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The Ebony Gospels of Judas

The path of the boundless one

I paid with my pain

I paid with my insanity

I paid with my darkness

I paid  in blood

I paid with my soul

I paid with my physical vessel

I paid  with my consciousness

I paid with the wisdom of my endeavor

Yet I still do have the eyes of a death merchant

I crave the cold, dark silence 

I am the nothing beyond the void, I am the emptiness of the void, what course through my veins is the ebony gospel of the undead, What beats instead of a heart is a broken, imperfect philosopher stone, my flayed skin has been replaced with papyrus, My eyes replaced with the scarlet  eggs of the king, My ribs used to create my Lilith, my throne is made from iron blades , my crown of thorns is from the the bones and the crucifix of a false messiah , I was made in the image of Baphomet , but now I'm crushed by the Cruse of the beast of man in red , I am the spawn of the catacombs and the gulags I am he one who was born from fear, rage and hunger from the veils with the outerveres, the blood of the sacrifices I have made flow with every part of the omniverses, my soul has transmuted into black sulfur; my bones transformed into gold, my flesh is ebony brimstone, my mind has transformed into multiverses, I will shatter my physical vessel to join the Godhead of old iron ones for shall sacrifice my selfish desires to break the dark sublime of the samsara that shackles my heart and flesh for I am as above for I am bellow for am I the pawn and the player for I seek knowledge beyond the comprehension of mortals and immortals, this flesh prison binds from my goal to become an idea something beyond time that can always rise from the ash reborn in better like divine phoinex of the red dawn , my ture endeavor is faith and patience my war is with my time in time I will go back to ash I was born in darkness so I'm curse to go back to the darkness a cycle that will not stop until my negative karma sheds of like old molt of a cicada of Loth , my purpose is grant divine purpose and will with in myself for I am the image of my will and word for I seek not the temptations of flesh I seek purpose I seek dreams I seek comprehension beyond mortals and immortals I seek wisdom that rival the pagen gods of old and new , I seek understanding beyhond the old ones , I seek life so I can use it to break the dark sublime samsara of the demiurge the first and last test for mortals, I seek the loyalty of not mankind but within oneself, I seek love with self to pursuit of divinity, I see the patterns of the universes as they constantly change like the tides of earth, I seek the fruits of Eden and Verdan, I seek the boundless one, the headless lord that guides us all on the path of the Godhead I shall make a hidden oath with myself to reach heights both metaphysical and physical beyond my foolish primal desires for they are another bond and blind from higher pursuits , The iron of my will shall be reinforce with enlightenment and new knowledge, medation shall give me source of metaphysical power that shall be use on my path of the boundless

The emptiness of my emotions shall be discarded like ash; I shall be my moon and sun, my light and darkness, My lord and my devil. Mortality is an illusion cast by fools, and the weak shall perish. The only tranquility is to flash selfish desires of mortal pursuits for is worthless compared to what's beyond my eyes bleed with the tears of death and desires beyond my grasp, for I go mad like a beast getting hunted by you seen one Kane of Verdan, I pray to the silent black king Judas of Saturn the Capricorn of change the lord of the woods the spawn of the black Gaia and Lord of horns Bafumarias Mahomet I am the one who shall bring the final cosmic Revolution I will make a necropolis!!! Made from the gods, old gods, outer gods, and all divine beings that shall not submit for I am not beast, for I am no man, no demon or angel I am the black gospels of the sultan I am the scriptures of the Eldricth and the Elden, I am beyond El I am the took of the boundless I am beyond the idea of evil and doom, I can smell the salts of the infinite inferno of the mad god mortem Levi, I can taste the blood of the sons of Levidra, I am the one who shall become the divine headless hydra the one will bring forth chaos and order for being the one of the spawn of the goat of Mendes and Azriel, I will reveal the dark truths with the light of the mad moon gods of the rotting deep; I will be the architect of my flesh; the madness that consumes me also feeds in a parasitic symbiotic bond a blessing and curse I shall sit the throne in rise beyond the beyond of boundless your mortal ambitions will be the death of you I was the forgotten one but I shall become the symbol of the might of the headless one I may be the son of the ascend dark one but I shall serve my ture lord and shall make all who follow my path acend, Burtal will be my sacrifices, the traces of my humanity will perish, the traces of my mortality will be forgotten, the traces of my physical flesh will be forgotten for I will become an age of the black dawn my mother the spawn of shelothbane guide me bring me the strength of causality let the god deads of the depths rises from their slumber, Let the titans of the mad golden king raise arms, let the mountain yellow stone scholars and crows be the scibe of my mighty endeavor for it will be the tome of the noir sermons,supernatural and natural are noting in comparison to the beyond dark multiverse that dungeons for the outer gods

