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Unexpected Love: It All Started With a One-night Stand



Someone’s POV

In the middle of a chaotic night, Elite personalities gathered at a secluded underground hotel that is unknow to middle and common people. This hotel has a complex structure and lay out that you will find it hard to go to your destination if you don’t go with the assigned escort to go to your assigned lounge. Each guest has their own escorts and lounges. Guests are asked to wear a mask and never reveal their identity to anyone even to their escorts instead they use a codename as their identification. They mostly have private social gatherings for Elite and High-profile personalities here, and once every 6 months they have an Auction event here called “The Night of the Fall Harvest”. This is a secretive place and has top notched high security for the safety and privacy of each guest. The auction room here not just sold rare and expensive items but even people were sold here.

The gathering started and every guest was enjoying themselves. Some were exchanging intels and discussing some future collaboration. Aside from business this is a perfect place to hire Elite mercenaries if you want to assassinate someone but of course the price for this job is also ridiculously expensive since the only Mercenary group allowed in this place were the “Shadow Phantoms” They are a group of 5 highly skilled assassins. They work silently and discretely. They are the most dangerous people allowed here and have the utmost respect of the people who know the group. They are not like the other mercenaries who are like ruffians and thugs outside. They are professional and prudent individuals.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! We are thrilled to have among us, our highly respected and esteemed presence, our Chief Guest ‘The Owner!’”, he said announcing the presence of the Hotel Owner and one behind the much-awaited Auction every year “the trailblazers of our secret gatherings for the past 15 years, patrons, and pioneers. This evening, we come together to celebrate the culmination of another extraordinary year - a testament to our shared vision and relentless efforts..........” The host continues to discuss the Auction rules “and tonight’s highlight is the “Elixir of Youth”, the crowd started to get noisy and shows high interest to the item “and the “Virgin Maiden of the East” that will drink a rarest!.... potent potion!....." the guests wait for the host to continue with great anticipation “The Life Bearing Potion that will make the Virgin Maiden of the East’s children inherit and enhance the intelligence and strength of both of his parents." the noise intensifies as he discusses how will they process the ownership of the “Virgin Maiden of the East” and the “Life Bearing Potion” The guest cannot show their excitement after hearing the announcement. Everyone is eager to have their hands on the rare item and the Auction’s highlight.

The Auction begins, the host started on the common items.

"First we have the 'Black Celestial Armor Set! This looks magnificent!" the host commented.

the 'Black Celestial Armor Set' is almost pitch black in color that will perfectly blend in the dark. The set includes a full body Armor that is very lightweight, a pair of gauntlet and knee high boots with a leather like texture. A black celestial helmet that will cover the upper and the sides of your head and face. A pair of black wings that you can control and materialize whenever you want. It has special use aside from flying and mobility enhancement it has an attack skill which has a wide range attack where the hundreds of feathers turn as hard as a mithril. This is the perfect armor during a night battle. This will boost 40% of your attack power and 30% on your defense. It will also boost your mobility to 50% and 20% on stamina.

"Okay let's start the bid with 150 thousand Dales(∆)" the host announced

"1700 ∆"



The bidders went silent and no one bids higher than 2500 Dales

(2500 Dales is equivalent to 250,000 pesos)

"Going once?!... Going twice?! "

"Bidder No. 29 the 'Black Celestial Armor' is yours!* the host finally announced the bidder who won the first bid.

"I know everyone is excited about the next item so here we go! The next item! 'The Lantern of Truth!" "bid starts at 1000∆! "




"#15 the 'Lantern of Truth is yours! "

"Next we have 3 'Healing Potion' with 90% potency! the bid starts at 3000∆"



the crowd gasp with the sudden increase on the bid

"going twice?! " the host asked the bidders "okay #29 the 'Healing Potion is yours! "

"'The Book of Abolition' is a grimoire which has the power to nullify common and middle tier spells! " the host explained, " bids start at 2500∆! "




Everyone is getting warry of the bidder #29 making the phase of the bidding a bit faster than usual. You can almost feel the intense competition they are in but only with the mysterious bidder #29.

At his lounge #29 is thinking if he will also join the bid for some grimoire. He raised his number but the bidder next to him raised and bid the maximum amount of Dales he is willing bid on that grimoire.


"Going twice?!"

"#28 the 'Book of Abolition is yours! "

The one behind the bidder #28 is a lady and she pays no interest on the final announcement of the winning bidder but instead her gaze is focused on the bidder #29.

He got pissed by the arrogance of the lady next to his lounge but didn't show it. He his legs and sits comfortably in his chair. He wanted to show her that he doesn't care about what she did. The lady smirked.

The Auction continued...

- 'berserker Axe' #76 bids for 7000∆

- 'Dragon Slayer Sword' #29 bids for 50000∆

- '5 Elemental Ring' #28 bids for 35000∆

- 'Elixir of Youth' #29 bids for 100000∆

- 'Bow of Annihilation' #28 bids for 80000∆

- 'Amulet of Pure Evil' #11 bids for 45000∆

- 'Amulet of Pure Luck' #69 bids for 75000∆

- 'Orb of Dragonkind' An anonymous bidder bids for the Orb with "750000∆

the gasp as they didn't expect a bidder to start the bid for a ridiculous bid. They started to express their disbelief.

