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Takeshi たけし

Takeshi Hikari

The boy was begging for his life,“someone please help ! Help !”but no one heard him. The fire spread round up to the corner of the rooms. The boy turned to his dad, who was lying still beside him on the floor. The boy took out the knife from his father's abdomen. He placed his ear to his father's chest. There was complete silence inside his heart.He also realised that his mother and sister was missing.

“ It can't be,You can't leave me alone,”said Takeshi.

Takeshi moved back and caught the wall. Tears trailed down to the floor from his chin. He heard a familiar laugh from the half burnt window. He stared at the bottom.

“ I know him, he is Makyo Shinori, a bloody idiot !” thought Takeshi.

“ Finally, my revenge is completed. That day he was saying a lot of things, tonight he realized that what could be happened by insulting me, his wife and daughter is also with me, I have kidnapped them to have fun everyday ,though they are very hot ,” Makyo said to other two guys.

Takeshi didn't listened to it anymore.he got in his posture and jumped from the window into the bushes. No one saw him or heard of him. He ran away from there as fast as he could. He didn't look back.

“ He was a liar! everything is lie! No one is for anyone, no one cared for me and I don't care for others, if you haven't cared for them,then you would have leading a happy life with me, mom and Hanaki,” thought Takeshi.

Everything he saw in his mind that day was as clear as mirror.Again Takeshi got reminded of the day when Takeshi was with his father and he knelt down between the market and said:

“ If you care for others then others will care for you . The greatest satisfaction of one's life is to sacrifice themselves to the service of others.Remember ,Takeshi ,always help others with whatever you have.Make this world ,a better place for future.”

The next day ,Takeshi woke up in a garden .He screamed ,“ Mom ! Hanaki ! ”

He looked around him and caught his head ,“Oh no,they are under Shinori's control,I have to go in his mansion immediately,god only knows whether they are safe or not under that animal ! ” said Takeshi solemnly .Takeshi made up his mind and headed towards Shinori mansion .He invaded Shinori mansion without any notice. He swiftly escaped all of his men and entered a big hall. All the guards follow upto the hall.

There Makyo was doing some warm up exercises.Takeshi grabbed the huge door and said while huffing very hard,“ I have a deal for you.I know that my mother and sister is with you .So it's better for you to listen to me .” Takeshi stroke in his mind when he saw a knife in the room,he thought “ What if I kill him and escape from here with mom and Hanaki ,no no ,what I am thinking ? He can betray his modesty but I cant , for my family , I can't insult my morality,I can't be selfish !” Makyo turned to the door and gave the guards a hand signal of being still.

“If I am not wrong then you are son of Hakashi ,I have to accept that you are very courageous,no one has ever dared to enter my mansion,” remarked Shinori.

“ I challenge you in a katana battle,If I win then you will return my mom and sister back ..”proposed Takeshi.

“And if I win then you will leave this village for ever,no one has ever dared to challenge me in open,”completed Makyo.

Both of the fighters got ready.Makyo stroke, Takeshi stopped it and flipped his sword with a counter-attack.Makyo balanced on his katana and kicked.Takeshi stood and threw kicks and strokes,Makyo dodged.Makyo ended this battle with hit on Takeshi's head from back.

Takeshi fell down.A broad ray of daylight shown on his face .

“ I...lost..I will not see them happier anymore..with me,”Takeshi murmured.

He couldn't hear any sound but only he could hear the voice of his mom and sister ,when he spent time with them.He could only see how Hanaki and Takeshi played together and fought with each other and how his mom,Aiko cared for his son and saved him from scolding of dad and how she appreciated every action of his son.

Makyo's men left Takeshi in between a dense forest as per the deal.There were many poisonous snakes ,insects and wild violent animals.

Takeshi sat under a tree and started thinking heaven to earth.

“ That time, I can easily kill him with a knife there,but my modesty interfered,”thought Takeshi ,“Should I go there again?no no ,what if they hurt mom and Hanaki more and more or...May he kill me this time,What should I do ? Where should I go ? I hate you,Makyo! I would not spare you ,one day I will come,I will come ! I don't care for anyone on this world except my family from now .”

A New Arrival

A young man was travelling through the densest part of the Kaimon forest.His back was bent and tongue came out from his mouth because of tiredness.He had a sack with him.He sat under a tree and leaned on it .He yawned and closed his eyes.

