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Secret Birth Certificate

I'll make you pay!

Background: Charlie is Evan's ex-boyfriend. Evan and Hinata are dating. Cameron is Evan's & Charlie's son and is 6 months old now.
Things are starting to get messy and I'm worried charlie will start to use Cameron as a pawn to manipulate Evan. If that happens, I'll be out of Evan's life.
No, I can't leave. I'm gonna fight for this.
The next day, Evan is at work. Leaving me, Charlie & Cameron at his mansion. I went to the living room where Charlie is admiring Cameron in his new bear onesie and gently playing with him.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Look at little Cameron, all snug in his new onesie! Doesn't he look adorable?
He continued to play with Cameron, gently tickling his stomach and making funny faces to make the baby laugh. I sat next to him on the sofa.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Yeah so cute… he is such a sweetheart. Unlike his father here (referring to Charlie)
Charlie continued to play with Cameron, gently tickling his stomach and making funny faces to make the baby laugh.
I crossed my arms and leaned back on the sofa.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Cameron doesn't deserve to have a manipulative father like you.
Charlie stopped playing with Cameron and turned his attention to me. His expression stern and he let out a scoff.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Excuse me for being a good father to my son. I've done everything to take care of Cameron and make sure he's safe.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Safe? Good father?! Cameron wouldn'tt be here due to your selfish actions. You're just using Cameron as a pawn to keep carter close to you. Don't forget, you took advantage of Evan and made him have sex with you just bebecause he was drunk.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Watch your mouth!
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
You don't know what you're talking about. I didn't force myself on Evan. He wanted it. He was the one who initiated it
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Stop deluding yourself and stop twisting the facts! Evan admitted that he was being taken advantage of too. Your selfish ass couldn't bear to see Evan with someone else.
Charlie gave an evil smile
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Fine, so what if it is? You can't bear any children. I'm the only one who could give carter all he ever wanted. A family.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
You stupid piece of-
Charlie cut me off.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Please, you staying by Evan's side will hurt Cameron too. Stay away from Evan and let Cameron have a peaceful family
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
No! You stole my man. You think I'm going to let that slide ?!
Charlie seemingly unfazed by my determination.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Oh, really? And what are you going to do about it? Try and take Evan from me? He's mine. He belongs to me, not you.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
He’s only with you because he feels trapped due to the child.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
No, he's with me because he loves me. I'm the only one who can give him what he truly wants.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
What? A child? That he didn't want in the first place? You're just using this lame excuse since you can't get over that he broke up with you back in HIGH SCHOOL!
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Don't you dare bring up the past!! That's ancient history, and it has nothing to do with what's happening now. I'm the one who made Evan happy. I gave him something you could never give him.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
You're honestly so delusional and desperate its embarrassing.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
I'm not delusional or desperate!! I'm determined. I'll do whatever it takes to have Evan back, and nothing will stand in my way. You can say whatever you want, but you're just a minor inconvenience in my path to getting Evan back.
I rolled my eyes.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Don't roll your eyes at me!
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
You have no idea what it's like to love someone so deeply and have them walk away from you. You're just a temporary fling. You're just a placeholder until Evan realizes that he was meant to be with me.
Suddenly, Charlie's phone rang and his parents called. So he went to the kitchen to pick up the call. I walked over to the crib where Cameron is laid in. He is awake and quiet.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Don't worry Cameron, I'll make sure you're protected... away from that selfish father of yours
Cameron looked up at me with his innocent eyes, his small fist rubbing at his eyes. He cooed softly, as if sensing my determination to keep him safe and protected.
I smiled and gently put my fingers near his mouth so that he can't chew and play with it. Cameron started to suck on my fingers, his little mouth closing around them as he sought comfort and closeness.
While he was chewing my fingers, I used my thumb to rub his cheeks gently. Cameron's cheeks were soft and chubby, his skin warm and smooth under my touch. He seemed to enjoy the feeling of my thumb rubbing against him, his eyes closing slightly as he continued to suck on my fingers.

