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I Never Wished For This Life


Duke Reynard Ferelith's daughter, Meluna Ferelith was the only heir of the Ferelith Dukedom. The Empire of Avalon was her home. Her mother was a Baron's daughter who fell in love with the Duke.

The Duke was a man who cared for his wife and child, and most importantly, he loved his wife but when Meluna was only 6 years of age, Duke's wife died due to a mysterious disease. Meluna's birthday went uncelebrated, the whole house became dull. In grief, Duke Ferelith nearly forgot about her daughter. It was not like the Duke didn't care about his one and only daughter, but seeing her made him remember the beautiful memories of his wife which now remained just a memory, he began to immerse himself with endless works and Meluna ended up growing with deprived parental love. It was not like the Duke completely ignored her, the Duke provided her with the best jewels, clothes and precious items along with proper education, which was rare in those ages. She was strictly controlled by her nanny.

She was married off to the Emperor where she was bullied most of the time by the royal maids who were assigned to take care of her, yet the emperor took no notice of them. He was selfish enough to push his lover away to gain support of the Ferelith's riches and the mines the Duke owns but wasn't ready to treat the New Empress respectfully. Meluna's whole life was filled with pain and trouble as it was a Tragedy novel named "The prettiest Flower gets exploited".

An ordinary University student got interest upon reading that weird title and finished the whole 987 pages of the novel in one night and went to sleep in the morning.

"If I were her, I would never let that happen to me."

With that, her heavy eyes began to close, and she fell asleep.







With a deep breath, the university student found herself transported into the world of the novel, "The Prettiest Flower Gets Exploited." She opened her eyes to find herself in a lavish bedchamber, surrounded by opulent furnishings and expensive tapestries.

She looked down at her new body, taking in the unfamiliar curves and the flowing jet black hair with ocean green eyes. Memories of her past life faded away like wisps of smoke, replaced by the heavy burden of a new identity - Meluna Ferelith.

"There's nothing we can do by worrying over it now, she must survive and live a happy life"

She said to herself with a determined look in the mirror.She doesn't want to be treated like the way original Meluna was treated. Her journey begins from here...









The door creaked open, revealing an elderly woman with a stern expression.

"Lady Meluna," she said curtly, "It's time for your breakfast. And mind you, don't dawdle today. His Grace has summoned you."

Meluna hesitated before responding, her voice filled with uncertainty but with a new confidence,

"Yes, Nanny Martha. I'll be down shortly. And... please tell the maids to help me get dressed."

The nanny lifted her head with a widened eyes seeing Meluna give an order for the first time. Nevertheless she bowed and later sent the maids to help her, of course a university student won't know how to wear those uncomfortable gowns and corsets, so, she had no option but to call for help even though she knew she might not be treated with respect by the maids.

As the maids helped her, not with respect but roughly with a very tight corset, Meluna steeled herself for the day ahead. She remembered the story's events - her forced marriage to the Emperor, his cruel treatment, and her eventual tragic end. She refused to let her story play out the same way.

She took a deep breath and with a newfound determination, Meluna descended the grand staircase. As she reached the bottom, she collided with a firm chest. Looking up, she met a pair of piercing blue eyes set in a face far too old to be the Emperor. He steadied her, a mysterious, emiontionless look spreading across his face.


...Duke Ferelith's expression was inscrutable as he held his daughter steady. "Meluna," he said gruffly, her name a heavy weight on his tongue. He had avoided her for so long, the pain of looking at her too much like her late mother. Especially her wide ocean green eyes which reminded him of many beautiful memories....

..."You're not usually so clumsy,"...

...He remarked, helping her regain her balance. There was a moment's hesitation before he gently patted her hand, a rare show of affection. "Be more careful, child."...

...Meluna was left stunned realizing that the man was none other than the original Meluna's father....

..."Yes... father, I apologize."...

...'Ah, right the Emperor didn't come by himself, he sent a letter instead. How could I forget...guess I'm loosing my last memories. I can't let that happen.' She thought to herself....

...Duke Reynard turned to Meluna with a serious look, his brow furrowed. "I've received a letter from the Emperor,"...

...He said, his voice taking on a serious tone....

..."He's expressed his desire to take you as his bride, citing our family's wealth and..."...

..."...and our mines," Duke Ferelith finished grimly, his jaw clenching. He looked at Meluna, really looked at her for the first time in years, seeing not just a reminder of his lost love, but his daughter - a pawn in this game of thrones....

...Refusing the emperor wasn't impossible, but it had some consequences. The cruel Emperor didn't tolerate any kind of disobedience. Refusing the Emperor's proposal would be a dangerous gamble, one that could cost them dearly. The Duke knew the Emperor's reputation for ruthlessness, how he crushed any who dared defy him. But he also knew that marrying Meluna, his one and only daughter, off to the Emperor would be a betrayal of everything he held dear......

...Meanwhile, Meluna examined her father's expression, 'Is the Duke...angry? No way, wasn't it a forced marriage?'...

...Meluna thought. She had many questions going on in her mind, which seemed to forget the original storyline. Meluna looked at her 'father', hoping he'd say something which might help her clear her confusions....

...The Duke cleared his throat and said with a firm tone, "Meluna, what would be your choice? Remember, it is not a simple answer of yes or no, everything...our lands, our mines, and you would be on stake."...

...Meluna's eyes widen, stunned that the Duke was asking for his daughter's choice, 'Did this happen in the original storyline?' She wondered, then suddenly a thought struck her mind, 'The marriage was not forced by Meluna's father but...the Emperor!'...

