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Demonic Mates

Introduction to the main leads

Here is the background of the leads:

SOPHIE: A young girl of 16 , she a half breed the lowest of ranks,lives in a kingdom named lunaris despite all her pain and suffering she still smiles and works hard to survive this cruel world ,a vibrant and intelligent young lady who battles working and schooling.

JAYSON: Age 20 and the crown prince of lunaris, Arrogant known by everyone in the kingdom as the heartless and cruel prince, A crescent Alpha the highest and deadliest of ranks and extremely rare the only one in existence after a century of disappearance cursed since birth as everyone believes and has an extreme thirst for blood.

KIARA: age 16 despite being young she's a general of the lunaris army , cold in nature, she is known as the heartless princess of the Kingdom Jayson's younger sister, also cursed like her brother all thanks to the ancestors a bloom omega half vampire half werewolf with a literal heart of stone as she doesn't believe in love.

DANIEL: Age 20 has a jade tiger spirit, crown prince of Asteria, cold in nature has a lot of secrets so do all the leads doesn't support his engagement he has with the princess of Aurora hate his father to the core.

AUSTINE: Age 17 has a spirit of a White snake, calm in nature and charming but can be a little dangerous if he wants, is crazy a photocopy of his mom just became a general of asteria, the youngest prince aka Daniel's younger brother doesn't give up easily.

CAT: Age 18 a human girl, she is a dress designer or royal gown maker with her mom who she learnt the trade from as the travel through different kingdoms but originally from lunaris.

SHAUN: Age 21 crown prince of celestia and only son and heir of the Kingdom making his dad extremely overprotective of him though, he can take care of himself has a soul of the dragon but kept it a secret from his dad who is afraid of losing him like he lost his mother and sister.

RUTH: Age 18 the youngest princess of Aurora and also an official, kind in nature she is half fox as she got beaten by a spiritual nine tail fox when she was younger engaged with Daniel the prince of asteria who she actually likes hated by her own mother and sister because her father died for her,her kingdom is ruled by women.

ROY : Age 22 from the Kingdom of celestia, a general of the army , a friend of Shaun and has a dark secret.

ROSE: Age 19 her family were killed by some terrorist when she was younger and was taken into captivity by them to become an assassin but, was freed by Ruth but her sister took the credit for it,so she swore to Ruth to always be with her as a friend and as a protector , she trained and finally became a general in the Aurorian army .

That is all for now

Tooo be continued...................


A girl of age sixteen was woken up by the faint buzz of her mirror phone, tugging her out of a dream she couldn't quite remember. Her room, small and cluttered with books, was still dim in the early morning light. She sighs in frustration, rubbing her eyes, and dragged herself out of bed. The thought of school made her stomach twist, but she had no choice even though she's an intelligent lady. It was Monday, and there was no escaping it.

She dressed quickly, pulling on her usual simple gown, just enough to blend in. Grabbing her backpack, Sophie slipped out of her room, and made way to the living area where her Dad, sickly mom and elder sister were, having there breakfast which wasn't elegant but just right for them.

DAD:(munching) Sophie remember to come home early today it's dangerous and always wear your protection bracelet.

SOPHIE: I will Dad you don't have to worry (a bright smile).

They had spoken a little trying to brighten the mood as she left, she didn’t want to add to the tension. At school, the familiar whispers she heard while walking through the corridor, her eye's indifference, avoiding the stares she knew were there. As she reached her locker, she heard the voices of the institute Queen(the popular girl) Mandy a vampire from a wealthy family and her boyfriend Eric an Alpha wolf whose family are in the royal court and there minions.

The group stood in front of Sophie, their eyes burning with excitement and mischief as the looked at their prey , these was normal in the institute the popular squad picks on the half-breeds many believe these beings are a mistake from the goddess and have no rights to life, tormenting them some end up committing suicide or becoming servants to them so the can survive.

MANDY:(smirks) I thought you died.

ERIC: you still have the guts to return to this institute after pushing my girl and embarrassing her In front of everyone.

SOPHIE: (sighs in frustration) just live me alone, please.

