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A New Beginning

CHAPTER 1: October 4th, 2022 Graduation Day

Emily Carter's graduation day dawned bright and full of promise. As she tossed her cap into the air and shared laughs with her friends at an exquisite restaurant, she felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. The prospect of the unknown future was exhilarating but also daunting.

The restaurant was abuzz with students celebrating their achievements. Emily and her friends, still in their graduation gowns, were seated at a table with a great view of the city below with empty coffee cups and half-eaten deserts. Sarah, her best friend and an eternal optimist, noticed Emily's distracted demeanor.

Sarah gave Emily a playful nudge, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You look like someone just told you they are taking away your favourite books," she teased, leaning closer.

Emily sighed and took a sip of her latte, her brows furrowing in thought. "Honestly, it feels more like they're yanking away all my safety nets. I'm staring right into the abyss of audlthood and wondering if I'm ready."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at her lips, "The abyss? Really? Sounds dramatic. But you know what? The abyss is just another way of saying 'endless possibilities.'' And I've got this strong hunch that something amazing is headed your way."

Emily glanced skeptically at her coffee cup, where a haphazard heart was etched in the foam. "Ah, yes. Because if there's one thing I trust, it's the coffee's prophetic powers."

Sarah laughed, nudging Emily again. "Hey, it's as good a fortune-teller as any. Look, I know you're nervous, but remember how you always told me that every big change is just a new adventure? You've got this. And besides, who knows? That adventure might be sitting right across from you."

Emily looked up, her eyes meeting Sarah's with a mix of gratitude and amusement. "I guess you're right. Maybe the abyss isn't so scary after all, especially with a best friend like you cheering me on."

Sarah grinned, raising her coffee cup in a toast. "To new beginnings and the adventures they bring. And to always find a reason to laugh, even when we're facing the unknown."

Emily clinked her cup with Sarah's feeling a renewed sense of optimism. "To adventures and the best friend who makes them less daunting."

On the other side, a man strode out of the upscale restaurant, his face a mix of frustration and sadness. The meeting that was supposed to be a smooth breakup had turned into an emotional confrontation. He had hoped to end things amicably, but his ex-girlfriend, Julia, wasn't ready to let go.

Inside the restaurant, Emily and Sarah were enjoying their meal at their table with a view of the entrance. They were engaged in lively conversation, their laughter ringing through the room. Sarah's attention was drawn to the large glass doors where a tense scene was unfolding.

"Emily, look," Sarah said, her voice dropping to a whisper as she pointed subtly toward the entrance. "There's something going on outside."

Emily glanced up and saw the man's figure moving quickly away from the restaurant. Just behind him, Julia was shouting, her voice carrying through the street.

"Wait!" The woman's voice was urgent and pleading. " We need to talk! You can't just walk away like this!"

Emily squinted, trying to make out more details. The man's back was turned to the woman, and he appeared to be walking faster, clearly intent on leaving the scene. Julia's face was flushed with a mix of frustration and desperation as she tried to catch up with him.

"I don't want to do this here," the man said, his voice low but firm. He paused briefly, "It's over, Julia. We need to move on."

The woman's voice wavered with emotion as she reached out, trying to grab Levi's arm. "Please, just listen to me. I don't understand why this is happening now. We can fix this."

Emily and Sarah exchanged puzzled glances. "Do you know what's going on?" Emily asked, her voice filled with concern.

Sarah shook her head, her eyes following the scene. "I have no idea. But it looks like that guy just broke up with her, and she's really not taking it well," Emily said, her voice low. "Pretty intense."

The man quickened his pace and walked out of sight, disappearing through the elevator. The woman, her shoulders slumped, stood watching him leave, her expression one of heartache and frustration.

Emily sighed and turned back to Sarah. "Well, that looked rough. But I guess there's not much we can do."

Sarah nodded, still watching the spot where the man had disappeared. " Yeah, it's a tough situation. Maybe they'll sort it out."

They both returned to their meal, the conversation shifting back to lighter topics. They continued their meal, occasionally glancing toward The entrance but not pursuing the matter further. the drama outside became a fleeting moment, a brief interruption in their day that they chose to move on from.

