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Yes! We'Re Brothers, And?



First of all, I want to mention that this is my first book, and English is not my native language. If you find any flaws in the stories, pacing, or grammar, please let me know as long as we keep things civil and respectful. All I ask is that you provide me with constructive feedback, and I will do my best to improve and create a more enjoyable experience for readers.


The content in this book is considered to be unsuitable for younger audiences due to its mature themes and content. If you are uncomfortable reading this type of material, please do not proceed. However, if you are intrigued and can handle mature themes and content, then feel free to continue. Please be mindful of the trigger warnings (TW!) provided at the bottom of this page and in every intro of each chapter, as they indicate the presence of potentially sensitive or distressing content. If you feel the warnings are missing, please don't hesitate to reach out and let me know.


In this story, italicized words are used to reflect what the characters are thinking, recalling or dreaming of any particular moment. It also indicate past events.


This book is purely fiction. The characters in this story are found only allusions to real people and none of the situations and personalities found here reflect the reality, as this is only a work of fiction. All events and scenes are not real and only coincides in real life. The contents and ideas of this book belongs to the author @Komikkoto, inspired by a Korean group called SUPERKIND. Their names are used as the main characters throughout the book, however, that doesn't mean that the personalities, attitude or the manner they behave is the same in real life.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

Cover Illustration Editor

Copyright 2024 by @Komikkoto


EUGENE is a shy and introverted student at Kiseung High School, often keeping to himself and avoiding the spotlight. Despite his quiet demeanor, he has a captivating charm and is considered attractive with his slender build and possesses a strong sense of justice and morality. After a tragic accident, his soul has inadvertently been transferred into the body of Saejin, leaving him trapped in a body that isn't his own and facing the consequences of Seung's actions.

SEUNG is a tall and muscular young man with sharp, angular features. His gaze is intense and his demeanor is confident, exuding authority and a hint of danger. He is fiercely protective and possessive over his younger brother, Saejin, often asserting his dominance and making decisions on his behalf.

SAEJIN is a charming and adorable young man, often appearing cheerful and carefree. He is fiercely devoted to his older brother Seung and often falls under his control, willingly following his every command without question. Although he may initially appear sweet and gentle, his submissive nature to his brother makes him vulnerable to Seung's manipulation and control.

Additional characters will be introduced in future chapters as the story progresses.


Incest, Obsession, Toxicity, Manipulation, Captivity, Crime, Control, Dark Romance, Danger, Resistance, Twisted Designs, Betrayal, Deception, Revenge, Schemes, Murder, Violence, Corruption, Adult Content and Explicit Language, Addiction, Suicide, Anxiety, Trauma, Sexual Assault, Abuse, Alcohol and Drug, Depression, Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying, Death, Blood, Smoking, etc.

Now that you've come this far, are you ready to dive in? If yes, proceed to the next page.


In the soft glow of the dim lighting, the contours of two male bodies intertwined with each other on a king-sized bed. Shadows danced across the sheets as they moved together in an intimate embrace.

Saejin gasped for breath, his eyes widening as he struggled against Seung's forceful embrace.

"Brother, w-wait..." he gasped, his voice catching in his throat.

Seung feigned innocence, his hands never ceasing their exploration of his younger brother's body. "Hmm?" he inquired, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

"W-what are you doing?" Saejin repeated, his voice growing more desperate as he tried to push the older brother away.

Saejin squirmed uncomfortably as Seung's hands roamed over his butt cheeks. "You're touching my..." Saejin couldn't even say it straight. "...private parts," he muttered, his voice tinged with alarm.

Seung smirked, unfazed by Saejin's protests.

"Don't you like it, hmm?" he whispered, leaning in closer.

Panic flared in Saejin's eyes as he gasped, "But we're brothers!"

Seung only chuckled, his voice seductive.

"Yes, we're brothers. And?"



