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Chapter 1: cycle break

   It was in the evening I Rick Akihiro a loner, a shut in nerd and a sadistic gamer finally started to feel alive after  518 400 seconds of unorganized repeated nerd activities and continuous sleep, my life began to change.

   I was looking at my laptop with bags under my eyes and listening to a theme song from one of my favorite anime which was from bunny girl senpai suddenly a new message popped up

[New message from: anonymous]

    A message! isn't this strange it has to be a mistake

     " it-it's from someone I don't know how expected scammers must love me or maybe it's those internet pop up's I'll just ignore it"

    I was surprised by the sudden message because I hardly received any messages. I couldn't believe it even when I was looking at it so I chose to ignore it

    After a while I closed my laptop and laid down on my bed looking at the time on my phone which was 8:33 PM and I was about to fall asleep

    [New message from: anonymous]

    The sound of the message notification from my phone was the last thing I could remember the next thing I knew I was in a strange room

     It was some kind of white room because the room was full of white, everything in it was white it had no windows, the room was pretty much empty just one white chair, even the clothes I was wearing were white and food served on the chair was white rice

    W-what is this ........... Wasn't I just in my room, what should I do........what can I do

    My mind suddenly fell into a loop because i was about to start panicking but it took less the five seconds till I heard a strange noise of machinery from behind me

    "Alright I shouldn't lose my calm because that's what Idiots do, I first need to be aware of my surroundings and get as much info as I can"

    I calmed down and I took five deep breaths then I slowly turned to look behind me as I saw a light, it was a screen it wasn't attached to anything it had no cables and it was just glitching

    This is starting to get old, I can't miss the airing of the new episode of the anime jjk I have to get out fast

    "Helloooooo.......... is anyone here let me out of the stupid room I need to home fast!"

    I tried shouting and as expected no one responded but screen suddenly became white and I message appeared

    [New message from: anonymous]

    On the corner of the screen it said "read now"  in the color red so I clicked it and the words disappeared

    I hope this get me some progress on how to get out of here because I starting to get bored

    I thought something would have happen but the screen just started glitching again, after a while the letters started appearing and they formed this message

    [You have received a gift and you are getting bored RIGHT, don't worry things are about to get really exciting soon]

    Wait how did it read my thoughts i-is this some kind of sick joke...........wait this has to be a dream..... that's right

    " That's the only explanation"

    Just after finishing my thought a count down began with the voice of a girl, it started from 7


    " zero"

    As soon as it finished someone tap my shoulder from behind I turned my head to look back but there was no one

    When I looked forward again there was a person in front of me and she was wearing a mask and her face was really close to mine which surprised me

    What is with this girl and that mask she is wearing I mean she looks cool and all

    The girl in front of me on was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with little white passing through and the same colors were the same for her trousers, the mask she was putting on was a white fox mask with little red around the eyes, she had long black hair and her body figure was that of an hour glass I'd say she was a sight to see

    I wanted to ask her about what was going but it felt like something heavy was on top me and I could get my voice out it started feeling heavier and heavier by the second

    "Bro....b-brother wake up"

    I woke up only to find my little sister was on top me and she was hugging while trying to wake me up

    "H-hey what's going on....get off of me you are heavy I can barely breath, are you  planning to hug me to death"


    This was how my usual mornings always went but today was extra weird. My little sister Nanaly a cute middle student who tends to be over clingy with me, she had black hair pigtails, a slender figure and emerald eyes

    "What!!!!!!.... d-did you just call me fat" she shouted as she puffed her cheeks

" I don't remember saying anything like that, just get off me already " I said as I moved her off me

" Brotheeer you just got admitted to the university of diamonds after a long time of being a shut in neat shouldn't you be more excited  "

    I had been a shut in for a long time and one game had always keep me company the title was SURVIVING IN A LAWLESS WORLD, the was a type of RPG where you level up and gain abilities based on classes you are in

    " Well little sis, I know you just looking out for me but I'll be alright " I said while patting her head and after some time I head off to check the university I got admitted to

    That felt so realistic .......wait the message, I remember receiving a message before falling asleep let me check

    I stopped walking, got my phone from my pocket and opened messages, I found it the message I received at the top and it read

    [ You have received a gift from surviving in a lawless world and the title of the gift is the CHOSEN ONE ]

    I was really not interested since the game surviving in a lawless world lost all it's players, they were only seven people playing the game myself included in the entire world

     The message explained the other details about the gift but I ignored everything and as I was about to my phone back in my pocket the screen turned on and words popped up covering the whole screen

    [ A event will be starting very soon it will  be THE BEGINNING OF THE END and everyone will be required to participate, do not forget ]

    " Looks like I won't be participating, I've never seen an event like this one were they message  me directly "

    After a few minutes of walking I finally arrived at the bus stop, i got on the bus and there were no sits so I had to stand.