As they finished their meal and gathered their things, Emily and Sarah left the restaurant, their thoughts already turning to their next plans, leaving the emotional scene behind.

...~To Be Continued ~...

CHAPTER 2: February 17th, 2023 A Chance Encounter

Emily sank into the worn armchair in her modest apartment, feeling the weight of the day's challenges. Her phone buzzed with a call from Sarah, and she picked it up with a sigh of relief. "Today was a hectic day with a morning filled with meetings and Mr. Kingston was as cold and strict as ever. No one even dared to breathe loudly," she complained, rubbing her temples in exasperation.

Sarah's voice was soothing over the line. "Sounds like you had a rough day. Maybe you should do something for yourself. How about taking a break and hitting that bookstore you love?"

Emily's eyes lit up at the suggestion. A visit to the bookstore had always been her favorite way to unwind, offering a brief respite from the demanding pace of her job at the Imperial Foundation. She agreed with Sarah's advice and decided to take a much-needed break.

A short while later, Emily stepped into the familiar warmth of the bookstore. The comforting smell of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of paper and ink, immediately easing her stress. She wandered through the aisles, her fingers grazing the spines of the books as she searched for a new read. The world of literature provided a welcome distraction from her hectic day.

Emily worked at the Imperial Foundation, focusing on providing education to children in refugee camps. Her job was both fulfilling and demanding, requiring her to stay on the move and adapt to ever-changing conditions. She was passionate about her work, but it often left her feeling drained.

Lost in her thoughts, Emily turned a corner and nearly bumped into a tall figure engrossed in a display of theology books. She looked up and found herself face-to-face with Levi, who was deeply absorbed in examining a book. They both froze for a moment, and Emily's curiosity was piqued by the stranger's intense focus.

"Sorry about that," Emily said with a polite smile, stepping aside to give him space.

Levi looked up, momentarily startled but then smiling warmly. "No problem at all. I was just getting lost in these books. I'm Levi, by the way."

Emily introduced herself, and they quickly fell into conversation. Levi mentioned he was interested in theology and community work, which resonated with Emily's experiences at the foundation. Although she didn't recognize him, she was intrigued by his depth of knowledge and passion for similar causes.

As they spoke, the conversation naturally flowed from their professional lives to more personal topics. Levi shared his experiences working with various community projects, and Emily talked about her role in setting up Educational programs for children in refugee camps. Despite the connection they felt, Emily had no inkling of Levi's previous emotional confrontation or personal history.

Levi suggested continuing their discussion over coffee at a nearby café. Emily, feeling a genuine interest in furthering their conversation, agreed. They exchanged contact details, with both looking forward to their next meeting.

After parting ways with Levi, Emily walked back to her apartment, feeling lighter and more uplifted. The encounter had been a pleasant diversion from her stressful day, and she was eager to explore this new connection. Little did she know that this chance meeting might become an important part of her life.

As she settled back into her evening routine, Emily looked forward to her next interaction with Levi, appreciating the unexpected spark that had brightened her day.

CHAPTER 3: Growing Closer

Emily’s phone buzzed with a new message from Levi: “Hey Emily, how about we grab lunch this weekend? There’s a new café downtown I’ve been dying to try. Hope you’re free!” Her heart fluttered as she read it, a smile spreading across her face. It had only been a week since their bookstore encounter, but the thought of seeing Levi again brightened her day, stirring an excitement she hadn’t felt in a long time.

On Saturday, Emily stepped into the "Luminous Café," a charming spot with large windows that bathed the room in warm sunlight. The smell of fresh pastries and coffee hung in the air, while the walls showcased vibrant local art. She glanced around, taking in the eclectic furnishings and the welcoming atmosphere, but her mind was racing. Am I getting ahead of myself? She wondered. The prospect of getting close to someone again was exciting, but it came with the lingering fear of vulnerability.

Levi arrived a few minutes later, his face lighting up when he saw her. He greeted her with a warm hug, and the ease in his presence helped settle Emily’s nerves. As they made their way to a cosy corner table, she couldn’t help but feel grateful for how comfortable he made her feel, despite the nervousness that tugged at her thoughts.

“So, what’s the verdict on this place?” Emily asked, playfully raising an eyebrow as she looked around.