Lawyer's letter

Later at night, charlie went out to meet his friends. So Cameron is under my care and Evan's.
We're In the living room, where i carried Cameron and sat on the sofa, watchIng TV. Evan (who came back from work 3 hours ago) sat beside me and read his book. i occasionally sipped on my pumpkin spice latte. Still addicted to it since it's fall.
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
You really love that pumpkin spice latte, don't you, baby?
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Yeah, you Americans are so lucky to have pumpkin spice everything during fall. its wild.
As I drank my latte again, Cameron tried to grab the cup with his tiny hands. Evan noticed Cameron's attempts to reach for your latte and chuckled.
I laughed and rubbed Cameron's cheeks
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Sorry dear, pumpkin spice isn't for babies
Cameron's little hands still reaching out for the cup. He seemed determined to get a taste of that sweet, spiced goodness. Evan chuckled as he watched Cameron's attempts to grab the cup.
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
Looks like we've got a little coffee lover in the making
I gave Cameron my finger to chew on it to keep him distracted
Cameron immediately started chewing on your finger, his little gums working on it intensely. Carter laughed and shook his head, amused by his son's antics.
I looked at Evan and said in a soft serious tone
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Evan... you love Cameron don't you?
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
Of course, I do. With all my heart. He's my son, and I'll do anything for him
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
So… That means You'll give him the life he should deserve right? you want the best for him?
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
Yes, absolutely
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
I... I'm not sure if you'll be on board with this but... I'm thinking... of....
Evan raised an eyebrow at my hesitancy, his expression growing curious. He gently held my hand, signaling for me to continue.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
I'm thinking of transferring Charlie's custody... to me
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
You... you want to take full custody of Cameron?
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
No, not full custody, you will custody of Cameron too. Just that charlie's one will be removed
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Wait, hear me out...
I took a deep breath and said:
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
We all know Cameron was born because of Charlie's selfish actions. Taking advantage of you just to keep you close to CharlIe. you know that too and i know you always regretted this and felt guilty. With a selfish father like charlie, Cameron is going to suffer in the future. This makes him not worthy of being his dad.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
And think about yourself, sooner or later, your reputation that you worked hard on, is going to be ruined by this truth of you having a kid with an omega male. it will be better if Cameron has a normal family...
Evan listened to my words in silence, his expression growing tense as I spoke. But as I continued to explain my reasoning, his initial shock and discomfort slowly gave way to thoughtfulness.
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
You're right. Charlie... he was never worthy of being Cameron's father.
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
And I know deep down, that I've always regretted that night, and the circumstances of Cameron's conception.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Yeah, so... i've spoked to my lawyer--
Evan got a shock that I'd go this far
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
You've already spoken to your lawyer about this?
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
And what did your lawyer say?
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
He said it's possible to take Charlie's custody of Cameron away. We have solid proof of charlie's deeds, and you could testify too.
Evan clenched his jaw, the memory still fresh and painful in his mind.
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
Yes, I remember vividly what happened that night. If needed, I'd be more than willing to testify against him.
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
But... are you sure about this, baby? Seeking to remove Charlie's custody isn't a decision to take lightly.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
I thought about it for a long time. And I know Cameron will be happier with me. You don't want to be stuck in this situation with Charlie forever, do you?
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
And if you truly believe that Cameron will be happier with you, then I trust your judgment, baby
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
And if you truly believe that Cameron will be happier with you, then I trust your judgment, baby
Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
You've proven time and again that you care deeply for Cameron and his well-being, more than Charlie has ever done
I smiled at Evan and picked up Cameron to face me
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Did you hear that Cameron? You're going to have a new mummy soon!
The next day, after Evan has gone off to work, i went to Cameron's nursery where charlie is teaching Cameron how to read alphabets.
I threw an envelope in front of Charlie who is sitting on the floor with Cameron
I said to Charlie in a cold voice
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Read it.

Admitting defeat

I threw an envelope in front of Charlie who is sitting on the floor with Cameron.
I said in a cold voice:
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Read it.
He skimmed through the paper inside for few moments, his face growing paler with each passing second. It was clear that he was beginning to realize the gravity of the situation.
Charlie realized it a lawyer's letter of me wanting to take Cameron's custody away from him
His eyes widened as he read the contents of the letter, his hands trembling slightly.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
What is this? You're... you're trying to take Cameron's custody away from me?!
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
You don't deserve it! Evan agrees with me too!
Charlie's anger flared at your words. He got up from the ground, towering over me with his height.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
You think you can just waltz in here and take my son away from me? And Evan agreed to this?
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Of course. He knows what's best for Cameron and It's for me to be Cameron's new mother
It was clear that Charlie was furious and desperate to hold onto his claim to Cameron.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
You think you're better than I? That you think you can provide a better life for Cameron more than I could?
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
I don't thInk. i know. And I'll make it easy for you. Sign the custody papers and no one will get hurt. Or you'll face the court orders and bring embarrassment to yourself.
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
We have the proof that you're incapable of being Cameron's dad. You manipulated and took advantage of Evan AND you used Cameron as your pawn to keep Evan close to you
Charlie knew i had him in a tight spot, and there was no way he could wiggle his way out of it.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
This is blackmail!!
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Blackmail? This is nothing compared to what you've done!
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Damn you... You think you can just waltz in here and take away my son without a care in the world.
He was silent for a moment, contemplating his options. He knew that he had no choice but to accept your proposal, as fighting against it would only lead to more trouble for himself.
Charlie Park
Charlie Park
Fine. I'll sign the papers. But you better take care of cameron, and treat him right
Later in the evening, Evan came back from work and i ran up to him and held his hand and gently pulled him to the kitchen where we'd be alone
Evan could tell from the urgency of my gesture that something important was on my mind.
Once we're at the far end of the kitchen, i softly said:
Hinata Kose
Hinata Kose
Charlie is willing to give up custody of Cameron!

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