     Standing next to me was a girl wearing a gray hoody, she was looking down I could only see her short black hair with one of bangs blue, in a way a was mesmorised by her looks.

    " if you look at someone for that long people are going to think you are weird, so please stop " the girl said with a annoyed look on her face

    " Is that so I didn't know, I am s...." My words were cut short because the intense vibration my phone was making and when I took it out my phone the world began to shake as well.

    Everyone on the bus started panicking and the girl next to me grab my arm with a terrified look, I was frozen from the shock of what was going on and I couldn't move a muscle

    What the hell is going here......... wait my phone  it started vibrating and everything followed

    After a few seconds I finally got to move my hand and I looked at my phone. It showed the countdown for the event and only five seconds were remaining for the event to start

    As soon as it stopped everything stopped shaking and a blue box appeared in front of me. Inside it was written chosen one, I thought I was hallucinating so I tried to touch it but my hand passed through.

    I was shocked and tried to look at the girl next to me but I could see a full clear status window floating in front of her and the status windows started appearing in front of everyone in the the bus

    Before I could even organize my thoughts the blue window in front of me changed and different words were in it, it read

    [ Event A


Event details: Survive ????????  ????? ???   ???????? ?????? ????????????]










heartless children

    After the violent shaking of the world the bus we were on stopped moving, the driver hit his head and had been knocked out, we were 20 in total on the bus and most them were the elderly

    What the..... Is that a cat. That girl she has a cat with her,  for some reason cats loves me but the feeling aren't mutual, I loath them

    " stop panicking, I'm aware you all know nothing and aren't ready for this event so I got you covered" a voice of kid could be heard clearly at the back of the bus

    The boy was laying down facing up, talking with his eyes closed, he looked like he was seven years old, he had short gray hair, he was wearing black red hoody and a black trousers

    What's with that brat.......... Wait his voice I've heard it from somewhere, his voice aside what is it with that menacing aura everyone has gone quiet despite him being a kid. I hope my sister is alright

    The moment everyone heard his voice they all looked him and no one moved except a man wearing a black suit who started walking up to the kid furiously

    " I hate kids especially bratty ones like you, you should learn to be respectful of your elders " the man in the suit said as he was about to hit the boy

    The who girl held on to me got embarrassed and am quickly let go of my hand, I didn't notice because I was paying attention to the scary kid in the back


    At the precise moment the guy hit the kid. The little boy slowly opened his eyes and looked at the guy who hit him I heard a cutting sound. his entire body started turn into small pieces like it was cut into a hundred pieces within a two seconds

    What the hell just happened.......  w-was that old guy just cut down to pieces or what

    " I know what you're all thinking.........yeah I cut him down or should I say he killed himself "

    The kid started to look around and everyone was moving away from him in fear then kid just smiled with a red glow in his eyes

    " That's more like it, hey everyone don't worry I know you are a bunch of idiots but I'm not here to kill but to guide you all in this new world, by the way you can call me Gui "

    With the expression of denial on my face I looked at the girl next to me and her stats appeared in front me including her name

    [ There is too much information on this player some the status will be summarized ]

    [ Name: Rin Tachibana

Age: 18

Nickname: ????