“How dear you talk back at us,” Mandy’s voice dripped with malice. Sophie flinched, trying to ignore them, but the group was already closing in at her. She didn’t see it coming, a sound Todd, the sting of her palm was sharp, hot, and immediate. Her head snapped to the side, her vision blurring for a moment as the world seemed to stop. The shock hit her first, then the pain, spreading across her cheek like wildfire. She gasped, raising a trembling hand to her face, feeling the heat bloom beneath her fingertips. Silence filled the room, some watching in pity no one moved, as if time itself had frozen in place, trapping them in that awful, irreversible moment. She blinked back the tears that were burning her eyes, refusing to let them fall. Not in front of them, she might be weak in sight but not at heart especially not In front of them. The anger was bubbling up inside her, fighting to break free, but all she could do was stand there, frozen, her pride wrestling with the pain.


Eric voice was cold and demanding . "Common be a good servant your mean't to be half-breed". She froze, her heart thudding painfully in her chest. The crowd whispers grew louder, feeding off the tension. She looked up at him, eyes wide, trying to steady her breath. He stood there, towering over her with a cruel smirk, his arms crossed as if this was just another game for him. The others watched, waiting for her to submit, to bend under his command." Do it be a good servant," he sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "Show some respect." Her legs felt like lead, the weight of the moment pressing down on her. She could feel the stares of her classmates burning into her, waiting, judging. The shame was a thick knot in her throat, but she couldn’t let them see it. Not him, Not any of them." I won’t," she says confidently "I rather die" , her voice audible. His smirk changed to a frown." Oh, you will," he said, taking a slow step forward. "Or you’ll be killed half-breed and no one will care how it happens after all your kinds don't even live up till 50 ." Sophie terrified but stood her ground" I will never kneel to the likes of you ".

Filled with anger Eric pulls her hair in frustration " So be it" as he drags her to a window in the tired floor of the building as she screams in fear he was about to toss her over the window but suddenly was slapped by Emma his younger sister and Sophie's only friend she heard been away from school for a few days.

She pulled Sophie whose face hard swollen from the impact of the slap, then turns to Eric and his gang and gave him a piece of her mind "I warned you many times Eric, yet you never listen, This is my last warning do these again and I will forget you are family". In anger," you slapped and humiliated me because of a half-breed".

EMMA: And I will do it again, you've changed a lot in to a heartless monster, this behaviour isn't meant for a member of the Cheng's.

His fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He wanted to scream, to shatter every piece of bone in the half-breed who humiliated him indirectly, but instead, he gritted his teeth and let the fury simmer beneath the surface as he walks away."

Emma with concern for her friend helps Sophie and took her to the infirmary.

Meanwhile in the palace of lunaris the Kingdom were Sophie lives the king heard another argument with his son as he servants and guards heed from the wrath of the prince who the feared the most.

"Ten people!" The king’s voice thundered through the grand hall, his fists slamming down on the armrests of his throne. His eyes blazed with fury, the veins in his neck bulging as he rose to his feet. "Ten more lives, gone because of your insatiable thirst! How many times must we have this conversation, Jayson? How many more lives will you ruin?" Jayson stood at the foot of the throne, his posture relaxed, almost casual, a smug smirk as he plays with a cup full of blood. The red dark glow in his eyes that makes many shiver in fear flickered, as he causally seats without flinching under his father’s rage. Instead, he ran his tongue slowly over his fangs, his eyes gleaming with amusement." Father, please," he said, his voice dripping with mockery. "They were nothing but mere mortals and weak creatures, Fragile and disposable. You’re overreacting, as usual." He turned his back on the king, walking to the window as if the conversation bored him. "It’s not like anyone will miss them." The king’s face reddened with fury, his voice a growl now. "You dare speak to me with such arrogance? You may be cursed , but you are still my son! And you are ruining this family and throne, and the chances of you being king with your savagery!" Jayson glanced over his shoulder, a dark chuckle escaping him. " O please you know I can't control myself, I am the devil and monster after all everyone sees it ". He waved his hand dismissively." The king took a step forward, as he sighs in frustration . You think you’re above the laws of the land because of your curse? If you continue down this path, Son, I will have no choice but to—"Before he could finish, a soft voice interrupted him." Father, please." Jayson younger sister, Kiara, stepped into the hall, her presence a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air. Her gown flowed as she moved with grace, her blue hair cascading down her back. She approached her father, placing a gentle hand on his arm." Dear father you know we can't resist it especially big bro we are cursed after all ," she said softly, her voice soothing, yet firm. "Jayson is just simply doing what he was born to do." The king turned to her, eyes still blazing, but there was a flicker of hesitation. "Kiara, you can’t be serious. You both are out of control again!" She nodded,"I know, but you know how difficult it is for us to resist we are demons after all."

