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Maxomon Go: S1

Episode 1: The Beginning

This is the story of creatures who are found all over the world, resembling different types. Some are friendly with humans and other maxomons while some are not. Trainers level up their maxomons by battling and evolve them. Every trainer wants to be the world champion and shows the full potential. Let's begin the exciting and mysterious journey of maxomon.

This is the story of Zen Kafen, a 10 years old boy, who wants to become the world champion, lives in Othlon, the Central Capital. In the land of Verosia, Zen was born. Due to a war, his mom took him to Othlon when Zen was 6 years old. His father was stucked there. Zen's mother admitted him to a Maxomon Academy, when he was 7. He wanted to see the whole world. Zen graduates in the age of 10.

Zen goes to the lab of Professor Rahman. Professor asks, "From where do you wanna start your journey?" Zen says, "Zectas."

Professor gives Zen, a Maxodesk of Zectas region and 7 maxoballs. Professor says that Zen can only keep 5 maxomons along with him on his journey. The every sixth maxomon will be transferred to his lab automatically. Zen leaves for Bartusion Kingdom(Southern Zectas region).

Zen reaches Gutadin Town of Bartusion Kingdom, where there is the laboratory of Professor Violet. Zen reaches the laboratory of Professor Violet. He sees there was a trainer already in her lab.

Professor Violet asks in a calm manner, "So tell me Scarlet, which maxomon among these, you wanna choose as your starter?" Scarlet says, "I will go for the water type!" Professor Violet says, "Nice choice, here's your Maxodesk, maxoballs, and your partner, Slashwool."

I ask Professor Violet, "I am Zen Kafen from Othlon. Professor Rahman sent me. I am here for starter maxomon." Professor Violet says, "Oh! I see! So, you're the one. Let me show you the 3 out of 4 starters you can choose. Sorry, but the water type is already taken by that trainer."

First maxomon: Leafdoe, a grass type maxomon, based on Dodo bird, which is mostly found in Savannah regions. They are very calm tempered and loyal. Their weakness is their defence and strength is their running speed.

Second Maxomon: Pirago, a bird type maxomon, based on Eagle, which is mostly found in the cloudy mountains of Zectas and Verosey regions only. They are loyal to their trainers and aggressive while battling. They love to push their limits. Their weakness is low hp and low attack power, but strength is their intense rapid speed.

Third Maxomon: Redzi, a fire type maxomon, based on Chimpanzee, which is rarely found in the Cherry blossom zones of Zectas only. There one of the rarest maxomons of the world. They love to fight, and always want to become the strongest. His weakness is his weak defence and low reflexes. His strength is when he really WANTS to win and does NOT want to get defeated from an opponent. It increases his attack.

Zen was about to choose one of them, but then an explosion occurs and the wall gets blasted. A shadowy figure emerges from the smoke. He introduces himself as Deizata. The blast was caused by a maxomon named Bombear. Deizata says, "I am a member of Team Bloodstain. I'm here to take all the maxomons... Including the starters. I've already caught all of the maxomons in this farm. It's time for these three." Zen says, "I won't let you take them!" Deizata says, "Are you a trainer, kid? Go and play at your home. Let me show off my art of explosion and trap." Deizata says Bombear to use string shot to capture Redzi. Redzi gets caught. Deizata says Bombear to throw Redzi to the cage. Pirago flies in rapid speed and tries to fight Bombear. Deizata says Bombear to attack Bomb throw, which defeats Pirago. Deizata says Bombear to throw Pirago to the cage too.

A maxomon was standing on a tree on two feet, watching everything. "Now it's your time, little Leafdoe."- Says Deizata. Leafdoe attacks Tackle attack which is easily dodged by Bombear. Deizata says Bombear to attack Bomb Sphere. At that moment, that maxomon enters the lab and saves leafdoe from the bomb sphere. Zen's Maxodesk says, "Oculot, a fighting type maxomon, which can stand on two feet, is very rarely found. It's only found in Zectas and Verosey. They are very courageous and quick-learners." Oculot shows his reflexes and dodges all the Strings of Bombear. Deizata says, "Amazing! This maxomon is worth all the maxomons here!"

Deizata says Bombear to attack Bomb throw, which is hardly endured by Oculot but he still stands again. Zen gets the chance and goes to the cage and breaks it by a rod. Oculot uses shadow clone and creates 7 solid clones!! Deizata says, "Wow! What a move!" All the Oculots start kicking and punching Bombear. Finally, Oculot defeats Bombear. Deizata takes back Bombear and laughs aloud like feeling satisfied. He says, "A level 5 maxomon of first stage defeated my 3rd stage maxomon! Admirable!" Deizata goes throws a smoke bomb and disappears. Zen successfully saves all the maxomons of the farm including the three maxomons. Zen asks Oculot, "Will you come with me in my journey?" Zen and Oculot give fist pumps 🤜🤛 to each other. Zen catches Oculot in his maxoball. Zen's journey is going to be adventurous, action-filled and mysterious....

