NovelToon NovelToon

Cry, Even Better If You Beg

Chapter 1 Delivered Girl

The little girl arrived at the mansion by a mail wagon in the early spring.

It was around late afternoon when Bill Remmer was hard at work planting rose seeds.

“Are you Mr. Bill Remmer?”

The child asked carefully, in a smooth accent that gave off quite a peculiar feeling.

Bill Remmer simply stood still with a stupefied look on his face.

“Yes, I’m Bill Remmer.”

Bill took off his straw hat with the same hands that had scrubbed off the dirt from his clothes. The child swallowed when his tanned face, hidden in the shadow of the broad brim, was revealed.

For Bill, the child’s reaction was nothing out of the ordinary. Anyone who first saw Bill Remmer usually reacted the same way because of his rugged appearance.

“Who are you?” Bill’s face appeared more frightening as he frowned upon the child.

“Hello, Uncle Bill. I am Leyla Lewellin. I came from Lovita.”

The child spoke clearly and slowly.

Lovita… Bill soon realized why her accent had sounded a little different.

“Did you cross the border to the Berg Empire and come here all by yourself?”

“Yes. I came by train.”

The child smiled awkwardly, as she unnaturally straightened her posture. At that moment, the postman who had brought the child approached them from behind.

“Ah. This child finally met you, Mr. Remmer.”

“Good timing. Why did you bring her here?”

“She was walking all alone with her luggage in front of the station. So, when I asked her where she was going, she said she was on her way to find Bill Remmer, the gardener of the Herhardt family. I brought her here because I was on my way to deliver some letters.”

The postman explained with a smile and handed over an envelope to Bill Remmer. It was a letter from a distant relative living in the neighboring country of Lovita.

Bill immediately ripped the envelope open. The letter contained the story of an orphaned child who had previously been taken in by relatives who were now no longer able to foster her because of their “poor” circumstances.

The child’s name was Leyla Lewellin. The little girl standing in front of Bill was the orphan mentioned in the letter.

“Damned people. They sure are telling me this news fast.”

Astonished, Bill lost his breath. No one in Lovita could foster this little orphan. Bill Remmer was the last among those who had a direct connection with the child. So they had delivered the child to him.

According to the letter, Bill could leave the child in the orphanage if his situation was not favorable enough for raising her.

Bill grumbled and tossed the crumpled paper to the floor. “These people should go to hell. I don’t understand how they could send this little girl here all by herself.”

As he understood the full extent of the situation, Bill’s face turned red with outrage. The child was treated like a mere toy, passed from one relative to another, and doomed to be dumped when no one else desired her. Eventually, she was sent off to a foreign country and given the address of a distant relative she had never met.

“Excuse me, Uncle Bill. I am not that young.”

The little girl who had been observing Bill quietly suddenly spoke up.

“I’ll be twelve in a couple of weeks.”

Bill chuckled with delight as he listened to her rather mature manner of speech. He felt reassured when he learned that she was older than expected, considering the girl looked smaller than her age.

After the postman who had delivered the troublesome girl left, the two were left alone in the garden. Bill covered his head with his hands and prayed to God for help.

Although they were distant relatives, from afar, they seemed more like a father and his daughter. Bill had not seen his distant relatives in over 20 years, but now he was trapped with a child he had never known existed until today.

Even though it was chilly outside, the child wore only a thin layer of clothing. She looked as skinny as an iron-skewer. Her lime green eyes and gold-threaded hair were all Bill could see of her.

Bill came to a conclusion; He couldn’t take care of her.

However, the only choice then was to place her in an orphanage, which drove him crazy. Bill cursed the relatives a second time for dragging him into this mess. The little girl flinched and began chewing her red lips.

“Follow me.” Bill led the way as he shook his head in frustration. “Let us get some food first before I make a decision.”

His blunt words were carried away by the evening breeze. The child’s timid steps gradually became light and joyful as the two walked closer to Bill’s quarters.


“Is that all you’re eating?”

The child was carrying a small plate, which Bill frowned at.

“Yes. I only eat a little.”

The child smiled politely.

“Child, I hate children who eat very little.”

The light from the table lamp shone down on the child’s slender wrist, which was revealed under the sleeve that had been carelessly folded up.

“You should eat everything like a cow.”

Bill’s face became more stern. Slowly blinking her eyes, the troubled Leyla put another loaf of meat and bread onto her plate and hurriedly started gobbling up her food.

“I can’t eat like a cow, but uncle, I can eat quite well.” Leyla showed a broad smile with bread crumbs strewn over her dainty lips.