King: don't say that you aren't monster just cursed. You both just don’t know what it means to have power, true power and understanding of what's important in life, what you really need and want, It's nature you are not animals,"You still have a choice! You don’t have to give in to this madness!"

Kiara spoke "Father, you raised us to be rulers, to protect this kingdom. And that's what we are going to be you just need to see it in our perspective. She turned to her brother, her tone gentle but firm. These killings—they put all of us at risk my children . "Risk? Or opportunity?" JAYSON and Kiara says from what we've learned people only listen to fear, power money and authority so we are putting it to good use.". There dad brushing a hand through his hair. I give up, am tired of these remember there are consequences,

." the siblings chuckled, turning to leave the room. "Consequences," the muttered under their breath. "We’ll see who truly faces them."

BLOOD BOUND: cursed mate

It all starts in the grand hall in the palace as Princess Kiara Jayson's younger sister, stood before her family, her voice cutting through the still air.

“I’m leaving tonight for a day or two,” she announced, her tone steady. “To spy on the kingdoms of Asteria.”

King Jonathan, her father, narrowed his eyes. “Spying again, Kiara. We have trained warriors for that as well you don't need to stress yourself.

“They won’t expect and it's my duty as a general of this accursed kingdom,” Kiara replied confidently. “We are going to have a peaceful treaty with the kingdom for eachothers benefits , and we need to know if the can be trusted or not .

Her brother, Jayson, sighs. “just don't get caught? it might cause misunderstandings.

“I won’t,”. "And general Max will be with me .”

Queen Amber,silent until now, finally spoke. “just please don't kill anyone again ,don’t let them see your fang..”. As Kiara smirks " I can't promise that".

King Jonathan sighed, rising from his throne. “Fine. Go, but no killing, no bodies. If anyone dies, they’ll trace it back to our kingdom.”

Kiara’s jaw tightened, but she nodded. “I understand.”

“And above all,” the king added, his voice low and dangerous, “do not get caught.

Kiara smirked. “like I said I won’t .”

Her mother’s voice stopped her as she turned to leave. “Kiara,” Queen Amber said quietly, “if things go wrong, it’s better to return with nothing alright .”

Kiara nodded again and swept out of the hall, grabbing her sword and cloak .

As the palace gates closed behind her, she whispered to herself, “I hope I can control myself.”

the scene skips to town in the Kingdom,

The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the crumbling streets as Sophie trudges her way through the narrow alleys of the city. Sophie's body ached from the weight of the day hours spent in a class, followed by a series of thankless jobs that that were a little enough to put food on the table for her and her family. Being a half-breed half-human, half-omega meant she was neither accepted by her human peers nor respected by the supernatural communities.

Her mother had been human. Her father, a Beta wolf. The union between this beings were rare but possible.

She had hoped school would offer some reprieve, a place where knowledge and hard work mattered more than bloodlines. But it was a foolish dream. Every class was a reminder of her outcast status. The whispers, the pointed looks, the teachers and lecturers who pretended she wasn’t there unless it was to humiliate her in front of the other students dispite her remarkable grades.

The streets outside were bustling with the evening crowd—humans, vampires, and other supernatural creatures moving through the city like clockwork. For them, life was a series of opportunities and choices. For her, it was an unending struggle.

Her first stop was at the bakery, a dingy little shop tucked between two larger buildings. She worked there for a few hours each evening, scrubbing the floors and carrying heavy sacks of flour from the storage room to the kitchen. The owner, Mr. Harn, rarely spoke to her except to bark orders.

“Move faster, girl,” he snapped as she struggled to lift a particularly heavy sack.

She bit her lip, forcing herself not to respond.because she needs the money . She couldn’t afford to lose another job, not with the rent of her house almost due as everyone in the family are working extremely heard. As she continued working, she overheard Mr. Han talking to one of the other workers, a young human girl who had just been hired.

“She’s slow,” he muttered, glancing in Sophie’s direction. “But what can you expect from her kind?”

