NovelToon NovelToon

Verything Starts In Texas

Chapter One.

My name is Bella Swan and I am a writer that goes by the pen name, "Ella Marie" and I've been traveling the world these past two years. I've made my way all the way from Washington to Italy and from Italy to Egypt. Traveling is what helps bring out the inspiration of writing… and previous heartbreaks help as well.

It has been two years since Edward and the Cullen's have left but I'm okay now. Sure, it hurts from time to time but it's nothing I can't handle. I was in a deep depression for such a long period of time that I needed therapy in the beginning. When that didn't help and the thought of moving on was too much to bear, I jumped off a cliff. I was saved and dragged to shore that day. I don't know by whom, but whoever did save me, I say thank you to. It was probably someone from the reservation, but I'll never know for sure. It was my stupidity that gave me the wakeup call that I needed. After that near death experience, I realized that I didn't want to die and that I was going to get over Edward Cullen. And I did just that.

After I started to get out of my depression, I finished high school and wrote my first book. One night after thinking about Edward and how he was there to save my life and how he had left me behind, I began to furiously write on paper, remembering every detail of our past together, all throughout the night. When I woke up the next morning, I read what I wrote and I must admit I was pretty surprised. It was pretty damn good. I realized I had this beautiful story to tell and I wanted to share it with the world. Sure, it may have not gotten a happy ending but it was still beautiful all the same.

That story got published six months later and that's when my career took off. I did a small book tour which consisted of 6 stops in six different cities and that was it. Turns out I didn't need the college experience. It was like skipping a step. I now had my career.

People seemed to love reading about a fragile, young girl who was weak and powerless. They loved how she would fall into her lovers' ways and obey his every wish and demand. I may have left out the inhuman parts but I had the sadistic male who lured me to a ballet studio and a boyfriend who dumped me in the woods. It was all there.

Now, here I am. Enjoying the warm air in Houston, Texas and trying to gain some experience for my latest book that I have yet to start. I've already published two but I am having some writer's block on this one. I'm taking a tour that I signed up for and it's very exciting. I'm with a group of twelve for one week and we go and look at historical monuments and see how people lived in the past down south.

I've already seen the Alamo and as much excitement it was to see something so historic, I found no inspiration in a building that Ozzy Osbourne peed on.

I walk towards Henry who is leading our group to an old stone house. It's absolutely beautiful. The roof is caving in and it's barely held together but it's still magnificent. Walking in, I take a deep breath and inhale the woodsy smell. The wood is rotting from the wear and tear of the weather but I don't mind in the least.

Maybe I could write a historical piece. I could start off with a young woman whose husband is away at war and she needs someone to rely on so she decides to pack her things and ride off on her wagon, hoping to find someone to lean on in the process.

God, that sounded horrible. Hence, my writers block.

"Alright guys, you can all take a look around," Henry says while gesturing in front of him, "Enjoy yourselves but please don't touch anything. This home is very, very old."

I walk around and see an old rocking chair in the corner. The wood is rotting but you can see every detail of the carvings. I run my fingers delicately along one of the arms, despite Henry's wishes and let out a sigh.

I can picture a woman rocking her baby to sleep and fanning herself with one of those hand held fans. I chuckle at my silly thoughts.

Making my way into one of the bedrooms, I see an old dresser and a bed that has fallen apart. It's clearly seen better days. This home must have been lived in, in the late 1800's. It's exquisite the way everything was left as if someone were living in it now except for the broken bed and the fallen roof.

"Wow. Isn't this amazing?"

I turn around to see Tommy, a guy in my group who is obsessed with History and always trying to feed me details about his two dogs back home. He seems kind of lonely, if not a little bit weird.

"Yeah, it is."

"I talked to Henry and he said you're also a bit of a history buff."

Now, I know he's lying. As much as I like History, I never said anything to our Guide. Ever. Tommy must be getting on Henry's last nerve as well and he seemed perfectly well with the idea to pass Tommy off to the nearest person in our group… which is me.

I nod my head and wait from him to continue, knowing there is no escape.