In the bushes ,there was something.It was too shiny dots which were glowing like fire.Then it suddenly leaped from the bushes.It was a young man .He had a long hair upto his neck .He was tall and muscular.He wore a dirty white shirt, it was torn at the arms and a black lower garment which looked like a full ankled pant.He also wore a red band on his head.That man took out a katana from his back .He suddenly charged on the man who was lying under the tree.When the sword was about to touch him,the man jumped out as fast as a lightning.

The muscular man yelled.He swiped his katana on the traveller again ,the traveller dodged it .

“ What do you think? You would kill me . It's not too easy,my boy !” the katana man grunted.

The traveler moved back near the tree quickly. He took out something from his sack. It was a sword with blade, both the sides of its hilt. The blade of the sword was wider than normal swords. Both the blade had its cutting edge in opposite directions.

It is a Twincrusher .

The katana man struck again,the traveler blocked it with his twincrusher.The traveler got pushed to the edge of a tree.

“ No, I didn't come here to kill you or any other intention like that, ” replied the traveler.

“ Then why you came here ? I know you are one of the men of Shinori, there's no gain in telling the lie, because you are gonna be killed just like each of your partners who tried to kill me, ” howled the muscular man.

“ Takeshi ! It's me your neighbour,Ryan,” said the traveler.

Takeshi moved back with his katana.His wild and violent look changed into a calm and still figure. Takeshi scrutinized and realised that the traveler was none other than his childhood friend Ryan.

“ Ryan ,why you came in this forest ? ” Takeshi asked .His manner was almost rude to Ryan.

“ I was going to Kyoto, when I fortunately met you here, So what were you doing these years after your banishment ? You know how desperate we were to find you, ” said Ryan.

“ Let's talk comfortably, afterr all we met after a long period of time, and sorry for my misbehavior, although I forgot the habit of saying sorry, ”Takeshi took Ryan near the river bank. They sat down, facing the river.

“ I was asking that what you were doing these years after that murder case,”asked Ryan.

“ I tried to blend with this harsh nature of life and trained myself rough and tough from both inside and outside to manage every single situation, I tried to live my life worthy, I didn't make myself depend on this nature cause I don't trust this nature rather this world, ”Takeshi replied .

“ Are in this forest ?”

“ Yes,I lived here to keep myself away from this human world and from it's eyes.People are more poisonous and wild than snakes and animals. When I think about people,it reminds me of how my villagers didn't come a single step forward to help us , although my dad helped them with every possible step,”

“ I can understand your feelings Mr Hikari was very kind and helpful,if he had not taken the punishments of the villagers on his head,then he would have him with us .Shinori was so obsessed with his ego that he didn't even hesitate to kill someone and to forced two innocent ladies to fulfill his daily lust.I cannot believe that a man can be so cruel.

“ That was past,Ryan,just past ! This is present,and the present is that I will paint his whole mansion out of his blood and make him cry for his life! I will kill him ! I will,I will kill him !” Takeshi burst out of a horrible devilish laugh.

Ryan couldn't believe his eyes that a man can change himself completely within a single event.Takeshi stopped his laugh after a while and asked,“ So why are you going in Kyoto?”

“ To become strong and be independent for life ,I want to become a good martial artist to earn money and lift up my family,as you know that I never got any chance of getting proper education,when I can earn myself then I can free my parents from Shinori's slavery,”answered Ryan.

Takeshi squinted ,“ From whom or where you will learn martial art and how ?”

“ From Kyoto Tijutsu,Bukijutsu and Genkijutsu High School or shortly Kytbugen High School,they take two copper coins as one month fee and more interesting point is that they will give you shelter in free,”completed Ryan.

Takeshi started rubbing his chin and thought,“ If I want to conquer Shinori then I have to be strong as well as skillful. Lets go with Ryan but I don't have any money to live on ,but that's not a big deal,I can earn it ,but ...will the society accept me with my dark past.This society is very toxic and make me feel sad of my past .It reminds me how happy I was before my father's murder .But that is now just a dream ,just a dream!Oh what a trouble!I want the power but not the people surrounding it .”

