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The Lone Wolf

The Enigma

In the ancient days ,when the first pack of werewolves roamed the earth under the watchful eyes of moon goddess ,chaos and danger threatened their survival.The Moon Goddess, seeing their struggles , decided to bestow a sacred gift upon them a being not of mortal flesh ,but of divine essence.
This being,called the Enigma ,was unlikely any other wolf.
Under the silver light of full moon ,the goddess breathed life into the Enigma ,blessing him with unmatched strength and wisdom.His fur shimmered like moonlight itself ,and his eyes glowed with the knowledge of stars.He was destined to be their shield ,their unwavering protector ,born to defend them from all that would seek harm.
The Enigma was more than just a guardian; he was their hope their unbreakable line between life and destruction .He carried the weight of every pack upon his shoulders ,a silent force who stood against the darkness , ensuring that wolves would always have the light of the moon to guide them.Through him ,the Moon goddess watched over them ,her eternal protection manifest in this one sacred being.
No other creature could ever match his purpose,for the Enigma was the first and last of his kind ,a divine protector,bound to the werewolves and forever blessed by the moon's radiant
The Enigma was forged by the Moon goddess with precision and intent, created solely as a protector ,a guardian ,whose existence revolved around shielding the wolves from the danger .He was not like other wolves his immortality set him apart , granting him an endless lifespan and the strength of cosmos.With a single strike he could kill a mortal wolf ,and his speed and agility surpassed even the most skilled of warriors
But there was one thing that even a cold blooded Enigma like him can never have. With the great amount of power and immortality one thing was set as the system of the rulers that the Enigma can never have a mate
The Enigma who was born under the cold indifferent gaze of Moon Goddess , created not from the warmth or affection,but from necessity.He was a being of pure strength ,his heart as distant and unreachable as stars.It's not like the Enigma didn't has a heart or soul ,infact he has both and that's the worst part.He has a heart which knows no emotion.He must have felt some but he didn't even know what they were.Because that's how the Enigma was created by the Moon Goddess,to be heartless.
From the moment he opened his eyes to the silver light of moon,his fate was sealed. He watched over the pack , silently protecting them from harm always just out of reach.He saw their moments of joy ,the way they loved each other ,the way their heart beats as one.He could hear the gentle whispers shared between the mates,the laughter of children ,and the quite promises made beneath the stars.
But none of this was for him
His heart was untouched by these little moments ,and though he could see love all around him,it was a feeling he could never grasp.
The Moon Good in her Divine wisdom ,had created him without the capacity for such emotions. He was never meant to feel love ,the love that could weaken him ,could turn his focus from his singular purpose.
And as he stood alone and eternal , watching as generation of wolves found their mates,while he remained in the shadows observer of life but never a participant
There were nights when the Enigma would gaze at the moon ,his only companion ,and a silent question would linger in his mind.
"Why was he given the power to protect but not the ability to feel?Why could he save their lives but never touch their hearts?"
The emptiness in him grew wider ,deeper than any wound ,for he realized that while his body would never break ....his heart had been born broken
I know it's a long descriptive chapter ,but this introduction is much needed before moving forward in the story.
Hope you're liking it


Despite the Moon Goddess design,there was something in him some spark of defiance that yearned for one thing that he was never meant to have.He saw the way love made the wolves stronger ,how it gave them something to fight for.In quite moments he imagined what it would be like to love someone ,to feel the warmth of another embrace ,to be more than a weapon
But the Moon Goddess had not made him to love. She made him to stand alone.And in his heart he knew that even if he longed for love ,it would always be just put of reach ,like the distant moon he served.He was created to protect ,but no one was created to protect him.
The sadness of his existence was in it's endlessness .For while the wolves could live ,love and die ,he remained.....a forgotten figure on their history, unable to grow unable to feel, forever bound by cold chains of duty.
His heart though capable of protecting the world ,was never allowed to beat for another.
And so he stood .... silent,alone, immortal.... wishing for love he was never meant to have
Over the years,the werewolf community grew and became a bigger place named Euphoria. Euphoria evolved, transforming from a secluded haven deep within the forest to a flourishing, modern society. The werewolf community, once a gathering of nomadic packs, grew in unity and strength, their instincts for survival fueling not only their physical prowess but their intellectual advancement. As time passed, they embraced technology, merging it seamlessly with the natural world that had always been their sanctuary.
Skyscrapers, sleek and elegant, rose from the earth like the great trees surrounding them, their walls lined with glass that shimmered under the moon’s gentle gaze. Streets paved with stone glowed faintly underfoot, lit by lanterns crafted from lunar crystals that harnessed the moonlight, casting an ethereal glow over the city. Yet, even with their technological advancements, Euphoria remained intertwined with the wildness of the forest. Rooftop gardens flourished, filled with flowers that bloomed only at night, their fragrance filling the air with a sweet, intoxicating scent.
Generations of werewolves had built this kingdom—scientists, architects, and warriors alike—creating a society that balanced progress with the primal connection to their ancestors. Though far from the human world, they crafted technology that rivaled any human city, from sleek transportation systems that wove through the towering trees to communication devices powered by lunar energy, always in harmony with the natural forces that shaped their lives.
Humans knew of their existence, though the forests remained a natural boundary too vast and dangerous to cross. The world of men, with its towering cities and bustling lives, seemed far away, a distant echo that never quite reached the hidden heart of Euphoria.
Here, werewolves thrived, their civilization growing ever more sophisticated, yet their traditions never forgotten. They lived in secrecy, their presence a shadow on the edges of human awareness, preferring the sanctuary of their world over the chaos of the one outside.
The Enigma ruled from the highest spire in Euphoria, overseeing the delicate balance between the ancient laws of their kind and the demands of their growing society. Under his watchful eye, Euphoria flourished, hidden from the world yet alive in every breath of the forest, every pulse of lunar energy that powered their existence.
This was it for the introduction.From next chapter the real story will begin
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Flash, crash and caught