"Well, I guess this family lived here and in 1865 they suddenly all disappeared one by one very slowly. The only person who was left was one brother. He ended up leaving because of all the pain this house left behind. He ended up getting married a few years later and never returned again. I guess there was a lot going on back then. Spooky huh?"

"Yeah, very spooky," I agree. "Odd."

"Oh, I got a text message earlier. My neighbor sent me pictures of my dogs. They're so-"

"That's great, but I should really do some more exploring, you know?" I cut him off with a tightlipped smile and look around the room as if I am truly busy.

"Oh, okay," he sighs and I feel a tiny but guilty for sending him off. "Well, here's a pamphlet on some history about this area."

"Thanks" I tell him.

He walks off and let out a sigh of relief. There's only so much a person can take.

I open my booklet; churches, churches and more churches. I wonder if Houston has anything but churches. There is no light bulb that suddenly lights up as I read the pamphlet so I close it and decide to venture further into the room.

I look around and make sure no one else will be walking by anytime soon and open one of the drawers and to my surprise there are lots of black and white photos. I take them out and look at the history. There is a woman with blonde hair down to her waist and I can picture her as the one who would rock her baby to sleep.

There were more of smaller children in very old fashioned clothing. It's amazing how these have lasted so long.

The last picture was not what I had expected.

Not one I had expected at all.

I was staring into the eyes of Jasper Whitlock.

…From his human life.

I can't believe what I am seeing, let alone holding. I almost want to cry that my past is returning but I want to leap for joy that a piece of history, not just any, but Jasper's is here with me. He would be so excited if he knew.

I hurriedly tuck the photos inside my pamphlet and push the drawer back in. I make my way outside the home and take a breath of fresh air. I'm on Jasper Whitlock's property. This was his home. This was the tree he used to climb. He was most likely the baby being rocked in that rocking chair.

I feel on the verge of having a panic attack. I put my hands on my knees and stare at the grass underneath me.

"Deep breaths, Bella. Deep breaths", I chant to myself.

This is just a coincidence. It's nothing more. You've moved on so this is no big deal.

Yeah, right.

I walk back to the bus and wait for the others to finish they're exploring. I just want to get out of here. I look out the window and see the big oak tree that Jasper used to climb. Edward never told me many specifics about Jasper's human life except that Jasper would draw pictures from the few human memories he had and they always involved this tree. He and his brother would make a game of seeing who could race to the top.

This very tree.

This was his home.

That's all that was ever said about his childhood and here I am barging in on his territory. He may have not lived here for many years but his things were still here. I wonder what the Cullen's would say if they knew about this.

I tuck everything into my bag and lean my head against the head rest. As soon as I close my eyes, I feel someone next to me.

"Are you okay? You were looking a bit pale."

Tommy. I feel like I just escaped him.

"Mhm. I am just fine." I lie.

"Are you sure? Henry noticed you looking ill so we're going to hit the road early."

"Sounds good." I mumble.

The ride was silent which I didn't take for granted and when we got back into downtown Houston, I bid a farewell to everyone.

I walked back to my hotel that was only a few blocks away and headed up to my room. As soon as I got in, I collapsed onto my bed and pulled out one specific picture out of my messenger bag; Jasper's.

I trace the picture with my fingertips and let out a sigh before I fall asleep, dreaming of life on a farm and climbing trees in sunny Houston, Texas.

Chapter Two

The next morning was the same as any other day. I got myself breakfast which consisted of a pop tart and a glass of milk. I then topped it off by running out the door eager to see what the world had to offer me in terms of new ideas and places.

I have my trusty messenger bag strapped across me and Jasper's family pictures tucked away inside safely. I don't know why I brought them, I just felt the need to and I think not knowing the reason is what bugs me the most.

I've moved on from the Cullen's so why is something that weighs barely nothing at all feel like it's weighing me down?

It's not like I don't know what Jasper looked like. I could never forget any of the Cullen's and it's not like I was ever even close to Jasper to begin with... but something about finding these pictures clouds my thoughts of anything else that I should be focusing on.

Shaking my head as if to clear it, I head on my way to explore the city.