EUGENE is a shy and introverted student at Kiseung High School, often keeping to himself and avoiding the spotlight. Despite his quiet demeanor, he has a captivating charm and is considered attractive with his slender build and possesses a strong sense of justice and morality. After a tragic accident, his soul has inadvertently been transferred into the body of Saejin, leaving him trapped in a body that isn't his own and facing the consequences of Seung's actions.

SEUNG is a tall and muscular young man with sharp, angular features. His gaze is intense and his demeanor is confident, exuding authority and a hint of danger. He is fiercely protective and possessive over his younger brother, Saejin, often asserting his dominance and making decisions on his behalf.

SAEJIN is a charming and adorable young man, often appearing cheerful and carefree. He is fiercely devoted to his older brother Seung and often falls under his control, willingly following his every command without question. Although he may initially appear sweet and gentle, his submissive nature to his brother makes him vulnerable to Seung's manipulation and control.

Additional characters will be introduced in future chapters as the story progresses.

Chapter 1: Falling Angel

Chapter 1: Falling Angel


In the middle of the city, a prestigious school stood tall, a symbol of excellence and wealth. The campus was spread across several acres of meticulously landscaped grounds, featuring sparkling fountains, immaculately-maintained lawns, and well-manicured gardens. The architecture of the school was a blend of traditional and contemporary styles, creating an aesthetic that set it apart from other educational institutions in the area.

However, amongst the wealthy students who attended the school, one stood out as an exception - Eugene.

Unlike his wealthy classmates, Eugene did not attend the school due to his family's money, but rather because of his intellect and determination as he luckily received the scholarship program. Despite standing out amongst the rich students in his thrifted clothing, he remained focused on his studies and avoided the social events and extravagant parties that his peers often participated in.

Eugene didn't have any close friends in school, and unfortunately, he was often the target of bullying. It seemed that no one cared if he was being picked on, as there was never anyone there to intervene. As he sat by the window in the front row, Eugene sighed, reflecting on his difficult school life.

As their homeroom teacher entered the classroom, the usual chatter and commotion instantly ceased. All the students hurried to their seats, sitting silently in anticipation of the start of class.

"Good morning, class!" Mrs. Park greeted them, a pleasant smile on her face. The students responded in unison, echoing her greeting as part of their daily morning ritual.

"Today, we have two new classmates," she signaled them to come in. The room buzzed with murmurs as two strikingly handsome students entered, their towering figures commanding attention. Towering at 185 cm and 182 cm respectively, these young men exuded an air of confidence and charisma. Notably, both boys sported unconventional hair colors - one sporting a purple locks, and the other a shade of pink. The school believed that unique hairstyles and hair colors didn't necessarily hinder academic performance or reflect on one's character. The resemblance of the two is noticeable, they're like twins. "Introduce yourselves to your classmates," the teacher said.

The pink-haired student stepped forward with a bright smile, his confident demeanor immediately garnering attention from the girls in class. He greeted the room, "Hello! My name is Jung Saejin, and my older brother Seung is standing beside me. Thank you!"

Seung, standing tall and unbothered, remained silent to the short introduction, exuding an aura of nonchalance. Despite the curiosity from some classmates, particularly the girls, the brief introduction left many wanting to know more about the two newcomers.

"You two can take your seats in the back," the teacher said, pointing towards the unoccupied desks at the rear of the classroom.

Eugene found himself stealing glances at the two new students, captivated by their striking appearance. Their handsome faces and tall statures mesmerized him, making it difficult to look away.

During lunch period, the classroom was usually empty as most students had already left to grab lunch, either from the cafeteria or brought from home. However, Eugene had accidentally forgotten to bring his lunchbox, and returned to the classroom to retrieve it.

To his surprise, he found the two new classmates still in the room, engaged in activity that he could not discern. The two students which Eugene remembered as brothers, Saejin and Seung, were engaged in an act that siblings should not do - they were kissing each other on the lips. The older brother, Seung, held the younger brother tightly in his embrace, and both were clearly taken aback at being interrupted. As Seung shot a glare in Eugene’s direction, undoubtedly annoyed that their intimate moment had been interrupted, the older brother whispered something to his younger brother before giving him a final kiss.