21st century
In the dimly lit corner of an upscale bar.,the city's skyline glowing in the distance,two people steal a private moment behind a sheers of curtains swaying gently in the evening breeze.
Ummm.... daddy kiss me more *moaning in the heated kiss*
Yes ,my little kitten .Daddy will fúck your little pussy hard today *kissing her*
Their bodies blend together as they kiss with an intense ,almost desperate passion.
Just a few feet away , hidden in the shadows ,a person crouches low ,camera poised ,fingers trembling with anticipation.The lens zoom through the narrow gaps in the curtains , trying to capture their secret intimacy.Every second feels like a stolen opportunity as the flash of camera could expose everything... destroying their private fragile bubble
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
This is it.....come on.....hold still *murmuring to himself*
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
The other two people who were none other than one of the biggest celebrities of Korea ,were too wrapped up in each other to notice the watchful eyes.
Oh daddy fúck me *moan out*
*kissing her neck and body*
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook *adjusting the focus trembling slightly*
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
*pressed the shutter button*
A sudden , blinding burst of light exploded from the camera ....the flash
The intimate atmosphere was shattered instantly.
What the--- *eyes wide pulling back*
Did you saw that? Someone's here. *panicked eyes darting around*
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
The photographer froze, panic clawing at him as he realized his mistake. His hands fumbled with the camera, trying to turn off the flash,but it was too late.The damage was done.
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
Flash was on....oh no.... *mumbled under his breath*
Who's there?!
*caught his arm* Let's go don't. We're gonna get caught
*furious.Yank her arm* No.. Someone's been watching us. They got pictures
The photographer's heart pounded against his chest as , hart's voice grew louder,the tension crackling in the air.He knew he had seconds to escape . Gripping the camera tightly ,he took a deep breath and darted from his hiding spot,the curtains fluttering in his wake.
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
I've got to get out of here....Damn I'm screwed
As he made the break for it ,his footsteps echoed sharply against the quite night.But before he could reach the stairwell,two bulky figures into his path , blocking his exit.
An where do you think you're going?
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
*nervously grinning* uh... bathroom break?
Sure. You've got a camera strapped to your neck for that? *smirking*
Jungkook chuckled awkwardly, backing away but before he could blink,the guards closed in.He twisted around , hoping to make a run for it.
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
Maybe if I zigzag.... *muttering to himself*
He sprintes in a chaotic ,zigzag pattern thinking he could outwit them.But the guards didn't even flinch
Is he.... zigzagging? *deadpan*
What is he ,a toddler running from bath time? *laughing*
Jungkook glanced over his shoulder only to see the guards casually walking after him , clearly not in a hurry.
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
*panting, shouting* I'm faster than I look ,okay?!
Just as he thought he was getting away he tripped over his own foot and crashed into a stack of lounge chairs.The sound was loud enough to make whole rooftop turn and look at him.
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
*groaning from the floor* This... is not my finest moment.
Before he could stand up the guards were already on either side of him , hoisting him up like he was a rag doll
*shaking his head* Fast ,huh?
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
*trying to smile* Okay fine ,not fast.But I'm smart.
*grinning* You zigzagged man. That's toddler 101.
They marched him towards the exit ,his feet barely touching the ground
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
*groaning* I just wanted one picture.ONE! How was i supposed to know flash was on?
*laughing* Maybe you should've checked the settings before your ninja routine.
As the approached the police car waiting outside, already called by the club owner , Jungkook tried one last time.
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
*pleading* Okay ,hear me out.What if you just pretend I'm a celebrity? Like this is all just a big misunderstanding and---
*opening the car door* Sure we'll get your autograph on the police report .
Jungkook sighed as they plopped him into the backseat,his camera hanging limply around his neck.
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
*mumbling* All this one for one stupid promotion.....
The door slammed shut and as the car pulled away , Jungkook couldn't help but wonder if this was the universe's way of telling him to stick to nature photography.

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