There are a lot of horses as I make my way down the street. Apparently when Texans go out for a stroll, they don't use their legs, but horses instead. It's a means of travel here apart from the automobile.

I may be exaggerating but it seems like almost everyone I see is riding horseback.

A man on a beautiful horse tips his hat at me and continues on down the street and I can't help but smile at how wonderful this community of people is.

Spotting a a small Café, I head over to where I can smell the fresh coffee beans emitting from the window. Coffee has become my kryptonite over the years. With as many all nighters as I have due to writing, caffeine has been a godsend.

Two sugars and four spoonfuls of cream later, I'm ready to take on the writing. Taking a seat in one of the booths, I pull out a pen and a piece of paper from my bag. I begin to jot down some ideas that struck me on my way over here...besides the obvious drama that is my life at the moment.

Lonely girl in city.


Southern boys.


Something like 'National Treasure'.

I laugh at the last one and crumple up the paper up into a tiny ball. I toss it into a nearby trash can and rest my head on the table in irritation. I bang my head once, then twice. Writer's block will surely be the death of me.

"Rough day, lil' lady? It's only morning'."

I look up to see a real life cowboy standing before me. He's probably in his early fifties but his grey eyes show a young man at heart. He has a ten gallon hat with matching boots and you can't forget about those spikes on the ankle of the boot. Yeah, he's a cowboy alright. I try not to laugh and give a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm starting the day early with frustration," I tell him.

"I see. You mind if I take a seat for a moment?"

"No, go right ahead." I gesture for him to sit across from me and when he does, he gives me a big smile.

"You have pale skin and no accent," he deadpans. "Where you from?"

I laugh. Am I that obvious?Shouldn't I get your name first?" I ask instead.

"Pardon me, mam. My name is Carl and I own a ranch outside of town. You are?"

"Bella from Washington."

"Nice to meet you. So, what brings you down here? You seem pretty stressed."

"I'm currently writing a book so I decided to do some traveling," I say as I take a sip of my coffee.

"A writer?" he asks perplexed. He obviously wasn't expecting that. "I would have pegged you as a college student. Awfully young aren't ya?"

"Twenty, but my parents always said I was born thirty. I'm a little ahead of the game." I joke.

He laughs and slaps his knee. "You're a funny lil thing. What're you writing about?"

"I don't know actually. I've already written a couple books but now… I'm stuck; really stuck." I groan.

"I'm sure something will come to you. A lot of things can happen in Texas. If you can't find inspiration here, I don't know where else you can."

"I'm hoping." I sigh.

"What do you want to write about?"

"Don't know. I mean I'm good at romance so…"

"I see." He smiles and his eyes have a twinkle in them. "Southern gentlemen, Cowboys and Indians… yeah, I think you came to the right place. Texas has romance and lots of it. I have been married to my wife since I was seventeen. I'm fifty one, now. I grew up in a little town in Ohio but there wasn't any work so my Pa moved me and my Momma down here. A week later, I met the rest of my life."

I almost tear up at his little story. "That was very beautiful, Carl."

I can only hope true love will be like that for me one day.

"It is. I've never been happier. Have you ever been in love, Bella?"

"Oh yeah. A long time ago, though."

"What?!" he exclaims. "A long time ago? You're only twenty."

If he only knew. I've had enough romance to last me a lifetime. People could be jealous of how good it was while it lasted. Edward and I shared such a tragic love story but a beautiful one even if it was short lived.

Humans will never get to experience what I did and I almost wish people knew that Vampires existed so they could know that soul mates are real. Humans go through life always wondering if someone is out there for them; always waiting for the right person to come along and sometimes those people still end up alone at the end. Edward and I weren't soul mates but that doesn't mean that we still don't deserve a happy ending.


I snap back to the present and shake my head.

"Oh, sorry," I laugh. "Just thinking. Um…so yeah… I'm young but I was in love but it seems like forever ago. I was seventeen and things got complicated and I think he got scared… I don't know… I'll never know…

One day he decided he didn't love me anymore. But I really do think he just panicked and left. Things were so… complex for only being seventeen years old. No one should ever have to deal with the problems we went through, let alone the heartbreak that followed."