..."But rejecting the Emperor is also not a great choice! Father, is there no other way?"...

...Meluna looked at her father, hopefully....

...The Duke looked at her, slightly surprised by her reply as the Meluna he knew was quiet and timid who couldn't even look directly at him....

..."If only you were already married, things would have been different, but don't worry I'm not blaming you my child."...

...The Duke answered, his voice seeming more gentle than it was before....

...Meluna thought for few minutes then a brilliant idea came up to her mind. "Father, what if the proposal is delayed? I can pretend to be unwell and by the time, we can find other solutions."...

...The Duke was stunned by his daughter's remark, but he felt proud. "That seems to be a great idea but if we get caught, there will be consequences Meluna."...

..."I understand father, do not worry, I shall act to have lost my memories so that nobody gets suspicious even in this manor." Meluna replied with a confident and determined look on her face, a strike contrast from the past Meluna....

..."Very well, then, you can leave". Just as Meluna turned to leave, the Duke called her again, "Wait, did you have your breakfast?"...

...Meluna froze, not expecting that from Duke Reynard, she turned back and answered with a smile, "Yes, Father"....









...It's late evening of the autumn and Meluna was in the library of the manor, scribbling something on the papers under the dimly lit candle....

..."I'm forgetting my last life memories, I can't let that happen, let's right everything I remember from the story before I forget everything."...

...Once she was done, she released the quill pen from her hands and released a heavy sigh. ...

..."Huff! Life as Meluna isn't as easy as I thought, writing with bird's feather isn't as easy as I thought, wearing this dresses isn't easy as I thought...and...and everything else is so difficult!"...

...She muttered to herself in irritation....

..."I never wished for this life in the first place....why me?"...

...With that, she fell asleep on the desk of the library, the lit candle already dead and the only source of light was the moon, it's light entering the library through the window casting a soft glow on Meluna's beautiful black hair, the colour as deep as the ocean....


The very next day, in the late evening, she staged a convincing fall down the grand staircase. She hit her head hard and indeed lost consciousness, but when she awoke, she found herself in her bed, bruised and bandaged, but more importantly - 'amnesiac'.

The news of Meluna's accident and subsequent memory loss spread like wildfire through the manor. Servants whispered among themselves, and the Duke and his advisors held urgent meetings to discuss the implications. Meanwhile, Meluna lay in her bed, playing the part of the forgetful princess to perfection.

Within days, the news spread among the nobles and the aristocrats began gossiping and sharing rumors. "I heard the Lady also broke her leg." said a noble lady with her other friends, the other says, "And she also got a scar on her forehead!"

"Oh my, what a pity, for a beautiful lady like her."

They kept of discussion and gossiping about Meluna. Nobody ever suspected that it could be an act!

On the other side, the cruel Emperor, wasn't convinced by the news, he himself sent his man to confirm the information about the fact that now, Meluna is unfit to get married, with an excuse of sending her gifts.

A royal emissary arrived, bearing gifts from the Emperor - silken cloth, flowers and delicate porcelain. But everyone knew the true purpose of his visit. He was there to verify Meluna's condition for himself.

The emissary, a man named Lord Harrington, was shown to Meluna's bedchamber. He approached her bedside, a look of polite curiosity on his face. "Princess Meluna," he said softly, kneeling beside her. "I've come bearing gifts from His Imperial Majesty."

"His Imperial Majesty?"

Meluna asked, feigning innocence.

Lord Harrington, saw her wounded forehead but he wasn't convinced and kept interrogating her while Meluna kept up with her forgetful princess act, until the Duke appeared at the doorway.

"Ahem, Lord Harrington, it's not really appropriate to be in a Lady's room for so long, if you're done please kindly leave, you can have a discussion with me."

The Duke came to save her daughter from multiple interrogations of Lord Harrington and finally, Meluna could relax.








When the emissary confirmed about the illness, Emperor stayed quiet but, he won't give up that easily. Because, taking back his marriage proposal would mean a sign of weakness, which the emperor hated.













Meanwhile, in her private chambers, Meluna mulled over various escape plans. She considered attempting to inherit her father's mining fortunes, or perhaps even orchestrating a secret marriage to a man of her own choosing. She was so deep in thought that she didn't hear the soft knock at her door.

The maid entered, bearing a silver tray upon which rested a single, elegantly written letter. "Princess Meluna," she said curtseying low, "a letter has arrived for you, from Lady Isabella." Meluna, surprised, took the letter and dismissed the maid.

"Isabella? Who is Lady Isabella?"

Meluna asked, her eyes fixed on the elegant script. Mel, who forgot the original storyline was genuinely confused, while the maid thought that her poor lady couldn't even remember her one and only friend.

The maid answered with a sympathetic expression, "It's the old friend you've been missing so terribly, Princess. Lady Isabella was your dearest confidante in the palace. She's been writing to you, trying to reach out, ever since your...ahem...accident." Meluna's grip on the letter tightened, her mind racing with implications.

Meluna's heart pounded as she broke the wax seal and unfolded the parchment. The letter was filled with fond reminiscences of their shared childhood, of secrets whispered late at night, of laughter echoing through palace halls.And then, a phrase that made her blood run cold:

"I pray you remember soon, dear Meluna. For we must talk of the secret we share, the one that could still see us both ruined..." Meluna's breath hitched. A secret? With this 'Isabella'? A secret that could ruin them both.






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