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Lives Changed [ Taekook ]

1---Wake up---

A fine morning.... the weather was windy.... it was slightly cloudy making the atmosphere cold.... But it was liked by everyone....
It was a working day.... So everyone was getting ready for their workplaces or study institutes.... Like every other..... In a small house and Alpha was getting ready.... Keeping an eye on the time and his younger brother....
The both of them were alone... They have no other family.... it's just the two of them with each other.... The elder alpha, Kim Taehyung.... and the younger omega Kim Heeseung.... Both of them are orphans.... And have no other family.... But due to their hard work they were able to get in the most prestigious school in the world as scholarship students....
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Saw it was late*...
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Yah! *Shook Heeseung slightly* Heeseung-ah! Wake it up! We'll late for school bub!
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
*Whined slightly*.... Aniyo.... Let me sleep na *Snuggled more into a pillow*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Tch- This kid- *Slightly pulled Heeseung* Come on! Do you want to get scolded?
Taehyung said while making him sit... Heeseung opened his eyes as he clung on to his hyung's arm... He looked at Tae with doe eyes....
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
Hyungie..... Just five minutes..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
….. No! I won't fall for those doe eyes again hear me!?
He said scolding Heeseung... But he knew very well that he can't resist his brother's big puppy eyes.... He'll probably give in.... But the last time Heeseung asked for "Five more minutes" they had to take a day off....
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
Please? Just five more minutes! 🥺
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Heeseung *Frowned and said in a stern tone*
Heeseung pouted very slightly...
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
Fine then! Get me ready! *Grabby hands*
Taehyung smiled and picked Heeseung up.... He went to the bathroom.....
He helped Heeseung brush his teeth etc... ( Except things that were personal for Heeseung ) Taehyung helped him get ready.... He gave Heeseung his clothes and went to the kitchen.... he sighed because as usual there wasn't anything much to make... but at least they get to eat somewhat right?
After eating they went to school....
Listen... this is my first story alright? and it's my first time in this app as well... like it hasn't been a week yet.... Honestly it's my first time in any writing app... so I hope you all will help me-
If I get or do something wrong here... please point it out and help to fix it! I'd appreciate it a lot! And, I would like if you comment a lot... But it's completely your choice!
Thank you for reading my story... It really means a lot!

2---Jeon Mansion---

Meanwhile, a few miles away from that house, there is a town called the "Euphoria town".... Only the Elites of Elites reside there, The Jeons, who rank the second in power.... they're the second most powerful family in the world, having absolute power on everything and everyone except one family..... Next comes the Kim family.... they're the third along with the Parks... The Kims and Parks are related with each other and share the same position of power in the world.... And like the Jeons, they have power against everything except the Jeons and that one family.... The Jung's come fourth....
The four families mentioned above are related.... In a lot of ways..... from the kids being in a relationship with each other to the parents that are married to each other....
Anyway.... Currently, in the Jeon household, the elders were sitting in the dining room... Jae-young the eldest one in the household looked around Nd he didn't find his grandkids there.....
Jeon Jae-young
Jeon Jae-young
Where are the kids-
Just then the door opened revealing the kids, what a coincidence? They came as soon as Jae-young called them.... Jeon Jungkook was in front of everyone.... Jae-young and the elders smiled seeing him....
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Pa! *Hugged Jae-young*
Jeon Jae-young
Jeon Jae-young
*Hugged back* You're here, huh? *Smiled*
Jeon Yoongi
Jeon Yoongi
Yah! We're here too! *Pouts*
Jeon Sunoo
Jeon Sunoo
That's right! 😾
They chuckled slightly and greeted the kids, they all sat down after greeting all elders.... Except one.....
Jeon Medea
Jeon Medea
Kookie-ya.... why didn't you greet your father? *Sweet tone*
Jeon Jae-hyun
Jeon Jae-hyun
.... *Licked his lips and looked at Medea with doe eyes.... Then looked at Jungkook*
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
What do you mean? *"Confused"* I did greet Appa *Smiled at Chang-Wook*
Jeon Hye-ji
Jeon Hye-ji
.... *Clenched fist slightly and tilted her head to control herself*.... { Don't... don't get mad.... It will create problems for Appa... }
Jeon Chang-Wook
Jeon Chang-Wook
*Smiled back at Jungkook*
Jeon Min-ah
Jeon Min-ah
come on dea.... don't ruin the kids' mood by mentioning a.... Random person....
Jeon Hye-ji
Jeon Hye-ji
*Immediately looked at her father and held his hand*
Jae-hyun looked at her with a slight smile telling her "He's okay"..... As if she doesn't know....
Anyway... they all ate food and went to the school....
Well you see.... Jeon Jae-hyun, the youngest son of Jeon Jae-young is not liked by anyone in the family.... And is especially despised by his sister who is literally twenty years older than him..... He has two kids Jeon Jungkook, and Jeon Hye-ji, .... Well the both of them were born... due to.... reasons.... But Jae-hyun was given the responsibility of two kids at a very young age.... both Jungkook and Hye-ji are the youngest ones in the family...... But.... Jungkook is adored by everyone in the family a lot.... To the extent he stays away from his sister and father.... And despises his father a lot
He is closer with Chang-Wook and Medea, who have literally filled his mind with things against Jae-hyun.... And he believes them... Jungkook is a very talented omega, and hence Jae-young chose him to be the heir as well.... since gender discrimination does not happen here ( 💅🏻 ) ...... Either way..... The younger twin Hye-ji was quite the opposite of Jungkook, even tho she's just as talented as Jungkook, she's just attached to her father a lot.... Even tho they tried to fill her mind with poison as well, but she didn't believe them.... That's why she gets despised as well....
She has no friends in school..... No one really wants to talk to her either as they all think she's like her cousins/siblings.... Who are bullies.... And who would willingly want to be bullied....?
Yeah.... I hope you're enjoying how it is going- and.... I can NOT believe two people are actually reading my story! 😭
one of them being the first author whose book I've ever read! 😭 @I Purple You 💜 😭
And @AyesHa Akhi as well! thank you sooo much! 😭
Please keep reading this story! Tell me if you have any recommendations! And correct me if I do something wrong! I appreciate you both a lot as my first ever readers 😭
Especially @AyesHa Akhi for being the first one!


