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Bad Boy Maid

chapter 1

The Mafia's Maid can be read as a stand alone . ALSO, this is a love triangle! BUT I will say this now, the main female character only ends up with one and will NOT end up with both at any time in the book. This book does contain mature content, abuse, bullying, violent and sexual scenes, rape, and inappropriate language Isabelle Hart never fit in, being bullied daily at school and working nonstop to pay off your mothers drug debt wasn't the best thing a 17 year old wanted to do in their last year of high school. What happens when Isabelle is assigned to work as a maid in a billionaire families home, who just so happens to be in the Italian mafia? With the attention of two handsome brothers on her Isabelle's life is turned upside down. Ace and Caden Agosti, two completely different brothers who shared only two similarities, 1. Always getting what they want
2. Having their eyes set on Isabelle Hart. Ace was the golden retriever of his school, being the quarterback on his football team and having good grades was only the start of his long list of accomplishments. Caden was always in trouble, getting into fights and coming home late. He had no care for anyone and was known in school to be cold and reserved. No one messed with him, unless they wanted a death sentence. e 67 4 Now for the cast aesthetics! (Just the main characters)
Isabelle Hart (17)
Caden Agosti (18)
Ace Agosti (18)
I can't wait!! Get ready for the ride everyone! Before the book starts, who are you guys shipping Isabelle with? 💗
♤ Isabelle ♤ pov :
running it seems like it's all I do
The sound of the soles of my shoes slamming onto the wet pavement, the burning sting in my legs with every push forward, the odd stares from the people around me. It was all normal for me. I hear their laughs, their sick laughs as they run ahead of me, throwing around my backpack like it was a toy.
Come and get it Hart!" He yells, excitement laces his rough voice from all the cigarettes he smokes.
That was Evan Samson. He's been smoking since he was six years old and found enjoyment in my pain. Along with his other minions, Jacob Landors, Emma Rems, and Peter Flowsky they had only one goal. To make my life a living hell. I could feel my heart drumming through my chest I don't know how long I've been running for, but I couldn't let them have my backpack, the one thing I treasured most. It was the last piece of my father I had left with me, the last item he gifted me before he died. I was only 9, and didn't understand the idea he would never come back. Until my mother. She'd been so sad, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as heartbroken as her, mainly because she would cope with drugs. Drugs we couldn't afford to be getting. And when she overdosed, all that debt came onto me.
I feel the pain in my throat, the one right before I can't stop controlling my tears. My hair was wet from the rain, my clothes soaked, and my voice nearly gone as I screamed and begged for them to give it back. They wouldn't. This was only the beginning after all. They turn into an alleyway, laughing like a pack of hyenas and I, like the idiot I am, follow them in. I was trying to catch up with my breath, my wet hair sticking to my face and the rain only getting heavier by now. They look at me, hold the backpack out for my reach, and watch me in hilarity as I move closer, thinking I could just grab it and run.
piter [bully]
piter [bully]
"Go on, don't be so scared."
Peter Flowsky utters, moving the backpack closer to my reach. I look at them standing around me in a circle now as I feel my hand on the old backpack that had been with me since elementary. I try taking it, but Peter has a strong grip on it, a wicked smirk on his face as he looks at his friends.
piter [bully]
piter [bully]
"Don't you want the backpack? Take. It."
" He shouts in my face, and I stumble back at his voice, feeling my throat closing and my heart racing when I realize what was about to come. I hear their camera turn on, and a laugh leave Emma's mouth before Evans fist lands straight on my face. I couldn't feel anything as I got pushed into a dirty puddle, their voices only turning into mumbles.
It sounded like hell. I get kicked in the ribs, the legs, the head, everywhere. A scream of pain I've only gotten used to by now rumbles through my body when they blow one last kick to my stomach before victoriously running away. I was out, until I felt like I was choking. My body on instinct slowly moves up as I try choking out the water from the puddle. My body was on alert, telling me not to move from the pain but I had no choice. Slowly, I crawl to my backpack that had been thrown into another puddle. I pick it up, watching as the dirty water drips off from the sides, and I cry. I cry as I put on the backpack, like nothing happened, I cry as I wipe the dirt and mud off of my face, I cry the entire way towards Francina's, the place I'd been working for 3 years now. And just before walking in I wipe away my tears, put a smile on my face and open the door. The place always smelled of grease and sweat, covered up by Ms. Tilsky's obsession of incense. She never liked me, no one ever did really, so coming in late would not help her dislike towards me. I recognize her aging face, big glasses, bright makeup, and hair pulled into a swirl of blonde locks as she rushes around, getting the work of two people done. The work I was supposed to be doing. If it weren't for Evan taking my backpack at school
This would've never happened, but here I was, trying to speak to Ms. Tilsky who wouldn't acknowledge my presence.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Ms. Tilsky, sorry I'm late I had to stay after school a bit for a test."