The words stung, but she didn’t let herself react. She was used to it by now—the stares, the comments, the barely veiled contempt. It was her reality, and she had learned to survive it.

After the bakery, she made her way to her second job at the local tailor’s shop. The owner, Madame Mina, was a vampire. she was there to clean, nothing more.

“Half-breed,” Madame Mina called out without looking up from her desk. “Make sure those windows are spotless.Am having important clients tomorrow, and I don’t want any speck of dirt.”

As she nods, grabbing a rag and a bucket of soapy water. She scrubbed at the windows until her arms burned, all while Madame Mina continued her work as though I was invisible.

By the time I was finished, the sun had fully set, and the night air had turned cool. Exhausted and covered in grime, I left the tailor’s shop and headed to my final task of the day—a package delivery for the vampire royal family Even to me to deliver by one of the few people that see me as one of them sir Leo a friend and the owner of the package delivery service, ensuring these package reaches the palace I get a huge pay,the package felt heavy in My hands. Normally, I handled small parcels for local businesses.

Her heart pounded in her chest as the grand palace loomed in the distance, its towering spires gleaming in the moonlight. I had never been this close to royalty before, much less vampires and wolves of such high status. Her kind wasn’t treated that bad her as the king and queen believe in equality , but there kids were alot different. If she didn’t make the delivery, I wouldn’t get paid.

The guards at the gate barely glanced at her as they let her through, their eyes cold and uninterested. The palace grounds were immaculate, a stark contrast to the filthy streets I had just walked.

She followed the direction given by a maid, heading toward the servant’s entrance at the back of the palace. Her steps were hesitant, her stomach twisting with anxiety. She had heard stories about the hybrid royal family stories of power, of cruelty, of blood and especially the bad reputation of the known arrogant siblings.

As she approached the door, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, that she was about to walk into something far darker than a simple delivery.

She took a deep breath and knocked.

The door creaked open by a maid who invited her in and went to call the queen who the package was meant for.

The halls was silent, Sophie wasn’t sure what led her to explore the palace. Maybe it was the faint, muffled voices or the strange pull deep in her chest, something foreign yet familiar. Her steps were soft, calculated. And then she heard it a loud scream that chilled her to the bone.

A low growl, followed by a sharp scream.

Heart pounding, Sophie peered around the corner of the lavish hallway. Her breath hitched, her legs frozen in place as her eyes took in the scene before her. The crescent hybrid prince, Jayson, stood over a body. The lifeless figure of a man was crumpled at his feet, blood staining the gorgeous flooring as he grabs the second man who was begging and killed him on the spot.

Jayson's fangs were still bared, his red eyes glowing with a predatory hunger quest for more blood. Sophie mind screamed at her to run, to flee before he noticed her, but her body refused to obey. Instead, her gaze locked with his and in that split second, something inside her shifted. Her pulse quickened, not out of fear, but out of a connection she couldn’t explain.


The word echoed through her mind, foreign yet undeniable. It filled her with warmth and terror all at once. This… monster, the prince , the arrogant and heartless being who had just killed a man, was hers? How could it be possible? She was nothing but a poor girl and a halfbreed struggling to survive and his, a deadly creature of royal blood and what scared her the most is the fact that a crescent hybrid can't have a weak creature as a mate.

Jayson’s gaze flickered, his fangs retracting as his lips curled into a cold smirk. He stepped toward her, each movement graceful yet lethal.

“who could you be,” his voice was as deep and smooth as silk, but laced with the threat of violence. “And yet…” he paused, sniffing the air as his eyes narrowed. “You’re different.”

Sophie’s knees buckled under the intensity of his stare. Her body trembled, her mind fighting to comprehend the depth of her weakness in his presence. Every fiber of her being screamed in protest, but the bond that pulsed between them was stronger.

“I…” she whispered, voice barely audible as she stepped back, hitting the wall behind her. “I didn’t mean—”

Jayson enjoying seeing the terror in her eyes suddenly realised something was strange as he called out "MATE" but after a few seconds of realization he was overwhelmed with anger as he yells "A half breed"

The heat of his anger pulsed through his veins like wildfire as he immediately grabbed her and bit down on her neck, fangs piercing flesh with a savage force.

