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Hunting Adeline


...To my anxiety,...


Because you really tried me on this one, and I kicked your ass anyway...


...As some of you may know, the first book in this duet, Haunting Adeline,


...was banned due to the warnings. But it is so necessary to have one. These are


...also available on my website.


...This book contains very dark triggering situations, particularly a four letter

... that starts with R and ends with E, though NOT between the main


...characters. Is that creative enough, ‘Zon? These scenes can be detailed, so


...please proceed with caution. There is also graphic violence, sexual assault,


...explicit sexual situations, human trafficking, PTSD, and very particular kinks


...such as blood play, knife play, degradation, and somnophilia....

...This book is significantly darker than the first. Please take these warnings




...Your mental health matters....


...If you are expecting a quick reunion, then this book isn’t for you.


...Don’t worry, there’s not any less spice....


...Story of the Year- Miracle


...Sophie Simmons- Black Mirror


...Klergy- No Rest for the Wicked


...gavn!- Crazy


...Bad Omens- The Death of Peace of Mind


...A.A. Bondy- Skull & Bones


...Echos- Saints


...Jacqui Siu- Danger


...MJ Cole & Freya Ridings- Waking Up


...Skillet- Monster


...Zero 9:36- Tragedy


...Skylar Grey (feat. Eminem)- Kill for You


...Aaron Camper- Hypnotizing


...Gavin Haley- Sad Season


...Glimmer of Blooms- Can’t Get You Out of My Head


...Ghostly Kisses- Spellbound


...Echos- Guest Room


...Red- Let It Burn...


Well the chapter start from the next page and I hope that you will follow and support me guys you can also skip this page if you want I just wanted to remind you of you want any other book novel then I can arrange it and write if for you so you can read it for free and I will get a support so thanks for reading till now

I am still writing because it says content is short 😭 but I can't start tha chapter from here so I'm just writing whatever comes in my mind first sorry guys (not sorry actually 🙄)

Ugh I hate this I wish I can just skip this btw if you want to know my details then here are some

Origin - India ❤️

Age - 19

study - Ongoing

Here are some relevant tags for *Haunting Adeline*:

- Dark Romance

- Psychological Thriller

- Stalker Romance

- Obsession

- Suspense

- Mystery

- Twisted Love

- Gothic Fiction

- Power Dynamics

- Anti-Hero

- Dark Themes

- Emotional Turmoil

- Trigger Warning

- Supernatural Elements

- Adult Fiction

Here are some relevant tags for *Haunting Adeline*:

- Dark Romance

- Psychological Thriller

- Stalker Romance

- Obsession

- Suspense

- Mystery

- Twisted Love

- Gothic Fiction

- Power Dynamics

- Anti-Hero

- Dark Themes

- Emotional Turmoil

- Trigger Warning

- Supernatural Elements

Here are some relevant tags for *Haunting Adeline*:

- Dark Romance

- Psychological Thriller

- Stalker Romance

- Obsession

- Suspense

- Mystery

- Twisted Love

- Gothic Fiction

- Power Dynamics

- Anti-Hero

- Dark Themes

- Emotional Turmoil

- Trigger Warning

- Supernatural Elements

- Adult Fiction

- Adult Fiction

Okay Cuties now it's time for you to read chapters see you in the next chapter I hope you like my work ( I mean giving you the book )


Chapter 1 PART 1

...The Diamond...

Smell. The first of my senses to trickle in. I wish it were anything else

because I'm instantly overwhelmed by the scent of body odor, spiced

cologne, and what can only be described as the stench of evil incarnate.

And then my sixth sense seeps in, whispering notes of warning and


I’m in danger.

Those notes turn into a song full of screeching and loud noises, filling my

body with heart-wrenching panic. Adrenaline spikes, and just barely do I

have enough sense to remain as quiet as possible.

Slowly cracking open my crusted eyes, I’m greeted by complete darkness.

It takes a second to process that there’s a blindfold strapped around my head.

Then, the blissful numbness I awoke in crumbles, and I lose my breath

when all-consuming pain filters in, engulfing my body in absolute agony.

God, is this what being alive feels like? It can’t be death. I’d be at peace if

it were. And I may have fallen for a stalker, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t land

a spot within heaven’s gates.

I fucking earned that shit.

Racking my brain, I try to think past the pain and remember what the fuck

happened to me. Vaguely, I recall text messages from Daya asking me to

come over. The urgency I felt when she wasn’t answering my calls. Getting

in my car, headlights, and panicking, being jerked forward, and then nothing.

And now I’m here… wherever that is. But not somewhere safe.

Christ, was that even Daya texting me? Did something happen to her too?

That possibility sends another wave of panic crashing through me.

Scenarios curtail and evolve until I’m a mass of anxiety and desperation. She

could be hurt or in serious trouble.

Fuck—I’m hurt and in seriouspp trouble, and I’ve no idea how the fuck I’m

going to get out of it.

My breathing is escalating further, and my heart is beating so heavily, it

physically hurts as it slams against my chest. It takes what little strength.

I have left to keep silent.

Where the fuck am I?

Where's Zade?

Quiet, dull voices are next, muffled by the noise in my ears but steadily

growing louder. I strain my ears, trying to hear over the beat of my heart and

the pain swelling in my body like a water balloon.

Somehow the agony has a voice too, and it’s fucking loud.

