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From My Blood to Your Sword (TaeJin, JiKook)


King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
In the final moments of the battle, the wounded Park Seok Jin fell to his knees.Taehyung’s sword had pierced his heart, and with one last, ragged breath,
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
In these last moments... Taehyung... please, tell me the truth... just once...
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
Do you.... Do you love me as much as I love you.......
With that, King Park Seok Jin took his final breath. Before Taehyung says anything Jin's life slipped away before Taehyung’s eyes.
Taehyung, bound by duty and oath, stood frozen, sword still pierced through Jin's chest. His hands trembled as his heart broke, knowing he had slain the one he loved most with his own sword. The once gleaming armor on his chest was now splattered with blood, and tears of sorrow mingled with the blood stains on his face.
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
I... I'm Sorry Jin...!!
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
Suddenly, a sharp blow struck Taehyung from behind, pain flaring through his body. Yet it was nothing compared to the agony of losing Jin.
Elsewhere, Commander Jungkook found the wounded Park Jimin at the edge of cliff, barely clinging to life.
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Jimin, upon seeing Jungkook, felt a brief moment of relief. His Alpha had come to save him. But just as Jungkook reached out, a shadowy figure emerged.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Kim Yoongi, filled with vengeance, struck Jimin, sending him over the cliff's edge.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Let's see how your Alpha saves you now!
Yoongi spat, his voice dripping with hatred.
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Jimin whispered, as he fell, his body spiraling towards the abyss below.
Without hesitation, Jungkook leaped off the cliff after him, heart pounding, determined to save the one he loved.
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
In the eastern lands lay the great Korean Empire
Ruled By The Mighty King Kim Namjoon
His army was unparalleled, with a force of 100,000 soldiers, feared by the entire world. No kingdom dared to challenge the power of his reign.
King Kim Namjoon had six queens, renowned across the lands for their unmatched beauty, celebrated as the most beautiful women in the world.
King Kim Namjoon's Queens
But while the king's rule was admired, it was his younger brother, Prince Kim Yoongi, who was truly feared.
Known as the cruelest prince in all the kingdoms, his reputation for ruthlessness spread far and wide, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard his name. He never married, despising the idea of marriage, children, and Omegas. His cruelty extended to punishing Omegas without cause, viewing them as weak and beneath his concern.
The commander of this formidable army was General Kim Taehyung
A warrior whose life was defined by the battlefield. His existence revolved around fighting and dying in the service of the crown.
As per ancient tradition, generals were forbidden from marrying, bound by an eternal oath to serve the king and honor the vows of their ancestors. This vow was passed down through generations, ensuring unwavering loyalty and the continuation of their bloodline’s duty to the throne.
One day, as King Kim Namjoon was making his way to court.
A tale of wonder reached his ears
It was during a council session, as he walked among his esteemed ministers, that a murmur arose—one that spoke of a distant kingdom, ruled not by a fierce Alpha, but by an Omega of unparalleled beauty. The ministers marveled at this king’s elegance, his radiance said to rival even the moon in her fullest glow.
The words stirred in the king’s heart, like a gentle breeze awakening the stillness of a lake.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
(King Namjoon pondered) How could it be? An Omega... seated upon the throne? And one whose beauty is beyond compare?
Curiosity wrapped itself around his thoughts like ivy around an ancient tree, firm and unyielding. The king, known for his wisdom and composure, found his mind wandering far from the matters of state that day. His heart, once steadfast in its duties, began to sway with a peculiar yearning.
Throughout the court’s proceedings, his mind drifted toward the image of this Omega king, a figure he had never seen, yet one who now lingered like a shadow upon his thoughts. The words of his ministers replayed in his mind, and an inexplicable attraction began to take root, growing deeper with every passing moment.
One evening, as the moon hung low in the sky, casting its silver glow upon the palace walls, King Kim Namjoon sat with his most trusted minister. Together, they shared cups of fine wine, the air thick with the warmth of drink and quiet contemplation.
In a moment of vulnerability, the king spoke, his voice heavy with the weight of his thoughts.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
How can an Omega be a king? (he wondered aloud, his brow furrowed)
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Even if such a thing were true, how could an Omega possess such beauty? I, who have six queens, each more beautiful than the last, find myself lost in thoughts of this Omega. Why does his image haunt my mind?
