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A life filled with unhappiness..what do you do? The simple answer to that for me was suicide. i know it wasn't the answer, I was from a rich family and I had everything given to me without even asking and how great I was the only child, meant all my parents' attention was on me? Right? Well actually no, Growing up with rich parents meant, they were never with me, I was alone the whole time and when I'd ask for time they'd just give me a stash of cash "go buy something expensive" they say well that didn't make me happy I also wanted to hang out and do dad things with my dad get babied and doted on by my mum, but it was never different I was always alone and alone, for a rich kid u might be surprised how insecure and shy I was I mean I don't think I look the best, but I don't think I look that might be wondering why I am telling you this…is because I want to tell you about my love... Hannah...


 I had committed suicide in my room three years before Hannah and her family moved in I was 15 at the time and my death was everywhere. But quickly pressed down by my dad and his Best friend Mr. Good ol' money. I'm seventeen now.and Hannah is 16 a few months younger than me…that day when I decide to hang Myself I thought about everything I was too frustrated and too overwhelmed to think what would happen after my death for me, it was a solution to escape my father...his unrealistic expectations…my unachievable goals I just wasn't the son he needed. A was sitting on my bed writing a letter again, and again to my mom while sobbing, the only child she had was me, as much as I loved her I couldn't overshadow my misery I was miserable and dads expectations, comparing and the image I had to keep up In front of others made me forget who I was. I didn't know what I liked I didn't know who I was. I lost myself and I was desperate for some kind of contentment I thought instead of cutting myself to forget the pain temporarily, or do drugs... wouldn't that end up hurting my mother more? So on that fateful night I gazed at the moon one last time before ending my own misery.


But unfortunately for me, I opened my eyes again, but I saw my limo body hanging from the ceiling as my family rushed in for the first time my mother cried for me my father hugged me they cared,, and I felt blessed even though I physically couldn't feel them I felt amazing.I didn't regret my decision. But I was stuck there and couldn't leave my parents left and never came back…the house was empty and what was left was my soul wandering around. Until Hannah moved in. I am not a creep so when she moved in I changed my place to the basement because Even if I was dead I still respected women. That is the quality of myself that I will triumphantly yell out that I have Hannah was a shy timid girl and if I'm being honest I was dying to compliment her she was just so beautiful…big eyes chubby cheeks not too big not too small lips god I was whipped, she had me bad, but I was a ghost... I can't scare her… I'd watch her all day when she is doing her homework sometimes I had bad temptations, but I know God wouldn't have been happy with me if I just gave into my temptation, the few first weeks were….good..but then I realized how bad her life actually was…she was cheerful and kind but her stepmother and siblings were total pieces of shits. They'd make her do everything, and she was so cute and sweet that she'd just do it at command I was pissed, but I didn't want to hurt her family because it would hurt her as much as it was tempting I didn't.


Her family was fucked up her mother would just hit her and her father could careless months went like this, and I couldn't stand it…so... I started showing Hannah signs that I was there… I started off by moving things and making noises, but then I wrote down something In front of Hannah I was really embarrassed of my handwriting, but Hannah didn't care and I was glad

Dear Hanna,

Hello Hannah now the first thing your thinking is your going schizophrenic but no darling your not, my name is Alex Gonzalez and..I committed suicide in this house it might be a lot to take in but can I show you myself? To make you trust me more and I want to let you know I won't hurt you ever.

Hannah's reaction was so cute, but I didn't want to scare her too much, so I just appeared In front of her…she tilted her head and looked at me before poking me with a pen I could swear I heard my non-existent heart skip a few beats I was more in love with her than ever..and I knew she'd take to the moon about her problems...but now I wanted to be her moon.. I knew it wouldn't last long and how can she fall in love with a damn ghost? I was honestly never this sad but the thought of her seeing me now made me beam in happiness I was gonna go rouge at any moment from the Joy..she was so beautiful she was like a star...a beautiful bright I would just melt...

Hannah was worried most of the time after she saw me she probably thought I ogled her while taking showers didn't she? But I had to make sure she didn't so I told her I didn't and never would do something to hurt her dignity of course I'm a man not some pussy ass. I wouldn't take advantage of her like that. Even though I was a ghost I felt like she was getting the comfort and time from me that her parents refrained from and that got her attached to me really quick I loved her Even more if there was a love meter mine would break I loved her beyond comprehension and I started to regret my suicide...for the first time..she was the most beautiful woman I've seen ever for me she was better than any model and women I wanted just her..