“Yes. I can definitely see that.” Bill laughed and poured the whiskey into his tall glass. “Aren’t you afraid of me?” Bill’s face was scrunched up as he attempted to frighten her.

But Leyla just simply stared at him, not daring to look away. “Not at all.” She said. “You don’t yell at me. You gave me lots of delicious food. So I believe you to be a good person.”

‘What kind of life has this child been living?’

Bill pondered as he refilled his beer glass. The letter had stated that the child’s mother had abandoned her husband and child to elope with another man. The child’s father, who had been devastated by the betrayal, became an alcoholic and died of alcohol poisoning. Following that, the girl was raised in the homes of other relatives, only to be abandoned by them in the end.

Although the child had lived a tragic life, Bill still thought it was a ridiculous idea for him to be the one to raise her.

Bill Remmer sipped his beer and decided that he would make his decision by next week.


“Did everyone hear? Bill Remmer, the gardener, has started taking care of a young girl.”

A young maid dashed into the lounge where the servants spent their leisure time. The servants who had been taking a break turned their attention to the young maid.

“A girl? Mr. Remmer? It’d be more reasonable if he chose to raise a lion or elephant instead.”

One of the servants made a snorting noise.

Bill Remmer, the Herhardt household’s gardener, was a man who possessed a natural talent for growing flowers. Despite his brusque temper, he had been able to keep his job as a gardener for the past 20 years, all thanks to his talent.

He was deeply trusted by the Herhardt family. Especially Norma, the duchess. Because of her unique love of flowers, she understood and accepted Bill’s gardening as well as tantrums. She also decided to give the gardener a cottage in the woods behind the manor house of Herhardt.

Life was easy for Bill Remmer.

He worked in the garden and returned to the cottage for a rest. Despite his time drinking with his fellow workers, he spent most of his time surrounded by flowers and trees. Even after his wife died of an illness decades earlier, he never got attached to another woman.

That Bill Remmer was raising a little girl?

The servants who were relaxing in the lounge came to an agreement that the rumor was utter nonsense.

Until one of the maids sitting by the window shouted,

“Oh my. It must be true! Look over there.”

The maid pointed over the glass window with her eyes wide open. The servants all rushed to the window at the same time and their faces lit up with surprise. Bill Remmer was planting with his body hunched down on the other side of the garden, and the rumored petite girl was following in his footsteps.

As she churned along, the girl’s golden hair, braided in a single strand, shook back and forth like a pendulum.

“I’ve still not decided.”

Bill repeatedly gave the same answer to any questions about the child.

“I can’t leave her here, so I’ll have to think about it.”

While Bill’s thoughts went on through the spring and into the summer, Leyla Lewellin slowly became a permanent resident of the Herhardt estate.

The child’s diligent stroll through the gardens and forests had already become a familiar scene for the Herhardt servants.

“I think she’s grown a bit.” The Herhardt’s chef, Madam Mona, laughed as she stared out the window. Leyla was staring at the grass and flowers behind the forest cottage that were just starting to bloom.

“She still has a long way to go. She’s still smaller than average girls.”

“Bill Remmer, take a look at her. Kids are not the same as your plants. They aren’t going to grow in a day or two.” Madam Mona lowered her basket onto the table with a shake of her head.

“What’s this?”

“Cookies and cake. There was a tea party at the manor yesterday.”

“I hate sweets.”

“Really? This is for Leyla”

Bill Remmer’s dark brows furrowed at Madam Mona’s abrupt response. That child was not supposed to be here, but the Duke’s servants had started to look after Leyla daily.

They would greet her, bring her food, and sometimes pay her a visit, and Bill Remmer was having a tough time dealing with it.

“You should buy some clothes for her. The young lady’s skirt seems to be about to go up her knees now.” Madam Mona asked him as she watched Leyla chasing a bird. Bill was unable to refute. Even in his eyes, it seemed as if Leyla was wearing unfitted clothes.

“Oh my! Oh my! Look at her!”

Madam Mona was about to leave when she quickly pointed to Leyla and shouted in dismay.

Bill cast a queer glance in the direction Madam Mona was pointing. As the bird she had been chasing landed on a tree branch, Leyla began climbing up the tree swiftly, with athletic and light movements like a squirrel.

“She sure has a talent for climbing trees.”

Bill’s unconcerned response drew a scowl from Madam Mona. “Bill Remmer! You were aware of her habit of climbing trees and yet you chose to overlook it? How the hell are you raising your child?”

“As you can see, she’s growing strong and well.”