It's true. People could be jealous of the epic love story that I wrote about, but I wouldn't wish the wrath of crazy Vampires hunting them down, not even on my worst enemy."I agree," he nods. "Nobody should ever have to deal with heartbreak but it's a part of life…no matter who the person is. It just is. Now, I don't know the details but he was stupid for leaving. You're a very beautiful girl. I'm sure you will be the one breaking hearts in no time."

"Thanks, Carl," I smile softly at him and feel a lot better after venting. He kind of reminds me of Charlie in a way; always understanding with no questions asked.

"You're welcome. I got to go now, but take it easy and let the writing come to you okay? Life shouldn't be so complicated. Never let it get that way."

"I'll try." I smile.

"Remember Bella; you're a writer… you can create any story for yourself." He pats my hand and walks out.

One thing for sure is; Texas is weird, but maybe Carl will be part of that inspiration that I so desperately need.

I finish drinking my coffee and head out onto the streets of Houston.

My thoughts wander back to the Cullen's. I can't believe I told a complete stranger about Edward and me. Not like I disclosed any important information about them but still… you'd think I wouldn't confide in someone, let alone a cowboy in the middle of a coffee shop in Texas.

It was all very true, though. I do believe that Edward got scared and freaked out. Something about his morals or my being human had to of set him off. I don't blame Jasper but Edward had a way of always thinking the worst. I wish I could've read his mind in that moment when he finally looked at me on my birthday; after the glass cut open my arm and I sat there bleeding. I'd give anything to see how the wheels were spinning in that head of his and know if that was the moment he decided to leave me.

I don't believe that he didn't love me at all. Despite what he said to me in the forest, he had to have cared for me somehow. After everything we'd been through and him and his family protecting me from the ever sadistic James… If he didn't care for me at all, he wouldn't have sacrificed so much for us; for me.

I see it now. I didn't then…not at the time. All I kept hearing was that he didn't want me and feeling this sense of abandonment after he promised me forever.

After he left, I often asked myself if it was all a game. I considered the idea that he was just intrigued by me because he couldn't read my mind. Had I only been a game for the god like vampire? Surely Jasper would have known by sensing his emotions.

Did he rehearse those lines for hours or was he really trying to kill me with his words?

I had to stop thinking those thoughts or I wouldn't have been able to move on.

Looking back now with a different sense of mind, I think I should have expected it. He was always keeping me at arms length, never fully giving in to anything. He sacrificed so much but was still always afraid of the unknown… and that's saying a lot considering he could read minds and his sister could see the future. I think that's why he fled the way he did… he didn't want more things to spiral out of his control. He didn't know what was coming.

Was he protecting me?

In his weird and crazy way, did he feel he had to leave for my own good?

Was Jasper the last straw for him?

I'll never know.

There will always be doubt without any answers.

Coming to Texas and finding those pictures of Jasper and his family, brings up all these locked away memories that I planned to never have resurface again.

Things are so confusing. I shouldn't even be thinking about these things anymore. I should never have gone on that tour to Jasper's stupid house. Better yet, I probably shouldn't have even come to stupid Texas in the first place.


After sitting in the booth for nearly an hour, I decide to take the cowboy on his offer and head out. I pass by a little girl with long black braids who is dancing around in circles. Her long dress flares out at the bottom and gently glides across the dirty cement. It was a beautiful picture and I only wished I had a camera. I watch as she smiles and looks up into the sky. She looks over to me once and gives a big smile before she continues dancing again.

Maybe all this sun is getting to me.

I need to remember to write down, 'Litlle girl with long black braids wearing a mexican style dress with flowing skirt .' It might come in handy later in the story I still have yet to write.

Maybe I could write a book about traveling back in time because that's what I feel like has been happening since I found Jasper's home.

A thought occurs to me and I stop my walking instantly. I turn back to the girl who is still dancing, "Excuse me? Do you know where a library is?"

She stops and looks at me while pointing across the street. I turn around and realize it was right in front of me. I dash off towards the library.

