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Hi, my name is rin clause and just your average high schooler with no friends, girlfriend or money. Am just an ordinary guy who lives his every day live in sorrow and sadness and I attend one of the worst schools ever which is basurnrun high school. This is one of the school also known as tugs empire so clause always keep away from others so he won’t be noticed and end up getting bullied by anyone.

So one faithful day after school something unexpected happened to him. Clause was about to go to bed at night in his small house, so he just had a random thought which is he wishing he could become strong and rich so no one will see him as a useless person, so with that thought in his head he was going through the internet then he came across a game call "cribe" so he decided to try out the game so he downloaded it. When the downloading time was too long he decided to go to bed. The next morning clause woke up happy for no reason in particular so after taking his bath clause sat on his bed and opened his phone to press then realized that the game he was downloading as downloaded successfully so he decided to try it out, so he clicked on the app and it opened up, and it said in the app "thank you for using this app,, and also for downloading it without being forced, you will be given a price", so after seeing this clause was a little confused because he didn't understand what it meant by that, so after that clause received a notification from the app right after that then it said "User is advised to use the new upgrade" so it asked if clause wanted the upgrade but he noticed there was something strange about that message because it was not giving him a choice of yes or no me it just gave only yes so clouse just tried to remove the game because it seems odd, but it won't work so clause just off the phone and went to school. When he got to school staying away from others as posible as he can he got to class and stayed alone as always so class began after the bell rang, so in the call he had a crush on a girl called lin, but he always thought to himself that Lin is out of his league so he never approach her, but looks at her and acknowledged her beauty from afar. so when class was going on clause was looking at Lin from his sit the unexpected Lin looked backed that him and smiled So he looked away and he was happy saying to him self that she actually likes him, so he was very happy, so during the class break all student around the school were playing, fight or doing what they do best but has for clause he stayed alone so Lin approached him, and said to him "meet me at the renx z restaurant at 8 which is a restaurant known for the fact that mostly lovers go there, and she also wrote out her number down on a paper for him. clause was feeling overjoyed by this so he was excited for school to end, so when school has ended he went home in a rush and he prepared the best outfit in his closet,so after doing that he wanted to input her number into his phone then he opened his phone, but the game was still up, so he just clicked yes as the reply to the question that the app asked., so immediately he pressed yes they requested a finger print So he placed is hand and immediately a toy which was on the screen as the wallpaper and was wearing a doctor's outfit form the app pop out of the phone and injected him and immediately returned to where it came from. In shock of that Clause dropped is phone so he started feeling weird, so he slept off. Immediately clause woke up he picked up the phone saw the time then he dressed up in haste and ran to the restaurant then getting there he saw lin standing there, so he walked up to her and didn't even let her talk he started apologizing for being late, but she said don't worry about it, so he felt relieved the he asked her do you still want to to to the restaurant and she said no that the place is full then clause apologized again saying it is his fault, so Lin told him don't worry just walk me home. Then they walked together on the opposite direction to the girls house while chatting, but clause was not aware of this, then the walked up to an ally then lin pretended to see a cat walk into the ally, so she went in so clause followed them clause saw her standing then she said "don't tell anyone, but i actually love u" then clause who was lost In love said "I love you too I have always loved you" then Lin said "come closer" then clause got closer to her then Lin attempted to kiss clause but then Lin who had a hidden knife stabbed him from the back then in pain, and in tears clause fell on the floor looking in confusion then Lin said "you are also a player of the cribe game right" clause who doesn't understand what is going on continued crying and thinking of how miserable is life has been then Lin said I can,'t wait to receive my price then Lin bend on clause and continuously stabbing him and clause looks at her face and sees the excitement and enjoyment on her facial expression and clause tried to screen while he was getting stabbed but no one came and lin said I will leave you to have your last breath, and she left and clause started crying and wying as lin left, he started saying all his regrets then finally his eyes shot and everything went black.


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if you were in this situation what will you do


After the black out of clause after the situations then clause phone vibrated in the receive of a notification, so clause opened his eyes and meet him self on his bed, in confusion clause opened his phone in a rush to check the game, and then he saw the notification he received was from the game then he checked out what it says, and it said "congratulations user you died and used up your price for your resurrection" clause was frightened but yet doesn't still understand what was going on, and then the app said in a voice "will you like to ear the tutorial for the game" then he replied "yes" then the game started with explaining the rules of the game which was "the game as no rules your aim is to survive" the doctor in the app said. Then the doctor also said "when you first started, and you opened this app I injected you with a syringe that was what contains your powers and yes every other people using this app also have powers each and also don't worry about your relatives crying that you died or you are missing because they won't even remember that they ever knew you and that is because once you die in this game you will be erased from existence so enjoy the game and try not to die because you won't even receive a burial(the doctor made an evil laugh after talking)" clause thought to him self that can this game actually erase a person from existence but he was not understanding all this going on, so he decided to stay home so he won’t have to see Lin in school again and waste is last chance at life. Then after several thinking he said to himself "that means this is just like a game so I it try...." then clause stood up from his bed and called out status window and then

User name: Rin clause

level 1

Health: 10

Agility: 5

Strength: 5

Stamina: 5

EXP: 0/10

Main skill: Gluttony level 1

Wow am seriously weak clause said to him self in shock.