“You’re raising that girl like a wild beast! My God.” Madam Mona raised her voice and made a fuss. But Bill just snooped around the window deafeningly. He watched Leyla sit on a thin branch in the thicket, looking at the little birds playing around.

After watching over her for a few months, Leyla Lewellin had proven to be a curious girl who wanted to learn more about the world. Flowers and grass, birds and insects. Anything that caught her attention amazed her and piqued her curiosity.

One night when Leyla hadn’t returned for dinner, Bill had gone deep into the forest to find her sitting by the river staring at a flock of water birds. She had been so engrossed in her observation that she hadn’t even noticed Bill calling her name over and over.

Madam Mona had returned home after giving him a couple of more scathing lectures. After that, Bill took a leisurely stroll and went back to his cottage.

“Uncle!” Leyla welcomed him with a friendly wave.

The child came down the tree as quickly as she had climbed it and hurriedly approached Bill. Leyla was dressed in a ragged, dull gray one-piece dress with short sleeves. Since she was going to meet the duke later, her hand-me-down dresses seemed inappropriate, so Bill decided to buy her new clothes.

“Get ready and come out.” Bill said impulsively when they arrived in front of the back door cottage.

“Ah. Uncle?”

“You don’t have to look so puzzled. We’re going downtown to buy you some clothes.” Bill coughed and uncomfortably rubbed the back of his neck. “Duke Herhardt will be here soon, so welcoming him in your current appearance would be a little weird.”

“The duke? You mean the owner of this estate, right?”

“Yes. Since it’s his break, he’ll be back.”

“Break? Does the duke attend school?” Leyla tilted her head, frowning. Bill smiled as he stroked the child’s unruly hair.

“The duke is only 18 years old so he has no choice but to attend school.”

“What?!! 18 years old? The duke?”

Bill’s guffaw grew louder in reaction to the child’s shocked expression. He brushed the child’s fluffy hair with his rough fingertips. It felt as soft as cotton.


At the Carlsbar station, a train from the capital had arrived on the platform.

The waiting servants made their way to the station’s private section. A tall, slender boy descended onto the platform by the time they lined up in a straight line.

“Hello, Master.”

All the other servants quickly bowed their heads towards the boy, starting with the butler Hessen’s friendly greeting. Matthias replied to their greetings with a light yet silent gesture in a straight and elegant manner. His rosy lips were curved into a smile that was neither too wide nor too stiff.

The Herhardt’s servants didn’t start moving until Matthias took a couple of moves. The people in the crowd stood back quickly, allowing the young master to pass through. Matthias walked past the platform at a quick pace, showing no signs of slowing down.

“A carriage?” Matthias smirked as he left the station and spotted a carriage waiting for him.

“Ah….. Yes, master. Madam doesn’t believe cars are trustworthy.”

“I know. For grandmother, cars are nothing more than a hunk of iron that is unbearably vulgar and dangerous.”

“My apologies. Next time…”

“No. ‘Classic’ things are not bad. Once in a while.”

Matthias boarded the carriage in a composed manner. Slow but steady movements flowed from his long arms and legs.

As it passed through the busy shopping streets and the square, the carriage consistently picked up speed.

Matthias’ luggage was transported in a separate wagon, which trailed behind the carriage engraved with a golden crest off into the distance.

Chapter 2 A Beautiful Bird Slayer

Matthias’s relatives who were expected to spend the summer in Arvis paid him a visit. It was a social gathering meant to discuss insurance issues for the trade ship sailing next month.

Matthias sat in the back of the carriage, staring out of the window. His butler, Hessen, briefed him about the pending problems of his family. He responded to Hessen’s words with just quick nods or brief replies.

The business was run by the directors, and although Matthias’ mother and grandmother were in charge of the family affairs, it was up to him as the Duke of Herhardt to make the final decision. Matthias had been playing that role since he was a child of twelve.

Hessen’s report had ended by the time Matthias arrived on the Platanus road leading to the Herhardt estate.

Matthias was seated with his head tilted at an angle, gazing at the familiar scenery. Both sides of the roadway were lined with tall trees that were arched as if they were holding hands. The path was embroidered with an exquisite pattern designed by the shattered sunlight leaping through the fluttering leaves.

A white mansion with a blue-coloured rooftop revealed itself after passing through the road into the estate. Outside the front entrance, the mother and grandmother were waiting for their family patriarch. The door to the wagon opened as Matthias straightened the position of his already linear tie.

“Welcome home, Matthias.”

Norma Catharina von Herhardt, Dowager Duchess of Arvis, smiled brightly when she welcomed her grandson.