The minister, wise and cunning, leaned closer, offering a low suggestion,
My lord, if it pleases you, this Omega need not remain a distant dream. You are the mighty King Kim Namjoon, ruler of all that you see.
If you so desire, you could summon this Omega to your feet. Make him your servant, a mere possession within your grand palace.
King Namjoon swirled the wine in his cup, his gaze distant, as if seeing beyond the horizon. The minister’s words echoed in his mind, tempting him.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Make him my servant... (Namjoon murmured, a flicker of interest in his eyes)
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Yet, what is it about this Omega that stirs such restlessness within me? It is not power that I seek over him. It is... something more.
The king set his cup down, a quiet resolve forming in his heart.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
No. I must see him for myself. Only then will I understand why my thoughts refuse to leave him.
The minister bowed his head, sensing the king’s growing determination.
As you wish, my lord. A word from you, and the Omega will be brought before your eyes.
King Namjoon, his heart steady but his mind still clouded with questions, rose from his seat.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
No. (he said, his voice calm but firm)
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
I will not summon him like a mere servant. I will travel to his kingdom. Only then will I know if the tales are true, and why his existence consumes my thoughts.
The minister, taken aback, looked up.
You will go yourself, my king?


As the king stood, deep in thought, the doors to the chamber opened, and in strode Prince Kim Yoongi, his eyes filled with a dark intensity.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Why must our great king trouble himself for this Omega?
Yoongi spoke with disdain, his voice sharp.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
If you so desire, simply utter your name, and the Omega will throw himself at your feet.
His gaze hardened as he continued, his lips curling into a sneer.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
And if he dares refuse, I will drag him by his hair and lay him before you, his pride shattered.
King Namjoon turned slowly, his calm eyes meeting the fierce ones of his younger brother.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Do not unleash the August-D within you for this matter, Yoongi. (he said quietly, his voice carrying a warning)
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
This is not a conquest of power. There are other ways to win a heart.
The minister, sensing the king’s desire for a diplomatic solution, stepped forward.
Your Majesty, why not send a marriage proposal along with gifts as a sign of peace?
Let the Omega king come willingly, his head bowed in respect to your greatness. Surely, he cannot refuse an offer from the mighty ruler of Korea.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
(Yoongi scoffed) And who shall take this proposal?
A smirk played at the corners of Namjoon’s lips.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Let the Omega king understand the vastness of our empire, the strength of our power.
He paused, glancing at his minister.
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
King Alpha Kim Namjoon
Take Prince Yoongi and My Queens with you, and present him alongside the finest jewels and treasures from our lands. Ensure that the Omega is prepared, adorned with the wealth of king Kim Namjoon's and bring him to stand before me in my court.
Yoongi’s eyes gleamed with a dangerous excitement.
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
Prince Kim Yoongi/August-D (Alpha)
It shall be done, my king.
And thus, the seeds of fate were sown, as a grand proposal set forth from the Korean Empire, destined to reach the distant Omega king whose beauty and mystery had captivated the heart of the most powerful ruler in the land.
In the distant northern reaches of Korea, near the border shared with China, lies the capital of the North Pyongan Province.
A city known to many as Sinuiju, ruled by a young and enigmatic king.
King Park Seok Jin
Who ascended the throne only a few months prior, has already become a subject of intrigue across the lands. At an age younger than any of his predecessors, he is the most youthful monarch to ever claim the crown. Yet, it is not just his age that sets him apart. There is something even more extraordinary—he is an Omega.
This simple fact had sent waves of astonishment across neighboring kingdoms, for it was rare, if not unheard of, for an Omega to sit upon a royal throne. Yet, here he was, commanding respect and loyalty from his people, a ruler blessed with grace, beauty, and wisdom far beyond his years.
Even as whispers of his charm spread, many remained in disbelief. How could one so gentle in nature hold the burdens of a king? How could an Omega, destined for submission, govern a kingdom?
But despite the doubts of others, King Park Seok Jin stood firm, with an elegance and dignity that silenced his critics. Sinuiju thrived under his rule, and the northern lands, though cold and harsh, were now under the guidance of one whose heart was as gentle as the breeze, yet as determined as the mountain winds.
When King Park Seok Jin was but two years old, his mother passed away during childbirth, giving birth to his younger brother. A few months before his ascension, their father, the esteemed ruler of Sinuiju, also succumbed to illness, leaving the kingdom in a state of mourning. During this time of uncertainty, the kingdom's loyal minister assumed control of the throne until Park Seok Jin, upon reaching the age of eighteen, was formally crowned as the new king.
