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The Demon of My Life

the demon of my life

...the first appearance ep 1      ...

  he's in his house sleeping then his dad called him"Megumi wake up or your gonna be late AGAIN"he woke up looks at the time and he is 12 minutes late.

Megumi:oh fuck I'm late

       he got out of his bed fixed it rushed to the bathroom then brushes his teeth as he took a bath then puts his clothes on and went downstairs to pack his stuff and his lunch

Megumi:bye mom, bye dad see you later

Toji:hurry up your gonna be late even if you already are

 He said goodbye then ran to tHe bus stop then when the door of the bus opens it was filed up bit he didn't care then went inside....

Megumi:fuck it's crowded here... I need to get my phone *at school*

        He hurried, and ran as fast as possible then when he got there the teacher was looking at him...

Gojo:you're late again... now what's you're exuse this time?

Megumi:I woke up late again I'm so sorry teacher.....

Gojo:it's ok! You know Your my favorite Megumi-kun and I'll adopt you soon

Megumi:you're the weirdest teacher I've known

Gojo:aww thank you

    he went to his seat beside his best friend Itadori yuji who's father/babysitter is Gojo there teacher there parents are on vacation so gojo sensai ans geto sensai our neighbors decided that they wil take care ofyuhi, ND his other brothers while they are on vacation then the class starts as boring as always

Megumi's thought's:for fuck's sake why is he always annoying...

yuji:Megumi are you alright?

Megumi:yes I'm fine*he as drops his pen on the floor then his bully hakimo grabs it*

hakimo:hey nerd you dropped something

Megumi:give that back bastard

Gojo:Hakim sit down


Gojo:no buts the only butt you need is to put you're butt on your chair

     Hakimo then stares at Megumi Angrily and sits down at his chair

yuji:it's ok besides I'm here for you

Megumi:thank you...

      after school Hakimo pins Megumi into the wall and punches his face

Megumi:fuck what's your problem!?

hakimo:what do you mean what's my problem huh!

Megumi:then why the hell did you fucking punch my face?!?!!

hakimo:think it through then nerd!

hakimo punched Megumi's face many times making him bleed the student watch cheering for Hakimo as he is the popular boy in the whole school but Megumi's friends weren't then choso yuji's brother punched hakimo on the face to stop the fight.... choso picked Megumi up he was exhausted and knocked out

choso:yuji lets go home and tell this to Mr. fushiguro

     yuji then agrees and called his two other brothers eso and kechizu "hello lovely day isn't it so yep still there are still some sorcerers but Megumi don't know this but he is a sorcerer and eso and kechizu are normal people here not cursed soo yea"

Hakimo:you bitch nerds I'll beat your assess tommorow till your bleeding like shit

they ignored it then gojo put Hakimo on detention then went home.....suguru geto gojo's husband was waiting worried then Megumi is now at home healing

Mamaguro:are you ok now sweetie?

Megumi:I'm fine.... where's yuji?

Toji:he's waiting for you in the living room.... do you want him to go here?

Megumi then agrees... Tterrifiedd yuji that he is awake then yuji walks in giving him a tight hug tears falling down his eyes... he was terrified... yuji told him to rest on not go to school, but he insists and went to his room to rest... yuji walks in

Megumi:what do you want?

yuji:can I sleep with you? ... I know it's weird, but please... I wanna know if you're okay

Megumi:fine... you can sleep with me

yuji climbed in to Megumi's bed Then they both cuddled yuji and Megumi were now Comfortable and went to sleep

...the next day...

when megumi woke up yuji has tattoos all over him he was confused then when he woke his voice was now low

? :hello but where am I and why am sleeping here?

Megumi:yuji what happened to you

? :yuji? that guy ha!the brat knows you huh? well the names........

...... to be continued....... ......

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