Matthias bowed his head and accepted a kiss from his grandmother.

He was approached with a much more straightforward attitude by Elysee von Herhardt, his mother, who stood behind them.

“You’ve grown taller.” She chuckled as she embraced him warmly. Her dark black hair gleamed in the early summer light, much like her son’s.

Matthias responded to his mother with the same smile. He shared similar greetings with the other servants in line. His polished manner and proper courtesy towards the servants showed that he was the perfect owner of this family,—He was Duke Herhardt.

Matthias took the lead and crossed the lobby area, standing between his two beloved women. He suddenly lifted his head and stared up at the huge chandelier that was lit up in the middle of the day before climbing the stairs.

Matthias looked at the Herhardt family’s crest that was imprinted on the ceiling just below the chandelier.

He was a Herhardt.

Herhardt, a euphemism for intellect, grace, and unflappable character. Matthias had never had any complaints or concerns regarding his own life. He was well aware of the kind of life he would have to live and accepted it. Handling his own life was as easy as breathing for him.

Matthias ascended the stairwell with long strides with his eyes fixed on the ground. The servants were finally able to breathe properly after the owner of the household entered the mansion safely.

The residents of Arvis had been preparing for days to meet Duke Herhardt in person. On his arrival, everything and everyone, including the people who lived in his estate, had to be flawless. The servants needed to present themselves in the best light possible.

Leyla Lewellin, the Arvis’ uninvited guest, wasn’t any different.


“Did the duke already arrive?”

Standing at the edge of the group of servants, Leyla murmured something in a disappointed tone. The creamy-white colour dress Bill had purchased for her flapped in sync with her movements.

“You’ll see Duke Herhardt in the woods. But I have to ask for permission first.” Bill Remmer spoke bluntly and began walking towards the woods. Leyla followed him at the back with zeal.

“Does the duke enjoy the woods as much as I do?”

“Well, yeah sure. Hunting is one of his favorite activities.”

“Hunting? In the woods?” Leyla’s pupils dilated, and her eyes widened. As he looked down at the child, Bill snorted.

“Isn’t it natural for the forest to be the hunting ground for this family?”

“Then… does he hunt birds too?”

“Upland hunting is the Duke’s favorite pastime.”

His irrelevant comment caused Leyla to halt in her stride. Bill coughed reflexively after realizing what he had said. He tried lying to her to convince her, but Duke Herhardt was due to arrive on the hunting grounds in a few days. He was concerned that if he tried to comfort the child with his white lies, he would cause Leyla even more distress.

“When you see the Duke’s shooting skills, you’ll be astonished. He’s only a teenager, but he’s a fantastic sharpshooter.” Bill started to babble because he felt compelled to say something to comfort the young girl. But Leyla, on the other hand, was on the verge of crying.

“Why does he like killing birds? There’s lots of food in the mansion…”

“Hunting is merely a means of recreation for the nobles. The most entertaining targets to shoot are birds, and…” Bill turned around to face Leyla after realizing what he had said, and Leyla’s upset expression came into his gaze.

‘Why do you like birds so much?!’

Bill was on the verge of yelling something at the top of his lungs. He didn’t understand why he was bothering to explain something to her while still having to be sensitive to the child’s feelings. Bill eventually chose to remain silent because Leyla seemed to be about to cry if he said even one more word.

The sobbing Leyla.

He hated seeing children crying.

Bill continued to walk again after a brief pause. Leyla’s shoulders were limp as she followed in his footsteps. The same child who had been excited to wear her new ivory-coloured dress was gone. It had been quite a sight to see her feeling so agitated about the dress she just received.

“I’m hoping the duke shows a dislike for hunting.”

After a long period of silence, she spoke up cautiously.

“Or maybe he’ll get tired of hunting?” Leyla looked up at Bill, her eyes sparkling with hope. But Bill could only scratch the back of his neck sheepishly as a response.

Leyla was optimistic that her prayers would be fulfilled.


Matthias was nowhere to be found near the hunting grounds a week after his return. He was busy tending to the guests who had flocked to the mansion to see him, so it was understandable.

The mansion was filled with clamorous parties every day, but the woods were deafeningly quiet. As the summer had come to an end, the eggs hatched, and the wild roses, which had been in the early stages of flowering, were now wholly bloomed. Leyla was enthralled by the minor changes taking place in the woods.

“Leyla, don’t go too far!” Bill raised his voice when Leyla excitedly left the cottage.

“Alright! I’m just going for a stroll along the river! Uncle, I’ll see you later!”