"I'll see you in a minute. I just need to talk to this intruder." Seung spoke, his voice deep, which Eugene heard for the first time. Saejin nodded and left the classroom, leaving Seung alone with Eugene.

Eugene's voice trembled as he apologized, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you and your brother..."

Seung's expression hardened as he spoke, his voice firm and determined. "You shouldn't have seen that. No one can know about this." He continued to approach Eugene, backing him up against the wall.

Eugene's voice trembled with fear as he spoke, his words coming out in a rush. "I-I promise I won't tell anyone. P-please, I won't tell a soul." Seung's intimidating glare made Eugene's knees buckle, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Yeah, sure." With those words, Seung exited the classroom, leaving Eugene standing alone in his own sweat. Eugene only then realized that he had been holding his breath, his chest heaving as he gasped for air.

The afternoon class was filled with tension as Eugene's mind kept replaying the scene he had witnessed earlier. While he wasn't passing judgment on the two male students kissing, the fact that they were brothers made his skin crawl. Sitting in the front row, Eugene failed to notice Seung's intense glare boring into the back of his head, as if he wished for Eugene to simply disappear.

After class ended, Eugene began his journey home walking. With depleted funds and no means to afford transportation, he had no choice but to make the 40-minute trek by foot. Despite the distance, he was accustomed to the walk, having made the journey many times before. His family's financial struggles were evident - his mother being forced to sell fish in the market to make ends meet. Every step felt heavy with the weight of their difficult situation.

When he arrived home, Eugene headed straight to the kitchen, where he cooked dinner for both himself and his mother. After cleaning up, he took a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes.

A few hours passed before Eugene's mother returned home, weary from a long day of selling fish at the market. She walked into the small apartment, kicking off her shoes and sighing in relief.

"Eugene-ah, how was your day at school?" His mother's familiar question filled the air, and Eugene, as always, replied with a reassuring smile.

"It was fine, Mom. It was fun as always," he answered, determined not to worry her with his thoughts about the day's events.

His mother's expression softened as she listened to his response, but a tinge of sadness still lingered in her eyes. "I'm sorry, son," she said softly, "I wish I could give you everything you deserve in this world. If only your father hadn't disappeared..."

Eugene couldn't recall his father's face, as he was only five years old when his father went missing. No one knew what happened to him or if he was even alive. The passing years had made it difficult to remember him vividly.

"Mom, you don't need to worry," Eugene assured his mother, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm perfectly content with what you provide. I don't need luxuries or extravagance. All I want and need is you, Mom." As he spoke, tears filled his mother's eyes, and the rest of the evening was spent in emotional exchange.

That night, he didn't forget to pull his diary from the drawer of his bedside table, a habit he had formed over time. Sitting down, he began writing about the events of his day, carefully recording the details in his diary. This daily ritual had become part of his routine, a way to process and document his thoughts and experiences.

The next day, as Eugene walked down the school hallway, a female student approached him and discreetly slipped a note into his hands. As the female student handed the note to Eugene, she also mentioned that it was not from her, but rather from someone else. He unfolded the note, finding it neatly folded in the shape of a heart. Instead of feeling excited, he began to feel skeptical and unsure. Who could have wrote this letter? Did they had the wrong person? Was this a joke? He began to overthink the situation, making him feel uneasy.

'I have something important to tell you. Meet me at the rooftop during lunch.'

His heart pounded in his chest. Eugene had no idea what to expect or why someone would want to meet him on the rooftop. His mind began to race with various possibilities.

During lunch break, Eugene found himself torn whether to go or not, but eventually, curiosity got the better of him. The thought of climbing up the stairs to the rooftop made his legs tremble, but pushed forward anyway. As he arrived, a wave of nervousness washed over him, a gnawing feeling in his stomach telling him something was amiss. Suddenly, the rooftop door closed shut, a loud sound startled him. 'Who could it be?' he wondered. He scanned his surroundings, until his gaze landed on Seung, the very person he least expected to see.