The building was pretty big and looked very old. I imagine a lot of things in this city are. I step inside and walk over to a computer.

I need to look up records. Death records. Family trees.

I stand up and walk over to the librarian.

"Hi, I'm looking for very old records, possibly from the late 1800's. How would I go about finding such things?"

"What computer are you at?"

I lead her over to my computer and she takes a seat in a chair.

"Do you have anything specific or are you just browsing?"

"Whitlock." I say confidently. "Any Whitlock would be great. I would prefer the earliest."

She looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. "Whitlock, you say? That's very old." She continues to look through the computer and gets up. "There you go. If you need to find anything, it will be in there."

"Thank you." I take the seat and scroll lists of names. Whitlock dates all the way back to the early 1800's. Everything else is blurred. It's so old that I'm surprised I have seen anything this far. Then one name pops up. "Jasper William Whitlock".I click on his name and read. So, he had two brothers and was the middle child. He left for the army but disappeared and no one had seen him since. They assumed he died in battle.

Very interesting. I guess only I knew the real truth.

It's kind of exciting to read about a piece of history and truely know it was wrong. Only you have the hidden secrets.

Now I know how Jasper felt everytime he would pick up a book about the war and shake his head. They must have gotten it all wrong.

I go back to the previous page and see if there are any relatives of his left. Most likely, no but it never hurts to try.

Madeline Whitlock and Ryan Whitlock died in car accident leaving two children behind. It gives no date but seems recent. The names above are from the seventies so this would have to be present day.

I almost jump for joy at the revelation. Why do I care, though? It's not like I'll ever see the Cullen's ever again.

I've moved on and so have they.

After finding what I was looking for, I head out of the building and walk aimlessly down the street. Jasper Whitlock has family that is still alive. It's amazing.

They keep popping up in my head. What am I even researching anymore?

I wonder if he ever saw his family. I know he couldn't meet them because that would definitely lead you to your death, but I wonder if he ever checked on them. Maybe he was like Edward and peeked in windows. I laugh at that.

I stop short when I spot a building with the name "Houston Adoption Center." across the street and it has a help wanted sign hanging in the front window. They needed volunteers to help with the younger children. Maybe those children would be there.

What am I thinking? They probably got adopted or live with some close friends or something. I have become obsessed with this. Focus, Bella.

Oh, screw it. I walked across the street and inside the building.

"Can I help you?" the woman behind the counter asks me.

"Um… yes. I saw the Help Wanted poster and I thought I could volunteer."

What?! I do not want to volunteer. What is wrong with me?

"Come with me." A new voice says. I turn around to see a see woman around my mom's age. She leads me towards the back and into a cafeteria where lots of children are sat at many different tables eating.

It's so sad to think these kids have no families…Parents who didn't want them or couldn't afford to take care of them.

They saw it as a burden, not a life. Perhaps they saw it a different way but I can't help but think of how they are missing out on children growing up.

"Sorry, my name is Caroline and I haven't had lunch yet. I was at a doctor's appt. So, you'll have to excuse my ravenous appetite."

"That's fine" I say. I watch as she grabs a lunch tray and grabs a slice of pizza from one of the Lunch Lines. We then take a seat at an empty table and I watch as she silently stuffs her face.

"I really do apologize. I am so sorry."

"It's fine. I am positive." I assure her. "What does the job entail exactly? I mean I'm just volunteering?"

"Yes." She nods. "There are too many kids here. We have the funds for all of them, just not enough staff. It's getting a bit hard. We got two new arrivals last week and I must say, it's been a while since we had gotten a baby in here… well newborn anyway. So that's been a refreshing change but then everyone wants to see the baby since they're so cute and since we had extra room, an adoption center in Dallas was closing so they sent them all here a few days ago. It's been rough."

"Wow. I must say you do have a lot on your hands."

"Oh yes. So, I would need you to help with the children. Help dress the little ones. Maybe assist on taking them to the playground. That sort of thing."

"Anything you'd like to know about me?"