“Z will be looking for her,” one man says quietly. “But we’ll be fine once

we get to Garrison’s and chuck the van. We’ll get her there quickly.”

A particular memory knocks me over the head, flashes of being dragged

out of my car and the residual pain of glass and metal biting through my skin.

It explains why my back is on fire.

I’ve been fucking kidnapped—obviously. This had to have been the

Society’s doing. Zade had said they targeted me, and I know he had guards

stationed outside of Parsons Manor. They must have used Daya to draw me

out, which means there’s a high chance she’s been taken, too.

Fuck, I’m an idiot.

I didn’t even stop to consider it could be a trap when Daya wasn’t

answering the phone. I was so intent on getting to her in case she was hurt or

in trouble that it wasn’t even a consideration to call Zade. Not only could it

have saved me, but it also could have saved Daya, too.

I squeeze my eyes shut as a sob crawls up my throat. A tear slips through

my lashes, and my chest shakes with exertion, trying not to break down. This

was my own damn fault.

Zade warned me countless times they were after me, and the first trap they

set, I walked right into.

You’re such an idiot, Addie. Such a fucking idiot.

“You actually think we'll be able to hide her from him? It’s fucking Z,

man,” another man responds, this one with a slight Hispanic accent.

“We’re just giving the Society what they asked for. Which one are you

More afraid of? Then or Z?”

Fuck, it was the goddamn Society. I knew it, but hearing it confirmed only

sends a fresh dose of adrenaline into my system.

I don’t know why I got tossed into this shit, but they need to take me out

of this fucked-up salad of depravity; I don’t belong here. I belong in a salad

full of fruits and vegetables.


...CHAPTER 1 PART 2...

Healthy things that don’t run me off the road and enslave me.

The second man mutters, “I’d prefer not to fucking choose.”

It sounds like a hand slapping someone’s shoulder or back as if to reassure

Him. “Too bad you don’t have a choice, Rio. Doesn’t matter. This girl right

here is worth millions. I mean, we got a fucking diamond here. Just imagine

it, dude—Z's girl, the one and only, up on an auction stage.

You know how

many enemies he has? People will be frothing at the mouth to make his girl

their little toy. I’ll get my cut from Max, and the Society will compensate

you, I’m sure. We’ll be living fucking lavishly.” He lets out a burst of hyena like laughter. “I can buy my own goddamn private island after the money

goes through!”

A shot of anger pumps into me at the man’s callous words, speaking of me

like I’m a house up for sale.

“Your idea of comfort must be different from mine. We'll have to go into

hiding alongside her.

At least while Z is still alive,” the second man—Rio—

responds. His name sounds familiar, and I think I faintly remember someone

yelling his name after they ran me off the road.

“Don’t worry, man. We’ll get a head start with the ritual happening

tonight, and I’m sure the Society will take out Z, one way or another. They’ll

protect us.”

A derisive snort is the only response the first man gets.

Jesus Christ, I really am in deep trouble. Tears brim the corners of my

eyes, and try as I might, no amount of trash talking keeps them from

overflowing like rivers past the blindfold.

I barely manage to wrangle down the sob that’s still threatening to spill,

clawing its way up to the inside of my teeth.

Deep breaths, Addie. What did Zade teach you?

It takes several moments to collect my thoughts, but eventually, his voice

filters in.

Leave evidence.

Gritting my teeth against the pain, I slowly grip stands of my hair and tug

until they break free. The sharp pinpricks are inconsequential compared to the

rest of my body.

I keep my movements minimal and slow. With the blindfold on, I’ve no

idea if they can see me well. One movement out of the corner of their eye can

alert them.

I wiggle my fingers until the strands loosen and fall away.

Just as I’m reaching for more hair, they hit a particular brutal bump in the

road, and I can’t keep the yelp from slipping free.

The pair hadn’t been talking at that moment, but it felt like a crowded

room just went deathly silent in a matter of seconds.

“Welcome to the land of the living,sweetheart,”

one of the men croons.

It’s the first guy who had referred to me as a diamond.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask, my voice raspy and hoarse.

“To your new home—well, temporary home,” he corrects. “Whoever pays

the most will provide you with your forever home.”

He chuckles as if I’m a

dog about to be adopted into a loving family.

“Great,” I croak. “Sounds like I’ve hit the jackpot.”

One of them laughs humorlessly, but it sounds like Rio this time.

“Hold on

tight to that humor, baby girl. You’re going to need it for where you’re


Before I can open my mouth to respond, I feel a prick in my arm, followed

by a burning sensation spreading throughout my veins.

I suck in a sharp breath. And it happens to be the last breath I take before

darkness descends.

“Her vitals are unstable, and her blood pressure is dropping. We need to

get her an IV.”

I stir; the unfamiliar voice distorted beneath the ringing in my ears.

Agony blazes in every inch of my body, but it feels like I’m underwater, fighting to get to the surface yet kicking away from it because I just know the

pain will only intensify. I’m encased in a shroud of fire, flames licking at my

nerve endings, and the closer I get to consciousness, the brighter the flare.

There’s a tiny prick in my arm, followed by muffled voices coming from

different directions.

“Dislocated shoulder, head trauma, lacerations throughout her body.”


man’s voice fades out before cutting back in, a harsh shout that travels up my spine.

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