I say as she moves to the back of the small restaurant.
She sits down on a chair, heaving a heavy breath as she wipes the sweat off of her forehead from the rush.
mis triky
mis triky
"You're fired."
She spits, and I feel my world freeze at those words.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
" Ms. Tilsky you don't understand! I need this job please don't do this to m-" I
I don't finish when she aggressively points her finger to the door, her forehead wrinkles coming together in anger.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
I beg once more, but she ignores me and walks off to another customer.
I feel the hot tears coming down again, and shamefully walk out of the restaurant with my soaked clothes pulling me down, and my head towards the ground.
Its okay, I could just find a new job, and then I'd save and save and save and when all the debts paid off Andrew wouldn't bother me anymore and I'd graduate high school and live a normal life.
All my hopes wither away when I get a dreadful text on my old phone, that had nearly been broken.
andwer [bully]
andwer [bully]
'I'm giving you 3 weeks, if I don't have the money by then I'm going to fuck that sweet little body of yours and pull you apart limb by limb'
Mothers dealer. He'd found me after her death, and told me he'd give me a couple weeks until I had to find a job and pay off the rest of the debt.
Now I had no job, and he'd find out. He always finds out everything.
If I didn't find a job now, my life would be over, before I could even start it.
Through the agonizing pain my legs eventually take me to the place I called home. It was a one bedroom apartment, that looked more like it was falling apart then anything.
The ceilings would drip with water when it rained, the floors cracked, the walls dirty and the bed nearly broken.
I take off my wet clothes, pushing them into my small laundry basket before getting in the shower.
The hot water lasts 4 minutes and 32 seconds, so as soon as the water is on I get in and try to finish as quick as I can.
My skin burns as the hot water seeps into my cuts, but I ignore it, like I do with most things.
My body aches as I get dressed into my only pajamas, my head pounding and my legs still in pain from all the running earlier.
It was quiet, empty, and lonely as I walk out of the bathroom. The room was dark, and the only sound I could hear was the couple upstairs arguing once again and the sound of the heavy rain outside.
I grab a bowl of dry cereal, and eat it slowly as I scroll through my phone, looking for job openings.
First chapter ahh!!! What at your thoughts on the book so far? <3
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chapter 2

I like to think I'm strong
Through everything, every hard moment in my life I found an escape through schoolwork. Whenever I wasn't working or being pushed around by Evan and his gang I was studying, the only thing I was truly good at
I had the highest gpa in my high school, which I never really thought meant much due to us being in the poorest part of town, where no student really cared anyways and only had time for drugs and alcohol.
Although once Evan Samson found out about my achievements I was made to do all of his schoolwork, including Peters, Jacobs, and Emma's.
"Good job Hart, my parents truly think I can go to Harvard with this shit.
Jacob laughs hysterically, pushing me hard on the back as he shoves the paper I had written in front of my face.
"How about we play a little game after school today? Huh?"
Says as they follow me down the empty school hallways.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
" N..No I'm okay." I
I quietly say, my lip quivering when he pushes me against a locker. I look down so my hair Is covering my face, to terrified to utter another word
"Stuttering bitch."
He spits, grabbing my hair and yanking my head up.
piter [bully]
piter [bully]
"Evan, we should go now."
Peter says nervously when the sound of a teachers keys echo down the hallway.
"Don't think I'm done with you."
He scowls before slamming my head back on the locker and walking away with Peter.
My head aches at the force as I hold in tears, walking towards my first class of the day.
As soon as the bell rings for my last class I get up, my legs pushing me towards the exit. Maybe if I was fast enough, they wouldn't get me today.
I push the heavy door open, revealing the bright sun in my face and the heat on my skin. My eyes frantically search for the bus, a relived feeling in the pit of my stomach when I watch as it pulls up.
I run, faster then ever and hide in the back seat, hoping they hadn't seen me get on.
My eyes peek over the window, watching as Evan angrily looks around for me with his gang, pushing around the other students in his way. I could feel my heart in the pit of my stomach, if they find me I was dead.
The door of the bus closes, and relief washes over me. I was safe, for now.
Last night I had decided finding a job in the poor part of town wasn't the best idea. With Evan and Andrew living in the same area, it'd only make things worse.
So I take the bus all the way to the end of the route, to where anyone would dream of living.
The bustling city life, the clean streets and extravagant homes that lined every street and the citizens dressed top to bottom in clothes worth more then my rent.
