NovelToon NovelToon

To My Life's Death...

Chapter 1

Time Period : 2024
A world that seems so beautiful to others but so messed up to me....
And today is the day I die...
My name is Wix
And I just killed myself
My reason you ask me ? I don't know.... Just felt like this was enough...
Same time Another world
*Heavy rain is pouring*
Two people are running holding something in their hands
Someone 1
Someone 1
Shit ! Dammit, I can't believe they followed us till here… What are we going to do now?
Someone 2
Someone 2
Don't look back, Don't think about it just keep running we have one responsibility and that is to keep him safe...
After sometime
Someone 1
Someone 1
The rain is pouring as if it's mocking us, if we don't stop it will danger the child
Someone 2
Someone 2
You run ahead I will stop them....
Someone 1
Someone 1
*shouts* What are you even saying ? if anyone you should be running and I should be stopping them...
Someone 2
Someone 2
*Looks back* Well it's too late for that now, let's hide the child first and then we will deal with this situation….
Someone 1
Someone 1
*screams* Are they for real ? They are so clingy..
Someone 2
Someone 2
*glares* I am not in the mood for jokes now...
The child was hidden in a safe place
It has been hours but no one came to pick the child up
The rain had gotten worse
Back to Wix's world
I tried changing myself, so the world would accept me, but the world looked down on me...
I tried changing the world for me, Now everyone fears me... I have done nothing wrong but received hatred..
That is why it's better to leave this world, You must be thinking what could possibly be so bad that I am thinking of killing myself...
*smiles* If I live to tell the tale, you shall be the first to know...
End of chapter 1
Hi, I am the author of this story
I would like to say that this will be a rebirth omega verse story
Our MC is the top and I don't want to change that because I have always been searching for a story written from the perspective of the top And there were very few, so I wanted to write one
This story will be slow burn and I will be writing about each and every chapter of his life
There is no fixed male lead so if the character development point to one person he will become the male lead
This may be confusing in the start, but it will get clearer in the future
All pictures belong to respective owners
Hope you enjoy the story

Chapter 2

In the other world
Time period : 2024
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Wow that was a nice sleep.....
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* *looks around* Wait a minute..... The heck didn't i die ...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* I am pretty sure I killed myself..
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* And why am I so cold ?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* No, just what is wrong with me ?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*Looks around* I cannot even move my head...
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* What is this?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Wait why can't I talk?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*looks at himself*
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* The hell,... Am i a baby.......?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Hahaha… I must be going crazy, oh my god this is so funny... Haha....
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*Thoughts are interrupted*
*Shouts* There he is kill him….
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Wait what ?
Then Layne sees At least 20 men coming his way...
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*sighs* *inside mind* Same scenario different situation huh.... Why do they even want to kill me?
Suddenly two men come in front of him
Someone 1
Someone 1
*screams* Don't even try to touch him, I will make you pay...
Someone 2
Someone 2
*holds Layne up* Don't worry baby, you will be safe in a little while…
Someone 2
Someone 2
We may probably die here, and you won't probably remember this but..
He is interrupted by screams
Someone 2
Someone 2
*looks over there* Oh no…
His partner was getting hit to the point he could not even look at
Someone 2
Someone 2
*speaking to Layne* Baby your name is "LAYNE" i don't think you will remember this, but I really wanted you to know....
And he starts running holding Layne
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Who is he ?...
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Why is he protecting me ?....
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Are there psychos everywhere who like to kill babies or something ?....
Layne looks at the person holding him
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* My name is ... Layne, huh...
While thinking about this situation, sudden thoughts start to flood Layne's mind...
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Why do you want to save me...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Who are you...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Who was that other man that gave up his life for me...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* And... Why do you look so sad...
As if reading Layne's mind the person who held onto him like his life looked down and smile sadly....
*smiles* Layne, I am your brother, You won't remember me but, Remember our family loves you so much, but it seems like....
Jade's voice fades out in the rain...
But Layne could focus on only one word
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* A brother...?
They were both lost in their own world for some time, as if saying goodbye, His brother lays him on the ground and kisses him....
*hugs him* I will protect you, even if it costs me my life...
*turns away* The way our entire family did....
He leaves Layne alone under a roof and runs away into the distance and all Layne can hear is people screaming....
End of chapter 2

Chapter 3

Layne looks at the man's back as he ran away and wondered
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* A family...? Me...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Why will he die for me...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Why does he love me...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Why am I a baby now ...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Why am I still alive ?
Layne's mind was so caught up in his thoughts and so many questions that were unanswered so when he finally looked at his surroundings he was already being picked up....
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
Oh! My why is there a baby here ?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*looks around*
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*looking concerned* This is not the place a child should be....
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*looks at Layne* Hey, little guy where a Is your mother and father...?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* My...Brother...
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*Waiting* *sighs* What was i expecting? A baby to talk...
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
Well let's wait here for them....
Hours passed with Wish waiting for Layne's family, But only Layne knew that his family that he had never even met in this world has already perished for him
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
Oh, my ! What do we do ?
And then wish smiled sadly at Layne
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
Don't worry they didn't abandon you, I won't abandon you too
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*smiles sadly* But I cannot take care of you I am also still a kid
Then for the first time Layne looks up at her
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* It's fine, You can leave me alone...
But all wish could here were Baby noises
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
With this simple gesture wish started laughing
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*laughing* Hahaha 🤣
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* wtf!!!..Cooooh..? Seriously?
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*picks him up* Let's go, We will go to the orphanage I live in and once I turn 18 I will take you with me
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*hugs and nuzzles Layne*
Layne had never been hugged before if you exclude the time his brother held him, this was a real hug and to him it felt weird
After walking for sometime
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* But won't the man who called himself my brother be looking for me ?
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*looks around* *inside mind* I really have a lot of questions i want to ask, and first question...
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Now where are we ?
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*sighs* Well here we are... Home....
Layne (New born)
Layne (New born)
*inside mind* Oh! Wow an haunted house...
Wish carries Layne holding him tightly and bracing herself for what was about to happen
Beth (orphanage owner)
Beth (orphanage owner)
*screams* WISH, WHERE WHERE YOU ...?
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*bends down* I am sorry madam....
Beth comes into view and finally looks at what Wish is clenching in her hands
Beth (orphanage owner)
Beth (orphanage owner)
*points at Layne* *speaks dangerously*
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
*bows once more* I am sorry madam, he won't bother you at all, I will look after him, I will pay for his meals myself, But please he has no home....
Beth (orphanage owner)
Beth (orphanage owner)
*slaps wish*
Wish (14 years old)
Wish (14 years old)
Madam I am sorry...
Beth (orphanage owner)
Beth (orphanage owner)
*slaps wish once more*
End of chapter 4

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