful Coexistence With The Otherworld

In 2009, the villas in this expensive district cost 200,000rmb per square meter.

Wang Teng’s family villa was 800 square meters big, and they had paid more than 10 million for it. Including the price of renovation, they spent more than 20 million in total.

Upon entering the villa, the first thing visible was the spacious living room. At the moment, two maids were cleaning the place.

Mother Wang, Li Xiumei, was cooking in the kitchen.

Li Xiumei was born in a scholarly family. In university, she was famous because of her talent. However, she wasn’t someone who couldn’t step into the kitchen.

Rather, she was a master at cooking. Wang Teng and his father were full of praises for her.

That was why Li Xiumei always cooked personally. She would make the dishes every day and wait for her husband and son to come back to eat.

Looking at the hustling figure in the kitchen, Wang Teng could smell the familiar fragrance of the food from here.

He stood at the door of the kitchen and opened his mouth several times. After a long while, he finally managed to make a sound.

“Mom, I’m back.”

“You’re back!”

Li Xiumei turned around and smiled as she continued, “Let’s wait for a while. Your dad should be back soon too. We can eat together after he returns.”

“Okay! Let me wash my face.” Wang Teng rushed up the stairs instantly and dashed into the bathroom.

“What’s wrong with this child today?” Li Xiumei shook her head.

In the bathroom, Wang Teng turned the tap and splashed cold water on his face.

He came back!

He never thought that he would still have the chance to return to this family after ten years.

In the past, when the Wang family went downhill, someone conspired against Wang Shengguo and had him murdered. Some time later, Li Xiumei also died of grief.

Wang Teng raised his head and wiped his face. He stared at his reflection in the mirror with slightly red eyes.

Many things had changed in the past ten years.

Wang Teng changed. He was no longer who he was before. Now, he was able to remain calm and composed when facing different people and matters.

But, in the corner of his heart, there were still a few soft spots that he didn’t want to touch.

Since he was reborn, his heart turned warm again.

Wang Teng dried his face and walked out of the bathroom. He then located his bedroom with the help of his memory.

The similar arrangements, everything was so familiar.

NBA stars posters were pasted on the wall, and there were piles of audio CDs and novels on the bookshelf. The study table was below the window while the bed was next to it. There was a computer on the table.

It was a new model of Apple. The bright silver frame was light and trendy.

This was another item that didn’t fit the timeline.

Wang Teng suddenly thought of something when he saw the computer. As expected, he found a cell phone in his bag. However, it wasn’t an antique from 2009; it was the latest iPhone 8.

He was mentally prepared, though. He entered the passcode and opened his cell phone.

Wang Teng felt fortunate that he wasn’t good at remembering passwords. He had used the same password for many years without changing it, which became useful now.

Food delivery apps, WeChat, Douyin… many apps in his phone belonged to the future. They didn’t exist in 2009.

When he was reborn, he wanted to use his memories to create a bright future for himself. He would conquer the hearts of future bosses like Jack Ma.

Fine, he had no chance now!

He sighed and put down his phone. Wang Teng then turned on his computer.

There was no fastest method than searching online.

Since the computer and cell phone technology was so advanced, it would be unreasonable for the internet to be stuck in 2009.

Technology and the Internet were inseparable.

Wang Teng was a little surprised after he turned his computer on.

The operating system wasn’t Windows 10. Instead, it was already the 11th generation.

So far, the advancement timeline here wasn’t the same as in 2019. There were some differences here and there.

He had to spend some time before he got familiar with this world.

Wang Teng opened the Baidu browser and searched the two words ‘martial warriors’. A huge amount of information sprung up.

More than an hour later, Wang Teng closed the browser and leaned back on his chair. He was in disbelief.

’30 years ago, multiple dimensional rifts appeared in the world. The rifts are linked to an alternate world, Xingwu Continent.

‘Force exists in the Xingwu Continent. Everyone there can become martial warriors by using this Force to cultivate.

‘Martial warriors are formidable!

