NovelToon NovelToon

Accident Love~...

Episode 1~

a enigma slammed a omega on wall and starts to kiss him roughly..the kiss was wild and harsh...the omega's eyes was teary ...he don't know what's happening here ...he was feeling like his mouth is getting eated ...
Jungkook bites tae's lips which made tae open his mouth and taking the chance jungkook shoved his tounge inside and started to explore tae's mouth...
tears finally escaped tae's eyes as he felt the hard bite on his lips ...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* kissing tae roughly**
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* don't understanding what's happening**
tae was feeling blur .. He can't see he is drunk now but he don't know what do to in this condition
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* releasing his pheromones**
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* slowly releasing his pheromones unknowingly**
jungkook nose hit tae's pheromones which is very sweet and was like roses he don't know what's happening here and when the pheromones of eachother hits their nose they don't know what but both like- loved it very much...
Tae wide is eyes open smelling jungkook's pheromones which is very sweet and like very fragrance of sandalwood...
Jungkook stopped kissing tae and looked at tae's eyes with his red and glowing
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Taehyung was looking at jungkook's eyes without any fear ..and his eyes turn blue
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
both looked at eachother for few seconds... seeing their eyes which is so beautiful
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
MATE !!!!
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
MATE !!!!
both said together and starts to kiss like hungry wolfs ...may be they are already?..
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* kissing him **
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* kissing back **
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
They weren't in their sense ...they don't know anything but their body is reacting on its own ...
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
ahhhh!!!....e-enigma ~....hurts 😢* tears flowing cause of pain **
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
sorry love...bear for few seconds...* stopped**
after few minutes tae adjusts and starts to get pleasure and jungkook started to move
naughtly authy🌚
naughtly authy🌚
how's the starting 🌚??

Episode 2~

Jungkook was the first one to wake up ..he opens his eyes and rubs them to get a clear vision while the holds his head cause it was paining... Suddenly a smell hit his nose .. sweet and like roses ..he shook opens his eyes and looks around only to be frozen in his spot ....
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* shocked**
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* sleeping**
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* glups **
Jungkook was so shocked seeing the view infront of him ...
a beautiful omega laying on the bed half nakéd and was looking ethereal now ... Taehyung's bottom was naked and he had a cloth on his top and he was covered with blanket but jungkook can understand he is naked at bottom cause the blanket was wrapped around his waist and his lower abdomen can be seen
Jungkook don't know what to do...he is just so confused what and how did this happend ??..
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* slowly opens eyes **
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
Ahh!!! * shouts **
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
ahhh!!...* also shouts cause tae shouted**
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* covers tae's mouth by one hand**
jungkook covers tae's mouth by one hand and quickly covers tae's body with blanket with other hand
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* stops screaming**
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* silent**
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* tears flowing**
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* eyes closed and hand on head **
naughtly authy🌚
naughtly authy🌚
Bye 🌚

Episode 3~

Taehyung was crying silenty and he is biting his lips to not make sound ...
Taehyung was just so ... confused and scared ...
How did this happened..he don't remember anything...but he knew one thing and that is ....he slept with someone!!...he lost his virginity!!!... what will he do now ?..where will he go??'s all his fault...he shouldn't have came to his club!!!..
Taehyung only remember that he drank to much wine and he left for washroom but after that he don't remember anything and now morning he is in a stranger's bed !... laying half nakéd!!!
Jungkook was closing his eyes and trying to remember what happened last night and did this unknown boy ended up in his bed !!!..he clenchs his hairs in anger but suddenly opens his eyes when he heard sniffing sounds
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* sniffing**
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* looks at him **
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Y-You ...
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* looks at him with teary eyes*"
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
What happened ?? * low voice*"
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I...i-i don't know...
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
😭😭..I'm sorry
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
i don't..i don't know how this all happened 😢😢
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I'm...sorry ...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
it's my fault * head down **
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
😭😭 * crying don't know what to do**
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I'm ...I'm a bad ...boy now 😭😭
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
L-listen first dress up i.. We will talk about this matter!!
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* nods **
Jungkook goes to washroom..
Taehyung search for his clothes but his clothes were torn so he wore a shorts which were there ... jungkook come in after tae changes and sat on bed all scared and guilty for what had happened
Jungkook wasn't wearing a shirt only pant ..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I... don't remember anything
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
* sobbing**
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
What happened!...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
How did you come here ?...i don't remember please tell me
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I don't know 😢
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
I was going towards washroom and then what happened i don't know when I wake up I saw you !! 😢
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
i...i lost my virginity 😭
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
it's all my fault..i shouldn't have come here 😭😭
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
now what should I ??..appa 😨.. Appa will ...kill me
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
* worried**
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
H-hey * put hand on tae's sholder**
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
😭..i should...i should die
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
don't talk like that !!
Just then the room door opened with a bang sound!!!.. Taehyung and jungkook was shocked!!!
naughtly authy🌚
naughtly authy🌚
Bye 😊

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