As she turned around, Leyla swung her arms frantically above her head. Her old leather bag, which she slung over her shoulder, shook along with her as she jumped.

Leyla was the first person to discover the newly hatched birds on a tree branch. The hairless baby birds were eagerly awaiting their mother’s arrival with their food. She scampered down from the tree and drew the picture of the baby birds on a scrap of paper which she pulled from her leather bag. Although her sketches were a little messy, she tried her hardest to portray the tiny birds in her drawings.

In her little diary, Leyla drew and wrote about everything she had seen in the woods. The land was more majestic than any other location she had ever seen. Leyla decided to jot down everything she saw. This was because she wanted to look back on her memories from the woods in her diary, after her departure from this mansion. She was saddened by the thought of leaving the place one day.

Leyla kept a steady record of the forest as she walked along the path leading to the river. She strewed pastel-coloured flower petals between the pages of her notebook and picked some strawberries along the way.

The sun was just starting to settle when she arrived at the glistening riverbank. Leyla climbed to the peak of a giant tree that stood at the forest’s edge, overlooking the river. Her favourite spot was a thick, long branch of the tree because it was as comfortable as a chair.

A faint clink of horseshoes could be heard from afar when Leyla was about to open her notebook. She stuffed her journal into her pocket as quickly as she could. In the meantime, the horse’s galloping sound became louder. Leyla held her breath while hugging the tree branch she was lying down on, terrified of the approaching intruder.

A horse with smooth dark hazel fur appeared not long after that. On its back, there was a man. He chose to rest his horse right under the tree, where Leyla was lying among all the places in the woods. From the moment that man had stepped off the horse, his movements had been smooth and light.

She thought it best to climb down, but the mysterious man was already leaning against the tree.

Leyla couldn’t think of anything else to say, so she just looked at the man who was lifting his hand to remove his hat. But at that moment, Leyla’s leather bag fell off her shoulders and slammed into the branch. For the next few seconds, her memory became hazy. The man reflectively turned his head towards the tree branch and met eyes with Leyla.

Leyla locked her gaze with his. His blue eyes were like clear glass beads, visible through the thick black hair that flowed over his forehead. By the time she tried to gather herself together, the man was already pointing his gun at her face.

The thought of being shot by the long, menacing gun made Leyla’s face turn pale. She remained motionless, hugging the tree as though it were her only friend. Her entire body was trembling with sweat.

Slowly, the man lowered his pistol and let out a silent sigh.

“Who are you…..?”

His twisted lips emitted a low, resonant voice.


As her golden hair fluttered in the wind, Leyla managed to keep her voice from breaking, even though she was on the verge of tears.

“What?” His pupils dilated even further, and Leyla hugged the tree so tightly that it hurt her fingertips.

“Leyla. I’m Leyla Lewellin.”


“Uncle! Uncle Bill!”

The sound of Leyla’s cry echoed through the woods.

Bill sat in front of his cottage warehouse, watching the sun setting down. At Leyla’s frantic call, he turned his head in bewilderment and looked at Leyla, who ran towards him with a crimson red face.

“What’s the matter?”

“Th-there’s a man in the woods! He was very tall!” Despite her abdominal pain, Leyla was excited to narrate her encounter with the mysterious man.

“You must’ve met the duke who came out for hunting.”

Bill replied while picking up the tools from the warehouse.

“His hair was jet black, and his eyes were a deep shade of blue. His voice sounded as light as a feather.”

Bill smirked with a snarl, “Without a doubt, it’s Duke Herhardt.”

Leyla stood in front of Bill, trying to catch her breath.

For a while, the stunning yet scary man in the distance had stared at Leyla and then turned away without saying anything. When he mounted his horse again, two more men appeared in the dense forest. The man turned his horse and followed the other two men further into the woods. When they were no longer visible, Leyla climbed down from the trees and fled to the cottage.

“Then the Duke…..”


Just as Leyla was about to say something, a cold shot suddenly rang out, shaking the stillness of the forest.

Startled, Leyla turned her head towards the source of the noise. She soon witnessed surprised birds arising from the far side of the woods. One of the birds fell from the trees, with its wings drooped helplessly. The shots went on for a couple more rounds. So Bill patted Leyla on her shoulder to comfort the frightened child.


Leyla lifted her head with a long, deliberate motion. Bill unknowingly held his breath once their eyes met.

The little one was sobbing.


The beautiful bird slayer.

Leyla Lewellin decided to give him that title.

Everyone in the estate, including Bill Remmer, praised him for being the epitome of royalty. Matthias von Herhardt, who had exceptional qualities as the owner of this duchy, seemed to be loved and cared for by the people.