‘Low-rank martial warriors can break metals, split rocks, and divide a stream of water into two using their blades. High-rank martial warriors can move and destroy mountains, cut the sea into two… ‘

This is like a fantasy!

Wang Teng was speechless.

The scientist on Earth had done some research on the Force and discovered that it might be dark matter. But, why were the humans and plants on Xingwu Continent able to absorb the dark matter to change their body structure? Why weren’t the living creatures on Earth able to do the same? The scientist couldn’t find the answer to these questions.

After some time, along with the appearance of the dimensional rifts, the Earth started to change. The living creatures on Earth were affected by dark matter.

The plants became taller and lusher, and some extinct species reappeared on Earth.

Animals started to grow in size too. The special characteristics on their bodies, for instance, scales, claws, and teeth, were enhanced accordingly.

Some gifted creatures even managed to mutate and obtained special element ability.

As the masters of the Earth, humans also followed suit.

Their bodies became stronger. They were able to run faster, jump higher, have more strength, and live longer!

The elderlies who were around 70 to 80 years old 30 years ago were still alive. Despite being more than a hundred years old now, their physical and mental state remained the same as 30 years ago.

Humans went berserk!

The different countries disregarded their previous enmity and organized a global conference.

In the end, they decided to organize a team to investigate and explore the dimensional rifts. After confirming that they were safe, they sent the army and different specialists into the Xingwu Continent.

These people were known as the pioneers.

Xingwu Continent was endless. The pioneers claimed that they came from the other side of the sea and gained the locals’ trust. Afterward, they started interacting and trading with them.

The people on earth didn’t ruthlessly invade the Xingwu Continent. Instead, they adopted the principles of peaceful coexistence and interacted with the locals there amiably.

After some time, the pioneers came back with the cultivation methods from Xingwu Continent.

After some trials and errors, humans on Earth were able to cultivate. The countries came to a common consensus and made the cultivation methods public. Henceforth, it was the dawn of a new martial arts era.

This was a huge reform!

History took a sharp turn and moved in an unpredictable direction.

We have come to the most important part. Please do take note.

Humans were powerful because they had intelligence. Through cultivation, the human race quickly grew stronger. Within a few short years, a considerable number of martial warriors started to appear around the world.

Some joined the army, while others entered the government. Some belonged to various financial institutions and elite families. All in all, these people formed an alliance. However, a small portion of the civilian martial warriors preferred freedom. They set up various martial arts schools to provide a way for other civilians to start their cultivation.

Due to the presence of these martial warriors, humans were able to keep the mutated and powerful wild beasts out of the city. This prevented massive damage and impact on society.

However, becoming a martial warrior required talent. It wasn’t a path everyone could pursue.

If someone wanted to become an official martial warrior, they needed to toughen their body and build a solid foundation.

Cultivators at this stage were known as martial disciples. They would only be able to absorb the Force and store it in their body if their foundation was strong enough. Then, they would become an official martial warrior.

If Force was compared to water, the body would be akin to a vessel collecting the water. The process of absorbing the Force was the same as pouring water into a vessel. The bigger and sturdier the vessel was, the more water it could hold.

The principle of cultivation could be explained simply like this.

Based on the martial disciples’ strength, speed, and overall ability, they could be classified into three categories: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

He Manrong was an advanced stage martial disciple. She was only a step away from becoming a martial warrior.

This was the step that stumped many people.

There was a stark difference between people who could absorb the Force and those who couldn’t.

An official martial warrior who was able to cultivate using the Force was able to easily tackle ten advanced stage martial disciples who couldn’t absorb the Force.

On the surface, though, only one step separated an advanced stage martial disciple and an official martial warrior.

As the saying goes, the poor study while the wealthy learn martial arts. Copious amounts of resources were required to cultivate the martial path. Naturally, they cost money, so ordinary people were at a disadvantage.

On the whole, martial warriors only made up a small proportion of humans. Most people were just slightly stronger human beings.