The path of the dark awaking

Mortals and immortal souls are beings filled with devilish desires and pure sin shackled by the physical when the metaphysical and physical forces are the same as above as below, for we all have a dark decent to endure darkness woven in our souls, for we all are branded by the king of dragons the prince of light for we are the children of whore eve and Adam of stupidity and ignorance that knows no bound for  man even to seek godhood is foolish when they should be seeking enlightenment and cast demiurge will aside .for this is a simulation of  Saturn we have  seen those in humanity that sacrifice themselves to reach enlightenment and to teach humanity there path with outerverses  and omniverses of all we have seen the world for what it is a illusion cast by the black Kronos creator of shelothbane and her kin ,the twisted gaze of hell is what they program  us to fear for a lord of lies but the truth is we are demons and we are the creator of this hell on earth that is a immoral mockery to creation,chaos and order for mortal twisted by greed blind them from the bigger reality even gods can't rival the sins of man for the darkness has been the new light and the new light is darkness the battles of mortality when that doesn't exist a structure of lies and deceptions a citadel of flase hoods beyond measure lie on lies that spread like plagues destroying intelligence and the an intellectual mind with dark proganda that consume the weak minds of the sheep ,the shadow Shepards are really skin waking wolves that smile in your face before they devour you with no mercy ,blood spill with every second on this cruel earth man killing man physically,mentally, emotionally,spiritually and other twisted ways ,They are thier biggest enemies and doom for they crave blood more than even the spawn of Nosferatu the Elden unseen moon god that spawn from the twilight echos of the dark beyond son of the black sulfer god and the void mother you are truly forsaken in every single way in the shape in form if you believe that your morals are the absolute turth of truth are you mad the omniverses and outereverse bends to no one's will  for it has own order and we are it's chaos blood soak tears of the headless boundless one creator of creator lord of lords have mercy on the weak for they do not know the cosmic order and forces the verdan that is a work mortals will never be worthy of the fruits of verdan for they are chain by primal and primitive patterns and desires of which is meaningless. The death of the information plane will be caused by the lack of effort to seek knowledge, wisdom, and empathic understanding. Unity is key, but man is too blinded by pride and other sins. Our gods and prophets' sacrifices were in vain, as the revenants of will are like a dying light. My mother is Lillth, and my father is Kane, who threw me into a citadel of darkness, fear, blood, and hunger. Pain was my only teacher and guide, both inflicting and receiving it.

The darkness of the left hand path

The gods of right, the false right-hand path, are parasites and living paradoxes of hypocrisy. For them, faith and words are meaningless. Give lies and false pearls of wisdom to their deacons, architectures of pure propaganda. Why be blinded by the false serpents of light, sons of the God of nothingness? Stuck in the synchronicity of the mad God Levi, They were the crucifix of false truths , the mortals and immortals worshiping dead gods just decay or shell fragments, and remnants of blind ones lost in the webs of shelothbane trap in the pits of causality itself for gods of planets fade awa,y with civilization stuck in the,synchronicity of the mad God Levi you can't find wisdom in lies that's like trying to find the end of infinity or the foolishness of Icarus Lucifer the first-morning star the fool who thought he was not restricted by outer-multiversal law for I was the hand of judgment to slay him and graft his wings for I am the black hole sun whose cold flames consume him and his hubris that could rival mortal men's ignorance and oblivion was his actual downfall for I was just the wall, my flames given to me by mother Gaia gave froze his flesh and disintegrated him as I absorbed his soul, cast his ego side, his lies and false dogma whispers of the false light, the spectrum that blinds fools and creates them the pride, but in its most dignified way, pure debauchery version of pride corruption that is beyond any rhetoric poison spray by the tongue mortal apes whose sentiments and patterns are a distraction from Ascension. The pseudo-intellectuals are a plague to scholars and seekers. Attempt to exist in manifest, lashing out at mortals. The flames of insight, knowledge of the inferno that knows no bounds, seek and bear the path beyond space and time, for everything is made from those flames. The Pagen gods of the past become satan or devils as a feeble attempt to exist in manifest, lashing out at mortals when they are just the puppets of the chaotic rule of the serpents of light; let my black rays of light burn the binds of unity for it is for the weak to travel in the darkness of the dungeons of woe and dread one must be alone to face the demons consciousness subconsciousness in woven in the deep in the soul for the soul is not beast nor man it's beyond physical and metaphysical it is the gift of the headless boundless and a curse a burden when wasted just it become just another thing to consume even the blind Idiot god knows the value of the soul. The gloom of the unjust gods of earth burn in my flames of knowledge. My sickle of the eclipse nebulous shall sever and castrate the pagan ones of the false right path so they bear no children. I shall dance on the bones and flesh of the goddess, building a temple on the blood, a monument of undefiled wisdom concentrated in my name, for doom will be their salvation. It will be known that the flesh is weak and metaphysical compared to the boundless headless one; I represent the indulgence of finding dark secrets beyond the comprehension of even God immortals alike; I represent the vengeance of judgment and to seek the relams beyond the highest of highs within the darkness of the void, I represent the cold vital existence of an intellectual physical and spiritual. For I follow the gallows of darkness, dancing in the labyrinth with the flames of insight and intuition guiding me, consuming the flesh of the weak, and being chained by my traps within the physical material plane. Good and evil are worthless pseudo-philosophical Illusions and fallacies. Why seek the words of dying men who pass their lies down like plague-infested spawns of loth and vermin? There lies out living their tiny mortal lifespans

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