Levi chuckled. “Well, they say the scones are out of this world. But if they’re a letdown, we’ll just have to find another café to redeem our taste buds.”

Emily laughed, the tension in her shoulders easing a little. “I’m always up for a culinary adventure, so let’s see what they’ve got.”

Their conversation flowed easily as they ordered their food. Levi regaled her with stories from his community outreach work, talking about a recent charity auction that had nearly spiralled into chaos. “Let’s just say, I’ve discovered a hidden talent for wrangling overzealous bidders,” he joked, his eyes twinkling.

Emily grinned. “Sounds like quite the adventure. My day-to-day is a bit less glamorous—mostly coordinating educational programs and deal with the occasional broken pencil. But I love it, even on the hard days.”

As they continued chatting, Emily felt herself relax more and more. Levi’s humour and openness made it easy to share pieces of herself, but she couldn’t ignore the faint voice in the back of her mind. What if I’m getting too comfortable too fast?

“So,” Levi said, shifting gears, “do you like hiking? I love being outdoors whenever I get the chance.”

“I do,” Emily replied, though a slight blush crept into her cheeks. “But my version of a successful hike is getting through it without twisting an ankle.”

Levi laughed. “Then we’ll start slow—maybe just a walk in the park. No broken ankles, I promise.”

Their food arrived, and the meal was as delicious as promised. However, when Emily tried a particularly spicy dish, she nearly choked, prompting Levi to laugh in mock horror.

“Careful! That might just be the hottest thing you’ve ever tasted.”

Emily playfully fanned her mouth. “And here I thought you were trying to impress me with this place. I’ll have to bring a fire extinguisher next time.”

Their laughter lingered as they finished eating, and when Levi suggested a walk in the nearby park, Emily agreed. The cool breeze greeted them as they strolled along the winding paths, the sound of crunching leaves beneath their feet. For the first time in a while, Emily felt at peace, the earlier tension fading away with each step.

Levi asked about her favourite books, and they launched into an animated discussion about literature. While Levi confessed a love for classic novels, Emily admitted her devotion to fantasy. Their conversation, lighthearted at first, gradually deepened as they touched on how fiction often mirrored reality.

“You know,” Levi said thoughtfully, “I’ve always believed that the stories we’re drawn to say a lot about how we see the world. Maybe that’s why I love stories of adventure and heroism. It’s like they give you a reason to hope, even when things are tough.”

Emily nodded, feeling the weight of his words. “That’s how I feel about my work. It’s not always easy, and some days, it feels like the world is against these kids. But seeing their resilience gives me hope. It’s like a small adventure every day.”

Levi’s expression softened. “I admire that. It’s rare to meet someone who’s so passionate about helping others, especially when the work is tough.”

Emily felt a flutter in her chest at his words. She turned slightly, gazing out at the golden trees surrounding them, wondering when she had last felt this seen by someone. Maybe I don’t need to be so guarded, she thought. But just as quickly, the doubt resurfaced. What if I let my guard down and things fall apart?

At a quiet bench overlooking a serene pond, they paused to rest. Levi leaned back, stretching his legs and casting a glance at Emily. “You know, I wasn’t expecting this.”

“Expecting what?” Emily asked, her heart racing slightly.

Levi smiled softly. “To meet someone I connect with like this. It feels... special.”

Emily blushed, looking down at her hands. “Yeah, I feel that too.”

Levi reached out gently, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “I’m really glad we’re getting to know each other.”

Emily’s breath caught in her throat for a moment. The warmth in Levi’s eyes stirred something in her that she hadn’t let herself feel in a long time—hope. But alongside it came the fear of being hurt again. She smiled, though, pushing the fear aside, if only for now. “Me too.”

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the park, they reluctantly said their goodbyes, promising to meet again soon. Emily walked back to her apartment, her mind buzzing with the day’s experiences. She felt lighter, as if a part of her had opened up that she hadn’t realized was closed off.

That night, as she settled into her evening routine, she reflected on their time together. Levi had brought something new into her life—a sense of connection, hope, and excitement about the future. But as she lay in bed, a small voice still whispered, reminding her that with hope comes risk. I’ll take it slow, she thought. But maybe this is the start of something good.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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