But not Leyla.

The mother bird had been missing since the day the Duke went out hunting. The newly hatched baby birds were separated from their mother, who fed them with food. Moreover, countless birds were no longer to be seen in the woods.

Why did the duke only hunt the tiny, beautiful birds instead of big, edible ones?

Leyla, who had been watching and agonizing over this for the past month, seemed to have figured out why.

For Duke Herhardt, the birds had become his moving target.

The smaller they were, the more challenging and fascinating it was to shoot them. The Duke didn’t even try to glance at the prey he had just killed.

On the days he went out hunting, after hitting his target, he would simply turn away, and Leyla would always bury the dead birds that were soaked in blood.


Another round of gunfire could be heard in the distance.

Chapter 3 Bring Her In

Even though the sun was sweltering hot, the place under the shade of the tree was refreshingly cool. Leyla sat down bundled in a blanket with her arms wrapped around her knees. Meanwhile, Bill and the other gardeners were busy digging up the wilting rose tree.

The roses in the garden behind the mansion seemed to be of varying kinds. The rose was said to be the Berg Empire’s national flower, as well as a favorite of the Duke’s mother and grandmother.

The little Leyla wandered around the cottage nervously after hearing another sound of a gunshot from the woods. Uncle Bill had noticed her nervousness and wanted to take her to the garden with him. Only when the sound of gunfire faded away did her mind finally calm down.

‘Is it really okay for me to take a nap as Uncle Bill toils away in the hot sun?’

Bill drew an uneasy stare from Leyla. She let out a slight sigh as she slowly closed her eyes. But Bill had threatened her that he’d become angry if she helped him. He also told her that he despised children who refused to listen. So, she opted to wait for him until he finished his work, even though Leyla’s heart wasn’t at ease.

When she opened her eyes again with reluctance, Leyla was suddenly startled by an unfamiliar figure. In front of her stood a well-dressed teenage boy who seemed to be about Leyla’s age.


As their gazes met, the good-looking boy with platinum blonde hair greeted her with a lovely smile.

“Do you live here?”

The fellow boy surveyed his surroundings and asked humbly.

“Yes. I live with uncle Bill.”

Leyla replied with her eyes squinted.

“Mr. Bill? Do you mean the scary gardener guy?”

“He’s not scary.”

“Really? He seems like a scary person to me.”

The boy sat down next to Leyla with a tilted head.

“And you? Do you live here too?”

The boy chuckled and shook his head when Leyla asked him cautiously.

“No.” He said. “I just followed my father. He’s the family doctor at the Herhardt household. He’s come to see Madam Norma for a medical checkup. I sometimes come here with my father. Madam Norma said she was okay.”

“I see.”

“How old are you?”


“Same. But you’re kinda tiny.”

The boy who was looking at Leyla started laughing and Leyla’s cheeks began to blush bright red with anger.

“You’re tiny too.”

“Well, I’m the tallest student in my class.”

To show his tall stature, the boy stretched out his body. Certainly, he seemed to be a couple of inches taller than his actual age.

“However… You’re still not as tall as uncle Bill.”

Leyla muttered to herself, causing the boy to giggle once more. He seemed to be a cheerful kid.

“Hey, finding a child or even an adult taller than Mr. Bill is impossible.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

For no apparent reason, Leyla plucked at the grass growing near her blanket and her tiny fingers became soiled with a bluish-green color. She wished the boy would get up and leave immediately, but he showed no signs of doing so.

Leyla then shifted her attention to the peach poised on the blanket’s edge and asked the boy at the spur of the moment.

“Do you want some?”

As the boy smiled and nodded happily, Leyla dug into her leather pocket and took out a small knife. The sight of Leyla carefully cutting the peach made the boy chuckle.

“You’re funny. Why is a knife coming out of a girl’s bag?”

“Don’t laugh at me. Uncle Bill gave it to me.”

As she handed the half-cut peach to the boy, Leyla drooped her nose slightly in annoyance. But the two children’s noses were tingling with the delicious smell of the peach fruit.

“How come you have such a sad look on your face? Has something happened?”

After gulping down his peach, the boy asked her gently.

“The Duke and his friends keep hunting down the birds in the woods.”

Leyla answered solemnly. The young boy cocked his head, perplexed by her words..

“So, what’s wrong with it?”

“They are killing birds for their own pleasure.”

“Isn’t hunting like that?”

“Do you think so too?”

Leyla stared at the boy with her grim green pupils. In her eyes, the boy seemed to have difficulty holding the big, long hunting rifle.