His younger brother, Prince Park Jimin
At sixteen, is renowned for his unparalleled skill in the art of medicine. Known throughout the lands for his wisdom in creating powerful remedies, Jimin is a master of herbal medicine. Much like his elder brother, his beauty, delicate and refined, is famed across the four corners of the kingdom. His charm, combined with his knowledge, only adds to the mystical aura surrounding the House of Park.
Sinuiju, though modest in size, is fiercely guarded by its steadfast General.
General Jeon Jungkook
A man of unwavering loyalty and honor, Jungkook has dedicated his life to the protection of the northern kingdom. His army may be small, but his iron will and unmatched swordsmanship strike fear into the hearts of those who would dare challenge Sinuiju.
His prowess with the blade is legendary, with no equal in the art of combat. Many have sought his hand in alliance, but Jeon Jungkook's heart and loyalty remain with Sinuiju, his homeland.
As the two brothers ruled over their kingdom, Seok Jin as the guiding light and Jimin as the healer of the people, they were backed by the indomitable strength of their general, whose devotion knew no bounds. Together, they upheld the peace and prosperity of Sinuiju, unaware that forces from the south would soon seek to disrupt the delicate balance of their lives.
The grand doors of the hall opened slowly, revealing King Park Seok Jin.
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
He walked with grace, dressed in a white silk robe that shimmered like moonlight, embroidered with silver threads. His delicate features — soft skin, sharp eyes, and full lips — gave him an otherworldly beauty. His long, dark hair flowed down his back, framing his angelic face, as a light breeze from the open windows brushed against him.
As he stepped forward, the entire court was mesmerized. His soft gaze met theirs, and his voice, gentle yet firm, echoed through the hall.
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
Thank you for your loyalty, Together, we shall guide Sinuiju toward peace.
His voice as smooth as a summer stream
With each word, his warmth touched the hearts of all who were present, and though he was young, the confidence in his eyes reassured them that he was indeed their rightful king. His beauty, as serene as the morning dawn, was matched only by the kindness that radiated from him.
As King Seok Jin made his way towards the library, Miss Lee came rushing towards him, breathless and excited.
Miss Lee (Omega)
Miss Lee (Omega)
Miss Lee (Omega)
Miss Lee (Omega)
Your Majesty, you must come at once! Prince Jimin is practicing swordsmanship with General Jeon Jungkook, and he's doing remarkably well!


A smile of pride graced Jin's lips as he heard the news. The thought of his younger brother excelling in something as challenging as sword fighting filled him with joy. Without wasting any time, he hurried towards the training grounds.
There, he found General Jeon Jungkook and Prince Jimin sparring with intense focus. Their swords clashed, echoing in the air as they exchanged skilled blows, eyes locked on each other.
Spinning his sword skillfully, Jungkook smirked
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Prince, it would be wise for you to concede. You cannot outlast me. You're merely tiring yourself.
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
No matter what, I will never give up.
Jimin, undeterred, responded with a sly grin
Just as Jimin raised his sword for another strike, Jungkook, swift and decisive, caught his wrist mid-air. In one smooth motion, he spun Jimin around, their bodies colliding, and in an instant, Jimin was pulled close against Jungkook’s chest, their breaths mingling in the sudden closeness. The blade pressed lightly to Jimin’s neck, but there was no danger here—only the soft thrum of their racing hearts, beating in unison.
In that brief, stolen moment, the world around them faded into the background. Their gazes locked, neither moving nor speaking, as if entranced by the pull of something deeper.
The tension of battle melted away, replaced by an unspoken tenderness. Jungkook’s hold, once firm and commanding, softened as he looked down at Jimin, his eyes flickering with an emotion neither had the courage to name just yet.
For Jimin, the weight of Jungkook’s gaze made his heart race even faster, an unexpected warmth spreading through his chest. The proximity, the brush of their skin, the intensity in their eyes—it was as though they were suspended in time, caught in a moment neither of them could let go of.
And in that shared silence, something shifted, something they both felt but neither dared to voice.
Just then, Miss Lee clapped her hands with joyful enthusiasm and declared
Miss Lee (Omega)
Miss Lee (Omega)
Prince Jimin, you have been bested by General Jeon Jungkook. Look how effortlessly he defeated you!