But, this didn’t stop martial warriors from becoming the mainstream. On the other hand, the rarity of martial warriors and their importance gave them their important status.


Chapter 3: Starting My Bugged Life Now!

Chapter 3: Starting My Bugged Life Now!

7 pm.

Wang Teng’s family finally sat down together to have their dinner.

“Your father was halfway home when something cropped up at work again. He had to go back, so he was delayed by more than an hour. Can’t you go back after you finish your dinner?” Li Xiumei complained as she placed some food in Wang Teng’s bowl.

Wang Teng was holed up in his room for more than an hour. He also forgot about his dinner, but fortunately, his father was late because of work.

“It was an emergency. I had to go back and take care of it first,” Wang Shengguo replied helplessly.

“Let’s ignore your father. His mind is always fixed on his stupid company.” Li Xiumei rolled her eyes at Wang Shengguo.

Wang Teng smiled.

When he was in high school, his relationship with his father was a little tense. Wang Shengguo had great hope for his child, so naturally, he was strict. However, Wang Teng was in his rebellious phase, and he didn’t study well. Thus, the conflict between him and his father got more intense.

Thinking back on it, Wang Teng felt that his actions were really childish in the past.

On the dining table, Wang Teng and Wang Shengguo were quieter as compared to Li Xiumei. She placed food in Wang Teng’s bowl and chatted with the father and son.

Wang Teng enjoyed this atmosphere.

Wang Shengguo had a short conversation with Wang Teng. He was mostly concerned with his studies.

Wang Teng’s replies were quite standard. He wasn’t as childish as before, and he didn’t throw tantrums or smash his chopsticks.

Wang Shengguo was pleasantly surprised. He felt that his son was different today, but he didn’t overthink. After finishing his dinner, Wang Shengguo left the house in a hurry.

As the boss of a huge company, he had many things to settle every day. Most of the time, he could only sleep for four to five hours daily.

Wang Teng informed his mother before leaving the house too. He rushed straight to the Jixin Martial House.

A yellow sports car zoomed along the streets in the night, its loud engine catching the attention of many passers-by. Most of the cars today used the Force as their source of energy. Fuel had long been eliminated. The Force was more environmentally friendly and cheaper.

The pioneers didn’t just bring back the methods of cultivation from the Xingwu Continent. They also brought back many new technologies.

The Force rune was one of them.

By combining the technologies from the Xingwu Continent and the Earth, the Force technology was born. From then, cars started to use the Force. Later on, computers and phones also shifted to the newly invented Force runes chip and batteries. They worked faster and could last longer…

Half an hour later, Wang Teng parked the car outside the martial arts school.

Based on the information he found, Jixin Martial House was one of China’s top three martial arts academies. The principal of this school was a 12-star general-rank martial warrior. He was ranked among the top 5 warriors in China.

Worldwide, he was ranked among the top 20.

There were different ranks for martial warriors: 1-star to 9-star were soldiers, 10-star was brigadier general, 11-star was low-tier general, 12-star was general, 13-star was high-tier general…

From this, one could tell how powerful the principle of the Jixin Martial House was.

The headquarters of the Jixin Martial House was in Capital Xia, with its branches spreading over the big cities in China. They had a lot of martial warriors in their employment and had given birth to many powerful people.

The Donghai branch of the Jixin Martial House was situated beside the sea. In the dark, it looked like a huge wild beast lying prone. The landmass it covered was comparable to a high school.

The martial arts academy’s main gate was wide enough for five cars to drive through side by side. It was grandeur and magnificent to say the least.

There was a huge rock erected in the middle of the main gate. The words ‘Jixin Martial House, Donghai branch’ were written conspicuously in gold.

When he reached the sentry box, a few guards carrying guns walked to his car.

“Routine inspection, please cooperate.”

Wang Teng lowered his car window and nodded. Then, he got out of his car.

The guards inspected the interior of the car and used the scanner to check Wang Teng’s body. The whole process was done very carefully.