Sophie gasped, her body jerking beneath him, but she was too weak to fight back. Her blood flowed freely into his mouth, the sweet, metallic taste only fueling his rage. He was disgusted—disgusted at her weakness, disgusted at her frailty. She was supposed to be his mate, his equal. But now… now, all he saw was failure he cannot accept a weakling as his .

Her vision blurred, eyes fluttering shut as the pain began to drown her. Her life flashed before her in fragments—all the pain, suffering, loneliness and bullying she heard endured and most especially the fear and rejection she just faced by her mate who is also going to be her killer, she taught that death would be peaceful for her.

As her pulse slowed, she could feel herself slipping away into the cold void, every beat of her heart weaker than the last. But somewhere, deep within her, she clung to the two things that was left—her will to live, even if it had never truly mattered before and her family. Not like this. I can't die like this...* She thought of all the pain she had endured. All the promises she'd made to herself.

Jayson’s hands tightened around her, his grip bruising her fragile bones. Her world was nothing but the sound of her heartbeat in her ears, each beat fainter than the last.

And then… she felt it. A cold breeze that wasn’t part of the room. A whisper that wasn’t in her mind.


The voice cut through the haze like a knife, cold and commanding, as Jayson was flunged over the room the iron grip around her waist loosened as his hands were wrenched. He stumbled, eyes wide with shock as his mother's figure appeared before him—a towering shadow cloaked in centuries of power.

Queen Amber, her dark eyes gleaming with disappointment.

“You’ve lost yourself, Jayson,” Amber hissed, her voice low and dangerous. “She is not prey for you to slaughter in your childish tantrums.”

JAYSON rage simmered, but he dared not defy his mother. “She’s weak mother, I can't have a half-breed creature as insignificant as her as a mate,” he spat, his voice barely above a growl.

His mom in shock with the word mate and realised how important Sophie is in her son's life to change her child and for that to happen Sophie is meant to be alive

“She deserves to die, A devil like me can't have a useless being as her as a mate, her death is of importance to me right now—” Jayson says

“She deserves *your respect,*” Amber snapped, her voice brokering no argument. She knelt beside Sophie, her hand hovering over the torn flesh at her neck. “And if you are too blind to see that, then you are no prince of mine or these kingdom.”

Sophie's world began to steady, her breaths deepening as she clung to the life the queen was restoring. She didn’t know if she should feel gratitude, fear, or both as the vampire queen’s cold hands withdrew. But she was alive, for now. Save by the mother of the man who would have destroyed her.

The palace, illuminated by a flickering fire, felt suffocating as the tension between the prince and his mother thickened. The air crackled with the sharp words they hurled at each other.

"You nearly killed her!" His mother’s voice trembled with rage and disappointment. "Is this what I’ve raised you to be? A monster, an uncontrolled and careless creature?"

The prince’s eyes darkened,". You've forgotten what I am mother no matter how you try to change me you won't it's both a blessing and a curse”, He poked his cheek with his tongue "stop defending these sorry excuse of a living being ”.

The queen scoffed, stepping closer to him. "She’s your mate! You nearly tore her apart, for what? because she's different or weak as you claimed? You're supposed to cherish her, not destroy her!"

As they exchanged heated words, neither noticed the frail, bloodied figure in the corner. The girl, his mate, was barely conscious, but determination coursed through her veins. Her breaths came in ragged gasps as she quietly pulled herself across the cold stone floor. Every inch of her body screamed in pain, but survival pushed her forward.

Her heart pounded in her ears, drowning out the royal quarrel behind her. She needed to get away. She had to escape.

Clenching her jaw, she dragged herself through the chamber’s grand doors, unseen and unheard by the warring royals. She stumbled into the night, disappearing into the shadows.

Back at her home, was calm until her broken figure emerged from the darkness opening the door. A collective gasp echoed from the people who saw her. Her mother, sitting down, let out a piercing cry upon seeing her daughter’s battered state as her sister and father where still in shock suddenly Sophie collapsed on the cold bare floor as her family picked her in worry and fear wandering who could have done that to their daughter.

The chaos at the palace had yet to subside. The prince and his mother’s argument reached a fever pitch, but a sudden, chilling silence fell between them.

“Where is she?” His mother’s eyes widened.

The prince turned, in realisation as he didn't notice her disappearance but saw a trace of blood .

She was gone!!!.

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