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The Deadly Violin

Running Water

Hensley Cruz, a 20-year-old man in the body of a 10-year-old, yes, he was in 4th grade but his soul was that of a full-grown man. Though his real name, in his own body, was Priel Aurora, his new name was Hensley Cruz. In 1032, Priel died of a disease, he had lived a poor life but by hearing his sob story, Death himself couldn't help but transfer Priel's soul into Hensley's body. Priel had blindly agreed, he didn't even know who Hensley Cruz was, but he just wanted a second chance at life, he wanted to become more wealthy and build better relationships.

He bargained with Death, and it turns out, that Death also had a wish, his wish was to hear his favorite tune on the Violin. Priel risked his bargain and asked why he wanted to listen to this particular tune on the Violin, and thus, Priel found out that a mere tune can summon Death, whether it be a careless whistle or a detailed strumming on a guitar, this tune could summon Death. Priel agreed, he made a deal, he would pick up a Violin every Sunday and play this tune to add another week to his life every time.

If he missed one day, a week would be deducted from his life, so Priel agreed, and instantly, he saw galaxies and stars for a few moments when he regained consciousness near a boulder. He had scratches all over his body and a Violin on the boulder, he brushed the dust and grime off his clothes, and he was surprised to see that his clothes were shiny and fancy. He picked the Violin up and remembered the tune that Death had whistled, the bow he had in hand flew across the strings perfectly and as the tune ended, there opened a portal and Death stepped out, "…" "…"

"Priel?" Death checked, "Hi." Priel or Hensley, answered with a sly grin, "It's not Sunday." Death declared. "So what? I was only practicing." Hensley said with determination, just then, there was a scream whose even voice sounded rich and fancy, "My Liege! My Liege?" "Gotta skidaddle." Death spoke and disappeared, Hensley turned around and the mysterious figure appeared, a tall figure with combed and oiled hair, looking disgustingly fancy. "My Liege! My goodness! You're so dirty and grimy and…peasant-ey!" The man complained, "Remind me again, is your name 'Doofus'?" Hensley asked, completely shameless, the man said his name out loud: "I am Colette Fontana!"

"Okay… Then… Take me away." Hensley rudely concluded, "Yes, My Liege. I will call your carriage right away!-" "I will walk." "O-Okay, as you wish, My Liege…" Colette whispered, "Lead the way." Hensley ordered, "This life is good…" Hensley muttered to himself. Colette walked slowly and kept looking back at Hensley staring right at him and smirking, Colette felt a chill run down his spine, and he started walking significantly faster, they finally arrived at the beautiful white castle before them. The castle was purely white and shin, there was the prettiest garden of all kinds of flowers Hensley, as Priel, had ever seen.

Hensley moved subconsciously towards the mesmerizingly colourful lawn.

A Beautiful Storm

"What is this flower called?" Hensley asked, curious, Colette approached sincerely, "That is a Daisy, My Liege. Do you wish for a bouquet?" he asked. "No, only this one flower is good." Hensley said, "But, My Liege, that flower is dirty." Colette protested, "I want this Daisy." Hensley declared, already loving the authority he gained. Colette shuddered slightly and picked the tiny flower up with great care, "Yes, My Liege, as you wish." he mumbled with embarrassment, "Ah. Fontana, was it? Please give it to my mother, I would be pleased from her reaction." Hensley spoke with confidence, not even thinking whether this body's birther was still alive or not.

Unfortunately, she wasn't, "My Liege. . .?" Colette questioned, doubting himself. "Oh. Um. . .' Hensley insinuated, his heart a whirlwind of emotions, "Never mind. . ." he finally managed to croak out after a few minutes of silence, "Yes, My Liege. . ." Colette acknowledged. Thus, they went onwards to the proper white castle, Colette leaded him into the dining hall, it was almost a house of mirrors.

There were uncountable mirrors, some were tinted, some disfigured one's appearance, some were cracked mirrors. But either way, the hall looked very marvelous, Hensley, however, managed to hold in his excited sounds. Take me to my chamber, Fontana." Hensley ordered, Colette immediately agreed and led the way, they soon arrived to "Hensley's" chamber.