"You came." Seung said, eyes menacing, stepping closer to him.

Eugene felt the weight of dread settle over him. What could Seung possibly want from him? If this was about what he witnessed yesterday, he wanted to assure Seung that he hasn't told anyone about it.

"Y-yeah. Is this about yesterday?" Seung continued to approach him, and Eugene's mind screamed to maintain distance. He backed away with tentative steps, trying desperately to keep his distance. However, he didn't notice the danger until he found himself pressed against the railing. Eugene's voice trembled as he spoke, "I c-can assure you, I haven't told anyone." Despite the truth in his words, he couldn't help but feel intimidated by Seung's intense gaze.

"Yeah, but unfortunately, you just have to disappear." Seung said without remorse. In a blink, Seung pushed him hard which made his body unbalanced. Seung's swiftness leaves Eugene with no chance to save himself as he falls from an unspecified height.

A loud scream escaped his throat, catching the attention of the nearby students below. In a matter of seconds, his body crashed onto the cold pavement, leaving him covered in his own blood and creating a gruesome image.

The strong impact caused his body to convulse, and excruciating pain shot through him. His vision blurred, and as his breathing slowed, darkness began to envelop him. Before he lost consciousness, he heard the distant shouts of the students calling for help.

Within minutes, an ambulance and a police car arrived at the scene. Eugene was swiftly loaded into the ambulance and rushed to the hospital, while two police officers stayed behind to investigate. Students were gathered and questioned about the incident, with a request for potential witnesses to come forward.

Later that day, in a classroom, whispers and hushed conversations filled the air as a group of students gathered, discussing the recent incident. The teacher's absence allowed them to speak freely about the matter, sharing theories and opinions about what had happened.

"Have you seen it? Eugene fell from the rooftop," a student says, eyes wide.

Another student chimes in, "I heard that it wasn't an accident. Someone pushed him."

"Really? Who could have done something so cruel?" a third student interjects.

"Not sure, but the rumor circulating is that the last person Eugene talked before the accident was the new transfer student," a fourth student adds, their voice tinged with fear.

"The new transfer? Which one?"

"I'm not sure. But have you noticed? There's something off about the new transfer students," a boy shivers, as if the very mention of the transfer students sends chills down their spine.

"But Eugene was constantly being bullied. I think it's one of his bullies. They've gone too far this time." one of the girls speculate. "And don't say something bad about Seung and Saejin, you don't know them well." the girl said, blush noticeable in her face thinking of the two handsome classmates.

"Exactly!" a boy said, rolling his eyes.

The chatter continues among the students as they discuss the unsettling rumors and speculate on the true culprit behind the incident.

"Hey, stop talking about it already," the class president interjects, scolding their peers for being nosy. "We don't know the truth yet. Besides, we don't know if the perpetrator is listening. Do you want to become the next target?"

A few students murmur their agreement, deciding to drop the subject and focus on more positive topics of conversation.


At the police station, Lieutenant Kim is addressing Officer Lee.

"Do you have the report?"

"Yes, sir. According to our initial findings, the victim fell from the rooftop of the school building, that is 50 meters from the ground. We have questioned students nearby but have yet to uncover any leads."

"What about the CCTV footage?"

"Unfortunately, the camera feed was erased during the time of the incident."

"Have you acquired a list of all individuals—students, teachers, and staff—who had access to the CCTV control room?"

"Yes, sir. Here's the list."

Officer Lee hands over the list to Lieutenant Kim. After skimming through it, the lieutenant stands up.

"Alright then. We shall continue our investigation. Let's get going."

Lieutenant Kim and Officer Lee make their way out of the police station, ready to conduct further inquiries and uncover more clues related to the mysterious incident.


