NovelToon NovelToon

His Revenge Turn Into Love

chapter 1

In big mansions
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Yes, honey
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I am thinking of going out with my friend and camping
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea cut meat and ate
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Née park
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
That place have beautiful views
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
You should take pictures for me and send to me
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
I’m gonna post online
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
You know how many fan and followers I have
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I will
Mateo Arroyo y Lopez( fl dad)
Mateo Arroyo y Lopez( fl dad)
Be careful
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I will
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Alway next to each other
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Yes, my lovely brother
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I will
After breakfast
Astraea goes to her room and pack her clothes
Astraea put her bag in back car
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Let’s go now
She entered the car and put in her seatbelt
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Starting vehicle*
Soon, she arrived at the nee park
She saw her friend car park
She get off the car
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Hello guys
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Did I take long?
Valeria Perez-Quinones( fl bff)
Valeria Perez-Quinones( fl bff)
Very much
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
You guys already make your tent
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Make your tent fast before it raining
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
You’re right
Astraea took out all stuff and put up tent
When she finally done with everything
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I brought some food from market
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Thank you
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
I brought guitar
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Are you gonna sing for us?
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
( the tent is all connected with each other)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Let make food first I am kinda hungry
Valeria Perez-Quinones( fl bff)
Valeria Perez-Quinones( fl bff)
Me too
They prepare food
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
It’s already raining
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I bet there is a lot of mushrooms grow up
Valeria Perez-Quinones( fl bff)
Valeria Perez-Quinones( fl bff)
They are but human can’t eat it
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
They are probably poisonous
The food is ready
They grab their bowl and ate
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
So good
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
It’s feel nice
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
The rain make me want to sleep all day
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Me too
After eating
They drink hot cocoa
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
So sweet
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Let watch movies
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
Cassandra smith( fl bff)
We didn’t bring our chrome
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I brought mine
Astraea opened her chrome
Watching movies
While watching movie, they all fall sleep

chapter 2

Next morning
They’re woke up as the sun light shining of them
They brush their teeth and cook food
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I’m going take pictures for my mother
Astraea take pictures of the view in camera
After that
They take down the tent and put them back in car
Driving back
Astraea arrived home
She park her car in garage and get off her car
She enter her house
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Morning mom
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Did you take pictures?
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea hand her mom camera
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
They look beautiful
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Thea Arroyo y Lopez( fl mom)
Honey, look at this
Mateo Arroyo y Lopez( fl dad)
Mateo Arroyo y Lopez( fl dad)
Sip coffee*
Mateo Arroyo y Lopez( fl dad)
Mateo Arroyo y Lopez( fl dad)
I know
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
How was the camping?
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
It’s was fine
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
Astraea Arroyo y Lopez( fl)
I’m gonna back to my room now
Astraea go back to her room
Change her outfit to pajamas
She tied her her messy hair in bun and take off her makeup
After she finish cleaning her face
She goes back to her room and lay on bed
Watch her favorite dating show
Other side
Roman leave the house and he arrived at place
( it’s was hotel)
He entered the room number
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Babe I miss you so much
Roman kissed the girl neck
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I miss you so much
Kathy kiss Roman
Unbuttoned his clothes
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
You’re are very excited for daddy’s
Kathy push him down in bed and get top of him
Kiss him
Than she take off all her clothes
Roman flip her on bed and he hovers top of her
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Kiss her*
He play with her ****
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Please daddy
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I want to feel you inside
Roma line himself in her entrance and thrust in her so deep
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
He thrust in and out of faster and faster till they both are finally c**
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I’m gonna divorce my husband soon
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Help me
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
Roman Arroyo y Lopez( fl bro)
I will
After they finish
They took showers together
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I’m gonna now
Kathy kiss Roman and get out of shower
She wearing her clothes and spray perfume
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy leave the hotel
She arrived at her house and saw her husband was working still
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Alway work* in mind
She goes back to room and change her out
( her outfit)
She spray perfume and came downstairs in kitchen
Saw maid was prepared food
She help the maid put them in table and she go call her husband
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Breakfast is ready
Achilles stop working and came downstairs with his wife
They took seat
Are breakfast
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I have something to tell you tomorrow
Achilles put his fork down and looked at her
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
What is it?
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Can’t tell you right now
Achillea was excited to heard what Kathy gonna said to him
What he didn’t known was that the news is gonna be very bad and bad one
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Honey, let’s go out together
Achilles node his head
After breakfast
They both went out in different place
Having fun
Take cute pictures together and been very cutesy and romantic with each other
They spent time with each other till night came
They came back home and took shower
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
I love you so much
Kathy smiles at Achilles word
She hug him and sleep

chapter 3

She woke up early in mornings
She saw lawyers bring divorce papers
She sign the papers and waiting for Achilles to wake up
While waiting, she prepared good breakfast for him
Cleaning the house
Watering the plants and flowers
Feed his pet tight
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Eat very well
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I’m not gonna live here anymore
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
This is last time I feed you
After feeding tiger
She enter inside and washed her hand
She heard footsteps came downstairs
She get out of bathroom
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Good morning
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
He went to kiss her forehead
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
He took his seat and drink coffee
Ate breakfast
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
What did you want to tell me?
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
I am very excited
He was excited men
He can’t waited to heard the news
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I want to divorce you
He was shock
The word divorce keep repeating in his head
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie right??
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I’m not
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I want to divorce you now
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I don’t love you no more
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I wouldn’t want to marry someone like you
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Who is involved in murder case and mafia gang
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I wouldn’t want someone like that my child father
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I hate you!
Achilles doesn’t want to sign the papers but he looked at Kathy
He want to make her happy
He sign the divorce papers with tear on his eye
He love her more than his life
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
Kathy Ayala( calliope mom)
I’m gonna leave this house now
Kathy grab her pack and leave the house
She get car
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
Achilles Fernandez de Gracie
He was so mad too
He hate his self for not being good enough for her
A take him long time to heal from the divorce situation
He didn’t leave the house
He looked at Kathy picture and drinking all day, all night
None stop
His family and try to stop him but none of them can’t
He is very stubborn person
Other side
Kathy and Roman was so happy
They living together, eat together and sleep together like marry couples

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