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Twisted Love

The First Day

BANG! BANG! BANG! Leah's alarm screamed in her ear and she flinched awake and rubbed her eyes, turning her alarm off she rolls her eyes as she realized her older brother changed her alarm sound to gunshots. Leah checked the time and she saw it was 5am and she sat up in bed ready for her first day of school, she stood up walking to her bathroom and she freshened up. Leah wore a black skirt and a crisp white button-up shirt. Leah walked down stairs and saw her brother and mom were awake already and she started packing her bag.

"Did you change my alarm sound to gunshots??" Leah questioned her brother who laughed.

"Yeah I wanted to make sure the alarm would wake you up" he says sarcastically.

"Sweetheart I made pasta for your lunch," Her mother says giving her a container of pasta.

"thank you mom," Leah said putting her lunch inside her bag, with a few books and her air pods.

"hurry up Leah or I'll leave without you," Leah's brother says and she pulls her bag onto one shoulder and she hugs her mom goodbye and she walks to her brother's car getting into the backseat.

"alright Leah were here," Leah's brother says to her and she waves him goodbye getting out of his car and she sees how prestigious the school looks.. "damn.. prestigious for a high school" she whispers to herself walking to the front gates and she walks into the school looking for her class, she walks down the hall bumping straight into a tall boy with messy black hair.

"I'm so sorry," Leah says to him and he looks down at her his messy hair falling over his face, his sharp black shirt and black cargos making him look attractive.

"It's quite alright, sweetheart," The boy says smirking and he walks away. Leah walks to her first class hoping her day goes well.

The First Killings In Faywater

Leah ignored most people all day, it was her fifth period which was the last period of the day and she checked the time on her phone. The rose-gold background of her phone glows on her screen with the time, 3:40 pm which meant that she had 10 more minutes of school left. Leah looked up at the math's teacher and she glanced at the board confused with everything the teacher was writing and so she looked out the window seeing it was raining heavily, Leah zoned out. "LEAH!? STOP DAYDREAMING IN MY CLASSROOM!!!" Leah's math teacher yells across the room, snapping Leah out of her daydreams.

"Huh? oh uhm sorry" Leah stutters abit disoriented as she just snapped out of her daydream.


Leah walks to her locker while most students zoom out of the school, laughing and talking with their friends and Leah opened her door and pulled her bag out and over her shoulder. She walked out of school opening her umbrella as she decides to take a shortcut home since its raining very heavily, Leah walked to a long allyway where no one goes to since it's abit creepy. Leah could feel the cold wind on her skin, as she walked through the allway. Suddenly Leah hears ear piercing screams and she stops walking looking at the wooden door where the screams were coming from. Leah slowly creaked open the door and to her horror she saw Jasper stabbing another guy...

"h-help me please" the guy begs Leah and Jasper looks at Leah smirking cruelly and he suddenly shoves her against the wall locking the wooden weak door and he looks at her straight into the eyes.. "I told you not to interfere with my personal matters.. princess" Jasper whispers his voice menacing.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Leah stutters to Jasper clearly terrified and Jasper chuckles, he was so close that she could feel his warm breath against her lips, his touch warm but firm.

"Isn't it clear? Just taking care of a pest" he chuckles.

"Y-you can't do that" she stutters to him and he smirks his lips barley an inch away from hers, the air around them thick.

"Oh yes I can, who's gonna stop me? You? Oh give me a break sweetheart, you're practically shaking in your boots" he teases her and suddenly Leah feels a cold, bloody hand on her ankle staining her socks with blood red colour and she looks down and sees the guy who Jasper was stabbing holding her ankle.

"Don't touch her asshole!" Jasper yells at the guy making him flinch and Jasper kicks the guys hand away from Leah's ankle.. she could feel how protective Jasper was of her... but why? Leah's thoughts were interrupted when Jasper tilted her chin up to face him, his smile menacing.

"You're gonna keep your mouth shut.. is that clear?" he whispers, his voice low and smooth.

"bu-but-" she stutters until he interrupts her.

"not buts, if you don't keep your mouth shut... you're gonna end up just like him but worse," Jasper threatens to Leah.

"o-okay.." Leah stutters... Leah looks up at Jasper knowing there's a lot more to come then just a small promise...

Crazy First Week

Leah ran home terrified of what she saw, once she arrived at the doorstep she swung the door open panting. "You look like you saw a ghost, everything okay?" Her mother asked.

"Y-yeah I'm o-okay" Leah stutters still panting from running all the way home. Leah walked to her room tiredly and she pulled her bag from over her shoulder putting it down on the bed, Leah zipped her bag open pulling her pile load of homework out putting it down on her bed. "why do I have so much homework?!" she thought to herself when she saw how much there was and she also saw a cherry red sticky note on the pile of homework which read "Since you saw what happened to that 'poor' guy, you don't want to end up like him do you? So do my homework" the note read and she realized it was from Jasper. Leah groaned and she picked the pile of homework off her bed tossing it onto her desk. Leah was exhausted from the crazy day she had. She pulled out a note from her bag and remembered she had a school camp coming up. She needed her parents to sign it so they could give her permission to attend the camp so she walked down stairs. "Mum could you please sign this? It's for camp," Leah pleaded.

"Oh sure," Leah's mum said signing the note and Leah put it in her bag.

"Honey, dinner's ready!" Leah's mum called from downstairs and so she walked downstairs. Leah ate a few bites of the pasta and she remembered that that poor guy died in front of her sight and she did nothing. She abruptly stood up in her chair. "I'm done," she said walking upstairs before anyone could say anything. She closed the door behind her laying down in her bed thinking about what happened... Until she got a notification on her phone, she saw it was an unknown number so she checked the message and it said "Found your number," and Leah knew it was from Jasper. "I don't want to talk to you" Leah responded.

"well you don't really have a choice.. and by the way... you're really pretty when you're scared" Jasper texted to Leah, She felt butterflies in her stomach but she shook her head.

"shut up" she texted.

"I'm just saying that you're pretty no need to get all worked up" Jasper texts.

"I have to sleep, good night" She texted and suddenly she heard a knock on her window so she stood up confused because her room was upstairs. Leah opened her curtains and to her surprise it was Jasper, sitting there at her window soaked, he was wearing black cargos and a green shirt.. "so you gonna let me in or what?" Jasper asked.

"What are you doing here?" Leah whispered opening her window.

"Just felt like I had to apologize for what you had to see," he said giving her those butterflies again...

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