" I hope everyone already recovered from the shock"the host chuckles "anyway we are down to the last item the highlight of tonight Auctions the 'Virgin Maiden of the East' + 'Life Bearing Potion'! " he excitedly announced.

a group of men entered the stage and walked toward the center stage pushing a dome like cart.

to be continued...


Someone’s POV

“Argggghhhhh! I need to hurry up now! Why is it so hot here?” she whispers while still moving forward in a cramped space.

“I’m so thirsty...” in the distance she spotted a wine glass with Dark Red liquor at the top of a small table beside the door. She quickly gets out of the place she’s in and walks toward the table. She grabbed and gulped the content of the glass. “ahuh! that definitely hit the spot!” She felt the cooling effect of the drink and felt refreshed but she suddenly began to feel light-headed. Her vision started to become blurry. She can hear someone coming and hide in one of the rooms. She can hear them looking for something but she can no longer understand what they are saying. She crawled towards the bed as she really feels like her surroundings are spinning, She is also feeling even hotter inside the room. Her face becomes reddish and she can’t explain what she’s feeling right now. Her body started craving some unusual activity. She lay down on the bed and rested for a while. She started sweating and panting for air that makes her more dizzy. As soon as she got the strength to stand up she stood up holding her head because its aching. her hand was looking for support while staggering towards the bathroom. After awhile from struggling to reach the bathroom she began to undress herself, she turned on the shower and put it in a cold setting. She soaks herself in the water but she’s still feeling a little hot. She didn’t notice someone entered the room and walked towards the bathroom where she was in.

She gasped in surprise as the man wraps his arms around her. She can feel his breath on her neck and send a tingling sensation to her body. She slightly shudders from the sensation.

“Aren’t you quite prepared for this honey...” the man whispered with a manly husky voice. His breath sends chills to her body.

The man's voice and touch sent shivers down her spine. She felt a rush of excitement, but she also felt uneasy. She tried to pull away, but he held her tightly. She froze but she tried to calm herself down and tried to move away. She tried to speak but no sound came out of her mouth. She forced herself to breathe. she slowly turned her body to face him. She met his gaze but she can't recognize him since her vision is still blurry. she thinks that it was the side effect of the potion she drinks. she looked at him, trying to recognize who he is. She saw him smile and gently touched her cheek, tracing a line from her jaw to her lips. His touch was gentle and soothing, and she felt herself relaxed. The touch of his fingers against her skin made her heart flutter. She couldn't help but blush, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. His eyes were full of tenderness and admiration. He moved his hand to the back of her head and pulled her gently towards him. He leaned in, bringing their faces close together. She felt his warm breath and she could feel his heartbeat against her chest. They stood like that for a moment, locked in each other's gaze, before he finally spoke.

“You’re so beautiful...” he said in a husky and sexy voice while being mesmerized by her beauty.

She couldn't help but let out a soft gasp as he leaned in. She looked at him and was mesmerized by his azure blue eyes, which were like the deepest ocean. She felt her breath catch in her throat, and she couldn't help but smile softly. Her body moved on its own, wrapping her arms around him.

His gaze seemed to have a hypnotic effect on her. He leaned in even closer, his breath tickling her neck and she felt a wave of butterflies in her stomach. She closed her eyes, letting herself get lost at the moment. She felt as if she was being pulled into a trance, unable to resist his charm. Not only that, but she couldn't help but lean into him, wanting to get even closer to him. She felt as if they were the only two people in the world, and nothing else mattered but the two of them.


His gaze seemed to have a hypnotic effect on her. He leaned in even closer, his breath tickling her neck and she felt a wave of butterflies in her stomach.

She closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the moment. She felt as if she was being pulled into a trance, unable to resist his charm. She couldn't help but lean into him, wanting to get even closer to him. She felt as if they were the only two people in the world, and nothing else mattered but the two of them.

He lifted her and started to walk towards the bed he pins her down the bed and enjoys watching her naked body.

She looks away and feels embarrassed for the fact that someone who’s completely stranger saw and touched her body.

He looked at her with a mixture of admiration and desire. Her body was perfect, and he couldn't help but stare. He wanted to touch her, but he held back, respecting her boundaries. He leans in closer to her and pulls her close, putting his hands at the back of her neck.

She stayed silent, her breath quickening as he pulled her close. She could feel his body against hers, and it was a comforting feeling. She closed her eyes, letting herself be swept away by the sensation.

He stroked her hair gently, they stayed like that for a moment.

They both stare at each other’s eyes intimately that are full of desire and passion, neither of them wants to look away. Their breath mingled together and it was a perfect moment of intimacy and closeness.

His face was just inches from hers that it was making her heart race.

She wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. She was too caught up in the moment, and all she could do was look at him. She's trying her best to hold herself as she realizes what she drinks has an aphrodisiac that is giving her an irresistible urge to feel him more.