With all these going on clause wanted to know more about the game so he won’t have to face a situation like that again but if he ends up having to face it he will overcome he said. So clause went ahead to check his status getting to his status he saw that he was very weak, so he wanted to check for his powers like the app said earlier so while checking he saw under powers was gluttony. Unaware of the kind of power it is he thought to himslelf that what a weak power then he saw a countdown in the app, and it was battle royal countdown so was thinking over and over again is there going to be an actual battle royal then he said I have to get stronger before then, so I won't lose my life, just after that thought he received a notification from the app and on the notification was written "daily mission" so he clicked on it to know what the missing his then when he saw into the notification the mission given by the app was "kill thee who was killed you" immediately he saw this he froze in shock and said to him self do I really have to kill a person then just under the mission was penalty for not completing this mission was "death" so he was scared and with only a timer of 24 hours so immediately after he saw this he left for school and has said to him self since she could have killed me heartlessly so why can't I do the same but deep inside him was fear, and he doesn't want to kill anybody, but he feared he might die if he doesn't, so he head on to school.

Getting to the school gate he saw Lin right opposite him looking at him, and he was looking at her with the expression of fear on his face then Lin approached him and said to his ear "it seems like my little play toy is still alive, will you go on a date with me" after saying this she left with a smile on her face and clause was in fear and couldn't even move remembering everything that happen the past night, so he just walked into the school compound planning in his head how he can kill Lin.



if you where to choose a power of your choice what would it be.


After meeting with Lin his killer, clause was scared but yet angry that she actually thinks of him as a play toy to just be used like a thing and not a living being then clause said to him self "if she can't treat me like a human just like her then why do I have to treat her like she is a human, i might as well treat her like the maggot she is" then he thought continuously with anger in him of how he could end her while walking to his class then he got to his class then he sat alone then a guy from his class walked up to him and said "I have been watching you why are you always lonely and alone" then clause looked up to see who it was that talked and when he looked up it was the most handsome guy in the class he is known to be very kind and nice to others around him, his name is yin. After asking clause this, they both became close that day and because of yin, clause felt happy for the first time. During the school break clause brought out his phone to check what the cribe is saying at the moment but the cribe was saying nothing although the timer for his mission is counting, but during this time clause heard from some of his classmates saying Lin asked yin out, immediately clause knew what was going to happen to yin if he goes with her and finally the solution to clause thoughts was staring at him.

Finally school ended so clause went home in a hurry just to avoid Lin. when it was night time clause already left his house so he could achieve his goal then he went to the restaurant that lin took him. Luckily heet them there but he waited outside across the street sitting on a bench while wearing a hoodie and a nose mask he covered is face to avoid being recognized by Lin nor yin so he waited patiently then both of the finally came out and they were walking towards that ally so clause wanted quietly and carefully at there back avoiding being seen then the y entered the ally then seeing them clause ran to make it on time then he got there and saw lin attempting to kiss yin but holding a knife at her hand just like she did to him the in anger clause ran over and held lin hand then he pushed yin away then yin saw lin holding a knife then clause shouted run she his trying to kill you but then clause was held down to the floor by yin then clause shouted "what are you doing am trying to help you" then yin started laughing saying "if you have come to help me who is going to help you" clause face was in confusion then lin said "do you really think i will let you go after you survived" then clause said "yin i thought we became friends why are you doing this i tried to help you" then yin stood up but clause couldn't stand then clause said what did you do to me I can't get up" then yin said "don't you know that we players have unique abilities" then clause in shock said "you are also a player" and then yin laughed and then said "of course I am or do you really think I will come and talk to you wishing to be friends with you, you are trash people like you are alive to help the strong grow stronger so stay there and get ready to die" then clause bust into tears then lin said "since you are about to die i will tell you my special power, i can create any weapon I wish to create just by thinking about it" then lin started show casing her powers by repeatedly changing into different weapons on her hand just by thinking about it. Yin said "as for me my skill or rather my power is paralyze, I can paralyze any living thing." (Lin): enough of the talk it time for you to die.

Clause said in anger "I have had enough of this I won't die again and then clause received a notification in is head which was like a voice saying

[requirements have been met gluttony is now active]

Then clause felt a surge of power flowing through his body that even Lin and yin could see and feel the change in aura around him in color of black and red and the kill intent, then he saw the notification of the system screen that appeared before him, although he doesn't know what is going on, but he knows what he has to do then he started trying to stand forcefully then another notification came from the system and said

[will you use gluttony on the paralysis]

He replied yes, then he couldn't feel the paralysis any more then he stood up, and then he received the system notification again saying

[you have successfully copied the skill paralysis]

Lin and yin doesn't understand what was going on then yin said in fear "quickly kill him" then Lin immediately in fear swiftly created a sword with her thought and was about to slash clause then clause gave her a death stare which inflicted fear in her which made her miss her step and fall then clause raised his hand towards them and said gluttony but because clause already has paralysis he only took weapon creation from Lin then he received a system notification saying

[you have successfully copied weapon creation]

Then he simply thought of a sword and a sword appeared to his hand, and then he walked towards them slowly then yin and Lin started begging that they will never do such a thing again that he should forgive them then clause said "did you even think of the meaning of mercy when you ended me, so now it's your turn, enjoy hell" then clause slashed yin then Lin tried to run but clause who immediately reacted by turning the sword into a short knife then he threw it at her accurately it hit her on the head leading to her immediate death, right then a heavy rain started then clause in sorrow fell on the floor and started crying then he received a notification saying level up to level 7 then both yin and Lin body disappeared like it was falling into data bits.

With this sad happening that has happened clause went home in tears and when he got home he fell flat on his bed and slept while in tears.



what can someone do to you that you will wish to kill the person

will you kill the person if you had the chance

what is the reason for your choice

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