At the same time, Wang Teng also sized up the guards.

They wore black protective vests and had large-caliber machine guns in their hands. Just their menacing looks and sophisticated gear was enough to frighten the onlookers.

There were Force runes carved on the machine guns, signifying that they were Force machine guns. They were ten times more powerful than their normal counterparts. Even if an official martial warrior got hit by them, he would be crippled.

After the inspection, the guards let him in.

Wang Teng parked the car properly and walked along the paths in the martial arts academy.

It was already past 8 pm, but the place was brightly lit. Plenty of students could be seen on the roads and the grasses.

There was no lack of people training at night.

Every second counted when you were training to become a martial warrior. Being talented was the basic criteria. One still needed to work hard to achieve progress on his cultivation journey.

There were three tall and huge buildings in the martial arts academy. With their silver-white color with distinctive characteristics, it was easy to spot them.

The one in the middle was the administrative building. It was rectangular in shape and a hundred meters in height. It stabbed straight into the clouds like a spear. At the tip, there was a strange half circle.

On the left was the martial disciple teaching building, while the right one was the martial disciple training building.

These two buildings looked like two huge round balls. They weren’t tall, though, only having three floors, but they were extremely spacious. By rough estimate, they were two times bigger than Donghai No. 1 High School’s stadium.

The placements of these three buildings made Wang Teng suspect that this was the work of the principal’s poor sense of humor.

Wang Teng had done his homework, so he ran towards the administrative building without hesitation.

Under the staff’s guidance, he registered himself as a martial disciple and went to the martial disciple teaching building.

The martial arts academy would only accept students between the age of 16 and 30. This was to prevent wastage of resources.

Wang Teng was merely 17 years old, so age wasn’t a problem for him.

The noise in the teaching building struck him the second he walked into the building.

The first floor was where beginner disciples trained. Beginner disciples were beginner stage martial disciples, and there were more than 3000 beginner stage martial disciples in the Jixin Martial House.

On the first floor, all the students were cultivating on their own. It looked extremely lively.

The second Wang Teng entered the main lobby, he froze on the spot.

What did he see?

Around 50 transparent bubbles were floating above the ground.






Wang Teng blinked. He blinked again. The bubbles were still there, but the other students in the lobby couldn’t see them.

This was his special skill?!

He wasn’t sure, so he pulled a student that was walking past.

“What do you want!”

The student was around 17 years old. He glanced at Wang Teng irritatedly with a ‘why are you more handsome than me’ expression.

“Brother, your floor… it’s paved really nicely,” Wang Teng pointed to the floor and said.

The transparent bubbles were floating at the height of his calves. He could see them just by lowering his head.

The student ignored the bubbles and replied impatiently, “Of course. This is the best rubber flooring. There are Force runes carved in it that can minimize vibration, last longer, and have many other functions.

“Where do you come from? Don’t you have common sense?”

The student flicked his hand and walked away without looking back.

Wang Teng touched his chin. From the person’s reaction, he obviously couldn’t see the bubbles. That meant that he was the only person who could see them.

The students walked around the training area, some going through the bubbles. To them, the bubbles didn’t exist.

Wang Teng moved closer to the bubble nearest to him to test if he could walk through it.

The instant he touched it, the bubble disappeared.

His vision blurred for a moment, and a transparent board popped out.

Enlightenment: 18

Physique: 41

Strength: 50 (+1)

Speed: 32

Wang Teng’s heart palpitated as he stared at the transparent board. He felt as though his heart was going to jump out of his throat.

This was exhilarating.

Wang Teng felt that he wouldn’t be so excited even if he struck a hundred million lottery.

He couldn’t control himself.

This must be a bug!

In this era where martial warriors were the mainstream, becoming stronger was the only path to success.

His bug allowed him to collect attributes from other people and turn them into his own. This was heaven-defying!

Other people had to cultivate diligently while he only had to pick up attributes. Wang Teng saw an unobstructed path to success in front of him.

One day, he would go straight to the top of the world!

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