He noticed the change in her eyes, and he smiled softly. He knew what she was feeling, and he could see the desire in her gaze. He leaned in, his lips almost touching hers. He wanted to kiss her, but he wanted to make sure she was ready. He waited for her to make the first move, his breath hot against her skin.

She can't hold back anymore she closed her eyes and gave in to the sensation. She felt his lips against hers, and it was like a jolt of electricity. She pulled him closer, wanting to feel more of him. She didn't care what happened next, she just wanted to be with him.

She continues to kiss him, letting her body take over. She couldn't think about anything else but him. She wanted to feel every inch of his body against hers and couldn't resist the urge to explore him, wanting to discover everything about him. She pulled away slightly, breathing heavily.

He started to slip his hands all over her body. He can't help himself with her.

She can feel the heat of his body against her skin. His touch seemed to have an effect on her. Her own body reacted to the touch of his hands, and she started to feel the urge to give in even more.

He pulled away for a moment, looking at her with a mix of fascination and desire. He smiled softly, his eyes locked on hers.

She looked back at him, her breath coming in short gasps. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she felt lightheaded. She was overwhelmed with emotion and desire, and she wanted him more than ever. She reached up and touched his face, tracing her fingers along his jawline.

He closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of her touch. Her fingers felt like electricity against his skin, and he could feel himself getting lost in the moment. He leaned in again, his lips finding hers in a deep, passionate kiss. He felt a rush of adrenaline as their bodies intertwined, their breath mixing together. He wanted this moment to last forever.

She can't resist his advances any longer. She gave in completely, surrendering to his touch and letting herself get swept away by the sensation. She felt completely lost in the moment, consumed by the passion and desire for him. her body reacted to his touch, her breath catching in her throat. She felt the heat rising inside her, and she could feel her skin starting to tingle. She wanted more, she wanted him to keep touching her, to keep kissing her. She couldn't resist the urge any longer.

He pulls away and whispers "you feel so good......" He said in a sexy tone.

Her face heats up and he smiles as he sees you blush.

He pulls you closer and your hands run through his hair.

The kiss becomes more passionate. He holds you tight and pressed his body against her. The kiss gets deeper as her hands move to his back and he wraps his arms around her.

The kiss becomes more intense and he places his hand on my chest and starts to move in circular motion. "Do you like that?" He asked her in a low husky voice.

"mhm......" she moans unable to form a word. She is completely lost to the moment.

The kiss deepens and his hand moves down her back. He started to kiss her down her neck to her chest and he started to gently nibble and bite her ni**l*s

"should we......" He whispered but he didn't finish it

"should we what?" She whispered back

“I- I mean...... you wanted to do IT?...” she said but sounded unsure of herself. She doesn't know if she really wanted it or it's because of the potion that she wanted to do it.

“I do......”

The man started to gently kiss her and started to nibble on her neck. "you like that?" He whispered.

"mhm......" She let out a soft moan. She started to kiss Liam passionately.

“good......" He smiles as he starts to remove her clothes. He also started to remove his own shirt, she tried to help him take it off. He finally removed his shirt and she ran her hand along his muscles.

He started to kiss her body, he was taking his time and he was kissing her with every inch of her body.

“you like that?”

“yes......” she whispered in a hoarse voice.

His hands are all over her body, he was making her feel good. “can I?” he whispered sounding seductively.

“yes......” she whispers giving him the signal that he is free to do whatever he wants. Her breath becomes quick because of her excitement. She wanted him. She needs him.

He then kissed her and started to move his hands down. She blushed as he started to kiss down her body, then went to kiss her stomach and worked his way down.

“You're beautiful" he compliments her.

She blushes “thank you......” He then went to kiss down her thighs

His hands reached her thighs and he started to run his fingers along them.

She was overwhelmed by the sudden surge of pleasure.

“you're so soft......” he whispers.

He continued to move down, he was making her feel good. He then started to kiss and lick her on her sensitive spots. He was making her body feel incredible.

The stranger was making her feel things she had never felt before. She was feeling overwhelmed by the sensation and let out a soft moan. He kept going.

She was feeling so good.

His hands and mouth were all over her body

“how does it feel?” he asked enjoying looking at her pleased expression.

She moans softly as an answer.

He then started to take off his own shorts. He then removes his short. She was surprised to see what he had.

He was quite big down there and she's thinking if she can fully take him in.

“it's so... big....” she can’t help herself saying her thoughts aloud. Her face heats up and blushes hard.

She feels a little nervous and excited at the same time for what will happen to them.

She runs her hands all over his body, and she wants to explore every inch of his body.

She feels the urge to let her body go and pulls him closer, their bodies pressed tightly together.

The potion made her completely insatiable. He responded eagerly, his lips meeting hers with a passionate intensity. They kissed deeply, their bodies intertwined, their breath mingling together. The aphrodisiac made them both want each other more than they could ever have imagined. They were lost in a world of their own, consumed by their desire for each other. It was pure bliss.

She couldn't get enough of him, and he felt the same way. They were like two animals in heat, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony. She couldn't think about anything else except him, and he felt the same way. It was a wild and passionate experience, and neither one of them wanted it to end.

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