"Yes. Here are some papers…" she pulls out a few sheets of paper out of her bag and slides them across to me with a pen, "I need to know your background history. You're full name, social security, age, etc. You're not a crazy person are you?"

"No" I laugh. "I'd like to think I'm quite sane." Except for the fact that I was canoodling with vampires. That would get me locked up in a heartbeat.

"Good. After you fill that out, I will have Miranda, our secretary run a check on you. In the meantime, tell me about yourself."

"Let's see. I graduated high school, wrote two books and now I am working on my third. I'm traveling Texas to get some stimulus on what to write."

"Ah, you're a writer." It wasn't a question. It was more of a revelation.

"Yes, Mam." I nod.So you need a spark to help the writing process and you think you can find it here."

"If you put it that way…"

"These kids are great but they don't need someone who is only interested in-"

"Hey, hey." I cut her off a bit agitated. "No, you have me all wrong, Caroline. Sure I need to write my book but I have all the free time in the world. I love kids. I may not want any of my own but it doesn't mean that when I see one in need, I won't help. That is my purpose."

There was a moment of silence and then she gives me a warm smile. "Alright, then."

After finding out that I was approved of my background check, Caroline gave me a tour of the place. Boys shared a room with other boys and girls shared a room with other girls. Babies were separated in a nursery but they all ranged from six months to a year but there was one baby who caught my eye. He was about four months and had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. I peered over his in his crib and he gave me the cutest smile ever.

"That's Bryan. He's the new baby I told you about. Him and his sister came in and are inseparable. She can't leave his side. She spends her recess time inside with him and all of her free time. She is such a sweet girl. We're trying not to separate them but these things happen." Caroline sighs giving me a sad smile.

"Can I hold him?"

"Of course." She picks him up and places him in my arms and he lets out a cute little gurgle.

"Awe" she coos. "He likes you."

He wraps his tiny little hand around my index finger and I can't help but make baby talk. I take a seat in one of the chairs and rub his soft, sweet little head.

A little girl comes barging in and it would be almost comical the way she growls at me if it weren't for the recognizable similarities.

"Who are you? You cannot have my brother!"

"Sadie" Caroline scolds. "Stop that."

"No!" she pouts and stomps her foot.

I stare wide eyed and see her bright honey blonde curls that come down to her waist and notice her bright blue eyes. She looks just like Jasper. She's the female version of himself; only smaller.

"Um… don't worry Sadie. I am not here to take your brother away. I'm a new volunteer."

"Oh." She takes a seat next to me in one of the chairs and rubs his tummy.

"He's all I have. I need my baby brother." She whispers sadly.

"I couldn't agree more." I smile.

After I left, I had went back to my hotel room trying to stop the whirling of thoughts in my head.

I had gone to Jaspers home and found pictures of him and his family.

I had possibly found two of his relatives.

I have surely gone insane.

I grabbed my phone and decided to call Charlie since I haven't talked to him all week. I needed to hear a familiar voice and my mother was out of the question. Since she's been with Phil she's all 'Pro Love'. It gets rather annoying.

"Hello?" He picks up on the first ring. It makes me smile. Thank goodness for caller Id.

"Hi, Charlie."

"Bella! It's good to hear from you kid. How's Texas?"

"Oh, you know… fine." I played around with the cord on the phone and try to lie for all that its worth.

"I miss you Bells. The food isn't the same with out you and Billy keeps teasing me that you're going to run off with some cowboy."

"Charlie." I laugh. I'm so glad he can't see my blush through the phone. "No need to worry. I'm trying to write my book, you know. So there's no time for that. I signed up to volunteer at an orphanage thing today. The kids are really sweet."

"Wow, really? Well, I'm happy for you. I just want you to write so you can come back home."

"I know. Me too."

"You know, I thought you didn't want kids?"

"Just because I don't want any, doesn't mean I cant help them. It's so sad to see them like that. They have no families."

"As much as I hate to say it, I really would like some grand kids in the future. Maybe working there you could—"

"Okay, enough drinking the beer. You're clearly delusional."

He gives a hearty laugh and I cant help but chuckle a bit myself.

"I'm just kidding… to an extent."

