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I am ava..I just turned 18 and tomorrow is my first day at college..I got to youtube for some tips on my first day as I am an ambivert..I was all set for tomorrow.. atleast that's what I thought..the next morning..well everything went wrong..I woke up at 8 am..I should have woken up by 6am..what's wrong with me?..I had stayed at my aunt's house for now..I was gonna move into hostel today morning but I guess that's not happening now.. probably in the evening..I was in a rush and kinda forgot about all the preparations I had made..I looked a the way did I introduce you to my bestie,my ride or die and my baee..yea shes here to pick me Jules..we have been friends for over 7 years.. nothing better than walking into college together with her..we are the dynamic duo..we were late so without a second thought we went straight into class..we got a bench to sit..thank god..I sat next to the window from where I could see another classroom..they were probably our don't want to mess with your senior on your first day right? anyways class started and I as always was BORED..I looked out the window where my eyes met guy..he has blue eyes and a brown hair..he looked at me in confusion..I kept looking at him not realising I was STARING at someone..I don't know what happened to me!!then I hear a scream.."what's your name dear?"yea thats the professor..I answered.."uhh ava"..he replied "well,ava I hope you will join us in the competition"..and I didn't wanna seem like that lost kid so I said yes..after class I kept thinking about this window guy..I was going to tell Jules about this when I suddenly crashed into someone in the lunch hall.." hey new kid" he shouted..uhh not the school bully on the first day..I looked up just to see the WINDOW GUY..just kidding..that's what I thought..but it was the mean group..yea those people who love to mess with new kids..I had a full on interrogation going on..I escaped from there tho..dont ask me how..I just did..Jules comforted me about the embarassment I faced..but that didn't change anything..I earned myself a name on the first day..the "clumsy kid"..uhh..I had no mood for the next class so I just went into the lunch hall..I walked up to a nearby bench and sat here..and here I actually met the window guy..he didn't see me at first..thank god.."hey clumsy kid"someone shouted..and I had his attention..he looked at me as tho I made a mistake..he stood up..and I looked down..he came closer and closer to me..I kept looking away but that didn't help..

The Confusion

Anddd worst nightmare..I am talking to a human.. uhh..nd it's a not much of a talker.."Are you a stalker?"he asks..a stalker really bro..u might have all the girls falling for you but drop that attitude.

."What".."you are a stalker aren't you.."uhh..stopp.."I am trying to eat here" " that's not how you talk to your senior! Meet me after college in the alley"..I was scared and confused..and where is this ALLEY..god could this day be any good??oh and not to forget about the misunderstanding I had in class about the competition..yea apparently I have to go to new york for the competition and I just moved in LA..and they have no clue how long the competition might last.

mostly the seniors take part to represent each college but we freshers also get a chance this time..I kinda convinced Jules to come with me too..cuz there's no way I am going alone..I met new people tho on my first day..kinda cool ig?I just got to know that we leave to new york in a WEEK..bro I haven't even adapted to the college yet..nd there you go the practice started..the first competition was dance..a couple dance..

Jules signed up for the management she led the team..I got paired up with a nerd..but out of nowhere this window guy just pushes him aside and didn't meet me..and he's in the dance too..cuz he's the SENIOR apparently..we started dancing and his hand slowly went around my waist almost fully covering it our eyes met again and now someone I felt confused..his hands were warm that made me flicker..when the dance got over I asked his name out of gesture and he replied "why,you like me?"..I got his name from his friends tho..he's Sebastian.. sounds nice?? I guess..later that evening I shifted all my luggage to my dorm..of course Jules and I were in the same room..we decorated it to our liking..we had really fun..but all this while I kept thinking about Sebastian..

I don't know why he bothered me..since I don't really get bothered by such stuff..but his presence made me comfortable and approachable even tho he is none of these..I tried forgetting about him but I could not..he's just gonna be a player..the next day I was getting my books into the locker when he suddenly came behind me and shut the locker..he left the tiniest gap between us..and he asked me how my first day way..kinda odd for someone who I thought will kill me asked this question..I asked him to move a bit far so I can breathe..He walked me to class..we talked on our way..

and Jules saw this..she interrogated me as tho I was gonna get married..she asked me if I had taken his number.."no" omgg youu fool she yelled..


I felt butterflies next to him..but he was a jerk..never really cared about others feelings..time went by soo fast,we rehearsed for the competition and there you go..I am going to new york in 2 days..we had all sorts of competition..

Not gonna lie I had fun during the rehearsals..I agree,it was a bit hard for me to balance studies and the competition stress..on a Saturday, since now I only have one day left for New York..Jules and I decided to go shopping..

We went to H&M..since that was the only shop which had decent clothes and cheap..we picked out our favourites and went to our dorm..I saw a crowd outside in the girls hostel..who else could it's Sebastian..

I am not afraid of I walk up to the kid he was bullying and tell him to stop it..he started talking small steps next to me..I was tensed as he came closer and closer..he hit my forehead very softly and walked away..

what's the deal with him..? anyways I was so excited for the trip to NYC that I actually forgot about him..

I wore a full black baggy outfit which was soo comfy..we reached the airport quite early..Jules went to buy me some coffee..I spotted Sebastian standing 7 feet away and talking to his friends..

He smirked and walked towards me in a very suspicious manner.."WHAT DO U WANT?" "So it's are the one who spread the rumour.." he chuckles and walks away..

Rumour..?this is when I see Jules walking towards me..wait I guess she is running..and her face is.. serious!..she showed me a picture of what happened was with a line..the handsome boy fell for the was posted in the schools gossip channel..which means everyone saw it..

That's why I had their attention I guess.. then I try ignoring all these things nd just try boarding on the plane cuz they would probably forget this after some time..

Damien a cute, respectful person sat next to me..we had met before but never talked..Jules got a seat away from me..and noone wanted to exchange..I was fine with Damien sitting next to me tho..

there were his friends sitting beside him in the middle row…but they all got up for Sebastian…why does he have to sit there…uhh…

It was quite for some while..then Damien sparked a conversation between was fun to meet someone new and get to know them..he threw some jokes in between..and then I looked at Sebastian

He looked at us annoyed.."can you shut up" Damien ignored it...He asked me if I wanted to grab coffee sometime and noone is refusing a hot man on that..and before I could answer it Sebastian told him to shut up..and I whispered "yea sure,let's go once we reach nyc" Sebastian gave me a look.. Damien looked happy tho..

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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