Titles: none

Status: strength [1], agility [3], speed [2], intelligence [20] etc

Traits: socially awkward, animal lover, great actor(normal) etc

Skills: pro gamer (mid), manipulation(low), book reader

Attributes: none

Contracts: none

Balance: 200 coins]

    I finished reading some of her stats and I learnt her name. I heard a weird sound for a split moment and the blue window appeared this time with full details about the event

    [ Event A


Event details: survive the next 60 minutes and have 100 coins by the end of the event using any means necessary

Reward: 200 coins

Upon failure: death ]

    " I see the the first event is about to begin I guess there won't be time for a tutorial. Alright listen if if " 

    Gui stopped talking without finishing his sentence and he started walking towards a woman who was wearing a brown suit, she had short gray hair and a really attractive figure, she looked like a office type of lady

    " Huhhh I've finally found you after all this time "

    " W-wait....... who are you.... what do you want from me " the woman asked but Gui stayed quiet with a cold looked his eyes

    " You don't need to know because knowing won't change anything for me or you  "

    Gui said as he lifted up his hand and straightened his finger

    He pierced her neck and pulled out his hand, she fell down with blood flowing down her as she struggled to catch breath. Gui snapped his fingers and she disappeared

    He said that he not here to kill us but this kid is a freak show, if I try to get out I'll stand out and drag attention to myself  what do I do

    The new development of our situation left me at a loss for words and I started to freak out but I did my best not to let show or maybe I was just to scared to do anything

     " As I was saying...... if you want to survive do everything listed on event window if don't want to..... then ignore it "

    After the fine explanation Gui started glowing as he slowly disappeared and everyone in bus started to panic since they had no clue about what will follow

    The place I choose Is full of losers and weaklings, one boy is a complete mess I can't even get a read on him, but who am i to complain

    " Since I'm so nice I'll give you a hint, each kill is worth 50 coins. So you know what to do right " Gui said after finishing his thought

    After Gui completely vanished I realized what he was telling us to do and I was sure everyone was thinking the same thing

    Time was starting to run out, 30 minutes were remaining and everyone on the bus was panicking some believed while others tried to use logic because they all failed to accept the reality of our situation

    [ Event updated ]

    Huh event update what does this mean I hope it's something useful or a clue to what we are suppose to do

    After finishing my thought I opened the event window to see how the event was updated and it was nothing like I was expecting

    [ Event A


Requirements: survive, earn 100 coins and kill 5 (0/5) bad people on the bus

Event details: survive the next 20 minutes and have 100 coins by the end of the event using any means necessary, you must kill five bad people on the bus without anyone realizing that you are culprit

Reward: 200 coins and gaining one special skill

Upon failure: death ]

    This is starting to get scary in an interesting way, so they are telling me to kill 5 people on this bus without anyone knowing that I'm responsible, talk about asking for the impossible

     After knowing what I was told to do, I wanted to freak out but for unknown reasons I was calm, I because so calm it started to scary me

    " Hey Rin what does your event window say "

    I asked Rin because I wanted to know if we all had to fulfill the same requirements or if we had different things we needed to do in order to survive

    " I-it says that I have to survive and have 100 coins by the end of the event "

    " Alright then so you just have to survive, stay close to me just to be safe since you already have fulfilled the other requirement"

    I know that if manage to find a way to kill some of these it won't be hard for me figure out who is bad or who isn't, I just have kill anyone since all humans are same what determines if we are good or bad is the situation and the point of view of others so anyone I see to bad will be if I create the right situation

    The people in the bus were starting to get hostile, time was running out and my phone keep ringing with notifications. I knew that it wouldn't take long before it turn into a blood bath

    This is starting to look ugly, if I don't do something I'll end up losing my life but it doesn't have to be this way

     " Everyone listen up, let's try to calm down and think this through. Try using your head just for a few seconds, we necessarily kill each other......killing anything else should be okay "

    After hearing what I said some of people started to calm or other got more hostile that I could sense their bloodlust from a distance but out the people one man wearing his pajamas stood out he was like leading the people who wanted to kill each other and he started to come near me

    " What is that nonsense you are barking, can't you see that's like gambling with our lives "

    The pajama guy agreed with 6 others that they should get rid of the elderly since they are easier to kill and I didn't like the idea so I tried to reason with them

    " Wait just think if you kill someone even if you survive you'll become a murderer and the law won't let you but if kill someone like an animal you'll survive "

    " That's bullshit, you saw the crazy shit that kid pulled and you think I'll risk myself for such a stupid reason I'd rather take the chance of being a murderer and survive " the man in pajamas said angrily

    There's that survival instinct that makes us humans so bad, when backed into a corner even a mouse will fight back and this guy just got In my trap. He will my ticket out this mess.

    The moment we stopped talking everyone  else had already started fighting the pajama man joined in the fighting, Rin held on to my shirt, my phone didn't stop ringing so I took it out my pocket to check and it said

    [ New message: From anonymous ]



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