At the hospital, a doctor emerges from the operating room, his demeanor calm and composed, reflecting his experiences with such situations. A mother in her 40s abruptly stands up as she spots the doctor, her body shaking with concern. Her red, puffy eyes are a stark indicator of her hours spent in tears.

"Doctor," she says, her voice quavering, "how is my son?"

The doctor replies, his expression solemn and his tone empathetic.

"I'm sorry to inform you, Mrs. Gil, but the impact from the fall has resulted in significant injuries to his head and legs. There's a potential for memory loss and the possibility of difficulty walking again." The doctor pauses, his voice steady, yet filled with empathy.

"We've done everything possible in the operating room. It's a miracle that his body survived. For now, he's out of danger, but we can't guarantee his progress until he regains consciousness. We'll continue with supportive care for his other minor injuries while we wait for him to awake."

Mrs. Gil's tears flood her face as she absorbs the doctor's words. Her heart is heavy with sorrow and worry over her son's condition.

The doctor, sensing her anguish, places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Please rest assured, Mrs. Gil. We're doing everything we can to support your son's recovery. It's important to stay hopeful."

Mrs. Gil sniffles and nods weakly, unable to say much as she is overwhelmed by her emotions. She stays by her son's bedside, praying and hoping for the best outcome while the doctors and nurses continue to monitor his condition.


Later in the evening, in a luxurious house owned by the Jung brothers, two bodies clung to each other in a passionate embrace on a giant bed. One of the brothers hovered above the delicate body of his younger sibling, their flesh intertwined in a display of possession and desire.

"Hmm.... Saejin-ah..." whispered seductively by his older brother.

"H-huh?" Eugene mutters as he slowly regains consciousness, only to find himself face-to-face with the same individual who had attempted to end his life. "Where am I?" He looked around the unfamiliar room, puzzled and confused. The confusion and terror in his eyes mirrored his inner turmoil.

Seung spoke in a seductive tone as he leaned in close, his breath hot against Eugene's neck. "Saejin-ah, focus," he murmured, his voice a sultry and alluring sound. "Don't think about anything else but us." And then he moved upwards, planting kisses along the sensitive skin of his younger brother's neck, making him shiver in response.

Seung continued to devour his younger brother's neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin there. Eugene felt a jolt of shock run through his body, and he instinctively pushed him away, his heart racing with fear.

"What do you think you're doing? Get away from me!" Eugene yelled, his voice trembling with anger and fear. He quickly scooted away from Seung, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. "Why did you bring me here?"

Seung's voice was dripping with condescension as he said, "Hmm, Saejin-ah, you're acting quite strange today. Are you not in the mood to play, my little brother?"

Eugene's heart beats even faster as he tried his best to remain calm. He quickly surveyed the room for an escape route, desperation creeping into his voice as he muttered softly, "I need to get away from here."

Seung quickly grabbed Eugene and held him tightly in his embrace. With a sinister smile, the older brother placed a kiss on Eugene's neck. "Saejin-ah, where do you think you're going?" he whispered, his voice dripping with menace. He began to suck and nibble at the sensitive skin there, leaving a mark. "You're mine, Saejin-ah," he murmured possessively, his grip on his younger brother tightening as if to prevent him from escaping.

Confusion and horror filled Eugene's mind as he tried to piece the puzzle together. He couldn't believe what was happening - the person who had nearly killed him was now calling him Saejin and was intimately caressing his neck. As he scanned his body, he found no signs of injury or trauma from the fall that he clearly remembered. Instead, his hands, legs, and fingers appeared different, longer and smoother than ever before.

As realization dawned, Eugene's panic rose to new heights. He frantically looked for a mirror to confirm that it was not merely his imagination. When he finally found one, he gasped in shock. The person staring back was not him, but someone entirely different - Saejin, Seung's younger brother.


Congratulations! You finished reading the first chapter. What do you think will happen next? I'm looking forward to your feedback. Don't forget to follow for more updates.

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