Rupert City
I get off the bus, instantly breathing in the clean air.
The stares I got were uncountable as I walked down the street, feeling everyone's eyes on me as if I was an alien, as If I wasn't even human.
They were all raised in money, never going a day without worrying if they could eat for the next week.
I envied that, but knew it was a future someone like me could never hope for.
A soft breeze blows through my hair as I open a door to a nice looking cafe, the bell above me ringing as it notified the workers of a customer.
There was a girl working in there, who seemed to be around 24, dressed in a pink apron that had the name of the store written in cursive on it.
Caffè d'Amore
coffee shope
coffee shope
"I'm sorry miss but I don't think this place is right for you." She slowly says as I stand before the cashier.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
"I..I apologize I was just looking for a job if you had any openings."
I say, trying to ignore the burning stare of an older looking man seated at one of the tables.
manager shope
manager shope
"You don't fit our employee description, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
A man says, walking up in front of the girl and taking over.
He was probably the manager.
I just nod my head, my eyes glancing over to the creepy old man who had still been staring at me before quickly walking out.
I let out a breath, slowly walking down the streets. I'm not sure why I even had a chance of getting a job around here, I was pathetic.
As Im walking towards the bus stop I feel a rough hand grab my arm, turning me around. My eyes widen as I come face to face with the old man from the cafe.
He had wrinkles lining nearly every part of his face,
And a short frame as his shaky hands hold out a small, golden business card.
Old man: "You looking for a job kid?"
He asks, his voice dry.
I swallow the lump in my throat, slowly taking the golden card as I look down at it.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
I say, rubbing my arm when he lets go. My eyes move over the small writing that held only a phone number and the words Agosti Estate printed in the center.
Old man: " I can get you a job as a maid there, good pay and housing for free."
He says, moving his hand to my own and closing my fingers tightly over the card
I watch him, confusion filling my head at his kind gesture. Why would he just give me a job like this? I wasn't sure if this was trustworthy or not.
At the same time I felt bad for calling the man creepy, he was only trying to help after all.
Old man: "You give this card to no one. Getting a job in the Agosti Estate is nearly impossible, and this card is your only way in."
He instructs.
It seemed more like a one way ticket to hell then anything else. This guy seemed suspicious, but as odd as it sounded I couldn't not take my chances.
Good pay and housing? I could live there and pay off all the debt money while not being in fear every night knowing Evan knew where I lived.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
"But, why me? I'm nothing special."
My words faintly come out as I look at the old man, who only looks back at me with kindness grazing his soft eyes.
Old man: " I can tell you have a pure heart, you deserve this job more then anyone else in this city."
He smiles, before turning around and walking down the sidewalk.
My focus moves back on the card in my hand, my eyebrows pulled together as I think about the opportunity.
Before any thoughts enter my head anymore I turn around, looking for the old man so I could thank him. I hadn't even gotten his name.
My eyes search around the busy streets, looking for the old man who had just become my savior but he was nowhere to be seen.
How far could he have gone?
My search for the man quickly ends when I see Evan and his gang getting off a bus, looking around the streets.
My body fills with goosebumps, fear striking my body as I snap my head away from them, fast walking towards a dumpster on the corner.
I hide behind the bins, nearly throwing up at the awful smell of the trash surrounding me.
My hands move onto my mouth, stopping any sort of sound that could escape from me as I hear their voices near me.
" I'm going to kill that bitch when I find her."
Evan spits, venom dripping every last word that came from his mouth.
My card suddenly drops from my hand, landing right next to Jacobs foot and my entire body freezes as I look up, his eyes locking with my own.
"Found her."
*He says, a terrifying smirk on his face.*
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chapter 3

~Isabelle ~
I feel my heart skip a beat, my body completely frozen in shock as the shadows of Peter, Emma, Evan, and Jacob surround my crouched body.
My body shakes in fear as I move myself up against the brick wall as much as I could, shaking my head no.
Evan kneels down, his hand aggressively grabbing my jaw, forcing my eyes to look into his own.
"You shouldn't have done that."
He says lowly, inspecting my face.
For some reason, I have a sliver of hope that he'd let me go this once, but it's all gone when he moves his fist straight towards my face, landing on my lip.
I scream in pain, my hand trembling as I touch my now bloody mouth. The taste of my own blood was only engraved into my head by now after the years of pain Evan inflicted on me.
"You're lucky I'm in the mood for something else today."
He snickers, and I continuously shake my head no when he starts taking off his belt.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
*I stutter out, my voice too shaky to even form the right words.*
It felt like my brain had just frozen, I couldn't speak, I could barely move, I felt hopeless. My own body was failing on me, the one part of me that I depended on most felt like it just stopped.