"Wh- Your Majesties!" Colette exclaimed as covered his mouth and Hensley's eyes, you can only imagine a 50-year-old uncle having i*tercourse with a 30-year-old babe, not b*be, more like a m*lf. Surprising, right? It was triple the shock when Hensley realized that those two love birds, were his father and stepmother, shocked may not be the appropriate word, disgusted might be, horrified may also be, terrified or mortified and so on. . .

The point here is, whatever the two were doing, was absolutely not okay, nothing here was fine. The King and new Queen of a kingdom making love in their child's bedroom with the door unlocked, that certainly sounds like someone has a k*nk for publicly traumatizing people, how brave of them, oh right, back to the storyline. Seeing this blunder, Hensley immediately called out : "Father, get down here right now!" his father responded and pulled up his pants and approached him, "Where were you-"

"Don't give me that crap!" Hensley yelled, Colette looked like his eyes were going to pop out, and his jaw was going to touch the floor, "What is this. . . Shameless activity you wished to do in my bedroom?!" Hensley probed. The king was quiet, for a moment, he looked ashamed of himself, but the almighty stepmother spoke up. "Oh hush, child!" She said, "You know nothing! When two tigers are in love and desperate for releasing that love, they don't care where they are or who's watching!" she further explained, "Mememe. That's what I hear right now. Was I talking to you, lady?" Hensley pried, Colette dared to giggle in such a situation.

" "Lady"!?" His stepmother quivered with anger, she bit his lips, drawing out blood from her tinted lips, "You da-" "Shut it, nobody wants to listen to your high-pitched whining."

The Scar

This mess got Hensley in a load of trouble, he was isolated in his room for two months, he upset his father's lover after all, but two months was a little too long for Hensley to bare. Someone needed to die every Sunday, so this time, as you might have already guessed, his stepmother was getting the gift of salvation. Sunday struck, Hensley's Violin's bow also struck the strings of the Violin, that too, in such a way, he himself was impressed.

After the tune was done being played, a portal opened, Death stepped out, "Who shall I take, my dear Hensley?" "My stepmom, she's the haystack in which my father's needle is penetrating. Take her away." Hensley hinted, Death let out a low, throaty chuckle, amused by Hensley's words. Death disappeared.

Some days later, the magic happened, Hensley's stepmother died for illness, his father sank slowly into depression, Hensley's plan was just getting started though, he had determined, by the end of this new life he had been given, he would have wiped out the royal family of Gaius. Why? Priel was also from Gaius, that's literally why he was poor, the king and new queen took from the poor, gave it to the rich ; they left the poor to die, and fulfilled the needs of the rich, is this not unfair?

Hensley walked around the familiar corners of the kingdom every week, looking for people who committed crimes or tortured other people and bullied the poor, a sad man became happy every Monday, hearing the death or his tormentor. One night, he was feeling restless and was unable to sleep, so he got up and went out, to his surprise, his father was walking around the flowery heaven with a beautiful lady. He became infuriated, how dare he mingle with another woman so early, his wife just died, and he's over it already?

Henley didn't care whether his stepmother was bad or not, whether she treated his father with care or not, she was still a woman. A woman at least deserves to be mourned, Hensley came to her funeral, her death giver, but her husband didn't attend the funeral. The man was relentless, and though Hensley knew it, he was reluctant to accept the fact that this body's father was a psychopath, how unfortunate.

He went out there at once, and he was ready to yell when the lady spoke : "Dear, your son may not like me. You told me he had trouble liking his own biological mother, what am I in front of the two former women?" Hensley was disturbed by this thought, my mistake, Priel was. No matter how many sorrows Priel faced, he never disrespected his elders, especially his mother, who was there with him always in his life. He considered this, insulting his own blood mother, a great crime, sin and mistake.

Hensley hid behind a bush and listened to their words intently, "Don't worry, honey. He will for sure like you, you are not evil like the last one and not too sensitive like the first one. You are the queen the kingdom and I want, really darling."

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