Episode 2: Delifen Town

Zen travels through the Vastrum Valley, heading towards Delifen Town. The scenic route winds through rolling hills and dense forests, with the occasional clearing offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Along the way, he meets an elderly man struggling to find his contact lenses. Zen offers help, choosing Oculot to assist. With Oculot's Shadow Clone ability, they create 7 clones, and together with the original Oculot and Zen, they search for the lens. After a thorough search, they find the lens, and the old man thanks Zen and gifts him an orange egg, hinting at a dragon-type maxomon inside.

As Zen continues his journey, he notices a group of trainers gathered near the town entrance. They seem to be discussing something in hushed tones. Curious, Zen approaches them and overhears snippets of their conversation. They mention a mysterious figure, known only as "The Shadow Master," who has been spotted in the nearby woods. Rumors abound about this enigmatic figure, with some claiming they possess unparalleled maxomon training skills.

Suddenly, Jijoken, a Team Bloodstain member, appears, intending to snatch the orange egg. He chooses his maxomon, Dumblefore, a fighting-type based on a crocodile that wields a massive stone hammer. The hammer, made by Dumblefore himself, is incredibly powerful. Oculot battles Dumblefore, using Shadow Clone to evade the hammer's crushing blows. However, Dumblefore's relentless attacks eventually injure Oculot.

Oculot levels up to level 6 and learns Force Palm, using it to throw Dumblefore back. Despite this, Dumblefore persists, and Oculot is exhausted. Dumblefore's hammer comes crashing down, but Oculot dodges at the last second. The hammer strikes the ground, creating a shockwave.

Just as Dumblefore seems victorious, Carlos Rockbreaker emerges from the shadows, wearing a distinctive red headband with the Tentacles logo. He chooses his shadow-type maxomon, Xenos, based on a wolf. With Xenos' Shadow Pulse attack, they target the hammer, shattering it into pieces. Dumblefore is left defenseless, as the hammer is his only weapon and he knows no other maxomon moves.

Jijoken retreats, as Dumblefore loses his honor without his hammer. "A maxomon without his weapon is no maxomon at all," Jijoken says, withdrawing from the battle.

Zen counters, "It doesn't matter if a maxomon wields a weapon or not. It doesn't matter how strong his moves are. What matters is who he's fighting for and why."

This quote strikes a chord in both Jijoken and Carlos. Carlos, intrigued by Zen's words, decides to start his journey alongside Zen. He vows to one day defeat Zen, not out of malice, but to understand the true meaning behind his words.

"I'll travel with you, Zen," Carlos says. "And one day, I'll defeat you. Not to prove my strength, but to understand the heart of a true maxomon trainer."

Zen smiles, accepting Carlos' challenge. And so, the unlikely duo sets off on their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

As they enter Delifen Town, they notice a bustling marketplace filled with trainers, maxomons, and various goods. The air is filled with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares and the hum of maxomon battles in the distance.

Zen and Carlos make their way through the crowd, taking in the sights and sounds. They come across a stall selling rare maxomon eggs and decide to browse. The vendor, an old man with a kind face, greets them warmly.

"Welcome, young trainers! I have just the thing for you. Rare maxomon eggs, straight from the heart of the Vastrum Valley."

Zen's eyes widen as he scans the selection. He notices a few eggs that catch his attention, including a blue egg with a strange symbol etched onto its surface.

"What's this one?" Zen asks the vendor.

"Ah, that's a rare one indeed," the vendor replies. "A water-type maxomon egg, said to possess incredible speed and agility."

Zen considers purchasing the egg but decides to focus on his current maxomon, Oculot. Carlos, however, shows interest in a different egg – a dark, metallic egg with an eerie glow.

"I'll take this one," Carlos says, handing over a few coins.

The vendor nods, handing Carlos the egg. "Be warned, young trainer, that egg is said to contain a maxomon with a troubled past. Handle it with care."

And with that, Zen and Carlos continue their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, with their newfound eggs and determination to become true maxomon trainers.

Episode 3: Nursery in Valdonia City

Zen and Carlos arrived in Valdonia City, a bustling metropolis with a prominent gym. As they explored the city, they stumbled upon a massive nursery. Inside, they found a vast array of maxomons, each with unique characteristics.

That's when they saw him - Sungloom, an electric-grass type maxomon based on a turtle. He looked so sad, his eyes cast downward, and his movements sluggish. Stella Harrison, the caretaker, told them that he was the only one of his kind that couldn't perform any moves except for Tackle. He hung his head in shame, as if embarrassed by his limitations.

Carlos raised an eyebrow. "What's the use of a maxomon who only knows one move?" he asked. But Zen saw something in Sungloom that Carlos didn't. He saw potential.

Zen approached Sungloom and said, "My father said, 'Don't fear the one who knows thousands of moves. Fear the one who has mastered one move from many years.' You don't have to be sad. Will you come with me on my journey? I will train you, and we will prove this quote of my father."

Sungloom looked up at Zen, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He nodded his head, and Zen smiled. Zen took out his maxoball and caught him, adding him to his team.

With Sungloom by his side, Zen felt a sense of excitement and purpose. He knew that he had a long journey ahead of him, but he was ready to train Sungloom and prove his worth.

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