I wanted to love her to give her a kiss on the forehead cook for her massage her foot tell her about my day and everything but it would never come true because I'm not real. That was the worst part...I wasn't real..I was just a ghost..I started to scare Hannah's abusive parents and later threatened them that I will kill them if they treat Hannah shitty of course they thought I was a demon but I wasn't and spirits can't be exorcized so every time they brought someone I scared them away and made them believe I was her guardian angel. She was getting really attached to me and...I loved it but..I..could..not let her fall for me she'd end up getting hurt so I stopped appearing In front of her..she called me..alot and after few months she stopped thinking I just got peace..but I watched her everyday when she was cooking, cleaning and doing work...and while she was sleeping I couldn't do anything...I could but I wasn't like that I adore her I treasure her and she is my queen and I will treat her with respect.

not long after her parents moved away with her and we never saw each other again even as a ghost I felt my heart break..idk it hurt so much...but years later...she came back...alone the house was abandoned and trashed but I was there..I can't tell you how happy I was my heart exploded I almost started crying I hugged her tight but I knew she wouldn't be able to feel me...but she did..she hugged me back and I cried in her arms I said I love you to her...and she said it back...but I looked into her eyes and I told the most garbage thing of my life.."I love you..but I can't have you... because..I'm a ghost..I'm not real someday I'll find peace and leave you...and ur gonna leave too...and I already feel like I'm in peace maybe this is all I wanted_...the second I said that I started vaporizing...I knew it was my time to go...but before I did..I gave her something a remember me...I vaporized and my...heart.. voice everything went dark.



Moving into a new house I was expecting a new life a more Joyable happy life where I could just be in peace and I hoped for a happier family than what I had now, my step mother and her daughters cruelty wasn't something I was unbeknownst to their disdain was so strong the awful oder of it always lingered in my Senses. The day I moved in felt relieved I had the fairly big no too small room and it was a comfortable room of course I had to take it. My father was usually out of town and my step mother took all her chances to humiliate and degrade me In front of guests, my sisters and literally anyone my shitty life in school shouldn't be a surprise considering the only help I actually got was from another outcast she was sweet as sugar but what more could she do, bullying isn't just calling someone a twerp they called me filthy names made me filthy physically abused me of course I told my dad but guess what? He told me to fuck off. Well technically he did. And so I resorted to the best coping mechanism talking to the moon. It had become a habit and the moonlight god damn I fuckin loved it. I was honestly really used to my Household abuse but one day something crazy happened well stuff in my room and kitchen started moving on its own then I get a letter from..Alex Gonzalez initially I wasn't gonna believe in this fucked up prank but when he showed himself then I believed... surprisingly enough he was the best companion the best listener. He made me feel special and me? I got attached quick he was a ghost but I was never bothered by that he was kind and gentle he knew what I wanted the most which was aknowledgement and validation some kind of validation that is. Well Alex hung out with me a lot and he told me his story I felt like throwing up honestly we used to listen to songs and everything..but it all came to a halt. I moved away with my family because they thought the place was haunted after Alex had threatened them to kill them if they mistreated me I was against this. Even if I hated them I didn't want them to be hurt and Alex very well knew this but he wanted to save some point he stopped appearing after that so...I thought he finally found I just stopped thinking even though I was yearning to hear that voice to feel that tingling sensation on my back whenever he was around me I missed him so bad I was so in love with him but I knew he wasn't real I knew I would never get him he was a u accomplishable dream, desire and wish of mine . Years after I moved out I soon began trying to better my life for myself and hard work. When I was capable I went back ...I walked into the dusty room filled with cobwebs and the dimly lit room was giving a eerie atmosphere in hope I call out for Alex but I heard no sound...I call out again and I see him...I couldn't help the tears that started flowing down my cheeks and wrapped him in my embrace crying I was shaking I missed him Soo much I loved him so much but he..tells.. me that he can't be with me...I hated that i loved him I didn't wanna let go but my heart crumbled when he started to disintegrate...into dust..I held on to the last piece...of him as he gave me a necklace..


It has been years and I've been still holding onto it and I don't plan on ever letting go.


love is pure and when it's true it lasts forever by the blessings of God. true love is patient and resilient through hardships and joy it prospers through efforts so don't give up.

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