Jin, with a smile spreading across his face, added
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
No one has yet been able to withstand the prowess of our esteemed General Jeon Jungkook.
Jimin, catching his breath, pulled away slightly, a playful smirk tugging at his lips as he glanced up at Jungkook.
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
I’ll win next time. (voice filled with determination)
Jungkook chuckled softly, releasing his grip on Jimin’s wrist, but his gaze lingered for a moment longer.
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
I look forward to it, Your Highness. (he replied, his tone teasing yet respectful)
As Jin approached, the warm sunlight filtering through the courtyard seemed to make his beauty even more striking. His long, delicate robes swayed gracefully with each step, and his gentle smile radiated kindness.
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
You both fight with such passion. It makes me proud to see this. (Jin praised, his voice soft yet full of admiration)
Jimin turned towards his brother, wiping the sweat from his brow, and said,
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
General Jeon Jungkook is a fierce opponent, Hyungnim. I still have much to learn.
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
(Jin’s eyes twinkled with affection) You’ve come so far already, Jimin. I’m certain you’ll only grow stronger.
Jungkook, bowing his head slightly to Jin, responded
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
It is an honor to teach Prince Jimin, Your Majesty. His skill is improving every day.
Jin’s heart swelled with pride as he looked at the two, his younger brother and the trusted general, both so dedicated to their roles.
As everyone began to leave, Jimin and Jungkook were also on their way out when suddenly, Jungkook reached out and gently grabbed Jimin’s wrist.
Jimin, taken aback, halted in his tracks, his heart pounding rapidly. Unsure of how to react, he stammered,
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
Prince Park Jimin (Omega)
You… You can’t do this, General Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook, noticing Jimin’s anxiety, stepped closer and spoke softly
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
If you don’t mind, may I be honest with you?
Feeling a flutter of nervousness, Jimin closed his eyes, bracing himself for what was to come. Jungkook leaned in, his breath warm against Jimin’s ear as he whispered
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
Commander in Chief Jeon Jungkook (Alpha)
It was fun practicing with you, I felt like losing to your sword. But your eyes don't let me lose.
With those words, Jungkook released Jimin’s wrist and turned to leave.
Jimin, slowly opening his eyes, allowed a gentle smile to form on his lips. He lowered his head, his heart blossoming with newfound affection for General Jeon Jungkook. As he sheathed his sword and took his first step forward, his steps felt lighter, filled with a budding warmth for the general.
A few weeks later, in the stillness of the night, King Kim Seok Jin struggled with playing the flute in his chamber.
His fingers fumbled, unable to grasp it correctly. Frustrated, he placed the flute on a nearby table, rolled his eyes, and stepped out onto the balcony, where he gazed up at the half-moon, bathed in the gentle moonlight.
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
Moon Goddess.. (Murmured softly)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
I've mastered many skills, but this flute eludes me. There’s no teacher in our land who plays it well.
His eyes remained fixed on the moon as he continued
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
King Park Seok Jin (Omega)
Please, send someone who is skilled at playing the flute, whose enchanting melody can captivate me.
Meanwhile, along the waterfall of the Korean Empire, under the silver light of the moon, General Kim Taehyung, an Alpha of extraordinary grace, was deeply immersed in playing his flute.
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
The serene, melodious notes filled the air, drawing the attention of nearby animals and birds, all gathered around, enchanted by the beauty of his music.
As soon as Taehyung finished his melody, he gazed at the peaceful scenery around him, noticing the animals and birds that had gathered. With a soft smile, he spoke gently,
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
Thank you all, for listening to the music of my flute.
He softly patted a small rabbit that had come close, running his hand over its fur.
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
I am grateful that you took the time to listen to me. (he whispered with genuine warmth)
Then, his gaze shifted toward his sword lying beside him. A bittersweet expression crossed his face as he sighed,
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
I wish... I wish I could live for a moment with this flute instead of this sword, with my true self.
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
General Kim Taehyung (Alpha)
Not a lifetime, just a moment... but on this path of duty, that will never be possible.
Then, Taehyung leaned back against the tree, the cool bark pressing gently against his back. With the rabbit still nestled in his arms, he closed his eyes, holding it close as if drawing comfort from its warmth.
A peaceful smile spread across his lips as the gentle breeze played with his hair. Slowly, sleep overtook him, and in that quiet moment, beneath the moonlit sky, surrounded by the soft sounds of nature, he drifted off into a tranquil slumber, the world momentarily forgotten.

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