“Uh….. No.”

The boy quickly shook his head.

“I don’t. It’s cruel.”

Hearing his positive reply, Leyla’s face started to light up with a smile.

“Do you want another peach?”

Leyla asked with a more bright tone. The boy then smiled and nodded. Leyla halved another peach and gave the larger half to him. The boy’s cheeks appeared to blush as he tried to fix his tight collar.

“Kyle! Kyle!”

The sound of a faint voice could be heard. The boy, who had been fiddling with a peach seed, hurriedly leapt to his feet.

“I have to go now.”

“Okay. Bye then.”

“Kyle Etman.”

He raised his hands.

“It’s my name. What’s your name?”

“Leyla. I’m Leyla Lewellin.”

Leyla gave him a clumsy handshake. The two shook hands with their tiny hands soaked in sticky peach honey, as if they were making a truce.

“Bye, Leyla. See ya. Next time, I’ll get you something more tasty!”

The boy shouted aloud as he ran away into the distance. Leyla just gave a slight wave because she wasn’t sure whether she’d see him again if she moved out of the estate.


Leyla’s world was once again at peace after Kyle had left. She sat patiently waiting for Uncle Bill to finish his job while smelling the rose-scented fragrance. However, she had dozed off at some point and only woke up when Uncle Bill called her name at sunset.

Leyla jumped out of her seat, packed her bag, and picked up the blanket from the ground.

“Uncle Bill. I saw a kid….”

Leyla was about to tell the story of her meeting with the boy with whom she had shared her peaches. However, at that moment, she was interrupted by silhouettes of people coming out of the forest on the other side, who turned out to be Duke Herhardt and his friends.

Matthias came to a halt in the middle of the rose garden. Bill Remmer, the brusque gardener who was nearby, bowed his head towards his master. Matthias didn’t take long to notice that the gardener was hiding a small child behind him.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, Mr. Remmer.”

Matthias gave a slight nod. His friends who had accompanied him in the hunting expedition ground came to a standstill behind the duke and maintained their distance.

“Ah, for the time being, she’ll be staying here at Arvis.”

Bill Remmer told the Duke with a somewhat uneasy look on his face. Leyla took a hesitant step towards the Duke after Bill tapped her on the back and ordered her to come forward.

Matthias was able to recognize her because of her glimmering blond hair. It was the little girl he had almost shot. The weird little girl who was almost killed because she had been mistaken for a bird.

“I already have Madam Norma and Madam Elysse’s permission, but I think I should also ask for your approval.”

Bill Remmer bowed his head once more, and Leyla, who stood beside him, followed suit.

Matthias took a long, good look at the girl. The child scowled at him when they exchanged glances. Lips clenched combined with sneered green eyes. Her expression was the same as when they had first met in the woods.

“Ah, you’re that girl, right?” He asked, “The little girl who lives in the woods.”

Lelya’s face blushed with embarrassment and she hid behind her uncle’s back. Riette, Matthias’ cousin, guffawed from behind, recalling the girl they occasionally met in the forest was always like that.

That girl would always hide behind a tree as soon as she gazed at the duke’s eyes in wonder. She would always come out of nowhere and bury the dead birds after Matthias would finish hunting.

“Sure. If that’s what you want, Mr. Remmer.”

With a grin on his face, Matthias gave a quick answer since it was none of his business what the gardener raised in the woods.

“Thank you, my Lord.”

Bill expressed his gratitude to him. Matthias started walking again after giving Bill a small nod with his chin.

After the Duke passed them, Leyla flinched when she saw Matthias’ servants following him with their hands full of hunted animals. Her shoulders hunched and she drew her eyes close at the moment when her tiny nose was filled with a strong, distasteful smell of blood.

Standing beside her, uncle Bill only could pat Leyla’s frail shoulders with his big-warm hands.


With her chin resting on the palm of her hand, Claudine let out a long, deep sigh. Her curly brown hair danced along in sync with her endless sighs.

“Claudine, behave like a lady please.”

Raising her thin eyebrows, Countess Brandt cast a look at her daughter. Her inarticulate voice became increasingly impatient.

Claudine was about to become the Duchess of Arvis, despite the fact that she was much too young to be called a lady. Countess Brandt could only let out a heavy sigh, looking at her daughter’s childish attitude.

“But I’m so lonely and bored.”

Claudine muttered something under her breath. The other noblewomen at the tea table who were drinking tea turned their focus to the depressed brown-haired girl.

“Then go play with your cousins.”

Countess Brandt wheezed with her face reddened. Claudine, on the other hand, paid no attention to her angry mother.