At the school.... Taehyung and Heeseung both arrived quite early.... Heeseung was whining to Taehyung....
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
See! It's still early! You should've let me sleep 😾
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Tch- kid it's not early, only five minutes are left go to your class
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
Hyung! *Doe eyes*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Sighed* What?
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
Don't scold me....
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I'm not scolding you bub *Ruffled his hair* Just telling you to go to your class hmm? Go
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
*Sighed* nē!
And like that.... Heeseung left to his class.... and Taehyung sighed as well... He doesn't want to go to his class... Just to be bullied.... He just shrugged it off and went to his class... To his fortune or misfortune, there was no one there.... He went to sit on his desk.... As usual.... the disgusting words written on his desk were clearly visible.... He sighed and sat on the chair.... And rubbed the words as they were written by a chalk......
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
.... { This sucks.... } *Looked at the seat in front of his*
It was the seat where Jungkook sits.... Jeon Jungkook... Yes that's right..... He was one of Taehyung's bullies.... But guess what? Taehyung fell for him as well.... Knowing very well he can't have him.... He still fell for Jungkook.... His eyes got slightly teary on their own thinking about him....
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
{ Only if I didn't meet him that day.... at least I'll be able to hate him... }
He wiped the tear that fell from his eye and just opened a book and went to reading it....
While with Heeseung, he peeked in his classroom when he arrived there.... He sighed seeing no one there and went to seat.... And looked around
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
{ Are they not coming? } *Big confused eyes* { please don't come! }
He was about to open his bag when the class door opened... He looked at the door and saw.... people he wasn't hoping to see.... He gulped slightly as he saw them smirking at him...
Jeon Jungwon
Jeon Jungwon
Look who it is~ *Tilts head with a smirk*
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
Park Sung-hoon
Park Sung-hoon
What? Not going to speak? *Went to him and put his arm on his desk*
Heeseung didn't look at him he just looked straight... He was nervous as hell....
Jeon Sunoo
Jeon Sunoo
Hmm.... typical.... it's been like that for five years hasn't it~ *Talking about Heeseung not speaking seeing them*
Kim Yuna
Kim Yuna
Sure has.... Now little guy.... Why don't you keep it that way? *Smirked as she slightly scratched Heeseung's hand*
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
*Hissed and pulled his hand back*
Park Sung-hoon
Park Sung-hoon
Eh~? And who allowed you to pull it back huh?
Sung-hoon pulled Heeseung's hair and leaned slightly making eye contact with Heeseung, his sharp eyes met with those of Heeseung's Bambi doe eyes.... He looked cute to Sung-hoon, especially since his eyes were teary
Kim Heeseung
Kim Heeseung
Jeon Jungwon
Jeon Jungwon
"Sorry"? Oh you're done for you slút ❄️
Meanwhile with Taehyung.... He was studying when the door opened.... it takes longer to get in their class then to Heeseung's..... Taehyung looked at the door and internally sighed knowing very well what's about to come for him.... He closed his book and put it back in his bag... And there was a bang on the table
Jeon Ji-hyun
Jeon Ji-hyun
There were some of you specialities written here... Why did you erase them huh~?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
... I didn't know they were written by you... *Serious straight face*
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Showing Attitude, huh? ❄️
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Looked at him in the eyes*
Tae.... Well his heart does beat weirdly whenever he sees Jungkook.... But, you can say he's good at hiding his feelings..... He had a complete serious and cold expression on......
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Lower your gaze, you aren't looking at a fellow peasant you bastard ❄️
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Rolled eyes and looked away*
Jeon Yoongi
Jeon Yoongi
*Sighed* Don't you think you're showing too much attitude you little *Kicked the chair Taehyung was sitting on*
That caused the chair to unbalance as it fell down causing Taehyung to fall down as well... that wouldn't have been the case if Yoongi wasn't an enigma..... but he unfortunately is...... Everyone smirked slightly as Taehyung fell in front of Hye-ji.... Hye-ji looked at him and he looked up too...
Jeon Hye-ji
Jeon Hye-ji
... *Blinked once and forwarded her hand to help*
Jungkook, her cousins and their friends just rolled their eyes.... Taehyung looked up in her eyes to see if she was being genuine or just trying to make fun of him.... He was hesitant but held her hand and stood up.....
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Bowed slightly* Thanks....
Jeon Hye-ji
Jeon Hye-ji
Now worries.... And don't bow... your older *Went back to her books*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
.... { She's.... }
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Now Now, Only she's the freaky one here *Grabbed him by the back of collar and pushed him to Yoongi* don't start thinking highly of yourself hear me? ❄️
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Pfft-... he looks like he's about to cry *Smirked*
Jeon Kiera
Jeon Kiera
What a beautiful sight~
Taehyung gulped slightly.... Knowing very well what's coming....

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