“ So how you managed to live in this harsh dense forest with venomous and wild creatures ? ”

“ Well I'm first few days,it was quite a trouble giving and struggling,but if they wouldn't help me the I wouldn't be so strong.”

“ Whom is it ?” Ryan asked when both of them heard some footsteps behind.Takeshi and Ryan turned back.They saw a man in fighting dojo with a conical hat.Takeshi and Ryan immediately stood upright.

The man introduced himself,“ Hi ,I am Rao.I was sent by my friend ,Makyo to kill you ,Takeshi Hikari.Dont worry,I will just use my pint of my power to let you rest in piece forever.I am not like the fools whom you faced before.”

Rao flicked his fingers on a big banyan tree.The tree bent down and fell on the ground.Ryan's mouth droped open.Rao stomped the ground which literally shook the small earth of the woods.All the birds flew away because of this sudden shake . He said ,“ Lets end this.I am very much bored.”

Powers Unleashed !

Takeshi was sweating alot.It droped on the ground.His feet were trembling.

Takeshi thought, “ No,no no ! I don't fear him !He's not that powerful that ...I will be killed or be defeated,but why my legs are shaking?I am not...weak.The question is that how I can defeat Rao.”

Takeshi exposed his tightened first.He didn't take off his eyes from Rao for just a single second.Rao was leering at Takeshi wickedly.

Rao dashed with few kicks.Takeshi sweeped with his katana.Rao threw punches and chops,Takeshi blocked some of them.Takeshi slashed repeatedly as fast as a bullet,Rao dodged all of them.Rao leaped and kicked.Takeshi stumbled back.He ambushed back with a heavy and steady chop on Rao's head.Rao stumbled back.

“ It was just beginning,I was examining you,actual game starts from now ,”Rao remarked.

Suddenly,few warriors occurred who looked alike Rao.They were laughing.Their voice ,clothes , appearance, everything was same as Rao,as if they were multiplet brothers of Rao.

“ This is my special cloning technique,by which I can make multiple clones of myself,both real and fake,”said Rao .

The clones sprang on Takeshi,when Ryan rushed with his twincrusher.All the clones got deflected around.Some of the clones disappeared.Ryan swung his Twincrusher and pierced the clones,one by one.

“ There is no one left,so Rao died ,”thought Ryan.

“ Good try ,”

a voice came from Ryan's back.He turned his head and saw Rao standing in his back .

“ Unbelievable ! So swift and clever ,he is ! ”Ryan thought,when Rao blew a heavy jab on his face.Ryan got deflected into the woods and hit his head on several trees and got stopped because of a particular tree.The tree trunk became red where Ryan's head got slammed. Ryan's head dropped down.

Takeshi shooted out.He threw repeated strikes,kicks,cuts,jabs.Rao dodged all of them one by one.At last he moved back —and called out ,“ Universal plasma flick !” Rao raised his hand on Takeshi's forehead.He flicked his fingers.Takeshi got threw in the opposite side and got damned into the soil.He drifted through the rocks and stucked.

Rao became still .Then he turned ahead towards Takeshi and ordered,“ Hello...You can't insult me by leaving this fight in between suddenly.” There was no response.He was completely still and silent.

Rao said ,“ I can't believe that you end up so soon.What a pity !”Rao turned back and went ahead.

Takeshi's eyes became bigger. He thought,“ I can't lose. I cannot let Shinori's pride and sins to win. My mom and sister are waiting for me. I will save them .I will kill Makyo.My dad must get proper justice.I can't lose.I must win !”

Suddenly a sword came flying and got stabbed in Rao's leg.Rao knelt down and pulled out the katana.He looked back and saw Takeshi standing steadily,“ So you are not died,yet.Good !”

Takeshi's face was completely red.His body was scarred.

Rao got stunned when he was about to move forward.He fell down,holding his shin.

“ What the hell ! It's just a minor leg injury,then why I can't move?What have you done to me ?”Rao yelled.

Suddenly Rao's face got swelled red and his eyes dropped open.He looked up straight into the sky and spitted out blood.He sat in a cow pose and dropped his head down,when he was wheezing.He starred up with his mouth open at Takeshi.

Takeshi stood up from the dent shakily,when Rao coughed out,“ It's impossible for a kid like you !How do you...?Who are you ?”

Takeshi leered at him with his crimson face .He shown up with an evil smile.

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