“They treat me as if I’m not here. They say things I don’t understand.”

Claudine’s annoyed expression elicited a soft smile from other ladies.

“Well, it can be boring. Claudine doesn’t have any friends her age.”

Elysse von Herhardt nodded her head while stroking the white dog on her lap.

“See? Madam Herhardt is the only one who understands me.”

A bright smile rose on Claudine’s lips, when she met someone who understood her distress.

“Anyways, who’s that child?”

Claudine abruptly pointed her finger towards the garden after catching a quick glimpse of a young girl. Claudine gestured to the ladies to turn their heads in the direction she was pointing.

To a young girl who was taking a stroll with a gardener.

“Do you mind if I play with her? I think she’s about the same age as me.”

“Well… Isn’t she an orphan from another country? A girl like that isn’t suited to be friends with you.”

“I’m perfectly fine—-” Claudine said, “It’ll be more fun playing with her rather than a puppy.”

She spoke with a calm and confident tone. Her mother’s red face, which was about to burst with embarrassment, went unnoticed by her.

Elysse von Herhardt smiled and rang the doorbell cheerfully.

“Bring that child here.”

A maid came to the room at the call of her master’s bell.

“The child who’s being raised by our gardener.”


Leyla was taken to an unknown world by the maid. To the place where glamorous people sat under the shade of the white mansion, dressed in bright-colored clothing.

“Oh, she’s so cute.”

Leyla earned a compliment from one of the ladies.

“Can you tell me what you think? Claudine, do you like her?”

After questioning Leyla, the black-haired woman turned over to the chestnut-haired girl sitting beside her. Claudine smiled and nodded happily.

“Thank you, Madam Herhardt.”

Leyla looked at the people in front of her with a blank stare on her face. She couldn’t figure out what the ladies were talking about. She just wanted to return to Uncle Bill’s cottage, but no one seemed to understand her dilemma.

The maid took Leyla’s hand and walked her into a room after one of the ladies murmured an order.

For the first time in her life, Leyla was washed in a luxurious bathroom, and to her surprise, she was clothed in soft, white dresses. Leyla sensed the pain as the maid combed her frizzy hair roughly. But she endured it, because she was afraid she would hinder Uncle Bill’s job if she said anything wrong.

“Lady Claudine is Count Brandt’s daughter. So don’t act rashly in front of her. Do you understand?”

Leyla gave a befuddled nod when she was sternly alerted by the maid who dragged her up to the second floor of the mansion. After that, the parlor’s door was carefully opened by the maid. There, Claudine welcomed them with a refined manner.

“Hello. What’s your name? And your Age?”

Claudine lowered her head and tried to look Leyla in the eyes.

“My name is Leyla Lewellin. I’m twelve years old.”

“Really? Because you’re so tiny, I thought you were younger.”

Although Leyla disliked being called ‘tiny’, she decided to keep her annoyance to herself.

‘For uncle Bill.’

She was able to calm down as she chanted those words over and over again, almost as if they were a ritual.

Flower arrangement, Piano, and Music.

Claudine suggested this and that, but Leyla couldn’t do anything.

Dice game. Word game. Chess.

Claudine’s other ideas for alternative games were the same.

Claudine’s mouth curved into a vague smile as she alternated between looking at the toy table and at Leyla.

“Poor you.”

She slowly rose from her chair with a disappointed sigh in her voice.

“You don’t know a thing.”

Leyla felt helpless as she looked at the jumbled up toys on the table. Claudine murmured in frustration as she walked over to Leyla’s chair. But Leyla was humiliated even more by her gentle voice, which seemed to be trying hard to not convey even the slightest hint of disappointment or irritation.

Leyla felt compelled to say something, but she couldn’t. It’s because her mouth was shut tight. It was difficult to say something polite in this situation. But fortunately, Claudine turned away without waiting for Leyla to say anything.

“Geez… She’s no better than a dog.”

She whispered a sigh to herself before closing the door.

Leyla was left alone in the beautiful parlor after Claudine had left. She was tempted to leave as soon as possible as well, but Leyla decided to wait because she thought Claudine would come back.

But Claudine didn’t return until the afternoon sun began turning into a golden hue. The maid who had brought Leyla only showed up later in the evening.

“You may go back.”

She spoke in a softer tone than before.

“The lady said you can keep the dress. And this as well.”

Leyla froze in place when the maid gave a glittering gold coin to her. So the maid shoved the coin into Leyla’s hands.

“Just take it. You should be thankful for what your master gives you. Do you understand?”

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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