"Uh huh." I roll my eyes and give a snort. "Alright Charlie, I gotta go but I'll try to call you next week."

"Alright, Love you Bells."

"Love you too."

I started to get choked up on the phone of missing my dad. It's been so hard. I need to hurry up with this book. I'm not coming home until I finish.

So you need a spark to help the writing process and you think you can find it here."

"If you put it that way…"

"These kids are great but they don't need someone who is only interested in-"

"Hey, hey." I cut her off a bit agitated. "No, you have me all wrong, Caroline. Sure I need to write my book but I have all the free time in the world. I love kids. I may not want any of my own but it doesn't mean that when I see one in need, I won't help. That is my purpose."

There was a moment of silence and then she gives me a warm smile. "Alright, then."

After finding out that I was approved of my background check, Caroline gave me a tour of the place. Boys shared a room with other boys and girls shared a room with other girls. Babies were separated in a nursery but they all ranged from six months to a year but there was one baby who caught my eye. He was about four months and had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. I peered over his in his crib and he gave me the cutest smile ever.

"That's Bryan. He's the new baby I told you about. Him and his sister came in and are inseparable. She can't leave his side. She spends her recess time inside with him and all of her free time. She is such a sweet girl. We're trying not to separate them but these things happen." Caroline sighs giving me a sad smile.

"Can I hold him?"

"Of course." She picks him up and places him in my arms and he lets out a cute little gurgle.

"Awe" she coos. "He likes you."

He wraps his tiny little hand around my index finger and I can't help but make baby talk. I take a seat in one of the chairs and rub his soft, sweet little head.

A little girl comes barging in and it would be almost comical the way she growls at me if it weren't for the recognizable similarities.

"Who are you? You cannot have my brother!"

"Sadie" Caroline scolds. "Stop that."

"No!" she pouts and stomps her foot.

I stare wide eyed and see her bright honey blonde curls that come down to her waist and notice her bright blue eyes. She looks just like Jasper. She's the female version of himself; only smaller.

"Um… don't worry Sadie. I am not here to take your brother away. I'm a new volunteer."

"Oh." She takes a seat next to me in one of the chairs and rubs his tummy.

"He's all I have. I need my baby brother." She whispers sadly.

"I couldn't agree more." I smile.

After I left, I had went back to my hotel room trying to stop the whirling of thoughts in my head.

I had gone to Jaspers home and found pictures of him and his family.

I had possibly found two of his relatives.

I have surely gone insane.

I grabbed my phone and decided to call Charlie since I haven't talked to him all week. I needed to hear a familiar voice and my mother was out of the question. Since she's been with Phil she's all 'Pro Love'. It gets rather annoying.

"Hello?" He picks up on the first ring. It makes me smile. Thank goodness for caller Id.

"Hi, Charlie."

"Bella! It's good to hear from you kid. How's Texas?"

"Oh, you know… fine." I played around with the cord on the phone and try to lie for all that its worth.

"I miss you Bells. The food isn't the same with out you and Billy keeps teasing me that you're going to run off with some cowboy."

"Charlie." I laugh. I'm so glad he can't see my blush through the phone. "No need to worry. I'm trying to write my book, you know. So there's no time for that. I signed up to volunteer at an orphanage thing today. The kids are really sweet."

"Wow, really? Well, I'm happy for you. I just want you to write so you can come back home."

"I know. Me too."

"You know, I thought you didn't want kids?"

"Just because I don't want any, doesn't mean I cant help them. It's so sad to see them like that. They have no families."

"As much as I hate to say it, I really would like some grand kids in the future. Maybe working there you could—"

"Okay, enough drinking the beer. You're clearly delusional."

He gives a hearty laugh and I cant help but chuckle a bit myself.

"I'm just kidding… to an extent."

"Uh huh." I roll my eyes and give a snort. "Alright Charlie, I gotta go but I'll try to call you next week."

"Alright, Love you Bells."

"Love you too."

I started to get choked up on the phone of missing my dad. It's been so hard. I need to hurry up with this book. I'm not coming home until I finish.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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