I look at them for help, any of them, they couldn't let this happen.
Suddenly, Evans hands freeze as his gaze lingers down towards the golden card next to Jacobs foot, his eyes squinting at the card as he thinks for a moment before slowly kneeling down.
I swallow the lump in my throat, feeling like my body just came back to life as he picks up my golden card,
The one thing that could lead me to freedom from Andrew and Evan.
"Agosti estate?"
*He mumbles to himself, looking at me with a questioning look.*
"How the fuck did you get this, you can't do shit."
" He spits, grabbing me by my collar.
I try to catch my breath at the sudden force, trying to utter out something, anything before he hit me again.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
"I..I don't know I was looking for jobs and j..just came across it."
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
*I lie through my teeth. I didn't want them to find the old man, he'd been so nice to me, it was only the right thing to do.*
Evan pushes me back onto the concrete floor, my back scraping the brick wall behind me as I heave out a breath at the contact. I could already feel the bruises and cuts digging deep into my skin.
He looks over the card once more before moving eye level towards me, a sick look in his eyes as he waves the golden card in front of my face with two fingers.
"I'm going to say this once and only once."
*He starts, moving the card to graze against my cheek.*
I nod my head immediately, trying to control my shaky hands as I try looking anywhere but him.
Evan suddenly moves the corner of the golden card swiftly on my soft skin, drips of blood falling down my face at the stinging cut he'd just formed.
"As soon as you get your big paycheck from those rich motherfuckers, you're going to come to this exact spot and give me the money."
He snickers. Jacob, Peter, and Emma smile in approval at his words.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
" I...I can't my mothers will kill if I d..on't pay him first."
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
*I hiccup from all the crying, my tears falling in thick droplets.*
He rolls his eyes in annoyance before throwing the card on me.
" Then you give me half."
He sneers. His hand grabs my hair, pulling me up to meet his eyes.
" And if you don't, I'll make sure that sweet little heart of yours stops beating before you can take another step on this earth."
Evan threatens, loosening his tight grip on my hair.
I fall back with a cry as their figures disappear out of the now dark alleyway, their laughs echoing into my ears.
My hands move up to my face shakily, my fingers angrily wiping away the tears from my eyes.
How could I be so stupid, how could I let them find out.
The tears I had wiped away only get replaced with fresh ones that come down uncontrollably. I struggle to stand up, my legs failing on me as I fall back, my hands landing on the concrete to stop my fall.
I'm not sure how long I had been crying pathetically in silence, but it felt like forever.
My tears suddenly stop when I hear voices in the alleyway and I freeze in my spot at the conversation I probably wasn't supposed to be hearing.
I couldn't hear their voices clearly, but it had to be some sketchy drug deal. I slowly push myself forward,
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
*dragging myself away from whatever was going on.*
"Do you think I'm fucking playing with you?"
A deep voice threatens. I could hear another voice, but it only sounded like mumbles until multiple punches and screams could be heard not too far from me.
My body goes into panic mode as I almost make it out until police sirens could be heard. My body gets pushed forward, a scream leaving my mouth as something crashes into me from behind, and I'm suddenly underneath some man who had somehow fallen with me.
I couldn't make out his features, only the big cut on his cheek, his dark hair, and the smell of expensive cologne
The man looks down at my beaten up face weirdly before looking behind him to see if anyone was near.
"What the fuck did you see?"
He growls while turning his head back towards me, grabbing me by my collar from the odd position we were in.
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
Isabelle Heart [FL]
*That's all that comes out of my mouth when my eyes land on the gun in his right hand*
Lucky for me the police sirens only grow closer. The man mumbles curses under his breath before aggressively letting go of me, quickly getting off of my body.
My legs instantly move me towards the wall when the police car speeds down the alleyway, it's lights bouncing off of the dark walls and the sirens blasting into my ears. The man had already gotten onto a motorcycle and sped away before they had arrived close enough.
Was he some sort of criminal? In a gang?
I feel goosebumps rise on my skin at the thought of that. I already had enough evil people to deal with.
It was late, and I'd had enough near death experiences today, so I quickly walk to the bus, feelings chills on my skin from the cool air as I hold the golden card tightly in my hand.
Tomorrow I'd go to the Agosti Estate for the job
I just wanted to get rid of all of my pain, I just wanted to stop my suffering and get Evan and Andrew off my radar, forever.
I'd pay off the debt, pay Evan the half of my check, and when my debt is all paid off I'd run away, far away from the hell I was raised in and away from everyone who ever hurt me.
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